77 research outputs found

    Technology, Science, and Culture: A Global Vision

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    The aim of the Workshop: Technology, Science, and Culture - A Global Vision is to create a discussion forum on research related to the fields of Water Science, Food Science, Intelligent Systems, Molecular Biomedicine, and Creation and Theories of Culture. The workshop is intended to discuss research on current problems, relevant methodologies, and future research streams and to create an environment for the exchange of ideas and collaboration among participants

    River flow monitoring: LS-PIV technique, an image-based method to assess discharge

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    The measurement of the river discharge within a natural ort artificial channel is still one of the most challenging tasks for hydrologists and the scientific community. Although discharge is a physical quantity that theoretically can be measured with very high accuracy, since the volume of water flows in a well-defined domain, there are numerous critical issues in obtaining a reliable value. Discharge cannot be measured directly, so its value is obtained by coupling a measurement of a quantity related to the volume of flowing water and the area of a channel cross-section. Direct measurements of current velocity are made, traditionally with instruments such as current meters. Although measurements with current meters are sufficiently accurate and even if there are universally recognized standards for the current application of such instruments, they are often unusable under specific flow conditions. In flood conditions, for example, due to the need for personnel to dive into the watercourse, it is impossible to ensure adequate safety conditions to operators for carrying out flow measures. Critical issue arising from the use of current meters has been partially addressed thanks to technological development and the adoption of acoustic sensors. In particular, with the advent of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), flow measurements can take place without personnel having direct contact with the flow, performing measurements either from the bridge or from the banks. This made it possible to extend the available range of discharge measurements. However, the flood conditions of a watercourse also limit the technology of ADCPs. The introduction of the instrument into the current with high velocities and turbulence would put the instrument itself at serious risk, making it vulnerable and exposed to damage. In the most critical case, the instrument could be torn away by the turbulent current. On the other hand, considering smaller discharges, both current meters and ADCPs are technologically limited in their measurement as there are no adequate water levels for the use of the devices. The difficulty in obtaining information on the lowest and highest values of discharge has important implications on how to define the relationships linking flows to water levels. The stage-discharge relationship is one of the tools through which it is possible to monitor the flow in a specific section of a watercourse. Through this curve, a discharge value can be obtained from knowing the water stage. Curves are site-specific and must be continuously updated to account for changes in geometry that the sections for which they are defined may experience over time. They are determined by making simultaneous discharge and stage measurements. Since instruments such as current meters and ADCPs are traditionally used, stage-discharge curves suffer from instrumental limitations. So, rating curves are usually obtained by interpolation of field-measured data and by extrapolate them for the highest and the lowest discharge values, with a consequent reduction in accuracy. This thesis aims to identify a valid alternative to traditional flow measurements and to show the advantages of using new methods of monitoring to support traditional techniques, or to replace them. Optical techniques represent the best solution for overcoming the difficulties arising from the adoption of a traditional approach to flow measurement. Among these, the most widely used techniques are the Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LS-PIV) and the Large-Scale Particle Tracking Velocimetry. They are able to estimate the surface velocity fields by processing images representing a moving tracer, suitably dispersed on the liquid surface. By coupling velocity data obtained from optical techniques with geometry of a cross-section, a discharge value can easily be calculated. In this thesis, the study of the LS-PIV technique was deepened, analysing the performance of the technique, and studying the physical and environmental parameters and factors on which the optical results depend. As the LS-PIV technique is relatively new, there are no recognized standards available for the proper application of the technique. A preliminary numerical analysis was conducted to identify the factors on which the technique is significantly dependent. The results of these analyses enabled the development of specific guidelines through which the LS-PIV technique could subsequently be applied in open field during flow measurement campaigns in Sicily. In this way it was possible to observe experimentally the criticalities involved in applying the technique on real cases. These measurement campaigns provided the opportunity to carry out analyses on field case studies and structure an automatic procedure for optimising the LS-PIV technique. In all case studies it was possible to observe how the turbulence phenomenon is a worsening factor in the output results of the LS-PIV technique. A final numerical analysis was therefore performed to understand the influence of turbulence factor on the performance of the technique. The results obtained represent an important step for future development of the topic

    Improving water network management by efficient division into supply clusters

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    El agua es un recurso escaso que, como tal, debe ser gestionado de manera eficiente. Así, uno de los propósitos de dicha gestión debiera ser la reducción de pérdidas de agua y la mejora del funcionamiento del abastecimiento. Para ello, es necesario crear un marco de trabajo basado en un conocimiento profundo de la redes de distribución. En los casos reales, llegar a este conocimiento es una tarea compleja debido a que estos sistemas pueden estar formados por miles de nodos de consumo, interconectados entre sí también por miles de tuberías y sus correspondientes elementos de alimentación. La mayoría de las veces, esas redes no son el producto de un solo proceso de diseño, sino la consecuencia de años de historia que han dado respuesta a demandas de agua continuamente crecientes con el tiempo. La división de la red en lo que denominaremos clusters de abastecimiento, permite la obtención del conocimiento hidráulico adecuado para planificar y operar las tareas de gestión oportunas, que garanticen el abastecimiento al consumidor final. Esta partición divide las redes de distribución en pequeñas sub-redes, que son virtualmente independientes y están alimentadas por un número prefijado de fuentes. Esta tesis propone un marco de trabajo adecuado en el establecimiento de vías eficientes tanto para dividir la red de abastecimiento en sectores, como para desarrollar nuevas actividades de gestión, aprovechando esta estructura dividida. La propuesta de desarrollo de cada una de estas tareas será mediante el uso de métodos kernel y sistemas multi-agente. El spectral clustering y el aprendizaje semi-supervisado se mostrarán como métodos con buen comportamiento en el paradigma de encontrar una red sectorizada que necesite usar el número mínimo de válvulas de corte. No obstante, sus algoritmos se vuelven lentos (a veces infactibles) dividiendo una red de abastecimiento grande.Herrera Fernández, AM. (2011). Improving water network management by efficient division into supply clusters [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11233Palanci

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Numerical and Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Retention Properties of Partially Saturated Soil for the Stability Analysis of River Embankments

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    Stability assessment for river embankment represents a fundamental issue in safety assessment towards geo-hazard; several topical issues are involved with this study. Primary, unsaturated soil conditions are experienced during the entire lifetime of these structure; transient analysis are often required in regards to time-variability of external conditions; uncertainties related to soil hydraulic, mechanical and retention parameters are intrinsic for this problem, as well as those related to the knowledge of initial conditions. To overcome these problems, several simplified hypothesis are usually adopted both for the design and assessment of embankments. With the purpose to comprehensively deal with main part of the involved geotechnical issues, numerical and experimental investigations has been performed for the stability analysis of river embankments. The effect of retention properties of partially saturated soils on the hydraulic and stability conditions have been investigated, accounting for hydrometric water-level time-variability; numerical studies have been performed with increasing level of sophistication, using different mathematical methodologies for probabilistic numerical analysis. Various experimental studies and site monitoring data are presented, sharing the purpose of investigating retention properties for partially saturated soils. In its entirety, the final purpose of this study is to analyse the assessment process of riverbanks stability towards global instability mechanism triggered by variable hydraulic boundary conditions. Indications and suggestions, which can eventually be referenced for similar problems or implemented in the standard engineering practice, are provided; the use of site monitoring is justified to improve present flood early-warning system able to define in continuous progressive alert level combining measured and forecasted data with numerical probabilistic analysis results

    Analyzing Granger causality in climate data with time series classification methods

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    Attribution studies in climate science aim for scientifically ascertaining the influence of climatic variations on natural or anthropogenic factors. Many of those studies adopt the concept of Granger causality to infer statistical cause-effect relationships, while utilizing traditional autoregressive models. In this article, we investigate the potential of state-of-the-art time series classification techniques to enhance causal inference in climate science. We conduct a comparative experimental study of different types of algorithms on a large test suite that comprises a unique collection of datasets from the area of climate-vegetation dynamics. The results indicate that specialized time series classification methods are able to improve existing inference procedures. Substantial differences are observed among the methods that were tested

    Risk-Informed Sustainable Development in the Rural Tropics

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    Many people live in rural areas in tropical regions. Rural development is not merely a contribution to the growth of individual countries. It can be a way to reduce poverty and to increase access to water, health care, and education. Sustainable rural development can also help stop deforestation and reduce live-stock, which generate most of the greenhouse gas emissions. However, eorts to achieve a sustainable rural development are often thwarted by oods, drought, heat waves, and hurricanes, which local communities are not very prepared to tackle. Agricultural practices and local planning are still not very risk-informed. These deciencies are particularly acute in tropical regions, where many Least Developed Countries are located and where there is, however, great potential for rural development. This Special Issue contains 22 studies on best practices for risk awareness; on local risk reduction; on several cases of soil depletion, water pollution, and sustainable access to safe water; and on agronomy, earth sciences, ecology, economy, environmental engineering, geomatics, materials science, and spatial and regional planning in 12 tropical countries

    Wadi Flash Floods

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    This open access book brings together research studies, developments, and application-related flash flood topics on wadi systems in arid regions. The major merit of this comprehensive book is its focus on research and technical papers as well as case study applications in different regions worldwide that cover many topics and answer several scientific questions. The book chapters comprehensively and significantly highlight different scientific research disciplines related to wadi flash floods, including climatology, hydrological models, new monitoring techniques, remote sensing techniques, field investigations, international collaboration projects, risk assessment and mitigation, sedimentation and sediment transport, and groundwater quality and quantity assessment and management. In this book, the contributing authors (engineers, researchers, and professionals) introduce their recent scientific findings to develop suitable, applicable, and innovative tools for forecasting, mitigation, and water management as well as society development under seven main research themes as follows: Part 1. Wadi Flash Flood Challenges and Strategies Part 2. Hydrometeorology and Climate Changes Part 3. Rainfall–Runoff Modeling and Approaches Part 4. Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Part 5. Reservoir Sedimentation and Sediment Yield Part 6. Groundwater Management Part 7. Application and Case Studies The book includes selected high-quality papers from five series of the International Symposium on Flash Floods in Wadi Systems (ISFF) that were held in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2020 in Japan, Egypt, Oman, Morocco, and Japan, respectively. These collections of chapters could provide valuable guidance and scientific content not only for academics, researchers, and students but also for decision-makers in the MENA region and worldwide

    Architecture and communication protocol to monitor and control water quality and irrigation in agricultural environments

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    [ES] La introducción de soluciones tecnológicas en la agricultura permite reducir el uso de recursos y aumentar la producción de los cultivos. Además, la calidad del agua de regadío se puede monitorizar para asegurar la seguridad de los productos para el consumo humano. Sin embargo, la localización remota de la mayoría de los campos presenta un problema para proveer de cobertura inalámbrica a los nodos sensores y actuadores desplegados en los campos y los canales de agua para regadío. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis aborda el problema de habilitar la comunicación inalámbrica entre los dispositivos electrónicos desplegados para la monitorización de la calidad del agua y el campo a través de un protocolo de comunicación y arquitectura heterogéneos. La primera parte de esta tesis introduce los sistemas de agricultura de precisión (PA) y la importancia de la monitorización de la calidad del agua y el campo. Asimismo, las tecnologías que permiten la comunicación inalámbrica en sistemas PA y el uso de soluciones alternativas como el internet de las cosas bajo tierra (IoUT) y los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) se introducen también. Después, se realiza un análisis en profundidad del estado del arte respecto a los sensores para la monitorización del agua, el campo y las condiciones meteorológicas, así como sobre las tecnologías inalámbricas más empleadas en PA. Además, las tendencias actuales y los desafíos de los sistemas de internet de las cosas (IoT) para regadío, incluyendo las soluciones alternativas introducidas anteriormente, han sido abordados en detalle. A continuación, se presenta la arquitectura propuesta para el sistema, la cual incluye las áreas de interés para las actividades monitorización que incluye las áreas de los canales y el campo. A su vez, la descripción y los algoritmos de operación de los nodos sensores contemplados para cada área son proporcionados. El siguiente capítulo detalla el protocolo de comunicación heterogéneo propuesto, incluyendo los mensajes y alertas del sistema. Adicionalmente, se presenta una nueva topología de árbol para redes híbridas LoRa/WiFi multisalto. Las funcionalidades específicas adicionales concebidas para la arquitectura propuesta están descritas en el siguiente capítulo. Éstas incluyen algoritmos de agregación de datos para la topología propuesta, un esquema de las amenazas de seguridad para los sistemas PA, algoritmos de ahorro de energía y tolerancia a fallos, comunicación bajo tierra para IoUT y el uso de drones para adquisición de datos. Después, los resultados de las simulaciones para las soluciones propuestas anteriormente son presentados. Finalmente, se tratan las pruebas realizadas en entornos reales para el protocolo heterogéneo presentado, las diferentes estrategias de despliegue de los nodos empleados, el consumo energético y la función de cuantificación de fruta. Estas pruebas demuestran la validez de la arquitectura y protocolo de comunicación heterogéneos que se han propuesto.[CA] La introducció de solucions tecnològiques en l'agricultura permet reduir l'ús de recursos i augmentar la producció dels cultius. A més, la qualitat de l'aigua de regadiu es pot monitoritzar per assegurar la qualitat dels productes per al consum humà. No obstant això, la localització remota de la majoria dels camps presenta un problema per a proveir de cobertura sense fils als nodes sensors i actuadors desplegats als camps i els canals d'aigua per a regadiu. El treball presentat en aquesta tesi tracta el problema d'habilitar la comunicació sense fils entre els dispositius electrònics desplegats per a la monitorització de la qualitat de l'aigua i el camp a través d'un protocol de comunicació i arquitectura heterogenis. La primera part d'aquesta tesi introdueix els sistemes d'agricultura de precisió (PA) i la importància de la monitorització de la qualitat de l'aigua i el camp. Així mateix, també s'introdueixen les tecnologies que permeten la comunicació sense fils en sistemes PA i l'ús de solucions alternatives com l'Internet de les coses sota terra (IoUT) i els vehicles aeris no tripulats (UAV). Després, es realitza una anàlisi en profunditat de l'estat de l'art respecte als sensors per a la monitorització de l'aigua, el camp i les condicions meteorològiques, així com sobre les tecnologies sense fils més emprades en PA. S'aborden les tendències actuals i els reptes dels sistemes d'internet de les coses (IoT) per a regadiu, incloent les solucions alternatives introduïdes anteriorment. A continuació, es presenta l'arquitectura proposada per al sistema, on s'inclouen les àrees d'interès per a les activitats monitorització en els canals i el camp. Finalment, es proporciona la descripció i els algoritmes d'operació dels nodes sensors contemplats per a cada àrea. El següent capítol detalla el protocol de comunicació heterogeni proposat, així como el disseny del missatges i alertes que el sistema proposa. A més, es presenta una nova topologia d'arbre per a xarxes híbrides Lora/WiFi multi-salt. Les funcionalitats específiques addicionals concebudes per l'arquitectura proposada estan descrites en el següent capítol. Aquestes inclouen algoritmes d'agregació de dades per a la topologia proposta, un esquema de les alertes de seguretat per als sistemes PA, algoritmes d'estalvi d'energia i tolerància a fallades, comunicació per a IoUT i l'ús de drons per a adquisició de dades. Després, es presenten els resultats de les simulacions per a les solucions proposades. Finalment, es duen a terme les proves en entorns reals per al protocol heterogeni dissenyat. A més s'expliquen les diferents estratègies de desplegament dels nodes empleats, el consum energètic, així com, la funció de quantificació de fruita. Els resultats d'aquetes proves demostren la validesa de l'arquitectura i protocol de comunicació heterogenis propost en aquesta tesi.[EN] The introduction of technological solutions in agriculture allows reducing the use of resources and increasing the production of the crops. Furthermore, the quality of the water for irrigation can be monitored to ensure the safety of the produce for human consumption. However, the remote location of most fields presents a problem for providing wireless coverage to the sensing nodes and actuators deployed on the fields and the irrigation water canals. The work presented in this thesis addresses the problem of enabling wireless communication among the electronic devices deployed for water quality and field monitoring through a heterogeneous communication protocol and architecture. The first part of the dissertation introduces Precision Agriculture (PA) systems and the importance of water quality and field monitoring. In addition, the technologies that enable wireless communication in PA systems and the use of alternative solutions such as Internet of Underground Things (IoUT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are introduced as well. Then, an in-depth analysis on the state of the art regarding the sensors for water, field and meteorology monitoring and the most utilized wireless technologies in PA is performed. Furthermore, the current trends and challenges for Internet of Things (IoT) irrigation systems, including the alternate solutions previously introduced, have been discussed in detail. Then, the architecture for the proposed system is presented, which includes the areas of interest for the monitoring activities comprised of the canal and field areas. Moreover, the description and operation algorithms of the sensor nodes contemplated for each area is provided. The next chapter details the proposed heterogeneous communication protocol including the messages and alerts of the system. Additionally, a new tree topology for hybrid LoRa/WiFi multi-hop networks is presented. The specific additional functionalities intended for the proposed architecture are described in the following chapter. It includes data aggregation algorithms for the proposed topology, an overview on the security threats of PA systems, energy-saving and fault-tolerance algorithms, underground communication for IoUT, and the use of drones for data acquisition. Then, the simulation results for the solutions previously proposed are presented. Finally, the tests performed in real environments for the presented heterogeneous protocol, the different deployment strategies for the utilized nodes, the energy consumption, and a functionality for fruit quantification are discussed. These tests demonstrate the validity of the proposed heterogeneous architecture and communication protocol.García García, L. (2021). Architecture and communication protocol to monitor and control water quality and irrigation in agricultural environments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17422