995 research outputs found

    Distributed Ledger Technology for the systematic Investigation and Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Collaborative Networks

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    Costs, risks and inefficiencies in Collaborative Networks (CNs) resulting from information asymmetries have been discussed in the scientific community for years. In this work, supply chain networks, as common representative of CNs, are used as object of investigation. Therein, problems and requirements of interorganizational information exchange are elaborated as well as the potential role Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) could play to address them. As major challenge, convincing all relevant network partners to resolve asymmetric information by sharing sensitive data is identified. To face this issue, the value of shared information is prioritized as a motivational aspect. Finally, we propose a search process to systematically assess the benefits of information sharing in collaborative networks. To coordinate and implement this process regarding the derived requirements of CNs we propose system components based on DLT design patterns

    Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

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    The importance of demonstrating the value achieved from IT investments is long established in the Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) literature. However, emerging technologies such as the ever-changing complex area of cloud computing present new challenges and opportunities for demonstrating how IT investments lead to business value. Recent reviews of extant literature highlights the need for multi-disciplinary research. This research should explore and further develops the conceptualization of value in cloud computing research. In addition, there is a need for research which investigates how IT value manifests itself across the chain of service provision and in inter-organizational scenarios. This open access book will review the state of the art from an IS, Computer Science and Accounting perspective, will introduce and discuss the main techniques for measuring business value for cloud computing in a variety of scenarios, and illustrate these with mini-case studies

    Competing within Aggregators: Competitive Moves in the Deliveroo Online Delivery Platform

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    Aggregators are platforms that also control a marketplace for the suppliers’ innovations. Suppliers competing within aggregators are limited by the technology and governance rules of the platform owner. As a consequence, aggregators influence the type and complexity of competitive moves suppliers can implement. Our research investigates the drivers of suppliers’ competitive advantage. We incorporate existing literature on competitive action to identify the categories of moves available to suppliers. Furthermore, we identify three types of orthogonal moves that are unique to competition within aggregators. Finally, we illustrate our advanced categorization in the context of a major food delivery platform. Our preliminary results confirm that suppliers, while bounded to resources exposed by the aggregator, have the opportunity to implement an heterogenous portfolio of moves in their pursuit of competitive advantage. This result calls for empirical research in the context of competition within aggregators in general, and food delivery platforms specifically

    Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

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    The importance of demonstrating the value achieved from IT investments is long established in the Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) literature. However, emerging technologies such as the ever-changing complex area of cloud computing present new challenges and opportunities for demonstrating how IT investments lead to business value. Recent reviews of extant literature highlights the need for multi-disciplinary research. This research should explore and further develops the conceptualization of value in cloud computing research. In addition, there is a need for research which investigates how IT value manifests itself across the chain of service provision and in inter-organizational scenarios. This open access book will review the state of the art from an IS, Computer Science and Accounting perspective, will introduce and discuss the main techniques for measuring business value for cloud computing in a variety of scenarios, and illustrate these with mini-case studies


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    The development of financial technologies, so-called FinTech, has fundamentally changed the architecture of the modern financial services market, significantly affecting the role of banks in it. These changes determine the need of new approaches for the market behavior of both banks (to maintain competitive positions) and regulators (in order to prevent potential crisis phenomena). It is substantiated that at the present stage of development of financial-credit intermediation, determinants of competitive behavior of banks are nonconventional factors such as a degree of freedom to enter the market, an information asymmetry, a level of services and marketing support, an emergence of electronic channels for banking products’ distribution, the development of electronic payment systems and transfers of other banking information. It is investigated main approaches to the definition of financial technologies (FinTech). It is justified the necessity of distinguishing this concept and the FinTech segment, it is proposed to define financial technologies in the narrow sense as the provision of financial services by non-banking institutions using modern information technologies, which is rationalizing the analysis of the FinTech’s role in the banking. In the article it is identified and characterized external (caused by the objective development of society and fundamental changes in the banks’ environment) and internal (caused by the need of maintaining the competitive positions by banks) factors of financial technologies’ development. It is proved that the FinTech’s impact on banking is determined by changes in the structure of the financial services market, a decrease in barriers to entry the market, and an increase of its spatial coverage. The development of FinTech leads to lower costs and higher efficiency of banks, increased competition in the banking environment, reduced information asymmetry, increased financial inclusion, but at the same time leads to the generation of new financial and technological risks for banks.Розвиток фінансових технологій, або «FinTech», докорінно змінив архітектуру сучасного ринку фінансових послуг, суттєво вплинув на роль банків на ньому. Ці зміни обумовлюють необхідність нових підходів до ринкової поведінки як банків (для збереження конкурентних позицій), так і регуляторів (з метою запобігання потенційним кризовим явищам). Обґрунтовано, що на сучасному етапі розвитку фінансово-кредитного посередництва детермінантами конкурентної поведінки банків стають нетрадиційні фактори, такі як ступінь свободи виходу на ринок, інформаційна асиметрія, рівень сервісу та маркетингового забезпечення, поява електронних каналів дистрибуції банківських продуктів, розвиток систем електронних платежів та передавання іншої банківської інформації. Досліджено основні підходи до визначення поняття «фінансові технології» (FinTech). Обґрунтовано необхідність розмежування цього поняття та сегмента FinTech, запропоновано визначати фінансові технології у вузькому сенсі як надання фінансових послуг небанківськими інститутами із використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій, що сприяє раціоналізації аналізу ролі FinTech у банківському бізнесі. Виокремлено та охарактеризовано екстернальні (зумовлені об’єктивним розвитком суспільства i докорінними змінами середовища функціонування банків) та інтернальні (зумовлені необхідністю збереження банками конкурентних позицій) чинники розвитку фінансових технологій. Доведено, що вплив FinTech на банківський бізнес визначається змінами у структурі ринку фінансових послуг, зменшенням бар’єрів для вступу на ринок, збільшенням його просторового охоплення. Розвиток FinTech призводить до зменшення витрат і підвищення ефективності діяльності банків, посилення конкуренції в банківському середовищі, зменшення інформаційної асиметрії, підвищення фінансової інклюзії клієнтів, однак, разом з тим, призводить до генерації нових фінансових і технологічних ризиків для банків

    Вплив фінансових технологій на розвиток банківського бізнесу

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    The development of financial technologies, so-called FinTech, has fundamentally changed the architecture of the modern financial services market, significantly affecting the role of banks in it. These changes determine the need of new approaches for the market behavior of both banks (to maintain competitive positions) and regulators (in order to prevent potential crisis phenomena). It is substantiated that at the present stage of development of financial-credit intermediation, determinants of competitive behavior of banks are nonconventional factors such as a degree of freedom to enter the market, an information asymmetry, a level of services and marketing support, an emergence of electronic channels for banking products’ distribution, the development of electronic payment systems and transfers of other banking information. It is investigated main approaches to the definition of financial technologies (FinTech). It is justified the necessity of distinguishing this concept and the FinTech segment, it is proposed to define financial technologies in the narrow sense as the provision of financial services by nonbanking institutions using modern information technologies, which is rationalizing the analysis of the FinTech’s role in the banking. In the article it is identified and characterized external (caused by the objective development of society and fundamental changes in the banks’ environment) and internal (caused by the need of maintaining the competitive positions by banks) factors of financial technologies’ development. It is proved that the FinTech’s impact on banking is determined by changes in the structure of the financial services market, a decrease in barriers to entry the market, and an increase of its spatial coverage. The development of FinTech leads to lower costs and higher efficiency of banks, increased competition in the banking environment, reduced information asymmetry, increased financial inclusion, but at the same time leads to the generation of new financial and technological risks for banks.Розвиток фінансових технологій, або «FinTech», докорінно змінив архітектуру сучасного ринку фінансових послуг, суттєво вплинув на роль банків на ньому. Ці зміни обумовлюють необхідність нових підходів до ринкової поведінки як банків (для збереження конкурентних позицій), так і регуляторів (з метою запобігання потенційним кризовим явищам). Обґрунтовано, що на сучасному етапі розвитку фінансово-кредитного посередництва детермінантами конкурентної поведінки банків стають нетрадиційні фактори, такі як ступінь свободи виходу на ринок, інформаційна асиметрія, рівень сервісу та маркетингового забезпечення, поява електронних каналів дистрибуції банківських продуктів, розвиток систем електронних платежів та передавання іншої банківської інформації. Досліджено основні підходи до визначення поняття «фінансові технології» (FinTech). Обґрунтовано необхідність розмежування цього поняття та сегмента FinTech, запропоновано визначати фінансові технології у вузькому сенсі як надання фінансових послуг небанківськими інститутами із використанням сучасних інформаційних технологій, що сприяє раціоналізації аналізу ролі FinTech у банківському бізнесі. Виокремлено та охарактеризовано екстернальні (зумовлені об’єктивним розвитком суспільства i докорінними змінами середовища функціонування банків) та інтернальні (зумовлені необхідністю збереження банками конкурентних позицій) чинники розвитку фінансових технологій. Доведено, що вплив FinTech на банківський бізнес визначається змінами у структурі ринку фінансових послуг, зменшенням бар’єрів для вступу на ринок, збільшенням його просторового охоплення. Розвиток FinTech призводить до зменшення витрат і підвищення ефективності діяльності банків, посилення конкуренції в банківському середовищі, зменшення інформаційної асиметрії, підвищення фінансової інклюзії клієнтів, однак, разом з тим, призводить до генерації нових фінансових і технологічних ризиків для банків

    A Property Rights Enforcement and Pricing Model for IIoT Data Marketplaces

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공,2019. 8. Jörn Altmann.The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has become a valuable data source for products and services based on advanced data analytics. However, evidence suggests that industries are suffering a significant loss of value creation from insufficient IIoT data sharing. We argue that the limited utilization of the Sensing as a Service business model is caused by the economic and technological characteristics of sensor data, and the corresponding absence of applicable digital rights management models. Therefore, we propose a combined property rights enforcement and pricing model to solve the IIoT data sharing incentive problem.산업용 사물 인터넷 (IIoT) 데이터가 제품과 서비스를 위한 중요한 고급 데이터 소스로 여겨지고 있지만, 여전히 수 많은 기업들은 불충분한 산업용 사물 인터넷 데이터 공유 시스템으로 인하여 고충을 겪고 있다. 방대한 분량의 산업용 데이터가 제대로 거래되지 못하고 있으며, 이는 데이터의 커다란 가치 손실로 이어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 서비스로서의 센싱 (Sensing as a Service) 비지니스 모델이 한정적으로 적용되고 있는 원인이 해당 정보의 경제적, 기술적 특징들을 반영하는 디지털 권리 시스템의 부재에 기인한다고 보고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 산업용 사물 인터넷 데이터에 대한 지적재산권 집행 시스템과 데이터 가격산정 모델을 제안하여 산업용 사물 인터넷 데이터 공유 인센티브 문제를 해결하고자 한다.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Description 6 1.3 Research Objective and Question 8 1.4 Methodology 8 1.5 Contributions 9 1.6 Structure 10 2 Literature Review 11 2.1 Sensing as a Service 11 2.2 Economic Characteristics of IIoT Data 14 2.2.1 Property Rights of Data 18 2.2.2 Licensing of IIoT Data 23 2.3 IIoT Data Marketplaces 25 2.3.1 Use-cases and Value Propositions 30 2.3.2 Market Structures and Pricing Models 34 2.4 Digital Rights Management for IIoT 36 3 Model 44 3.1 Assumptions 45 3.2 Watermarking Technique 47 3.2.1 Function 48 3.2.2 Example 50 3.2.3 Robustness 51 3.3 Economic Reasoning 54 3.3.1 The Quality Gap 55 3.3.2 Cost of Watermarking (CoW) 57 3.3.3 Cost of Attacking (CoA) 58 4 Analytical Analysis 60 4.1 Equilibrium Between CoW and CoA 60 4.2 Determining the Optimal Quality Gap 62 4.3 Applicability of the Quality Gap Function 64 5 Conclusion 66 5.1 Summary 66 5.2 Discussion 66 6 Limitations and Future Research 68 References 70 Abstract (Korean) 79Maste

    Towards Flexible Distribution Systems : Future Adaptive Management Schemes

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    During the ongoing evolution of energy systems toward increasingly flexible, resilient, and digitalized distribution systems, many issues need to be developed. In general, a holistic multi-level systemic view is required on the future enabling technologies, control and management methods, operation and planning principles, regulation as well as market and business models. Increasing integration of intermittent renewable generation and electric vehicles, as well as industry electrification during the evolution, requires a huge amount of flexibility services at multiple time scales and from different voltage levels, resources, and sectors. Active use of distribution network-connected flexible energy resources for flexibility services provision through new marketplaces will also be needed. Therefore, increased collaboration between system operators in operation and planning of the future power system will also become essential during the evolution. In addition, use of integrated cyber-secure, resilient, cost-efficient, and advanced communication technologies and solutions will be of key importance. This paper describes a potential three-stage evolution path toward fully flexible, resilient, and digitalized electricity distribution networks. A special focus of this paper is the evolution and development of adaptive control and management methods as well as compatible collaborative market schemes that can enable the improved provision of flexibility services by distribution network-connected flexible energy resources for local (distribution system operator) and system-wide (transmission system operator) needs.© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Exploring Online Double Deviation Effect from Psychological Contract Violation, Emotion, and Power Perspectives

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    Service recovery is a critical moment of truth in retaining customers and reinforcing customer relationships, and has been considered as an “Achilles\u27 heel” in online marketplaces. Poor service recoveries exacerbate the negative effects of the failure, producing a “double deviation” effect. The double deviation effect may arise from the seller’s power misuse and then dissolve the buyer-seller relationship (e.g., violate consumer psychological contract), elicit consumer negative emotions which lead to customer coping behaviors. This study links the theories of psychological contract violation (PCV), emotion, and coping from the power perspective to investigate the double deviation scenario in online auction marketplaces. Two moderators (perceived power and perceived consumer empowerment) are considered in our proposed model. Data collected from 190 consumers of one auction website provide support for the proposed model. The results shed light on what constitutes the determinants of consumer judgments while facing double deviation scenario and how consumers react to and cope with it in online marketplaces. Finally, implications and limitations are discussed in the last part of this paper. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol6/iss1/4