127 research outputs found

    Reducing cache coherence traffic with a NUMA-aware runtime approach

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    Cache Coherent NUMA (ccNUMA) architectures are a widespread paradigm due to the benefits they provide for scaling core count and memory capacity. Also, the flat memory address space they offer considerably improves programmability. However, ccNUMA architectures require sophisticated and expensive cache coherence protocols to enforce correctness during parallel executions, which trigger a significant amount of on- and off-chip traffic in the system. This paper analyses how coherence traffic may be best constrained in a large, real ccNUMA platform comprising 288 cores through the use of a joint hardware/software approach. For several benchmarks, we study coherence traffic in detail under the influence of an added hierarchical cache layer in the directory protocol combined with runtime managed NUMA-aware scheduling and data allocation techniques to make most efficient use of the added hardware. The effectiveness of this joint approach is demonstrated by speedups of 3.14× to 9.97× and coherence traffic reductions of up to 99% in comparison to NUMA-oblivious scheduling and data allocation.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (Severo Ochoa grants SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253) and the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence. The Mont-Blanc project receives funding from the EU’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement no 671697. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Cofund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Runtime-assisted cache coherence deactivation in task parallel programs

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    With increasing core counts, the scalability of directory-based cache coherence has become a challenging problem. To reduce the area and power needs of the directory, recent proposals reduce its size by classifying data as private or shared, and disable coherence for private data. However, existing classification methods suffer from inaccuracies and require complex hardware support with limited scalability. This paper proposes a hardware/software co-designed approach: the runtime system identifies data that is guaranteed by the programming model semantics to not require coherence and notifies the microarchitecture. The microarchitecture deactivates coherence for this private data and powers off unused directory capacity. Our proposal reduces directory accesses to just 26% of the baseline system, and supports a 64x smaller directory with only 2.8% performance degradation. By dynamically calibrating the directory size our proposal saves 86% of dynamic energy consumption in the directory without harming performance.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (contract TIN2015-65316-P), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272) and by the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreements 671697 and 779877). M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Reducing data movement on large shared memory systems by exploiting computation dependencies

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    Shared memory systems are becoming increasingly complex as they typically integrate several storage devices. That brings different access latencies or bandwidth rates depending on the proximity between the cores where memory accesses are issued and the storage devices containing the requested data. In this context, techniques to manage and mitigate non-uniform memory access (NUMA) effects consist in migrating threads, memory pages or both and are generally applied by the system software. We propose techniques at the runtime system level to further mitigate the impact of NUMA effects on parallel applications' performance. We leverage runtime system metadata expressed in terms of a task dependency graph, where nodes are pieces of serial code and edges are control or data dependencies between them, to efficiently reduce data transfers. Our approach, based on graph partitioning, adds negligible overhead and is able to provide performance improvements up to 1.52× and average improvements of 1.12× with respect to the best state-of-the-art approach when deployed on a 288-core shared-memory system. Our approach reduces the coherence traffic by 2.28× on average with respect to the state-of-the-art.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (contract TIN2015-65316-P), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272) and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreements 671697 and 779877). I. Sánchez Barrera has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport under Formación del Profesorado Universitario fellowship number FPU15/03612. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramón y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    TD-NUCA: runtime driven management of NUCA caches in task dataflow programming models

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    In high performance processors, the design of on-chip memory hierarchies is crucial for performance and energy efficiency. Current processors rely on large shared Non-Uniform Cache Architectures (NUCA) to improve performance and reduce data movement. Multiple solutions exploit information available at the microarchitecture level or in the operating system to optimize NUCA performance. However, existing methods have not taken advantage of the information captured by task dataflow programming models to guide the management of NUCA caches. In this paper we propose TD-NUCA, a hardware/software co-designed approach that leverages information present in the runtime system of task dataflow programming models to efficiently manage NUCA caches. TD-NUCA identifies the data access and reuse patterns of parallel applications in the runtime system and guides the operation of the NUCA caches in the hardware. As a result, TD-NUCA achieves a 1.18x average speedup over the baseline S-NUCA while requiring only 0.62x the data movement.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (contract PID2019-107255GB-C21) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2017-SGR-1414). M. Casas has been partially supported by the Grant RYC- 2017-23269 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ESF ‘Investing in your future’. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship No. RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Energy consumption in networks on chip : efficiency and scaling

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    Computer architecture design is in a new era where performance is increased by replicating processing cores on a chip rather than making CPUs larger and faster. This design strategy is motivated by the superior energy efficiency of the multi-core architecture compared to the traditional monolithic CPU. If the trend continues as expected, the number of cores on a chip is predicted to grow exponentially over time as the density of transistors on a die increases. A major challenge to the efficiency of multi-core chips is the energy used for communication among cores over a Network on Chip (NoC). As the number of cores increases, this energy also increases, imposing serious constraints on design and performance of both applications and architectures. Therefore, understanding the impact of different design choices on NoC power and energy consumption is crucial to the success of the multi- and many-core designs. This dissertation proposes methods for modeling and optimizing energy consumption in multi- and many-core chips, with special focus on the energy used for communication on the NoC. We present a number of tools and models to optimize energy consumption and model its scaling behavior as the number of cores increases. We use synthetic traffic patterns and full system simulations to test and validate our methods. Finally, we take a step back and look at the evolution of computer hardware in the last 40 years and, using a scaling theory from biology, present a predictive theory for power-performance scaling in microprocessor systems

    Exploiting data locality in cache-coherent NUMA systems

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    The end of Dennard scaling has caused a stagnation of the clock frequency in computers.To overcome this issue, in the last two decades vendors have been integrating larger numbers of processing elements in the systems, interconnecting many nodes, including multiple chips in the nodes and increasing the number of cores in each chip. The speed of main memory has not evolved at the same rate as processors, it is much slower and there is a need to provide more total bandwidth to the processors, especially with the increase in the number of cores and chips. Still keeping a shared address space, where all processors can access the whole memory, solutions have come by integrating more memories: by using newer technologies like high-bandwidth memories (HBM) and non-volatile memories (NVM), by giving groups cores (like sockets, for example) faster access to some subset of the DRAM, or by combining many of these solutions. This has caused some heterogeneity in the access speed to main memory, depending on the CPU requesting access to a memory address and the actual physical location of that address, causing non-uniform memory access (NUMA) behaviours. Moreover, many of these systems are cache-coherent (ccNUMA), meaning that changes in the memory done from one CPU must be visible by the other CPUs and transparent for the programmer. These NUMA behaviours reduce the performance of applications and can pose a challenge to the programmers. To tackle this issue, this thesis proposes solutions, at the software and hardware levels, to improve the data locality in NUMA systems and, therefore, the performance of applications in these computer systems. The first contribution shows how considering hardware prefetching simultaneously with thread and data placement in NUMA systems can find configurations with better performance than considering these aspects separately. The performance results combined with performance counters are then used to build a performance model to predict, both offline and online, the best configuration for new applications not in the model. The evaluation is done using two different high performance NUMA systems, and the performance counters collected in one machine are used to predict the best configurations in the other machine. The second contribution builds on the idea that prefetching can have a strong effect in NUMA systems and proposes a NUMA-aware hardware prefetching scheme. This scheme is generic and can be applied to multiple hardware prefetchers with a low hardware cost but giving very good results. The evaluation is done using a cycle-accurate architectural simulator and provides detailed results of the performance, the data transfer reduction and the energy costs. Finally, the third and last contribution consists in scheduling algorithms for task-based programming models. These programming models help improve the programmability of applications in parallel systems and also provide useful information to the underlying runtime system. This information is used to build a task dependency graph (TDG), a directed acyclic graph that models the application where the nodes are sequential pieces of code known as tasks and the edges are the data dependencies between the different tasks. The proposed scheduling algorithms use graph partitioning techniques and provide a scheduling for the tasks in the TDG that minimises the data transfers between the different NUMA regions of the system. The results have been evaluated in real ccNUMA systems with multiple NUMA regions.La fi de la llei de Dennard ha provocat un estancament de la freqüència de rellotge dels computadors. Amb l'objectiu de superar aquest fet, durant les darreres dues dècades els fabricants han integrat més quantitat d'unitats de còmput als sistemes mitjançant la interconnexió de nodes diferents, la inclusió de múltiples xips als nodes i l'increment de nuclis de processador a cada xip. La rapidesa de la memòria principal no ha evolucionat amb el mateix factor que els processadors; és molt més lenta i hi ha la necessitat de proporcionar més ample de banda als processadors, especialment amb l'increment del nombre de nuclis i xips. Tot mantenint un adreçament compartit en el qual tots els processadors poden accedir a la memòria sencera, les solucions han estat al voltant de la integració de més memòries: amb tecnologies modernes com HBM (high-bandwidth memories) i NVM (non-volatile memories), fent que grups de nuclis (com sòcols sencers) tinguin accés més ràpid a una part de la DRAM o amb la combinació de solucions. Això ha provocat una heterogeneïtat en la velocitat d'accés a la memòria principal, en funció del nucli que sol·licita l'accés a una adreça en particular i la seva localització física, fet que provoca uns comportaments no uniformes en l'accés a la memòria (non-uniform memory access, NUMA). A més, sovint tenen memòries cau coherents (cache-coherent NUMA, ccNUMA), que implica que qualsevol canvi fet a la memòria des d'un nucli d'un processador ha de ser visible la resta de manera transparent. Aquests comportaments redueixen el rendiment de les aplicacions i suposen un repte. Per abordar el problema, a la tesi s'hi proposen solucions, a nivell de programari i maquinari, que milloren la localitat de dades als sistemes NUMA i, en conseqüència, el rendiment de les aplicacions en aquests sistemes. La primera contribució mostra que, quan es tenen en compte alhora la precàrrega d'adreces de memòria amb maquinari (hardware prefetching) i les decisions d'ubicació dels fils d'execució i les dades als sistemes NUMA, es poden trobar millors configuracions que quan es condieren per separat. Una combinació dels resultats de rendiment i dels comptadors disponibles al sistema s'utilitza per construir un model de rendiment per fer la predicció, tant per avançat com també en temps d'execució, de la millor configuració per aplicacions que no es troben al model. L'avaluació es du a terme a dos sistemes NUMA d'alt rendiment, i els comptadors mesurats en un sistema s'usen per predir les millors configuracions a l'altre sistema. La segona contribució es basa en la idea que el prefetching pot tenir un efecte considerable als sistemes NUMA i proposa un esquema de precàrrega a nivell de maquinari que té en compte els efectes NUMA. L'esquema és genèric i es pot aplicar als algorismes de precàrrega existents amb un cost de maquinari molt baix però amb molt bons resultats. S'avalua amb un simulador arquitectural acurat a nivell de cicle i proporciona resultats detallats del rendiment, la reducció de les comunicacions de dades i els costos energètics. La tercera i darrera contribució consisteix en algorismes de planificació per models de programació basats en tasques. Aquests simplifiquen la programabilitat de les aplicacions paral·leles i proveeixen informació molt útil al sistema en temps d'execució (runtime system) que en controla el funcionament. Amb aquesta informació es construeix un graf de dependències entre tasques (task dependency graph, TDG), un graf dirigit i acíclic que modela l'aplicació i en el qual els nodes són fragments de codi seqüencial (o tasques) i els arcs són les dependències de dades entre les tasques. Els algorismes de planificació proposats fan servir tècniques de particionat de grafs i proporcionen una planificació de les tasques del TDG que minimitza la comunicació de dades entre les diferents regions NUMA del sistema. Els resultats han estat avaluats en sistemes ccNUMA reals amb múltiples regions NUMA.El final de la ley de Dennard ha provocado un estancamiento de la frecuencia de reloj de los computadores. Con el objetivo de superar este problema, durante las últimas dos décadas los fabricantes han integrado más unidades de cómputo en los sistemas mediante la interconexión de nodos diferentes, la inclusión de múltiples chips en los nodos y el incremento de núcleos de procesador en cada chip. La rapidez de la memoria principal no ha evolucionado con el mismo factor que los procesadores; es mucho más lenta y hay la necesidad de proporcionar más ancho de banda a los procesadores, especialmente con el incremento del número de núcleos y chips. Aun manteniendo un sistema de direccionamiento compartido en el que todos los procesadores pueden acceder al conjunto de la memoria, las soluciones han oscilado alrededor de la integración de más memorias: usando tecnologías modernas como las memorias de alto ancho de banda (highbandwidth memories, HBM) y memorias no volátiles (non-volatile memories, NVM), haciendo que grupos de núcleos (como zócalos completos) tengan acceso más veloz a un subconjunto de la DRAM, o con la combinación de soluciones. Esto ha provocado una heterogeneidad en la velocidad de acceso a la memoria principal, en función del núcleo que solicita el acceso a una dirección de memoria en particular y la ubicación física de esta dirección, lo que provoca unos comportamientos no uniformes en el acceso a la memoria (non-uniform memory access, NUMA). Además, muchos de estos sistemas tienen memorias caché coherentes (cache-coherent NUMA, ccNUMA), lo que implica que cualquier cambio hecho en la memoria desde un núcleo de un procesador debe ser visible por el resto de procesadores de forma transparente para los programadores. Estos comportamientos NUMA reducen el rendimiento de las aplicaciones y pueden suponer un reto para los programadores. Para abordar dicho problema, en esta tesis se proponen soluciones, a nivel de software y hardware, que mejoran la localidad de datos en los sistemas NUMA y, en consecuencia, el rendimiento de las aplicaciones en estos sistemas informáticos. La primera contribución muestra que, cuando se tienen en cuenta a la vez la precarga de direcciones de memoria mediante hardware (o hardware prefetching ) y las decisiones de la ubicación de los hilos de ejecución y los datos en los sistemas NUMA, se pueden hallar mejores configuraciones que cuando se consideran ambos aspectos por separado. Con una combinación de los resultados de rendimiento y de los contadores disponibles en el sistema se construye un modelo de rendimiento, tanto por avanzado como en en tiempo de ejecución, de la mejor configuración para aplicaciones que no están incluidas en el modelo. La evaluación se realiza en dos sistemas NUMA de alto rendimiento, y los contadores medidos en uno de los sistemas se usan para predecir las mejores configuraciones en el otro sistema. La segunda contribución se basa en la idea de que el prefetching puede tener un efecto considerable en los sistemas NUMA y propone un esquema de precarga a nivel hardware que tiene en cuenta los efectos NUMA. Este esquema es genérico y se puede aplicar a diferentes algoritmos de precarga existentes con un coste de hardware muy bajo pero que proporciona muy buenos resultados. Dichos resultados se obtienen y evalúan mediante un simulador arquitectural preciso a nivel de ciclo y proporciona resultados detallados del rendimiento, la reducción de las comunicaciones de datos y los costes energéticos. Finalmente, la tercera y última contribución consiste en algoritmos de planificación para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Estos modelos simplifican la programabilidad de las aplicaciones paralelas y proveen información muy útil al sistema en tiempo de ejecución (runtime system) que controla su funcionamiento. Esta información se utiliza para construir un grafo de dependencias entre tareas (task dependency graph, TDG), un grafo dirigido y acíclico que modela la aplicación y en el ue los nodos son fragmentos de código secuencial, conocidos como tareas, y los arcos son las dependencias de datos entre las distintas tareas. Los algoritmos de planificación que se proponen usan técnicas e particionado de grafos y proporcionan una planificación de las tareas del TDG que minimiza la comunicación de datos entre las distintas regiones NUMA del sistema. Los resultados se han evaluado en sistemas ccNUMA reales con múltiples regiones NUMA.Postprint (published version

    Whirlpool: Improving Dynamic Cache Management with Static Data Classification

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    Cache hierarchies are increasingly non-uniform and difficult to manage. Several techniques, such as scratchpads or reuse hints, use static information about how programs access data to manage the memory hierarchy. Static techniques are effective on regular programs, but because they set fixed policies, they are vulnerable to changes in program behavior or available cache space. Instead, most systems rely on dynamic caching policies that adapt to observed program behavior. Unfortunately, dynamic policies spend significant resources trying to learn how programs use memory, and yet they often perform worse than a static policy. We present Whirlpool, a novel approach that combines static information with dynamic policies to reap the benefits of each. Whirlpool statically classifies data into pools based on how the program uses memory. Whirlpool then uses dynamic policies to tune the cache to each pool. Hence, rather than setting policies statically, Whirlpool uses static analysis to guide dynamic policies. We present both an API that lets programmers specify pools manually and a profiling tool that discovers pools automatically in unmodified binaries. We evaluate Whirlpool on a state-of-the-art NUCA cache. Whirlpool significantly outperforms prior approaches: on sequential programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 38% and reduces data movement energy by up to 53%; on parallel programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 67% and reduces data movement energy by up to 2.6x.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CCF-1318384)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER-1452994)Samsung (Firm) (GRO award

    Jenga: Harnessing Heterogeneous Memories through Reconfigurable Cache Hierarchies

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    Conventional memory systems are organized as a rigid hierarchy, with multiple levels of progressively larger and slower memories. Hierarchy allows a simple, fixed design to benefit a wide range of applications, because working sets settle at the smallest (and fastest) level they fit in. However, rigid hierarchies also cause significant overheads, because each level adds latency and energy even when it does not capture the working set. In emerging systems with heterogeneous memory technologies such as stacked DRAM, these overheads often limit performance and efficiency. We propose Jenga, a reconfigurable cache hierarchy that avoids these pathologies and approaches the performance of a hierarchy optimized for each application. Jenga monitors application behavior and dynamically builds virtual cache hierarchies out of heterogeneous, distributed cache banks. Jenga uses simple hardware support and a novel software runtime to configure virtual cache hierarchies. On a 36-core CMP with a 1 GB stacked-DRAM cache, Jenga outperforms a combination of state-of-the-art techniques by 10% on average and by up to 36%, and does so while saving energy, improving system-wide energy-delay product by 29% on average and by up to 96%

    Co-designing reliability and performance for datacenter memory

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    Memory is one of the key components that affects reliability and performance of datacenter servers. Memory in today’s servers is organized and shared in several ways to provide the most performant and efficient access to data. For example, cache hierarchy in multi-core chips to reduce access latency, non-uniform memory access (NUMA) in multi-socket servers to improve scalability, disaggregation to increase memory capacity. In all these organizations, hardware coherence protocols are used to maintain memory consistency of this shared memory and implicitly move data to the requesting cores. This thesis aims to provide fault-tolerance against newer models of failure in the organization of memory in datacenter servers. While designing for improved reliability, this thesis explores solutions that can also enhance performance of applications. The solutions build over modern coherence protocols to achieve these properties. First, we observe that DRAM memory system failure rates have increased, demanding stronger forms of memory reliability. To combat this, the thesis proposes Dvé, a hardware driven replication mechanism where data blocks are replicated across two different memory controllers in a cache-coherent NUMA system. Data blocks are accompanied by a code with strong error detection capabilities so that when an error is detected, correction is performed using the replica. Dvé’s organization offers two independent points of access to data which enables: (a) strong error correction that can recover from a range of faults affecting any of the components in the memory and (b) higher performance by providing another nearer point of memory access. Dvé’s coherent replication keeps the replicas in sync for reliability and also provides coherent access to read replicas during fault-free operation for improved performance. Dvé can flexibly provide these benefits on-demand at runtime. Next, we observe that the coherence protocol itself requires to be hardened against failures. Memory in datacenter servers is being disaggregated from the compute servers into dedicated memory servers, driven by standards like CXL. CXL specifies the coherence protocol semantics for compute servers to access and cache data from a shared region in the disaggregated memory. However, the CXL specification lacks the requisite level of fault-tolerance necessary to operate at an inter-server scale within the datacenter. Compute servers can fail or be unresponsive in the datacenter and therefore, it is important that the coherence protocol remain available in the presence of such failures. The thesis proposes Āpta, a CXL-based, shared disaggregated memory system for keeping the cached data consistent without compromising availability in the face of compute server failures. Āpta architects a high-performance fault-tolerant object-granular memory server that significantly improves performance for stateless function-as-a-service (FaaS) datacenter applications

    Adaptive memory hierarchies for next generation tiled microarchitectures

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    Les últimes dècades el rendiment dels processadors i de les memòries ha millorat a diferent ritme, limitant el rendiment dels processadors i creant el conegut memory gap. Sol·lucionar aquesta diferència de rendiment és un camp d'investigació d'actualitat i que requereix de noves sol·lucions. Una sol·lució a aquest problema són les memòries “cache”, que permeten reduïr l'impacte d'unes latències de memòria creixents i que conformen la jerarquia de memòria. La majoria de d'organitzacions de les “caches” estan dissenyades per a uniprocessadors o multiprcessadors tradicionals. Avui en dia, però, el creixent nombre de transistors disponible per xip ha permès l'aparició de xips multiprocessador (CMPs). Aquests xips tenen diferents propietats i limitacions i per tant requereixen de jerarquies de memòria específiques per tal de gestionar eficientment els recursos disponibles. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat en millorar el rendiment i la eficiència energètica de la jerarquia de memòria per CMPs, des de les “caches” fins als controladors de memòria. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, s'han estudiat organitzacions tradicionals per les “caches” com les privades o compartides i s'ha pogut constatar que, tot i que funcionen bé per a algunes aplicacions, un sistema que s'ajustés dinàmicament seria més eficient. Tècniques com el Cooperative Caching (CC) combinen els avantatges de les dues tècniques però requereixen un mecanisme centralitzat de coherència que té un consum energètic molt elevat. És per això que en aquesta tesi es proposa el Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), un mecanisme que proporciona coherència en CMPs i aplica el concepte del cooperative caching de forma distribuïda. Mitjançant l'ús de directoris distribuïts s'obté una sol·lució més escalable i que, a més, disposa d'un mecanisme de marcatge més flexible i eficient energèticament. A la segona part, es demostra que les aplicacions fan diferents usos de la “cache” i que si es realitza una distribució de recursos eficient es poden aprofitar els que estan infrautilitzats. Es proposa l'Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), una organització capaç de redistribuïr la memòria “cache” dinàmicament segons els requeriments de cada aplicació. Una de les contribucions més importants d'aquesta tècnica és que la reconfiguració es decideix completament a través del maquinari i que tots els mecanismes utilitzats es basen en estructures distribuïdes, permetent una millor escalabilitat. ElasticCC no només és capaç de reparticionar les “caches” segons els requeriments de cada aplicació, sinó que, a més a més, és capaç d'adaptar-se a les diferents fases d'execució de cada una d'elles. La nostra avaluació també demostra que la reconfiguració dinàmica de l'ElasticCC és tant eficient que gairebé proporciona la mateixa taxa de fallades que una configuració amb el doble de memòria.Finalment, la tesi es centra en l'estudi del comportament de les memòries DRAM i els seus controladors en els CMPs. Es demostra que, tot i que els controladors tradicionals funcionen eficientment per uniprocessadors, en CMPs els diferents patrons d'accés obliguen a repensar com estan dissenyats aquests sistemes. S'han presentat múltiples sol·lucions per CMPs però totes elles es veuen limitades per un compromís entre el rendiment global i l'equitat en l'assignació de recursos. En aquesta tesi es proposen els Thread Row Buffers (TRBs), una zona d'emmagatenament extra a les memòries DRAM que permetria guardar files de dades específiques per a cada aplicació. Aquest mecanisme permet proporcionar un accés equitatiu a la memòria sense perjudicar el seu rendiment global. En resum, en aquesta tesi es presenten noves organitzacions per la jerarquia de memòria dels CMPs centrades en la escalabilitat i adaptativitat als requeriments de les aplicacions. Els resultats presentats demostren que les tècniques proposades proporcionen un millor rendiment i eficiència energètica que les millors tècniques existents fins a l'actualitat.Processor performance and memory performance have improved at different rates during the last decades, limiting processor performance and creating the well known "memory gap". Solving this performance difference is an important research field and new solutions must be proposed in order to have better processors in the future. Several solutions exist, such as caches, that reduce the impact of longer memory accesses and conform the system memory hierarchy. However, most of the existing memory hierarchy organizations were designed for single processors or traditional multiprocessors. Nowadays, the increasing number of available transistors has allowed the apparition of chip multiprocessors, which have different constraints and require new ad-hoc memory systems able to efficiently manage memory resources. Therefore, in this thesis we have focused on improving the performance and energy efficiency of the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors, ranging from caches to DRAM memories. In the first part of this thesis we have studied traditional cache organizations such as shared or private caches and we have seen that they behave well only for some applications and that an adaptive system would be desirable. State-of-the-art techniques such as Cooperative Caching (CC) take advantage of the benefits of both worlds. This technique, however, requires the usage of a centralized coherence structure and has a high energy consumption. Therefore we propose the Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), a mechanism to provide coherence to chip multiprocessors and apply the concept of cooperative caching in a distributed way. Through the usage of distributed directories we obtain a more scalable solution and, in addition, has a more flexible and energy-efficient tag allocation method. We also show that applications make different uses of cache and that an efficient allocation can take advantage of unused resources. We propose Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), an adaptive cache organization able to redistribute cache resources dynamically depending on application requirements. One of the most important contributions of this technique is that adaptivity is fully managed by hardware and that all repartitioning mechanisms are based on distributed structures, allowing a better scalability. ElasticCC not only is able to repartition cache sizes to application requirements, but also is able to dynamically adapt to the different execution phases of each thread. Our experimental evaluation also has shown that the cache partitioning provided by ElasticCC is efficient and is almost able to match the off-chip miss rate of a configuration that doubles the cache space. Finally, we focus in the behavior of DRAM memories and memory controllers in chip multiprocessors. Although traditional memory schedulers work well for uniprocessors, we show that new access patterns advocate for a redesign of some parts of DRAM memories. Several organizations exist for multiprocessor DRAM schedulers, however, all of them must trade-off between memory throughput and fairness. We propose Thread Row Buffers, an extended storage area in DRAM memories able to store a data row for each thread. This mechanism enables a fair memory access scheduling without hurting memory throughput. Overall, in this thesis we present new organizations for the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors which focus on the scalability and of the proposed structures and adaptivity to application behavior. Results show that the presented techniques provide a better performance and energy-efficiency than existing state-of-the-art solutions