33 research outputs found

    Retroreflector and Multibeam Antenna for a Millimeter Wave Collision Avoidance System

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    RÉSUMÉ La section efficace du radar (SER) pour des cibles automobiles a une rĂ©ponse angulaire Ă©troite. Une variation de plusieurs dĂ©cibels par mĂštre carrĂ© (dBsm) peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre observĂ©e avec un lĂ©ger changement de l’orientation de la cible. La localisation de telles cibles est difficile pour un radar automobile. En outre, un matĂ©riel complexe est gĂ©nĂ©ralement nĂ©cessaire pour mettre en oeuvre un radar efficace, ce qui se traduit par des systĂšmes coĂ»teux qui ne sont abordables que dans les vĂ©hicules haut de gamme. Cela dĂ©fie l’objet d’un systĂšme de sĂ©curitĂ© pour Ă©viter les accidents de la route Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente une nouvelle balise d’amĂ©lioration de SER et une antenne multifaisceaux pour des applications de radar automobile. Ces composants peuvent Ă©ventuellement amĂ©liorer les performances d’un algorithme de super-rĂ©solution, et permettre le dĂ©veloppement d’un radar d’évitement de collision automobile simple et peu coĂ»teux. Une architecture de systĂšme simple et rentable est particuliĂšrement importante dans la gamme de frĂ©quences d’ondes millimĂ©triques, allouĂ©e pour cette application, oĂč les attĂ©nuations du signal et les coĂ»ts de dispositif sont significativement Ă©levĂ©s. Les structures proposĂ©es dans cette thĂšse peuvent Ă©galement trouver des applications dans d’autres applications en ondes millimĂ©triques. Un systĂšme radar est analysĂ© en Ă©tudiant les propriĂ©tĂ©s de l’algorithme de super-rĂ©solution bien connu ESPRIT. Sur la base d’une simulation numĂ©rique MATLAB de cet algorithme, il est Ă©tabli qu’une SER stable est importante pour l’utilisation de cet algorithme dans des applications automobiles. Ceci peut ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© en Ă©quipant la cible d’un marqueur d’amĂ©lioration de la SER. DeuxiĂšmement, dans cet algorithme, la taille du rĂ©seau de rĂ©cepteurs dĂ©termine le nombre de cibles dĂ©tectables. En sectorisant le CdV du radar en utilisant une antenne multifaisceaux, l’erreur de localisation angulaire peut ĂȘtre rĂ©duite pour un plus grand nombre de cibles. La balise proposĂ©e est conçue Ă  77 GHz, fonctionnant dans la bande attribuĂ©e au radar automobile (76 GHz Ă  81 GHz). Les caractĂ©ristiques des radars automobiles dans la littĂ©rature suggĂšrent un CdV en forme de faisceau en Ă©ventail pour la balise avec un CdV plus large dans le plan azimutal. De CdV de 120o et 9o dans les plans d’azimut et d’élĂ©vation sont respectivement choisis comme critĂšres de conception pour la balise proposĂ©e. La propriĂ©tĂ© de rĂ©trorĂ©flexion dans le plan d’azimut aide Ă  amĂ©liorer la SER de la balise. La balise proposĂ©e reflĂšte le signal incident avec une rotation de polarisation linĂ©aire de 90o. Cette modulation de polarisation permet d’amĂ©liorer la visibilitĂ© de la cible par rapport au bruit de fond. De plus, une modulation d’amplitude est Ă©galement implĂ©mentĂ©e dans la balise.----------Rear radar cross section (RCS) of automotive targets has a narrow angular response. A variation of several decibel per square meter (dBsm) can also be observed with slight change in the target orientation. Localization of such targets is challenging for an automotive radar. Furthermore, complex hardware is typically required to implement an effective radar resulting in high-cost systems that are affordable only in high-end vehicles. This defies the object of a safety system to avoid roadside accidents at large scale. This dissertation prĂ©sents novel RCS enhancing tag and multibeam antenna for automotive radar applications. These components can possibly improve the performance of a super-resolution algorithm, and enable the development of a simple, low-cost automotive collision avoidance radar. Simple and costeffective system architecture is particularly important in millimeter wave frequency range, allocated for this application, where the material losses and device costs are significantly high. The proposed structures in this thesis can also find applications in other millimeter wave applications. A radar system is analyzed by studying the properties of Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique (ESPRIT), a well know super-resolution algorithm. Based on a MATLAB numerical simulation of this algorithm, it is established that a stable target RCS is important for employing this algorithm in automotive applications. This can be achieved by equipping the target with a RCS enhancing tag. Secondly, in this algorithm, the size of the receiver array determines the number of detectable targets. By sectoring the radar field of view (FoV) using a multibeam antenna, the localization error can be reduced for higher number of targets. The proposed tag is designed at 77 GHz, operating in the band allocated for automotive radar (76 GHz to 81 GHz). Automotive radar characteristics in the literature suggest a fan-beam shaped FoV for the tag with wider FoV in azimuth plane. Azimuth and elevation plane FoV of 120o and 9o are selected as design criteria for the proposed tag. Retroreflection property in the azimuth plane helps to improve the tag RCS. The proposed tag reflects the incident signal with 90o linear polarization rotation. This polarization modulation can enhance the target visibility against the background clutter. Additionally, an amplitude modulation is also implemented in the tag. This modulation can help to communicate additional information. It can also facilitate the target detection by improving the signal to noise ratio of the processed received signal

    Assistant Vehicle Localization Based on Three Collaborative Base Stations via SBL-Based Robust DOA Estimation

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    As a promising research area in Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has attracted much attention in wireless communication and network. In general, vehicle localization can be achieved by the global positioning systems (GPSs). However, in some special scenarios, such as cloud cover, tunnels or some places where the GPS signals are weak, GPS cannot perform well. The continuous and accurate localization services cannot be guaranteed. In order to improve the accuracy of vehicle localization, an assistant vehicle localization method based on direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is proposed in this paper. The assistant vehicle localization system is composed of three base stations (BSs) equipped with a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) array. The locations of vehicles can be estimated if the positions of the three BSs and the DOAs of vehicles estimated by the BSs are known. However, the DOA estimated accuracy maybe degrade dramatically when the electromagnetic environment is complex. In the proposed method, a sparse Bayesian learning (SBL)-based robust DOA estimation approach is first proposed to achieve the off-grid DOA estimation of the target vehicles under the condition of nonuniform noise, where the covariance matrix of nonuniform noise is estimated by a least squares (LSs) procedure, and a grid refinement procedure implemented by finding the roots of a polynomial is performed to refine the grid points to reduce the off-grid error. Then, according to the DOA estimation results, the target vehicle is cross-located once by each two BSs in the localization system. Finally, robust localization can be realized based on the results of three-time cross-location. Plenty of simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method

    Antenna array design for retrodirective wireless power transmission and radar

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    This thesis presents antenna array design and the integration of microwave circuit systems for retrodirective wireless power transmission and radar. Wireless power transmission (WPT) and automotive radar are emerging topics which have attracted a lot of interest in the past few years. The development of these systems usually brings high associated costs if competitive performance is required. The ïŹrst part of the thesis is concerned with the development of a new retrodirective antenna array (RDA) system for WPT which uses sub-arrays in transmit to save costs, however, losing tracking in one plane. Nevertheless, depending on the application, the proposed system might be an alternative solution to existing approaches as similar performances are achieved, but at generally a lower cost for the proposed RDA design as compared to the conventional solution. The proposed system has been designed to work in the ISM band (2.5 GHz for receiving and 2.4 GHz for transmitting) which exhibits an 80◩ 3-dB half-power beamwidth for the monostatic pattern. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the system is able to work in the near-ïŹeld region, being able to achieve wireless charging of a handeld electronic device at a 50 cm distance. The power for the beacon signal sent by the device to be charged by the system (for tracking purposes) is 6.6 dBm, whereas the received RF power from the RDA is in excess of 27 dBm, which means that the device is receiving a hundred times the power sent for battery charging. On the other hand, the second part of the thesis relates to the development of two important elements within a frequency-modulated-continuous-wave (FMCW) auto motive radar working at 24 GHz: a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) butler matrix antenna array as the transmitter and a new post-processing technique called Pwr+. These two in combination bring some interesting advantages in terms of angular resolution improvements when compared to conventional single-input-multiple output (SIMO) radars. For example, the proposed system is able to distinguish two targets which are 2 degrees apart as well as a higher ïŹeld-of-view (FOV) thanks to the beamforming network that generates 4 individual beams covering a wide FOV. The newly developed radar system is also comparable to multiple-input-multiple output (MIMO) radars but with the added value of having a shorter processing time, which for automotive radar applications is a crucial characteristic to be minimized, and could, therefore, avoid potential road accidents. It should also be mentioned that this thesis was supported by the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology

    Polarimetric Radar for Automotive Applications

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    Current automotive radar sensors prove to be a weather robust and low-cost solution, but are suffering from low resolution and are not capable of classifying detected targets. However, for future applications like autonomous driving, such features are becoming ever increasingly important. On the basis of successful state-of-the-art applications, this work presents the first in-depth analysis and ground-breaking, novel results of polarimetric millimeter wave radars for automotive applications

    MIMO OFDM Radar-Communication System with Mutual Interference Cancellation

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    This work describes the OFDM-based MIMO Radar-Communication System, intended for operation in a multiple-user network, especially the automotive sector in the vehicle-to vehicle/infrastructure network. The OFDM signals however are weak towards frequency offsets causing subcarrier misalignment and corrupts the radar estimation and the demodulation of the communication signal. A simple yet effective interference cancellation algorithm is detailed here with real time measurement verification


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    Human vital signs including respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and body temperature are important physiological parameters that are used to track and monitor human health condition. Another important biological parameter of human health is human gait. Human vital sign detection and gait investigations have been attracted many scientists and practitioners in various fields such as sport medicine, geriatric medicine, bio-mechanic and bio-medical engineering and has many biological and medical applications such as diagnosis of health issues and abnormalities, elderly care and health monitoring, athlete performance analysis, and treatment of joint problems. Thoroughly tracking and understanding the normal motion of human limb joints can help to accurately monitor human subjects or patients over time to provide early flags of possible complications in order to aid in a proper diagnosis and development of future comprehensive treatment plans. With the spread of COVID-19 around the world, it has been getting more important than ever to employ technology that enables us to detect human vital signs in a non-contact way and helps protect both patients and healthcare providers from potentially life-threatening viruses, and have the potential to also provide a convenient way to monitor people health condition, remotely. A popular technique to extract biological parameters from a distance is to use cameras. Radar systems are another attractive solution for non-contact human vital signs monitoring and gait investigation that track and monitor these biological parameters without invading people privacy. The goal of this research is to develop non-contact methods that is capable of extracting human vital sign parameters and gait features accurately. To do that, in this work, optical systems including cameras and proper filters have been developed to extract human respiratory rate, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Feasibility of blood pressure extraction using the developed optical technique has been investigated, too. Moreover, a wideband and low-cost radar system has been implemented to detect single or multiple human subject’s respiration and heart rate in dark or from behind the wall. The performance of the implemented radar system has been enhanced and it has been utilized for non-contact human gait analysis. Along with the hardware, advanced signal processing schemes have been enhanced and applied to the data collected using the aforementioned radar system. The data processing algorithms have been extended for multi-subject scenarios with high accuracy for both human vital sign detection and gait analysis. In addition, different configurations of this and high-performance radar system including mono-static and MIMO have been designed and implemented with great success. Many sets of exhaustive experiments have been conducted using different human subjects and various situations and accurate reference sensors have been used to validate the performance of the developed systems and algorithms

    A Localization System for Optimizing the Deployment of Small Cells in 2-Tier Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Due to the ever growing population of mobile device users and expansion on the number of devices and applications requiring data usage, there is an increasing demand for improved capacity in wireless cellular networks. Cell densification and 2-tier heterogeneous networks (HetNets) are two solutions which will assist 5G systems in meeting these growing capacity demands. Small-cell deployment over existing heterogeneous networks have been considered by researchers. Different strategies for deploying these small-cells within the existing network among which are random, cell-edge and high user concentration (HUC) have also been explored. Small cells deployed on locations of HUC offloads traffic from existing network infrastructure, ensure good Quality of Service (QoS) and balanced load in the network but there is a challenge of identifying HUC locations. There has been considerable research performed into techniques for determining user location and cell deployment. Currently localization can be achieved using time dependent methods such as Time of Arrival (ToA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA), or Global Positioning Systems (GPS). GPS based solutions provide high accuracy user positioning but suffer from concerns over user privacy, and other time dependent approaches require regular synchronization which can be difficult to achieve in practice. Alternatively, Received Signal Strength (RSS) based solutions can provide simple anonymous user data, requiring no extra hardware within the mobile handset but often rely on triangulation from adjacent Base Stations (BS). In mobile cellular networks such solutions are therefore often only applicable near the cell edge, as installing additional BS would increase the complexity and cost of a network deployment. The work presented in this thesis overcomes these limitations by providing an observer system for wireless networks that can be used to periodically monitor the cell coverage area and identify regions of high concentrations of users for possible small cell deployment in 2-tier heterogeneous networks. The observer system comprises of two collinear antennas separated by λ/2. The relative phase of each antenna was varied using a phase shifter so that the combined output of the two antennas were used to create sum and difference radiation patterns, and to steer the antenna radiation pattern creating different azimuth positions for AoA estimation. Statistical regression analysis was used to develop range estimation models based on four different environment empirical pathloss models for user range estimation. Users were located into clusters by classifying them into azimuth-range classes and counting the number of users in each class. Locations for small cell deployment were identified based on class population. BPEM, ADEM, BUEM, EARM and NLOS models were developed for more accurate range estimation. A prototype system was implemented and tested both outdoor and indoor using a network of WiFi nodes. Experimental results show close relationship with simulation and an average PER in range estimation error of 80% by applying developed error models. Based on both simulation and experiment, system showed good performance. By deploying micro-, pico-, or femto-cells in areas of higher user concentration, high data rates and good quality of service in the network can be maintained. The observer system provides the network manager with relative angle of arrival (AoA), distance estimation and relative location of user clusters within the cell. The observer system divides the cell into a series of azimuthal and range sectors, and determines which sector the users are located in. Simulation and a prototype design of the system is presented and results have shown system robustness and high accuracy for its purpose