182,138 research outputs found

    Reduced Power Graphs of PGL3(Fq)\mathrm{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_q)

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    Given a group GG, let us connect two non-identity elements by an edge if and only if one is a power of another. This gives a graph structure on GG minus identity, called the reduced power graph. In this paper, we shall find the exact number of connected components and the exact diameter of each component for the reduced power graphs of PGL3(Fq)\mathrm{PGL}_3(\mathbb{F}_q) for all prime power qq

    The hierarchical product of graphs

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    A new operation on graphs is introduced and some of its properties are studied. We call it hierarchical product, because of the strong (connectedness) hierarchy of the vertices in the resulting graphs. In fact, the obtained graphs turn out to be subgraphs of the cartesian product of the corresponding factors. Some well-known properties of the cartesian product, such as a reduced mean distance and diameter, simple routing algorithms and some optimal communication protocols are inherited by the hierarchical product. We also address the study of some algebraic properties of the hierarchical product of two or more graphs. In particular, the spectrum of the binary hypertree TmT_m (which is the hierarchical product of several copies of the complete graph on two vertices) is fully characterized; turning out to be an interesting example of graph with all its eigenvalues distinct. Finally, some natural generalizations of the hierarchic product are proposed

    A reconfigurations analogue of Brooks’ theorem.

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    Let G be a simple undirected graph on n vertices with maximum degree Δ. Brooks’ Theorem states that G has a Δ-colouring unless G is a complete graph, or a cycle with an odd number of vertices. To recolour G is to obtain a new proper colouring by changing the colour of one vertex. We show that from a k-colouring, k > Δ, a Δ-colouring of G can be obtained by a sequence of O(n 2) recolourings using only the original k colours unless G is a complete graph or a cycle with an odd number of vertices, or k = Δ + 1, G is Δ-regular and, for each vertex v in G, no two neighbours of v are coloured alike. We use this result to study the reconfiguration graph R k (G) of the k-colourings of G. The vertex set of R k (G) is the set of all possible k-colourings of G and two colourings are adjacent if they differ on exactly one vertex. It is known that if k ≤ Δ(G), then R k (G) might not be connected and it is possible that its connected components have superpolynomial diameter, if k ≥ Δ(G) + 2, then R k (G) is connected and has diameter O(n 2). We complete this structural classification by settling the missing case: if k = Δ(G) + 1, then R k (G) consists of isolated vertices and at most one further component which has diameter O(n 2). We also describe completely the computational complexity classification of the problem of deciding whether two k-colourings of a graph G of maximum degree Δ belong to the same component of R k (G) by settling the case k = Δ(G) + 1. The problem is O(n 2) time solvable for k = 3, PSPACE-complete for 4 ≤ k ≤ Δ(G), O(n) time solvable for k = Δ(G) + 1, O(1) time solvable for k ≥ Δ(G) + 2 (the answer is always yes)
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