36 research outputs found

    Adaptive learning to speed-up control of prosthetic hands: A few things everybody should know

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    Domain adaptation methods have been proposed to reduce the training efforts needed to control an upper-limb prosthesis by adapting well performing models from previous subjects to the new subject. These studies generally reported impressive reductions in the required number of training samples to achieve a certain level of accuracy for intact subjects. We further investigate two popular methods in this field to verify whether this result also applies to amputees. Our findings show instead that this improvement can largely be attributed to a suboptimal hyperparameter configuration. When hyperparameters are appropriately tuned, the standard approach that does not exploit prior information performs on par with the more complicated transfer learning algorithms. Additionally, earlier studies erroneously assumed that the number of training samples relates proportionally to the efforts required from the subject. However, a repetition of a movement is the atomic unit for subjects and the total number of repetitions should therefore be used as reliable measure for training efforts. Also when correcting for this mistake, we do not find any performance increase due to the use of prior models

    Multi-Day Analysis of Surface and Intramuscular EMG for Prosthetic Control

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    Multiday Evaluation of Techniques for EMG Based Classification of Hand Motions

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    Guidage non-intrusif d'un bras robotique à l'aide d'un bracelet myoélectrique à électrode sèche

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    Depuis plusieurs années la robotique est vue comme une solution clef pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes ayant subi une amputation. Pour créer de nouvelles prothèses intelligentes qui peuvent être facilement intégrées à la vie quotidienne et acceptée par ces personnes, celles-ci doivent être non-intrusives, fiables et peu coûteuses. L’électromyographie de surface fournit une interface intuitive et non intrusive basée sur l’activité musculaire de l’utilisateur permettant d’interagir avec des robots. Cependant, malgré des recherches approfondies dans le domaine de la classification des signaux sEMG, les classificateurs actuels manquent toujours de fiabilité, car ils ne sont pas robustes face au bruit à court terme (par exemple, petit déplacement des électrodes, fatigue musculaire) ou à long terme (par exemple, changement de la masse musculaire et des tissus adipeux) et requiert donc de recalibrer le classifieur de façon périodique. L’objectif de mon projet de recherche est de proposer une interface myoélectrique humain-robot basé sur des algorithmes d’apprentissage par transfert et d’adaptation de domaine afin d’augmenter la fiabilité du système à long-terme, tout en minimisant l’intrusivité (au niveau du temps de préparation) de ce genre de système. L’aspect non intrusif est obtenu en utilisant un bracelet à électrode sèche possédant dix canaux. Ce bracelet (3DC Armband) est de notre (Docteur Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, mes co-directeurs et moi-même) conception et a été réalisé durant mon doctorat. À l’heure d’écrire ces lignes, le 3DC Armband est le bracelet sans fil pour l’enregistrement de signaux sEMG le plus performant disponible. Contrairement aux dispositifs utilisant des électrodes à base de gel qui nécessitent un rasage de l’avant-bras, un nettoyage de la zone de placement et l’application d’un gel conducteur avant l’utilisation, le brassard du 3DC peut simplement être placé sur l’avant-bras sans aucune préparation. Cependant, cette facilité d’utilisation entraîne une diminution de la qualité de l’information du signal. Cette diminution provient du fait que les électrodes sèches obtiennent un signal plus bruité que celle à base de gel. En outre, des méthodes invasives peuvent réduire les déplacements d’électrodes lors de l’utilisation, contrairement au brassard. Pour remédier à cette dégradation de l’information, le projet de recherche s’appuiera sur l’apprentissage profond, et plus précisément sur les réseaux convolutionels. Le projet de recherche a été divisé en trois phases. La première porte sur la conception d’un classifieur permettant la reconnaissance de gestes de la main en temps réel. La deuxième porte sur l’implémentation d’un algorithme d’apprentissage par transfert afin de pouvoir profiter des données provenant d’autres personnes, permettant ainsi d’améliorer la classification des mouvements de la main pour un nouvel individu tout en diminuant le temps de préparation nécessaire pour utiliser le système. La troisième phase consiste en l’élaboration et l’implémentation des algorithmes d’adaptation de domaine et d’apprentissage faiblement supervisé afin de créer un classifieur qui soit robuste au changement à long terme.For several years, robotics has been seen as a key solution to improve the quality of life of people living with upper-limb disabilities. To create new, smart prostheses that can easily be integrated into everyday life, they must be non-intrusive, reliable and inexpensive. Surface electromyography provides an intuitive interface based on a user’s muscle activity to interact with robots. However, despite extensive research in the field of sEMG signal classification, current classifiers still lack reliability due to their lack of robustness to short-term (e.g. small electrode displacement, muscle fatigue) or long-term (e.g. change in muscle mass and adipose tissue) noise. In practice, this mean that to be useful, classifier needs to be periodically re-calibrated, a time consuming process. The goal of my research project is to proposes a human-robot myoelectric interface based on transfer learning and domain adaptation algorithms to increase the reliability of the system in the long term, while at the same time reducing the intrusiveness (in terms of hardware and preparation time) of this kind of systems. The non-intrusive aspect is achieved from a dry-electrode armband featuring ten channels. This armband, named the 3DC Armband is from our (Dr. Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, my co-directors and myself) conception and was realized during my doctorate. At the time of writing, the 3DC Armband offers the best performance for currently available dry-electrodes, surface electromyographic armbands. Unlike gel-based electrodes which require intrusive skin preparation (i.e. shaving, cleaning the skin and applying conductive gel), the 3DC Armband can simply be placed on the forearm without any preparation. However, this ease of use results in a decrease in the quality of information. This decrease is due to the fact that the signal recorded by dry electrodes is inherently noisier than gel-based ones. In addition, other systems use invasive methods (intramuscular electromyography) to capture a cleaner signal and reduce the source of noises (e.g. electrode shift). To remedy this degradation of information resulting from the non-intrusiveness of the armband, this research project will rely on deep learning, and more specifically on convolutional networks. The research project was divided into three phases. The first is the design of a classifier allowing the recognition of hand gestures in real-time. The second is the implementation of a transfer learning algorithm to take advantage of the data recorded across multiple users, thereby improving the system’s accuracy, while decreasing the time required to use the system. The third phase is the development and implementation of a domain adaptation and self-supervised learning to enhance the classifier’s robustness to long-term changes

    Combined influence of forearm orientation and muscular contraction on EMG pattern recognition

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    AbstractThe performance of intelligent electromyogram (EMG)-driven prostheses, functioning as artificial alternatives to missing limbs, is influenced by several dynamic factors including: electrode position shift, varying muscle contraction level, forearm orientation, and limb position. The impact of these factors on EMG pattern recognition has been previously studied in isolation, with the combined effect of these factors being understudied. However, it is likely that a combination of these factors influences the accuracy. We investigated the combined effect of two dynamic factors, namely, forearm orientation and muscle contraction levels, on the generalizability of the EMG pattern recognition. A number of recent time- and frequency-domain EMG features were utilized to study the EMG classification accuracy. Twelve intact-limbed and one bilateral transradial (below-elbow) amputee subject were recruited. They performed six classes of wrist and hand movements at three muscular contraction levels with three forearm orientations (nine conditions). Results indicate that a classifier trained by features that quantify the angle, rather than amplitude, of the muscle activation patterns perform better than other feature sets across different contraction levels and forearm orientations. In addition, a classifier trained with the EMG signals collected at multiple forearm orientations with medium muscular contractions can generalize well and achieve classification accuracies of up to 91%. Furthermore, inclusion of an accelerometer to monitor wrist movement further improved the EMG classification accuracy. The results indicate that the proposed methodology has the potential to improve robustness of myoelectric pattern recognition

    EMG-driven control in lower limb prostheses: a topic-based systematic review

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    Background The inability of users to directly and intuitively control their state-of-the-art commercial prosthesis contributes to a low device acceptance rate. Since Electromyography (EMG)-based control has the potential to address those inabilities, research has flourished on investigating its incorporation in microprocessor-controlled lower limb prostheses (MLLPs). However, despite the proposed benefits of doing so, there is no clear explanation regarding the absence of a commercial product, in contrast to their upper limb counterparts. Objective and methodologies This manuscript aims to provide a comparative overview of EMG-driven control methods for MLLPs, to identify their prospects and limitations, and to formulate suggestions on future research and development. This is done by systematically reviewing academical studies on EMG MLLPs. In particular, this review is structured by considering four major topics: (1) type of neuro-control, which discusses methods that allow the nervous system to control prosthetic devices through the muscles; (2) type of EMG-driven controllers, which defines the different classes of EMG controllers proposed in the literature; (3) type of neural input and processing, which describes how EMG-driven controllers are implemented; (4) type of performance assessment, which reports the performance of the current state of the art controllers. Results and conclusions The obtained results show that the lack of quantitative and standardized measures hinders the possibility to analytically compare the performances of different EMG-driven controllers. In relation to this issue, the real efficacy of EMG-driven controllers for MLLPs have yet to be validated. Nevertheless, in anticipation of the development of a standardized approach for validating EMG MLLPs, the literature suggests that combining multiple neuro-controller types has the potential to develop a more seamless and reliable EMG-driven control. This solution has the promise to retain the high performance of the currently employed non-EMG-driven controllers for rhythmic activities such as walking, whilst improving the performance of volitional activities such as task switching or non-repetitive movements. Although EMG-driven controllers suffer from many drawbacks, such as high sensitivity to noise, recent progress in invasive neural interfaces for prosthetic control (bionics) will allow to build a more reliable connection between the user and the MLLPs. Therefore, advancements in powered MLLPs with integrated EMG-driven control have the potential to strongly reduce the effects of psychosomatic conditions and musculoskeletal degenerative pathologies that are currently affecting lower limb amputees