4,616 research outputs found

    Reduced formulation of a steady fluid-structure interaction problem with parametric coupling

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    We propose a two-fold approach to model reduction of fluid-structure interaction. The state equations for the fluid are solved with reduced basis methods. These are model reduction methods for parametric partial differential equations using well-chosen snapshot solutions in order to build a set of global basis functions. The other reduction is in terms of the geometric complexity of the moving fluid-structure interface. We use free-form deformations to parameterize the perturbation of the flow channel at rest configuration. As a computational example we consider a steady fluid-structure interaction problem: an incmpressible Stokes flow in a channel that has a flexible wall.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Reduced Basis Approximation and a Posteriori Error Estimation for the Parametrized Unsteady Boussinesq Equations

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    In this paper we present reduced basis (RB) approximations and associated rigorous a posteriori error bounds for the parametrized unsteady Boussinesq equations. The essential ingredients are Galerkin projection onto a low-dimensional space associated with a smooth parametric manifold — to provide dimension reduction; an efficient proper orthogonal decomposition–Greedy sampling method for identification of optimal and numerically stable approximations — to yield rapid convergence; accurate (online) calculation of the solution-dependent stability factor by the successive constraint method — to quantify the growth of perturbations/residuals in time; rigorous a posteriori bounds for the errors in the RB approximation and associated outputs — to provide certainty in our predictions; and an offline–online computational decomposition strategy for our RB approximation and associated error bound — to minimize marginal cost and hence achieve high performance in the real-time and many-query contexts. The method is applied to a transient natural convection problem in a two-dimensional "complex" enclosure — a square with a small rectangle cutout — parametrized by Grashof number and orientation with respect to gravity. Numerical results indicate that the RB approximation converges rapidly and that furthermore the (inexpensive) rigorous a posteriori error bounds remain practicable for parameter domains and final times of physical interest.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA9550-07-1-0425)United States. Department of Defense. Office of the Secretary of Defense (United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant FA9550-09-1-0613

    Stabilized Reduced Basis Approximation of Incompressible Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations in Parametrized Deformed Domains

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    In this work we are interested in the numerical solution of the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flow in pipes with varying curvatures and cross-sections. We intend to compute a reduced basis approximation of the solution, employing the geometry as a parameter in the reduced basis method. This has previously been done in a spectral element PN−PN−2P_{{ \mathcal{N}}} - P_{{ \mathcal{N}}-2} setting in two dimensions for the steady Stokes equations. To compute the necessary basis-functions in the reduced basis method, we propose to use a stabilized P 1−P 1 finite element method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations on different geometries. By employing the same stabilization in the reduced basis approximation, we avoid having to enrich the velocity basis in order to satisfy the inf-sup condition. This reduces the complexity of the reduced basis method for the Navier-Stokes problem, while keeping its good approximation properties. We prove the well posedness of the reduced problem and present numerical results for selected parameter dependent three dimensional pipe

    Development of reduced numeric models to aero-thermal flows in buildings

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    Esta tesis se enmarca dentro de la resoluci_on num_erica de modelos que simulan el comportamiento de ujos turbulentos mediante t_ecnicas de orden reducido y bajo coste computacional. En particular, desarrollamos t_ecnicas de bases reducidas que permiten reducir dr_asticamente el c_alculo de una soluci_on a estos modelos. El objetivo es desarrollar modelos matem_aticos orientados al dise~no de edi_cios eco-e_cientes, lo que conlleva a la resoluci_on de modelos complejos donde las inc_ognitas del problema aparecen acopladas. La modelizaci_on de orden reducido proporciona reducciones de varios _ordenes de magnitud en el coste computacional de la simulaci_on num_erica de estos procesos y problemas de dise~no, haciendo cada vez m_as abordable su resoluci_on efectiva en tiempo real. Normalmente los modelos de orden reducido requieren de cientos de grados de libertad en lugar de millones como frecuentemente necesita el modelo de orden completo. En este trabajo consideramos diferentes modelos de complejidad creciente, desarrollando las t_ecnicas de orden reducido aplicadas a dichos modelos. Realizamos un estudio de estabilidad para dichos m_etodos num_ericos y se completa con simulaciones num_ericas que permiten validar los resultados te_oricos obtenidos. En primer lugar consideramos el modelo de turbulencia para ujos de aire conocido como modelo de Smagorinsky. Se trata de un modelo b_asico de turbulencia, que corresponde a las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes donde la viscosidad es una viscosidad turbulenta, que matem_atica es una funci_on no lineal de la inc_ognita. Para la aproximaci_on de este t_ermino utilizamos t_ecnicas de Interpolaci_on Emp__rica, desarrollando un estimador de error a posteriori de acuerdo con la Teor__a de Brezzi-Rappaz-Raviart. Para este modelo en su versi_on bidimensional, realizamos distintos test num_ericos obteniendo que el tiempo de c_alculo para la velocidad del ujo se divide por mil cuando utilizamos t_ecnicas de orden reducido. A continuacion nos ocupamos de una modi_caci_on del modelo de Smagorinsky donde consideramos que la viscosidad turbulenta act_ua s_olo sobre las peque~nas escalas resueltas, y adem_as consideramos una estabilizaci_on local de proyecci_on para el c_alculo de la presi_on. El considerar esta estabilizaci_on de la presion nos permite evitar el enriquecimiento del espacio de velocidades para obtener un m_etodo estable. Para este modelo hemos comprobado num_ericamente que el tiempo de c_alculo se reduce m_as que en el modelo original de Smagorinsky. Por _ultimo consideramos un modelo acoplado de tipo Boussinesq obtenido mediante t_ecnicas de multiescala variacional. El modelo est_a formado por las ecuaciones del modelo de Smagorinsky junto a la ecuaci_on de la temperatura. Estas ecuaciones est_an acopladas mediante los t_erminos de otabilidad. El estudio realizado para este modelo se centra en aplicar t_ecnicas de orden reducido para dos tipos de par_ametros: f__sico y geom_etrico. El tratamiento para cada uno de estos par_ametros es distinto desde el punto de vista matem_atico. Para este problema desarrollamos de nuevo un estimador de error a posteriori y lo validamos mediante simulaciones num_ericas sencillas que representan el estudio del ujo de aire y la temperatura en habitaciones de geometr__a sencilla

    Reduced basis approximation and a posteriori error estimation for the time-dependent viscous Burgers’ equation

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    In this paper we present rigorous a posteriori L 2 error bounds for reduced basis approximations of the unsteady viscous Burgers’ equation in one space dimension. The a posteriori error estimator, derived from standard analysis of the error-residual equation, comprises two key ingredients—both of which admit efficient Offline-Online treatment: the first is a sum over timesteps of the square of the dual norm of the residual; the second is an accurate upper bound (computed by the Successive Constraint Method) for the exponential-in-time stability factor. These error bounds serve both Offline for construction of the reduced basis space by a new POD-Greedy procedure and Online for verification of fidelity. The a posteriori error bounds are practicable for final times (measured in convective units) T≈O(1) and Reynolds numbers Îœ[superscript −1]≫1; we present numerical results for a (stationary) steepening front for T=2 and 1≀Μ[superscript −1]≀200.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR Grant FA9550-05-1-0114)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR Grant FA-9550-07-1-0425)Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technolog
