119 research outputs found

    Spatially Prioritized and Persistent Text Detection and Decoding

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    Abstract—We show how to exploit temporal and spatial coherence to achieve efficient and effective text detection and decoding for a sensor suite moving through an environment in which text occurs at a variety of locations, scales and orientations with respect to the observer. Our method uses simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) to extract planar “tiles ” representing scene surfaces. It then fuses multiple observations of each tile, captured from different observer poses, using homography transformations. Text is detected using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) methods; MSER enables fusion of multiple observations of blurry text regions in a component tree. The observations from SLAM and MSER are then decoded by an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine. The decoded characters are then clustered into character blocks to obtain an MLE word configuration. This paper’s contributions include: 1) spatiotemporal fusion of tile observations via SLAM, prior to inspection, thereby improving the quality of the input data; and 2) combination of multiple noisy text observations into a single higher-confidence estimate of environmental text

    Highly efficient low-level feature extraction for video representation and retrieval.

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    PhDWitnessing the omnipresence of digital video media, the research community has raised the question of its meaningful use and management. Stored in immense multimedia databases, digital videos need to be retrieved and structured in an intelligent way, relying on the content and the rich semantics involved. Current Content Based Video Indexing and Retrieval systems face the problem of the semantic gap between the simplicity of the available visual features and the richness of user semantics. This work focuses on the issues of efficiency and scalability in video indexing and retrieval to facilitate a video representation model capable of semantic annotation. A highly efficient algorithm for temporal analysis and key-frame extraction is developed. It is based on the prediction information extracted directly from the compressed domain features and the robust scalable analysis in the temporal domain. Furthermore, a hierarchical quantisation of the colour features in the descriptor space is presented. Derived from the extracted set of low-level features, a video representation model that enables semantic annotation and contextual genre classification is designed. Results demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the temporal analysis algorithm that runs in real time maintaining the high precision and recall of the detection task. Adaptive key-frame extraction and summarisation achieve a good overview of the visual content, while the colour quantisation algorithm efficiently creates hierarchical set of descriptors. Finally, the video representation model, supported by the genre classification algorithm, achieves excellent results in an automatic annotation system by linking the video clips with a limited lexicon of related keywords

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Face recognition by means of advanced contributions in machine learning

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    Face recognition (FR) has been extensively studied, due to both scientific fundamental challenges and current and potential applications where human identification is needed. FR systems have the benefits of their non intrusiveness, low cost of equipments and no useragreement requirements when doing acquisition, among the most important ones. Nevertheless, despite the progress made in last years and the different solutions proposed, FR performance is not yet satisfactory when more demanding conditions are required (different viewpoints, blocked effects, illumination changes, strong lighting states, etc). Particularly, the effect of such non-controlled lighting conditions on face images leads to one of the strongest distortions in facial appearance. This dissertation addresses the problem of FR when dealing with less constrained illumination situations. In order to approach the problem, a new multi-session and multi-spectral face database has been acquired in visible, Near-infrared (NIR) and Thermal infrared (TIR) spectra, under different lighting conditions. A theoretical analysis using information theory to demonstrate the complementarities between different spectral bands have been firstly carried out. The optimal exploitation of the information provided by the set of multispectral images has been subsequently addressed by using multimodal matching score fusion techniques that efficiently synthesize complementary meaningful information among different spectra. Due to peculiarities in thermal images, a specific face segmentation algorithm has been required and developed. In the final proposed system, the Discrete Cosine Transform as dimensionality reduction tool and a fractional distance for matching were used, so that the cost in processing time and memory was significantly reduced. Prior to this classification task, a selection of the relevant frequency bands is proposed in order to optimize the overall system, based on identifying and maximizing independence relations by means of discriminability criteria. The system has been extensively evaluated on the multispectral face database specifically performed for our purpose. On this regard, a new visualization procedure has been suggested in order to combine different bands for establishing valid comparisons and giving statistical information about the significance of the results. This experimental framework has more easily enabled the improvement of robustness against training and testing illumination mismatch. Additionally, focusing problem in thermal spectrum has been also addressed, firstly, for the more general case of the thermal images (or thermograms), and then for the case of facialthermograms from both theoretical and practical point of view. In order to analyze the quality of such facial thermograms degraded by blurring, an appropriate algorithm has been successfully developed. Experimental results strongly support the proposed multispectral facial image fusion, achieving very high performance in several conditions. These results represent a new advance in providing a robust matching across changes in illumination, further inspiring highly accurate FR approaches in practical scenarios.El reconeixement facial (FR) ha estat àmpliament estudiat, degut tant als reptes fonamentals científics que suposa com a les aplicacions actuals i futures on requereix la identificació de les persones. Els sistemes de reconeixement facial tenen els avantatges de ser no intrusius,presentar un baix cost dels equips d’adquisició i no la no necessitat d’autorització per part de l’individu a l’hora de realitzar l'adquisició, entre les més importants. De totes maneres i malgrat els avenços aconseguits en els darrers anys i les diferents solucions proposades, el rendiment del FR encara no resulta satisfactori quan es requereixen condicions més exigents (diferents punts de vista, efectes de bloqueig, canvis en la il·luminació, condicions de llum extremes, etc.). Concretament, l'efecte d'aquestes variacions no controlades en les condicions d'il·luminació sobre les imatges facials condueix a una de les distorsions més accentuades sobre l'aparença facial. Aquesta tesi aborda el problema del FR en condicions d'il·luminació menys restringides. Per tal d'abordar el problema, hem adquirit una nova base de dades de cara multisessió i multiespectral en l'espectre infraroig visible, infraroig proper (NIR) i tèrmic (TIR), sota diferents condicions d'il·luminació. En primer lloc s'ha dut a terme una anàlisi teòrica utilitzant la teoria de la informació per demostrar la complementarietat entre les diferents bandes espectrals objecte d’estudi. L'òptim aprofitament de la informació proporcionada pel conjunt d'imatges multiespectrals s'ha abordat posteriorment mitjançant l'ús de tècniques de fusió de puntuació multimodals, capaces de sintetitzar de manera eficient el conjunt d’informació significativa complementària entre els diferents espectres. A causa de les característiques particulars de les imatges tèrmiques, s’ha requerit del desenvolupament d’un algorisme específic per la segmentació de les mateixes. En el sistema proposat final, s’ha utilitzat com a eina de reducció de la dimensionalitat de les imatges, la Transformada del Cosinus Discreta i una distància fraccional per realitzar les tasques de classificació de manera que el cost en temps de processament i de memòria es va reduir de forma significa. Prèviament a aquesta tasca de classificació, es proposa una selecció de les bandes de freqüències més rellevants, basat en la identificació i la maximització de les relacions d'independència per mitjà de criteris discriminabilitat, per tal d'optimitzar el conjunt del sistema. El sistema ha estat àmpliament avaluat sobre la base de dades de cara multiespectral, desenvolupada pel nostre propòsit. En aquest sentit s'ha suggerit l’ús d’un nou procediment de visualització per combinar diferents bandes per poder establir comparacions vàlides i donar informació estadística sobre el significat dels resultats. Aquest marc experimental ha permès més fàcilment la millora de la robustesa quan les condicions d’il·luminació eren diferents entre els processos d’entrament i test. De forma complementària, s’ha tractat la problemàtica de l’enfocament de les imatges en l'espectre tèrmic, en primer lloc, pel cas general de les imatges tèrmiques (o termogrames) i posteriorment pel cas concret dels termogrames facials, des dels punt de vista tant teòric com pràctic. En aquest sentit i per tal d'analitzar la qualitat d’aquests termogrames facials degradats per efectes de desenfocament, s'ha desenvolupat un últim algorisme. Els resultats experimentals recolzen fermament que la fusió d'imatges facials multiespectrals proposada assoleix un rendiment molt alt en diverses condicions d’il·luminació. Aquests resultats representen un nou avenç en l’aportació de solucions robustes quan es contemplen canvis en la il·luminació, i esperen poder inspirar a futures implementacions de sistemes de reconeixement facial precisos en escenaris no controlats.Postprint (published version

    Towards robust convolutional neural networks in challenging environments

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    Image classification is one of the fundamental tasks in the field of computer vision. Although Artificial Neural Network (ANN) showed a lot of promise in this field, the lack of efficient computer hardware subdued its potential to a great extent. In the early 2000s, advances in hardware coupled with better network design saw the dramatic rise of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Deep CNNs pushed the State-of-The-Art (SOTA) in a number of vision tasks, including image classification, object detection, and segmentation. Presently, CNNs dominate these tasks. Although CNNs exhibit impressive classification performance on clean images, they are vulnerable to distortions, such as noise and blur. Fine-tuning a pre-trained CNN on mutually exclusive or a union set of distortions is a brute-force solution. This iterative fine-tuning process with all known types of distortion is, however, exhaustive and the network struggles to handle unseen distortions. CNNs are also vulnerable to image translation or shift, partly due to common Down-Sampling (DS) layers, e.g., max-pooling and strided convolution. These operations violate the Nyquist sampling rate and cause aliasing. The textbook solution is low-pass filtering (blurring) before down-sampling, which can benefit deep networks as well. Even so, non-linearity units, such as ReLU, often re-introduce the problem, suggesting that blurring alone may not suffice. Another important but under-explored issue for CNNs is unknown or Open Set Recognition (OSR). CNNs are commonly designed for closed set arrangements, where test instances only belong to some ‘Known Known’ (KK) classes used in training. As such, they predict a class label for a test sample based on the distribution of the KK classes. However, when used under the OSR setup (where an input may belong to an ‘Unknown Unknown’ or UU class), such a network will always classify a test instance as one of the KK classes even if it is from a UU class. Historically, CNNs have struggled with detecting objects in images with large difference in scale, especially small objects. This is because the DS layers inside a CNN often progressively wipe out the signal from small objects. As a result, the final layers are left with no signature from these objects leading to degraded performance. In this work, we propose solutions to the above four problems. First, we improve CNN robustness against distortion by proposing DCT based augmentation, adaptive regularisation, and noise suppressing Activation Functions (AF). Second, to ensure further performance gain and robustness to image transformations, we introduce anti-aliasing properties inside the AF and propose a novel DS method called blurpool. Third, to address the OSR problem, we propose a novel training paradigm that ensures detection of UU classes and accurate classification of the KK classes. Finally, we introduce a novel CNN that enables a deep detector to identify small objects with high precision and recall. We evaluate our methods on a number of benchmark datasets and demonstrate that they outperform contemporary methods in the respective problem set-ups.Doctor of Philosoph

    A big-data analytics method for capturing visitor activities and flows: the case of an island country

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Understanding how people move from one location to another is important both for smart city planners and destination managers. Big-data generated on social media sites have created opportunities for developing evidence-based insights that can be useful for decision-makers. While previous studies have introduced observational data analysis methods for social media data, there remains a need for method development—specifically for capturing people’s movement flows and behavioural details. This paper reports a study outlining a new analytical method, to explore people’s activities, behavioural, and movement details for people monitoring and planning purposes. Our method utilises online geotagged content uploaded by users from various locations. The effectiveness of the proposed method, which combines content capturing, processing and predicting algorithms, is demonstrated through a case study of the Fiji Islands. The results show good performance compared to other relevant methods and show applicability to national decisions and policies

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    An investigation of a human in the loop approach to object recognition

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    For several decades researchers around the globe have been avidly investigating practical solutions to the enduring problem of understanding visual content within an image. One might think of the quest as an effort to emulate human visual system. Despite all the endeavours, the simplest of visual tasks to us humans, such as optical segmentation of objects, remain a significant challenge for machines. In a few occasions where a computer's processing power is adequate to accomplish the task, the issue of public alienation towards autonomous solutions to critical applications remains unresolved. The principal purpose of this thesis is to propose innovative computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition techniques that exploit abstract knowledge of human beings in practical models using facile yet effective methodologies. High-level information provided by users in the decision making loop of such interactive systems enhances the efficacy of vision algorithms, whilst simultaneously machines reduce users' labour by filtering results and completing mundane tasks on their behalf. In this thesis, we initially draw a vivid picture of interactive approaches to vision tasks prior to scrutinising relevant aspects of human in the loop methodologies and highlighting their current shortcomings in object recognition applications. Our survey of literature unveils that the difficulty in harnessing users' abstract knowledge is amongst major complications of human in the loop algorithms. We therefore propose two novel methodologies to capture and model such high-level sources of information. One solution builds innovative textual descriptors that are compatible with discriminative classifiers. The other is based on the random naive Bayes algorithm and is suitable for generative classification frameworks. We further investigate the infamous problem of fusing images' low-level and users' high-level information sources. Our next contribution is therefore a novel random forest based human in the loop framework that efficiently fuses visual features of images with user provided information for fast predictions and a superior classification performance. User abstract knowledge in this method is harnessed in shape of user's answers to perceptual questions about images. In contrast to generative Bayesian frameworks, this is a direct discriminative approach that enables information source fusion in the preliminary stages of the prediction process. We subsequently reveal inventive generative frameworks that model each source of information individually and determine the most effective for the purpose of class label prediction. We propose two innovative and intelligent human in the loop fusion algorithms. Our first algorithm is a modified naive Bayes greedy technique, while our second solution is based on a feedforward neural network. Through experiments on a variety of datasets, we show that our novel intelligent fusion methods of information source selection outperform their competitors in tasks of fine-grained visual categorisation. We additionally present methodologies to reduce unnecessary human involvement in mundane tasks by only focusing on cases where their invaluable abstract knowledge is of utter importance. Our proposed algorithm is based on information theory and recent image annotation techniques. It determines the most efficient sequence of information to obtain from humans involved in the decision making loop, in order to minimise their unnecessary engagement in routine tasks. This approach allows them to be concerned with more abstract functions instead. Our experimental results reveal faster achievement of peak performance in contrast to alternative random ranking systems. Our final major contribution in this thesis is a novel remedy for the curse of dimensionality in pattern recognition problems. It is theoretically based on mutual information and Fano's inequality. Our approach separates the most discriminative descriptors and has the capability to enhance the accuracy of classification algorithms. The process of selecting a subset of relevant features is vital for designing robust human in the loop vision models. Our selection techniques eliminate redundant and irrelevant visual and textual features, and therefore its influence on improvement of various human in the loop algorithms proves to be fundamental in our experiments

    An investigation of a human in the loop approach to object recognition

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    For several decades researchers around the globe have been avidly investigating practical solutions to the enduring problem of understanding visual content within an image. One might think of the quest as an effort to emulate human visual system. Despite all the endeavours, the simplest of visual tasks to us humans, such as optical segmentation of objects, remain a significant challenge for machines. In a few occasions where a computer's processing power is adequate to accomplish the task, the issue of public alienation towards autonomous solutions to critical applications remains unresolved. The principal purpose of this thesis is to propose innovative computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition techniques that exploit abstract knowledge of human beings in practical models using facile yet effective methodologies. High-level information provided by users in the decision making loop of such interactive systems enhances the efficacy of vision algorithms, whilst simultaneously machines reduce users' labour by filtering results and completing mundane tasks on their behalf. In this thesis, we initially draw a vivid picture of interactive approaches to vision tasks prior to scrutinising relevant aspects of human in the loop methodologies and highlighting their current shortcomings in object recognition applications. Our survey of literature unveils that the difficulty in harnessing users' abstract knowledge is amongst major complications of human in the loop algorithms. We therefore propose two novel methodologies to capture and model such high-level sources of information. One solution builds innovative textual descriptors that are compatible with discriminative classifiers. The other is based on the random naive Bayes algorithm and is suitable for generative classification frameworks. We further investigate the infamous problem of fusing images' low-level and users' high-level information sources. Our next contribution is therefore a novel random forest based human in the loop framework that efficiently fuses visual features of images with user provided information for fast predictions and a superior classification performance. User abstract knowledge in this method is harnessed in shape of user's answers to perceptual questions about images. In contrast to generative Bayesian frameworks, this is a direct discriminative approach that enables information source fusion in the preliminary stages of the prediction process. We subsequently reveal inventive generative frameworks that model each source of information individually and determine the most effective for the purpose of class label prediction. We propose two innovative and intelligent human in the loop fusion algorithms. Our first algorithm is a modified naive Bayes greedy technique, while our second solution is based on a feedforward neural network. Through experiments on a variety of datasets, we show that our novel intelligent fusion methods of information source selection outperform their competitors in tasks of fine-grained visual categorisation. We additionally present methodologies to reduce unnecessary human involvement in mundane tasks by only focusing on cases where their invaluable abstract knowledge is of utter importance. Our proposed algorithm is based on information theory and recent image annotation techniques. It determines the most efficient sequence of information to obtain from humans involved in the decision making loop, in order to minimise their unnecessary engagement in routine tasks. This approach allows them to be concerned with more abstract functions instead. Our experimental results reveal faster achievement of peak performance in contrast to alternative random ranking systems. Our final major contribution in this thesis is a novel remedy for the curse of dimensionality in pattern recognition problems. It is theoretically based on mutual information and Fano's inequality. Our approach separates the most discriminative descriptors and has the capability to enhance the accuracy of classification algorithms. The process of selecting a subset of relevant features is vital for designing robust human in the loop vision models. Our selection techniques eliminate redundant and irrelevant visual and textual features, and therefore its influence on improvement of various human in the loop algorithms proves to be fundamental in our experiments