819,529 research outputs found


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    Development of Thematic Learning of Global Warming Influence for Life skills of Elementary School Student. Thematic learning is application of holistic education to see a problem from different perspectives. Global warming is a complex problem, it must be expected in holistic conduct. Thematic learning is the right choice to teaching global warming for elementary school students. The research was divided into two stages. Research development stages and experiment research stages. Development of research was aimed at developed main theme of global warming into several theme. Furthermore each theme corresponding to subject-metter. Each  subject-matter will be developed by adopted  Jerol-Kemp development. Research experiments aimed to verify influence of thematic learning toward life skills in addressing problem of global warming. Data were collected using a rubric. Test of hypothesis using anova. A number of 118 fifth grade of the students netted as a sample. The results showed highly significant thematic learning toward life skills with value r = 0.01 of error probability is smaller than standard error a = 0.05. Anova results is indicated that LSD value is 72 more than 41 in conventional learning.Kata kunci: pembelajaran tematik, kecakapan hidup, pemanasan global

    O cuidar dos terreiros

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    O vídeo propõe a troca de experiência e saberes entre as lideranças dos terreiros e gestores envolvendo a medicina oficial e a sabedoria ancestral e suas práticas terapêuticas que se constitui na medicina praticada nos terreiros

    Peningkatan Kecakapan Sosial Siswa Sekolah Dasar Melalui Pembelajaran Tematik

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    : Theme-based Learning Strategy to Develop the Social Skills of Elementary-school Students. This study focuses on developing theme-based learning strategy as well as on implementing it to develop the social skills of elementary - school students in deling with global warming. Employing development design and quasi-experimental of two-group pretest-posttest design, this study involved 118 elementary-school students. Syllabus, lesson plans, student book, and student worksheet were collaboratively developed and then tried out for feasibility, USAbility, and effectiveness. The students\u27 responses to the questionnaire indicate that theme-based learning strategy can improve the social skills of elementary-school students

    Mikrostrukturne promjene u zavaru dupleks-čelika i njihov utjecaj na otpornost eroziji krutim česticama i kavitacijskoj eroziji

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    The microstructural transformations which took place during the welding of duplex steel as well as their influence on the resistance to particle erosion wear and cavitation erosion wear were investigated. A sample was cut from a 1.4462 rolled steel plate and heat treated in order to obtain a microstructure which would resemble, as closely as possible, the actual welded microstructure. Qualitative and quantitative microstructural analyses were performed on the samples. The influence of the sigma phase and its volume fraction (obtained by annealing at 800 °C) was investigated, as well as the influence of the various ferrite/austenite ratios (obtained by annealing in the 1100 °C —1300 °C temperature range) on particle erosion and cavitation erosion resistance. It was found that the microstructural transformations which took place in the weld zone and the heat affected zone significantly influence resistance to wear in the investigated cases.U radu je istražen utjecaj mikrostrukturnih promjena, nastalih pri zavarivanju dupleks-čelika, na otpornost eroziji krutim česticama i kavitacijskoj eroziji. Uzorci su izrezani iz valjane ploče dupleks čelika 1.4462 i toplinski obrađeni tako da im se mikrostruktura što više podudara s mikrostrukturom realno zavarenog spoja. Na uzorcima je napravljena kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza mikrostrukture. Istražen je utjecaj porasta volumnog udjela sigma faze (dobiven žarenjem na 800 °C) te utjecaj porasta omjera ferit/austenit (dobiven žarenjem na temperaturi od 1100 do 1300 °C) na otpornost eroziji krutim česticama i kavitacijskoj eroziji. Utvrđeno je da mikrostrukturne promjene koje nastaju u metalu zavara i zoni utjecaja topline dupleks čelika imaju veliki utjecaj na otpornost trošenju ispitanih slučajeva

    Políticas Públicas de Esporte e Lazer em Comunidades Quilombolas do Paraná (Video)

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    http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pol%C3%ADticas+p%C3%BAbli cas+de+esporte+e+lazer+em+comunidades+quilombolas&oq=Pol%C3%ADticas+p %C3%BAblicas+de+esporte&aq=0p&aqi=p-p1&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=youtube- psuggest.1.0.35i39.7402.25502.0.28154. 1.14.0.Sinopse: Esse documentário apresenta dados de uma pesquisa sobre políticas públicas de esporte e lazer, desenvolvida em comunidades quilombolas no Paraná e financiada, de 2008 a 2009, pela Secretaria Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Esporte e Lazer, do Ministério do Esporte e, de 2009 a 2011, pela Fundação Araucária. A investigação coube ao Grupo de Pesquisa Corpo, Cultura e Ludicidade, da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, e contou com a colaboração e envolvimento de mais de 20 participantes. Quatro comunidades quilombolas (Feixo, Manoel Ciriaco, Córrego do Franco e Paiol de Telha) foram apresentadas em suas relações com práticas corporais, trabalho, religião, sendo discutidas a partir da existência ou ausência de políticas públicas de esporte e lazer, no sentido de uma intervenção apropriada. Acesso ao vídeo (4 partes): http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pol%C3%ADticas+p%C3%BAbli cas+de+esporte+e+lazer+em+comunidades+quilombolas&oq=Pol%C3%ADticas+p %C3%BAblicas+de+esporte&aq=0p&aqi=p-p1&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=youtube- psuggest.1.0.35i39.7402.25502.0.28154. 1.14.0.Rede CEDE

    Interação público – privado

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    Projeto Rede CEDES - UFPR - Interação público – privado.Visa destacar a questão da interação entre o público e o privado, nesta perspectiva estaremos verificando como as prefeituras desenvolvem parcerias com a iniciativa privada.Rede CEDE

    Diagnósticos dos programas e ou projetos de atividades físicas, esportivas e de lazer para idosos

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    Projeto Rede CEDES - UFPR - Diagnósticos dos programas e ou projetos de atividades físicas, esportivas e de lazer para idosos.Visa desenvolver uma investigação de cunho descritivo dos programas e projetos de intervenção municipais públicos ofertados aos idosos, com um enfoque especial nas questões relacionadas à atividade física, esportiva e de lazer.Rede CEDE

    O Estado do Paraná e seus Espaços e equipamentos de Esporte e Lazer

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    Projeto Rede CEDES - UFPR - O Estado do Paraná e seus Espaços e equipamentos de Esporte e Lazer.Visa dialogando com fontes científicas e aproximando-se dos conceitos propostos pela sociologia, discutir como são planejados e vivenciados os espaços e equipamentos de Esporte e Lazer nas cidades a serem pesquisadas.Rede CEDE