572 research outputs found


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    This dissertation addresses the problem of inferring scene depth information from a collection of calibrated images taken from different viewpoints via stereo matching. Although it has been heavily investigated for decades, depth from stereo remains a long-standing challenge and popular research topic for several reasons. First of all, in order to be of practical use for many real-time applications such as autonomous driving, accurate depth estimation in real-time is of great importance and one of the core challenges in stereo. Second, for applications such as 3D reconstruction and view synthesis, high-quality depth estimation is crucial to achieve photo realistic results. However, due to the matching ambiguities, accurate dense depth estimates are difficult to achieve. Last but not least, most stereo algorithms rely on identification of corresponding points among images and only work effectively when scenes are Lambertian. For non-Lambertian surfaces, the brightness constancy assumption is no longer valid. This dissertation contributes three novel stereo algorithms that are motivated by the specific requirements and limitations imposed by different applications. In addressing high speed depth estimation from images, we present a stereo algorithm that achieves high quality results while maintaining real-time performance. We introduce an adaptive aggregation step in a dynamic-programming framework. Matching costs are aggregated in the vertical direction using a computationally expensive weighting scheme based on color and distance proximity. We utilize the vector processing capability and parallelism in commodity graphics hardware to speed up this process over two orders of magnitude. In addressing high accuracy depth estimation, we present a stereo model that makes use of constraints from points with known depths - the Ground Control Points (GCPs) as referred to in stereo literature. Our formulation explicitly models the influences of GCPs in a Markov Random Field. A novel regularization prior is naturally integrated into a global inference framework in a principled way using the Bayes rule. Our probabilistic framework allows GCPs to be obtained from various modalities and provides a natural way to integrate information from various sensors. In addressing non-Lambertian reflectance, we introduce a new invariant for stereo correspondence which allows completely arbitrary scene reflectance (bidirectional reflectance distribution functions - BRDFs). This invariant can be used to formulate a rank constraint on stereo matching when the scene is observed by several lighting configurations in which only the lighting intensity varies

    Edge adaptive filtering of depth maps for mobile devices

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    Abstract. Mobile phone cameras have an almost unlimited depth of field, and therefore the images captured with them have wide areas in focus. When the depth of field is digitally manipulated through image processing, accurate perception of depth in a captured scene is important. Capturing depth data requires advanced imaging methods. In case a stereo lens system is used, depth information is calculated from the disparities between stereo frames. The resulting depth map is often noisy or doesn’t have information for every pixel. Therefore it has to be filtered before it is used for emphasizing depth. Edges must be taken into account in this process to create natural-looking shallow depth of field images. In this study five filtering methods are compared with each other. The main focus is the Fast Bilateral Solver, because of its novelty and high reported quality. Mobile imaging requires fast filtering in uncontrolled environments, so optimizing the processing time of the filters is essential. In the evaluations the depth maps are filtered, and the quality and the speed is determined for every method. The results show that the Fast Bilateral Solver filters the depth maps well, and can handle noisy depth maps better than the other evaluated methods. However, in mobile imaging it is slow and needs further optimization.Reunatietoinen syvyyskarttojen suodatus mobiililaitteilla. Tiivistelmä. Matkapuhelimien kameroissa on lähes rajoittamaton syväterävyysalue, ja siksi niillä otetuissa kuvissa laajat alueet näkyvät tarkennettuina. Digitaalisessa syvyysterävyysalueen muokkauksessa tarvitaan luotettava syvyystieto. Syvyysdatan hankinta vaatii edistyneitä kuvausmenetelmiä. Käytettäessä stereokameroita syvyystieto lasketaan kuvien välisistä dispariteeteista. Tuloksena syntyvä syvyyskartta on usein kohinainen, tai se ei sisällä syvyystietoa joka pikselille. Tästä syystä se on suodatettava ennen käyttöä syvyyden korostamiseen. Tässä prosessissa reunat ovat otettava huomioon, jotta saadaan luotua luonnollisen näköisiä kapean syväterävyysalueen kuvia. Tässä tutkimuksessa verrataan viittä suodatusmenetelmää keskenään. Eniten keskitytään nopeaan bilateraaliseen ratkaisijaan, johtuen sen uutuudesta ja korkeasta tuloksen laadusta. Mobiililaitteella kuvantamisen vaatimuksena on nopea suodatus hallitsemattomissa olosuhteissa, joten suodattimien prosessointiajan optimointi on erittäin tärkeää. Vertailuissa syvyyskuvat suodatetaan ja suodatuksen laatu ja nopeus mitataan jokaiselle menetelmälle. Tulokset osoittavat, että nopea bilateraalinen ratkaisija suodattaa syvyyskarttoja hyvin ja osaa käsitellä kohinaisia syvyyskarttoja paremmin kuin muut tarkastellut menetelmät. Mobiilikuvantamiseen se on kuitenkin hidas ja tarvitsee pidemmälle menevää optimointia

    Probabilistic RGB-D Odometry based on Points, Lines and Planes Under Depth Uncertainty

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    This work proposes a robust visual odometry method for structured environments that combines point features with line and plane segments, extracted through an RGB-D camera. Noisy depth maps are processed by a probabilistic depth fusion framework based on Mixtures of Gaussians to denoise and derive the depth uncertainty, which is then propagated throughout the visual odometry pipeline. Probabilistic 3D plane and line fitting solutions are used to model the uncertainties of the feature parameters and pose is estimated by combining the three types of primitives based on their uncertainties. Performance evaluation on RGB-D sequences collected in this work and two public RGB-D datasets: TUM and ICL-NUIM show the benefit of using the proposed depth fusion framework and combining the three feature-types, particularly in scenes with low-textured surfaces, dynamic objects and missing depth measurements.Comment: Major update: more results, depth filter released as opensource, 34 page
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