173 research outputs found

    ¿Cómo Enseñar Online? Recomendaciones para la evaluación de exámenes online en tiempos de pandemia

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    We evaluated 350 US University Business Students, comparing in-class and online exams to see differences in type of student and class and evaluating possible cheating impact. After basic statistical analysis (T-Student and correlations), we found that differences in grades related to type of students and type of class are more significant that those associated to online with in-class exams. Results are aligned with literature. In accordance with the results of this and previous studies, we do not expect significant higher level of cheating in online exams versus traditional in-class exams. We justify this based upon the reality, broadly reflected in the literature, that cheating is already quite present, before the coronavirus pandemic Many countries have 50%-85% of University students reporting cheating at least once. Cheating is not an specific online problem. Teaching online brings new challenges and opportunities. We recommend to re-evaluate pedagogical methods and engage more in continuous evaluations, relaying less in exams. Code of Conducts, the use of cheating detection algorithms, data analytics from the online Learning Management Systems for assessment and cheating checking programs available (Turnitin and others) to review online exams is recommended. We should help students understand the importance of learning over grades. Also faculty should online teaching faster be at the same level than students in technology and digital capabilities; the closer we are with our students the more effective we can assess them and, more important, we can contribute more and better to their learning and education.Evaluamos 350 estudiantes de negocios de una Universidad de EE.UU., comparando notas en exámenes online y presencial, diferencias en tipo de estudiante y clase y posible impacto de copiar. Tras un estudio básico estadístico (T-Student y correlaciones) encontramos que diferencias en tipo de estudiante y clase son más relevantes que en notas en exámenes online respecto a presenciales. Estos resultados están en línea con la literatura existente y no esperamos que se copie más en los exámenes online que en los presenciales. Justificamos esto ante la realidad, ampliamente documentada, de que el copiar es una realidad ampliamente presente de forma previa a la pandemia en múltiples países; 50%-85% de los estudiantes universitarios en EE.UU. y otros países reconocen que han copiado al menos una vez. Copiar no es un problema específico de los exámenes online. Enseñanza y exámenes online traen nuevos retos y oportunidades. Recomendamos re-evaluar los métodos pedagógicos y usar más evaluaciones continuadas. Códigos de conducta, algoritmos de identificación de copias, analítica de datos de los sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje para  las evaluaciones y los sistemas online de detección de copiar disponibles para revisar exámenes online (Turnitin y similares) reducen la posibilidad de copiar. Ayudemos a los estudiantes a comprender la importancia del aprender sobre las notas. Nosotros debemos aprender más rápidamente a enseñar online para estar a su mismo nivel digital. Mientras más cerca estemos de los estudiantes, mejor los evaluaremos y, más importante, contribuiremos más y mejor a su aprendizaje y educación

    Non-Knowledge and Digital Cultures

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    Making available massive amounts of data that are generated, distributed, and modeled, digital media provide us with the possibility of abundant information and knowledge. This possibility has been attracting various scenarios in which technology either eliminates non-knowledge or plants it deep within contemporary cultures through the universal power and opacity of algorithms. This volume comprises contributions from media studies, literary studies, sociology, ethnography, anthropology, and philosophy to discuss non-knowledge as an important concept for understanding contemporary digital cultures

    The relative value of recall and recognition techniques for measuring precise knowledge of word meaning nouns, verbs, adjectives

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    Thesis (Ed.D.)--Boston University. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Grappling with emerging adulthoods : youth narratives of coming age in a frontier town, Zimbabwe

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