2,821 research outputs found

    Minimal Aristotelian Ontology

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    Laminated PAINT

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    Though we may not perceive it, we are surrounded by material-in-flux. Inert materials degrade and the events that comprise our natural and social environments causally thread into a duration that unifies us in our incomprehension. Sounds reveal ever-present vibrations of the landscape: expressions of the flexuous ground on which we stand

    Minimalist Perspective on Legal Communication: A Case Study of English to Urdu Translation of Punjab Laws

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    Syntactic choices and complexity reduction make translation communicative for the readers. This paper underscores the syntactic choices as well as complexity reduction in Urdu translation of Punjab laws in English. The study focuses on legal communication in a minimalistic perspective. It draws upon the theory of minimalism proposed by Chomsky (1993), along with the three-stage model by Nida and Taber (1969). Data is analyzed by employing Burton’s (2021) clausal analysis. The legal data used for the research comprises Punjab laws in English and their Urdu translation. The findings reveal minimalism as a useful strategy in the translation process for reducing structure complexity and making the translation understandable to laypeople. The study is beneficial to English-Urdu translators since it instructs them on how to make their translations communicative, especially when dealing with legal texts. It is also useful for academics in the field of Translation Studies who are working on minimalist views.Keywords: minimalism, complexity reduction, legal translation, syntactic choices, communication

    In Defense of Realism and Selectivism from Lyons’s Objections

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    Lyons (2016, 2017, 2018) formulates Laudan’s (1981) historical objection to scientific realism as a modus tollens. I present a better formulation of Laudan’s objection, and then argue that Lyons’s formulation is supererogatory. Lyons rejects scientific realism (Putnam, 1975) on the grounds that some successful past theories were (completely) false. I reply that scientific realism is not the categorical hypothesis that all successful scientific theories are (approximately) true, but rather the statistical hypothesis that most successful scientific theories are (approximately) true. Lyons rejects selectivism (Kitcher, 1993; Psillos, 1999) on the grounds that some working assumptions were (completely) false in the history of science. I reply that selectivists would say not that all working assumptions are (approximately) true, but rather that most working assumptions are (approximately) true

    Minimalism in consumption

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    One of the trends in consumer behaviour that has been gradually gaining strength since the beginning of the 21st century is minimalism, also defined as anti-consumerism, voluntary simplicity and deconsumption. These notions are not identical, although, according to research, the conceptual scope is very approximate. Minimalism means deliberately limiting consumption to the rational sizes that result from the natural, individual, physical and mental characteristics of consumers, while emphasising responsible decision-making in this area. The most common expression of processes related to minimalism is mainly the limitations in quantitative and structural consumption. The aim of the article is to present the state of knowledge about minimalism in consumption on the basis of the analysis of the Polish literature on the subject and the results of scientific research. In the case of consumption, minimalism is compared with other concepts and described in terms of the various research fields of consumption. In the case of trends in consumer behaviour, the term is contrasted with deconsumption and voluntary simplicity. It is indicated as part of a lifestyle of sustainable consumption, and occurs when discussing food wastage as well as fashion. It should be noted that the given issues are related to each other, and their separation/separate treatment results from the adaptation of individual principles and rules by different groups of consumers depending on their own needs

    Символістські та оркестрально-міметичні установки музичної творчості ХХ ст. у проекції на піані- стичне мистецтво

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    Purpose of Article. The purpose of the research is to prove natural character of "clavierization" of piano playing in contrast to orchestral theatricality of Liszt’s academic tradition by focusing on aestheticism of symbolistic ("neosymbolic") tradition of pianistic art, "reconciling" the opposition of the confrontation and the traditionalism of the 1920s – 1970s. Methodology. The methodology of the study consists of such methods as comparative, logical, method of interpretation and historical and analytical generalization, which in combination with the intonation approach (B. Asafiev) have created the basis of comparative, cultural and art-criticism approach for solutions of musical-hermeneutic characteristic of piano art transformation in XX century. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty consists in independence of theoretical idea of stylistic music autonomy among the art directions of XX century and piano performing art as its musical component. Conclusions. By the end of the twentieth century there was approved the interpretation line of the piano, declared in pre-symbolic – symbolic period of the modern style formation and which turned out to be deeply radical in transforming the piano technique. It caused some new instrument design solutions in general (power to the timbre transformations that correlate with the organ). Thus, experience of pianistic creativity opposed clavier radicalism in relation to the classical piano orchestra-"piano wires", in comparison with which "drum" coming from the practice of jazz piano, implemented in piano technique is very weak antithesis of pianistic tradition as a primitivistic "simplification". In the case of "clavierization" we are entering a new level of performance of complex motor-timbre qualities of sound, which does not exclude the traditional orchestrality – but absorbs it as one of the manifestations of the clavierization.Цель исследования – обосновать закономерный характер "клавиризации" фортепианной игры в отрицание оркестральной театральности листовской академической традиции посредством сосредоточения на эстетизме символистской ("неосимволистской") линии пианистического искусства, "примиряющего" противостояние авангарда и традиционализма 20–70-х годов ХХ в. Методологию исследования составили такие методы, как сравнительный, логический, интрепретации, историко-аналитического обобщения, которые в сочетании с интонационным подходом (Б. Асафьев) стали основой компаративного, культурно-искусствоведческого подходов для выводов музыкально- герменевтического свойства трансформации пианистического творчества ХХ в. Научная новизна исследования заключается в самостоятельности теоретической идеи стилевой автономии музыки в ряду направлений искусства ХХ в. и фортепианного исполнительского творчества как его музыкальной составляющей. Выводы. К концу ХХ века стала апробированной трактовка фортепиано, которая была заявлена еще в предсимволистский/ символистский период становления модерна и оказалась глубинно радикальной в преобразовании фортепианной техники. Это породило новые конструктивные решения инструмента в целом (электроинструмент с тембральными пре- образованиями, соотносимыми с органными). Так опыт пианистического творчества противопоставил радикализм клавирности по отношению к классике фортепианной оркестральности-"рояльности", в сравнении с которой "ударные", идущие от практики фортепианного джаза и внедренные в фортепианную технику, оказываются весьма сла- бой антитезой пианистической традиции как примитивистское "упрощение". В случае же "клавиризации" мы выходим на новый уровень представления сложных тембрально-моторных качеств звукоизвлечения, которые отнюдь не исключают традиционную оркестральность, а поглощают ее как одно из проявлений клавирности.Мета дослідження – обґрунтувати закономірний характер "клавіризації" фортепіанної гри на противагу орке- стральній театральності лістівської академічної традиції за допомогою зосередження на естетизмі символістської ("неосимволістської") лінії піаністичного мистецтва, що примирює протистояння авангарду і традиціоналізму 20-70-х років ХХ ст. Методологію дослідження склали такі методи, як порівняльний, логічний, інтерпретації, історико-аналітичного узагальнення, які в поєднанні з інтонаційним підходом (Б. Асаф’єв) сформували підґрунтя компаративного, культурно- мистецтвознавчого підходів для висновків музично-герменевтичної властивості трансформації піаністичної творчості ХХ ст. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в самостійності теоретичної ідеї стильової автономії музики серед напрямів мистецтва ХХ ст. і фортепіанного виконавської творчості як його музичної складової. Висновки. До кінця ХХ ст. стало апробованим трактування фортепіано, заявлене ще в досимволістський/ символістський період становлення модерну, що виявилося глибинно радикальним у перетворенні фортепіанної техніки. Це породило нові конструктивні рішення інструмента в цілому (електроінструмент з тембральними перетвореннями, співвідносними з органними). Так досвід піаністичної творчості протиставив радикалізм клавірності щодо класики фортепіанної оркестральності- "рояльності", в порівнянні з якою "ударні", що йдуть від практики фортепіанного джазу, впроваджені в фортепіанну техніку, виявляються досить слабкою антитезою піаністичній традиції як примітивістське "спрощення". У разі ж "клавіриза- ції" ми виходимо на новий рівень представлення складних тембрально-моторних якостей звуковидобування, які аж ніяк не виключають традиційну оркестральність, а поглинають її як один із проявів клавірності

    Foreword to Reviews (Books on the Law of Contracts)

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    On visual minus - device

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    Visual studies in general as well as visual semiotics in particular have, in the last decade shifted their analytical focus from culture related and linguistic fields to purely psychological, neuro-biological and cybernetic prospects, following the most popular up to date disciplines. Some fundamental and trans-disciplinary tools and concepts at the same time had been left behind in-depth research, while maintaining its important languages and textual inner- and inter-structures. Hence, the minusdevice as one of the most important concepts of the Tartu-Moscow school toolkit, has never been considered in terms of its application to visual language or to a functional combination of visual and verbal languages as a complement of each other, while visual minimalism and the visual minus-device are often treated as the same expressive mod

    Mexican minimalist cinema : articulating the (trans)national

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    In the article I aim to identify and analyse the specific elements of the Mexican minimalistic cinema (minimalismo mexicano) in both transnational and national contexts. Mexican minimalistic cinema is a relatively new phenomenon that arose in Mexico around the year 2002 and is now widely regarded as one of the most important phenomena in the world cinema. It is often considered to be a subdivision of slow cinema, since it utilises similar formal and narrative devices. While the researchers generally focus on the universal, supranational aspects of the slow films, I intend to expose how the Mexican filmmakers make use of the aesthetic and storytelling devices deriving from the slow cinema to comment on Mexican cultural traditions, current social and political issues, notions of national mythologies and history. The first part of the article focuses on the category of "transnationality" in the context of film studies, and the basic characteristics of Mexican minimalist cinema as the transnational cinema. The last part is devoted to the analyses of "Heli" (2013, dir. Amat Escalante) and "Lake Tahoe" (2009, dir. Fernando Eimbcke) - the two examples of Mexican minimalist films that, despite their transnational appeal, are deeply rooted in national preoccupations