21 research outputs found

    Design-for-Test and Test Optimization Techniques for TSV-based 3D Stacked ICs

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    <p>As integrated circuits (ICs) continue to scale to smaller dimensions, long interconnects</p><p>have become the dominant contributor to circuit delay and a significant component of</p><p>power consumption. In order to reduce the length of these interconnects, 3D integration</p><p>and 3D stacked ICs (3D SICs) are active areas of research in both academia and industry.</p><p>3D SICs not only have the potential to reduce average interconnect length and alleviate</p><p>many of the problems caused by long global interconnects, but they can offer greater design</p><p>flexibility over 2D ICs, significant reductions in power consumption and footprint in</p><p>an era of mobile applications, increased on-chip data bandwidth through delay reduction,</p><p>and improved heterogeneous integration.</p><p>Compared to 2D ICs, the manufacture and test of 3D ICs is significantly more complex.</p><p>Through-silicon vias (TSVs), which constitute the dense vertical interconnects in a</p><p>die stack, are a source of additional and unique defects not seen before in ICs. At the same</p><p>time, testing these TSVs, especially before die stacking, is recognized as a major challenge.</p><p>The testing of a 3D stack is constrained by limited test access, test pin availability,</p><p>power, and thermal constraints. Therefore, efficient and optimized test architectures are</p><p>needed to ensure that pre-bond, partial, and complete stack testing are not prohibitively</p><p>expensive.</p><p>Methods of testing TSVs prior to bonding continue to be a difficult problem due to test</p><p>access and testability issues. Although some built-in self-test (BIST) techniques have been</p><p>proposed, these techniques have numerous drawbacks that render them impractical. In this dissertation, a low-cost test architecture is introduced to enable pre-bond TSV test through</p><p>TSV probing. This has the benefit of not needing large analog test components on the die,</p><p>which is a significant drawback of many BIST architectures. Coupled with an optimization</p><p>method described in this dissertation to create parallel test groups for TSVs, test time for</p><p>pre-bond TSV tests can be significantly reduced. The pre-bond probing methodology is</p><p>expanded upon to allow for pre-bond scan test as well, to enable both pre-bond TSV and</p><p>structural test to bring pre-bond known-good-die (KGD) test under a single test paradigm.</p><p>The addition of boundary registers on functional TSV paths required for pre-bond</p><p>probing results in an increase in delay on inter-die functional paths. This cost of test</p><p>architecture insertion can be a significant drawback, especially considering that one benefit</p><p>of 3D integration is that critical paths can be partitioned between dies to reduce their delay.</p><p>This dissertation derives a retiming flow that is used to recover the additional delay added</p><p>to TSV paths by test cell insertion.</p><p>Reducing the cost of test for 3D-SICs is crucial considering that more tests are necessary</p><p>during 3D-SIC manufacturing. To reduce test cost, the test architecture and test</p><p>scheduling for the stack must be optimized to reduce test time across all necessary test</p><p>insertions. This dissertation examines three paradigms for 3D integration - hard dies, firm</p><p>dies, and soft dies, that give varying degrees of control over 2D test architectures on each</p><p>die while optimizing the 3D test architecture. Integer linear programming models are developed</p><p>to provide an optimal 3D test architecture and test schedule for the dies in the 3D</p><p>stack considering any or all post-bond test insertions. Results show that the ILP models</p><p>outperform other optimization methods across a range of 3D benchmark circuits.</p><p>In summary, this dissertation targets testing and design-for-test (DFT) of 3D SICs.</p><p>The proposed techniques enable pre-bond TSV and structural test while maintaining a</p><p>relatively low test cost. Future work will continue to enable testing of 3D SICs to move</p><p>industry closer to realizing the true potential of 3D integration.</p>Dissertatio

    Cross-Layer Rapid Prototyping and Synthesis of Application-Specific and Reconfigurable Many-accelerator Platforms

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    Technological advances of recent years laid the foundation consolidation of informatisationof society, impacting on economic, political, cultural and socialdimensions. At the peak of this realization, today, more and more everydaydevices are connected to the web, giving the term ”Internet of Things”. The futureholds the full connection and interaction of IT and communications systemsto the natural world, delimiting the transition to natural cyber systems and offeringmeta-services in the physical world, such as personalized medical care, autonomoustransportation, smart energy cities etc. . Outlining the necessities of this dynamicallyevolving market, computer engineers are required to implement computingplatforms that incorporate both increased systemic complexity and also cover awide range of meta-characteristics, such as the cost and design time, reliabilityand reuse, which are prescribed by a conflicting set of functional, technical andconstruction constraints. This thesis aims to address these design challenges bydeveloping methodologies and hardware/software co-design tools that enable therapid implementation and efficient synthesis of architectural solutions, which specifyoperating meta-features required by the modern market. Specifically, this thesispresents a) methodologies to accelerate the design flow for both reconfigurableand application-specific architectures, b) coarse-grain heterogeneous architecturaltemplates for processing and communication acceleration and c) efficient multiobjectivesynthesis techniques both at high abstraction level of programming andphysical silicon level.Regarding to the acceleration of the design flow, the proposed methodologyemploys virtual platforms in order to hide architectural details and drastically reducesimulation time. An extension of this framework introduces the systemicco-simulation using reconfigurable acceleration platforms as co-emulation intermediateplatforms. Thus, the development cycle of a hardware/software productis accelerated by moving from a vertical serial flow to a circular interactive loop.Moreover the simulation capabilities are enriched with efficient detection and correctiontechniques of design errors, as well as control methods of performancemetrics of the system according to the desired specifications, during all phasesof the system development. In orthogonal correlation with the aforementionedmethodological framework, a new architectural template is proposed, aiming atbridging the gap between design complexity and technological productivity usingspecialized hardware accelerators in heterogeneous systems-on-chip and networkon-chip platforms. It is presented a novel co-design methodology for the hardwareaccelerators and their respective programming software, including the tasks allocationto the available resources of the system/network. The introduced frameworkprovides implementation techniques for the accelerators, using either conventionalprogramming flows with hardware description language or abstract programmingmodel flows, using techniques from high-level synthesis. In any case, it is providedthe option of systemic measures optimization, such as the processing speed,the throughput, the reliability, the power consumption and the design silicon area.Finally, on addressing the increased complexity in design tools of reconfigurablesystems, there are proposed novel multi-objective optimization evolutionary algo-rithms which exploit the modern multicore processors and the coarse-grain natureof multithreaded programming environments (e.g. OpenMP) in order to reduce theplacement time, while by simultaneously grouping the applications based on theirintrinsic characteristics, the effectively explore the design space effectively.The efficiency of the proposed architectural templates, design tools and methodologyflows is evaluated in relation to the existing edge solutions with applicationsfrom typical computing domains, such as digital signal processing, multimedia andarithmetic complexity, as well as from systemic heterogeneous environments, suchas a computer vision system for autonomous robotic space navigation and manyacceleratorsystems for HPC and workstations/datacenters. The results strengthenthe belief of the author, that this thesis provides competitive expertise to addresscomplex modern - and projected future - design challenges.Οι τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις των τελευταίων ετών έθεσαν τα θεμέλια εδραίωσης της πληροφοριοποίησης της κοινωνίας, επιδρώντας σε οικονομικές,πολιτικές, πολιτιστικές και κοινωνικές διαστάσεις. Στο απόγειο αυτής τη ςπραγμάτωσης, σήμερα, ολοένα και περισσότερες καθημερινές συσκευές συνδέονται στο παγκόσμιο ιστό, αποδίδοντας τον όρο «Ίντερνετ των πραγμάτων».Το μέλλον επιφυλάσσει την πλήρη σύνδεση και αλληλεπίδραση των συστημάτων πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών με τον φυσικό κόσμο, οριοθετώντας τη μετάβαση στα συστήματα φυσικού κυβερνοχώρου και προσφέροντας μεταυπηρεσίες στον φυσικό κόσμο όπως προσωποποιημένη ιατρική περίθαλψη, αυτόνομες μετακινήσεις, έξυπνες ενεργειακά πόλεις κ.α. . Σκιαγραφώντας τις ανάγκες αυτής της δυναμικά εξελισσόμενης αγοράς, οι μηχανικοί υπολογιστών καλούνται να υλοποιήσουν υπολογιστικές πλατφόρμες που αφενός ενσωματώνουν αυξημένη συστημική πολυπλοκότητα και αφετέρου καλύπτουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα μεταχαρακτηριστικών, όπως λ.χ. το κόστος σχεδιασμού, ο χρόνος σχεδιασμού, η αξιοπιστία και η επαναχρησιμοποίηση, τα οποία προδιαγράφονται από ένα αντικρουόμενο σύνολο λειτουργικών, τεχνολογικών και κατασκευαστικών περιορισμών. Η παρούσα διατριβή στοχεύει στην αντιμετώπιση των παραπάνω σχεδιαστικών προκλήσεων, μέσω της ανάπτυξης μεθοδολογιών και εργαλείων συνσχεδίασης υλικού/λογισμικού που επιτρέπουν την ταχεία υλοποίηση καθώς και την αποδοτική σύνθεση αρχιτεκτονικών λύσεων, οι οποίες προδιαγράφουν τα μετα-χαρακτηριστικά λειτουργίας που απαιτεί η σύγχρονη αγορά. Συγκεκριμένα, στα πλαίσια αυτής της διατριβής, παρουσιάζονται α) μεθοδολογίες επιτάχυνσης της ροής σχεδιασμού τόσο για επαναδιαμορφούμενες όσο και για εξειδικευμένες αρχιτεκτονικές, β) ετερογενή αδρομερή αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα επιτάχυνσης επεξεργασίας και επικοινωνίας και γ) αποδοτικές τεχνικές πολυκριτηριακής σύνθεσης τόσο σε υψηλό αφαιρετικό επίπεδο προγραμματισμού,όσο και σε φυσικό επίπεδο πυριτίου.Αναφορικά προς την επιτάχυνση της ροής σχεδιασμού, προτείνεται μια μεθοδολογία που χρησιμοποιεί εικονικές πλατφόρμες, οι οποίες αφαιρώντας τις αρχιτεκτονικές λεπτομέρειες καταφέρνουν να μειώσουν σημαντικά το χρόνο εξομοίωσης. Παράλληλα, εισηγείται η συστημική συν-εξομοίωση με τη χρήση επαναδιαμορφούμενων πλατφορμών, ως μέσων επιτάχυνσης. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, ο κύκλος ανάπτυξης ενός προϊόντος υλικού, μετατεθειμένος από την κάθετη σειριακή ροή σε έναν κυκλικό αλληλεπιδραστικό βρόγχο, καθίσταται ταχύτερος, ενώ οι δυνατότητες προσομοίωσης εμπλουτίζονται με αποδοτικότερες μεθόδους εντοπισμού και διόρθωσης σχεδιαστικών σφαλμάτων, καθώς και μεθόδους ελέγχου των μετρικών απόδοσης του συστήματος σε σχέση με τις επιθυμητές προδιαγραφές, σε όλες τις φάσεις ανάπτυξης του συστήματος. Σε ορθογώνια συνάφεια με το προαναφερθέν μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο, προτείνονται νέα αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα που στοχεύουν στη γεφύρωση του χάσματος μεταξύ της σχεδιαστικής πολυπλοκότητας και της τεχνολογικής παραγωγικότητας, με τη χρήση συστημάτων εξειδικευμένων επιταχυντών υλικού σε ετερογενή συστήματα-σε-ψηφίδα καθώς και δίκτυα-σε-ψηφίδα. Παρουσιάζεται κατάλληλη μεθοδολογία συν-σχεδίασης των επιταχυντών υλικού και του λογισμικού προκειμένου να αποφασισθεί η κατανομή των εργασιών στους διαθέσιμους πόρους του συστήματος/δικτύου. Το μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο προβλέπει την υλοποίηση των επιταχυντών είτε με συμβατικές μεθόδους προγραμματισμού σε γλώσσα περιγραφής υλικού είτε με αφαιρετικό προγραμματιστικό μοντέλο με τη χρήση τεχνικών υψηλού επιπέδου σύνθεσης. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, δίδεται η δυνατότητα στο σχεδιαστή για βελτιστοποίηση συστημικών μετρικών, όπως η ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας, η ρυθμαπόδοση, η αξιοπιστία, η κατανάλωση ενέργειας και η επιφάνεια πυριτίου του σχεδιασμού. Τέλος, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπισθεί η αυξημένη πολυπλοκότητα στα σχεδιαστικά εργαλεία επαναδιαμορφούμενων συστημάτων, προτείνονται νέοι εξελικτικοί αλγόριθμοι πολυκριτηριακής βελτιστοποίησης, οι οποίοι εκμεταλλευόμενοι τους σύγχρονους πολυπύρηνους επεξεργαστές και την αδρομερή φύση των πολυνηματικών περιβαλλόντων προγραμματισμού (π.χ. OpenMP), μειώνουν το χρόνο επίλυσης του προβλήματος της τοποθέτησης των λογικών πόρων σε φυσικούς,ενώ ταυτόχρονα, ομαδοποιώντας τις εφαρμογές βάση των εγγενών χαρακτηριστικών τους, διερευνούν αποτελεσματικότερα το χώρο σχεδίασης.Η αποδοτικότητά των προτεινόμενων αρχιτεκτονικών προτύπων και μεθοδολογιών επαληθεύτηκε σε σχέση με τις υφιστάμενες λύσεις αιχμής τόσο σε αυτοτελής εφαρμογές, όπως η ψηφιακή επεξεργασία σήματος, τα πολυμέσα και τα προβλήματα αριθμητικής πολυπλοκότητας, καθώς και σε συστημικά ετερογενή περιβάλλοντα, όπως ένα σύστημα όρασης υπολογιστών για αυτόνομα διαστημικά ρομποτικά οχήματα και ένα σύστημα πολλαπλών επιταχυντών υλικού για σταθμούς εργασίας και κέντρα δεδομένων, στοχεύοντας εφαρμογές υψηλής υπολογιστικής απόδοσης (HPC). Τα αποτελέσματα ενισχύουν την πεποίθηση του γράφοντα, ότι η παρούσα διατριβή παρέχει ανταγωνιστική τεχνογνωσία για την αντιμετώπιση των πολύπλοκων σύγχρονων και προβλεπόμενα μελλοντικών σχεδιαστικών προκλήσεων

    On Energy Efficient Computing Platforms

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    In accordance with the Moore's law, the increasing number of on-chip integrated transistors has enabled modern computing platforms with not only higher processing power but also more affordable prices. As a result, these platforms, including portable devices, work stations and data centres, are becoming an inevitable part of the human society. However, with the demand for portability and raising cost of power, energy efficiency has emerged to be a major concern for modern computing platforms. As the complexity of on-chip systems increases, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proved as an efficient communication architecture which can further improve system performances and scalability while reducing the design cost. Therefore, in this thesis, we study and propose energy optimization approaches based on NoC architecture, with special focuses on the following aspects. As the architectural trend of future computing platforms, 3D systems have many bene ts including higher integration density, smaller footprint, heterogeneous integration, etc. Moreover, 3D technology can signi cantly improve the network communication and effectively avoid long wirings, and therefore, provide higher system performance and energy efficiency. With the dynamic nature of on-chip communication in large scale NoC based systems, run-time system optimization is of crucial importance in order to achieve higher system reliability and essentially energy efficiency. In this thesis, we propose an agent based system design approach where agents are on-chip components which monitor and control system parameters such as supply voltage, operating frequency, etc. With this approach, we have analysed the implementation alternatives for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and power gating techniques at different granularity, which reduce both dynamic and leakage energy consumption. Topologies, being one of the key factors for NoCs, are also explored for energy saving purpose. A Honeycomb NoC architecture is proposed in this thesis with turn-model based deadlock-free routing algorithms. Our analysis and simulation based evaluation show that Honeycomb NoCs outperform their Mesh based counterparts in terms of network cost, system performance as well as energy efficiency.Siirretty Doriast

    Investigation into yield and reliability enhancement of TSV-based three-dimensional integration circuits

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) have been acknowledged as a promising technology to overcome the interconnect delay bottleneck brought by continuous CMOS scaling. Recent research shows that through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which act as vertical links between layers, pose yield and reliability challenges for 3D design. This thesis presents three original contributions.The first contribution presents a grouping-based technique to improve the yield of 3D ICs under manufacturing TSV defects, where regular and redundant TSVs are partitioned into groups. In each group, signals can select good TSVs using rerouting multiplexers avoiding defective TSVs. Grouping ratio (regular to redundant TSVs in one group) has an impact on yield and hardware overhead. Mathematical probabilistic models are presented for yield analysis under the influence of independent and clustering defect distributions. Simulation results using MATLAB show that for a given number of TSVs and TSV failure rate, careful selection of grouping ratio results in achieving 100% yield at minimal hardware cost (number of multiplexers and redundant TSVs) in comparison to a design that does not exploit TSV grouping ratios. The second contribution presents an efficient online fault tolerance technique based on redundant TSVs, to detect TSV manufacturing defects and address thermal-induced reliability issue. The proposed technique accounts for both fault detection and recovery in the presence of three TSV defects: voids, delamination between TSV and landing pad, and TSV short-to-substrate. Simulations using HSPICE and ModelSim are carried out to validate fault detection and recovery. Results show that regular and redundant TSVs can be divided into groups to minimise area overhead without affecting the fault tolerance capability of the technique. Synthesis results using 130-nm design library show that 100% repair capability can be achieved with low area overhead (4% for the best case). The last contribution proposes a technique with joint consideration of temperature mitigation and fault tolerance without introducing additional redundant TSVs. This is achieved by reusing spare TSVs that are frequently deployed for improving yield and reliability in 3D ICs. The proposed technique consists of two steps: TSV determination step, which is for achieving optimal partition between regular and spare TSVs into groups; The second step is TSV placement, where temperature mitigation is targeted while optimizing total wirelength and routing difference. Simulation results show that using the proposed technique, 100% repair capability is achieved across all (five) benchmarks with an average temperature reduction of 75.2? (34.1%) (best case is 99.8? (58.5%)), while increasing wirelength by a small amount

    Reliable Design of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits

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    Power during manufacturing test can be several times higher than power consumption in functional mode. Excessive power during test can cause IR drop, over-heating, and early aging of the chips. In this dissertation, three different architectures have been introduced to reduce test power in general cases as well as in certain scenarios, including field test. In the first architecture, scan chains are divided into several segments. Every segment needs a control bit to enable capture in a segment when new faults are detectable on that segment for that pattern. Otherwise, the segment should be disabled to reduce capture power. We group the control bits together into one or more control chains. To address the extra pin(s) required to shift data into the control chain(s) and significant post processing in the first architecture, we explored a second architecture. The second architecture stitches the control bits into the chains they control as EECBs (embedded enable capture bits) in between the segments. This allows an ATPG software tool to automatically generate the appropriate EECB values for each pattern to maintain the fault coverage. This also works in the presence of an on-chip decompressor. The last architecture focuses primarily on the self-test of a device in a 3D stacked IC when an existing FPGA in the stack can be programmed as a tester. We show that the energy expended during test is significantly less than would be required using low power patterns fed by an on-chip decompressor for the same very short scan chains


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    Addresses the Challenges Associated with System-on-Chip Integration Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration examines the current issues restricting chip-on-chip communication efficiency, and explores Network-on-chip (NoC), a promising alternative that equips designers with the capability to produce a scalable, reusable, and high-performance communication backbone by allowing for the integration of a large number of cores on a single system-on-chip (SoC). This book provides a basic overview of topics associated with NoC-based design: communication infrastructure design, communication methodology, evaluation framework, and mapping of applications onto NoC. It details the design and evaluation of different proposed NoC structures, low-power techniques, signal integrity and reliability issues, application mapping, testing, and future trends. Utilizing examples of chips that have been implemented in industry and academia, this text presents the full architectural design of components verified through implementation in industrial CAD tools. It describes NoC research and developments, incorporates theoretical proofs strengthening the analysis procedures, and includes algorithms used in NoC design and synthesis. In addition, it considers other upcoming NoC issues, such as low-power NoC design, signal integrity issues, NoC testing, reconfiguration, synthesis, and 3-D NoC design. This text comprises 12 chapters and covers: The evolution of NoC from SoC—its research and developmental challenges NoC protocols, elaborating flow control, available network topologies, routing mechanisms, fault tolerance, quality-of-service support, and the design of network interfaces The router design strategies followed in NoCs The evaluation mechanism of NoC architectures The application mapping strategies followed in NoCs Low-power design techniques specifically followed in NoCs The signal integrity and reliability issues of NoC The details of NoC testing strategies reported so far The problem of synthesizing application-specific NoCs Reconfigurable NoC design issues Direction of future research and development in the field of NoC Network-on-Chip: The Next Generation of System-on-Chip Integration covers the basic topics, technology, and future trends relevant to NoC-based design, and can be used by engineers, students, and researchers and other industry professionals interested in computer architecture, embedded systems, and parallel/distributed systems

    Interconnect Planning for Physical Design of 3D Integrated Circuits

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    Vertical stacking—based on modern manufacturing and integration technologies—of multiple 2D chips enables three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs). This exploitation of the third dimension is generally accepted for aiming at higher packing densities, heterogeneous integration, shorter interconnects, reduced power consumption, increased data bandwidth, and realizing highly-parallel systems in one device. However, the commercial acceptance of 3D ICs is currently behind its expectations, mainly due to challenges regarding manufacturing and integration technologies as well as design automation. This work addresses three selected, practically relevant design challenges: (i) increasing the constrained reusability of proven, reliable 2D intellectual property blocks, (ii) planning different types of (comparatively large) through-silicon vias with focus on their impact on design quality, as well as (iii) structural planning of massively-parallel, 3D-IC-specific interconnect structures during 3D floorplanning. A key concept of this work is to account for interconnect structures and their properties during early design phases in order to support effective and high-quality 3D-IC-design flows. To tackle the above listed challenges, modular design-flow extensions and methodologies have been developed. Experimental investigations reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques, and provide findings on 3D integration with particular focus on interconnect structures. We suggest consideration of these findings when formulating guidelines for successful 3D-IC design automation.:1 Introduction 1.1 The 3D Integration Approach for Electronic Circuits 1.2 Technologies for 3D Integrated Circuits 1.3 Design Approaches for 3D Integrated Circuits 2 State of the Art in Design Automation for 3D Integrated Circuits 2.1 Thermal Management 2.2 Partitioning and Floorplanning 2.3 Placement and Routing 2.4 Power and Clock Delivery 2.5 Design Challenges 3 Research Objectives 4 Planning Through-Silicon Via Islands for Block-Level Design Reuse 4.1 Problems for Design Reuse in 3D Integrated Circuits 4.2 Connecting Blocks Using Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.1 Problem Formulation and Methodology Overview 4.2.2 Net Clustering 4.2.3 Insertion of Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.4 Deadspace Insertion and Redistribution 4.3 Experimental Investigation 4.3.1 Wirelength Estimation 4.3.2 Configuration 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Summary and Conclusions 5 Planning Through-Silicon Vias for Design Optimization 5.1 Deadspace Requirements for Optimized Planning of Through-Silicon Vias 5.2 Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3D Integrated Circuits 5.2.1 Methodology Overview and Configuration 5.2.2 Techniques for Deadspace Optimization 5.2.3 Design-Quality Analysis 5.2.4 Planning Different Types of Through-Silicon Vias 5.3 Experimental Investigation 5.3.1 Configuration 5.3.2 Results and Discussion 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 3D Floorplanning for Structural Planning of Massive Interconnects 6.1 Block Alignment for Interconnects Planning in 3D Integrated Circuits 6.2 Corner Block List Extended for Block Alignment 6.2.1 Alignment Encoding 6.2.2 Layout Generation: Block Placement and Alignment 6.3 3D Floorplanning Methodology 6.3.1 Optimization Criteria and Phases and Related Cost Models 6.3.2 Fast Thermal Analysis 6.3.3 Layout Operations 6.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Schedule 6.4 Experimental Investigation 6.4.1 Configuration 6.4.2 Results and Discussion 6.5 Summary and Conclusions 7 Research Summary, Conclusions, and Outlook Dissertation Theses Notation Glossary BibliographyDreidimensional integrierte Schaltkreise (3D-ICs) beruhen auf neuartigen Herstellungs- und Integrationstechnologien, wobei vor allem “klassische” 2D-ICs vertikal zu einem neuartigen 3D-System gestapelt werden. Dieser Ansatz zur Erschließung der dritten Dimension im Schaltkreisentwurf ist nach Expertenmeinung dazu geeignet, höhere Integrationsdichten zu erreichen, heterogene Integration zu realisieren, kürzere Verdrahtungswege zu ermöglichen, Leistungsaufnahmen zu reduzieren, Datenübertragungsraten zu erhöhen, sowie hoch-parallele Systeme in einer Baugruppe umzusetzen. Aufgrund von technologischen und entwurfsmethodischen Schwierigkeiten bleibt jedoch bisher die kommerzielle Anwendung von 3D-ICs deutlich hinter den Erwartungen zurück. In dieser Arbeit werden drei ausgewählte, praktisch relevante Problemstellungen der Entwurfsautomatisierung von 3D-ICs bearbeitet: (i) die Verbesserung der (eingeschränkten) Wiederverwendbarkeit von zuverlässigen 2D-Intellectual-Property-Blöcken, (ii) die komplexe Planung von verschiedenartigen, verhältnismäßig großen Through-Silicion Vias unter Beachtung ihres Einflusses auf die Entwurfsqualität, und (iii) die strukturelle Einbindung von massiv-parallelen, 3D-IC-spezifischen Verbindungsstrukturen während der Floorplanning-Phase. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, Verbindungsstrukturen mit deren wesentlichen Eigenschaften bereits in den frühen Phasen des Entwurfsprozesses zu berücksichtigen. Dies begünstigt einen qualitativ hochwertigen Entwurf von 3D-ICs. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten modularen Entwurfsprozess-Erweiterungen bzw. -Methodiken dienen zur effizienten Lösung der oben genannten Problemstellungen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen bestätigen die Wirksamkeit sowie die Effektivität der erarbeiten Methoden. Darüber hinaus liefern sie praktische Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Anwendung von 3D-ICs und der Planung deren Verbindungsstrukturen. Diese Erkenntnisse sind zur Ableitung von Richtlinien für den erfolgreichen Entwurf von 3D-ICs dienlich.:1 Introduction 1.1 The 3D Integration Approach for Electronic Circuits 1.2 Technologies for 3D Integrated Circuits 1.3 Design Approaches for 3D Integrated Circuits 2 State of the Art in Design Automation for 3D Integrated Circuits 2.1 Thermal Management 2.2 Partitioning and Floorplanning 2.3 Placement and Routing 2.4 Power and Clock Delivery 2.5 Design Challenges 3 Research Objectives 4 Planning Through-Silicon Via Islands for Block-Level Design Reuse 4.1 Problems for Design Reuse in 3D Integrated Circuits 4.2 Connecting Blocks Using Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.1 Problem Formulation and Methodology Overview 4.2.2 Net Clustering 4.2.3 Insertion of Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.4 Deadspace Insertion and Redistribution 4.3 Experimental Investigation 4.3.1 Wirelength Estimation 4.3.2 Configuration 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Summary and Conclusions 5 Planning Through-Silicon Vias for Design Optimization 5.1 Deadspace Requirements for Optimized Planning of Through-Silicon Vias 5.2 Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3D Integrated Circuits 5.2.1 Methodology Overview and Configuration 5.2.2 Techniques for Deadspace Optimization 5.2.3 Design-Quality Analysis 5.2.4 Planning Different Types of Through-Silicon Vias 5.3 Experimental Investigation 5.3.1 Configuration 5.3.2 Results and Discussion 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 3D Floorplanning for Structural Planning of Massive Interconnects 6.1 Block Alignment for Interconnects Planning in 3D Integrated Circuits 6.2 Corner Block List Extended for Block Alignment 6.2.1 Alignment Encoding 6.2.2 Layout Generation: Block Placement and Alignment 6.3 3D Floorplanning Methodology 6.3.1 Optimization Criteria and Phases and Related Cost Models 6.3.2 Fast Thermal Analysis 6.3.3 Layout Operations 6.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Schedule 6.4 Experimental Investigation 6.4.1 Configuration 6.4.2 Results and Discussion 6.5 Summary and Conclusions 7 Research Summary, Conclusions, and Outlook Dissertation Theses Notation Glossary Bibliograph

    The Customizable Virtual FPGA: Generation, System Integration and Configuration of Application-Specific Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures

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    In den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten wurde die Entwicklung von Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) stark von Moore’s Gesetz, Prozesstechnologie (Skalierung) und kommerziellen Märkten beeinflusst. State-of-the-Art FPGAs bewegen sich einerseits dem Allzweck näher, aber andererseits, da FPGAs immer mehr traditionelle Domänen der Anwendungsspezifischen integrierten Schaltungen (ASICs) ersetzt haben, steigen die Effizienzerwartungen. Mit dem Ende der Dennard-Skalierung können Effizienzsteigerungen nicht mehr auf Technologie-Skalierung allein zurückgreifen. Diese Facetten und Trends in Richtung rekonfigurierbarer System-on-Chips (SoCs) und neuen Low-Power-Anwendungen wie Cyber Physical Systems und Internet of Things erfordern eine bessere Anpassung der Ziel-FPGAs. Neben den Trends für den Mainstream-Einsatz von FPGAs in Produkten des täglichen Bedarfs und Services wird es vor allem bei den jüngsten Entwicklungen, FPGAs in Rechenzentren und Cloud-Services einzusetzen, notwendig sein, eine sofortige Portabilität von Applikationen über aktuelle und zukünftige FPGA-Geräte hinweg zu gewährleisten. In diesem Zusammenhang kann die Hardware-Virtualisierung ein nahtloses Mittel für Plattformunabhängigkeit und Portabilität sein. Ehrlich gesagt stehen die Zwecke der Anpassung und der Virtualisierung eigentlich in einem Konfliktfeld, da die Anpassung für die Effizienzsteigerung vorgesehen ist, während jedoch die Virtualisierung zusätzlichen Flächenaufwand hinzufügt. Die Virtualisierung profitiert aber nicht nur von der Anpassung, sondern fügt auch mehr Flexibilität hinzu, da die Architektur jederzeit verändert werden kann. Diese Besonderheit kann für adaptive Systeme ausgenutzt werden. Sowohl die Anpassung als auch die Virtualisierung von FPGA-Architekturen wurden in der Industrie bisher kaum adressiert. Trotz einiger existierenden akademischen Werke können diese Techniken noch als unerforscht betrachtet werden und sind aufstrebende Forschungsgebiete. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Generierung von FPGA-Architekturen, die auf eine effiziente Anpassung an die Applikation zugeschnitten sind. Im Gegensatz zum üblichen Ansatz mit kommerziellen FPGAs, bei denen die FPGA-Architektur als gegeben betrachtet wird und die Applikation auf die vorhandenen Ressourcen abgebildet wird, folgt diese Arbeit einem neuen Paradigma, in dem die Applikation oder Applikationsklasse fest steht und die Zielarchitektur auf die effiziente Anpassung an die Applikation zugeschnitten ist. Dies resultiert in angepassten anwendungsspezifischen FPGAs. Die drei Säulen dieser Arbeit sind die Aspekte der Virtualisierung, der Anpassung und des Frameworks. Das zentrale Element ist eine weitgehend parametrierbare virtuelle FPGA-Architektur, die V-FPGA genannt wird, wobei sie als primäres Ziel auf jeden kommerziellen FPGA abgebildet werden kann, während Anwendungen auf der virtuellen Schicht ausgeführt werden. Dies sorgt für Portabilität und Migration auch auf Bitstream-Ebene, da die Spezifikation der virtuellen Schicht bestehen bleibt, während die physische Plattform ausgetauscht werden kann. Darüber hinaus wird diese Technik genutzt, um eine dynamische und partielle Rekonfiguration auf Plattformen zu ermöglichen, die sie nicht nativ unterstützen. Neben der Virtualisierung soll die V-FPGA-Architektur auch als eingebettetes FPGA in ein ASIC integriert werden, das effiziente und dennoch flexible System-on-Chip-Lösungen bietet. Daher werden Zieltechnologie-Abbildungs-Methoden sowohl für Virtualisierung als auch für die physikalische Umsetzung adressiert und ein Beispiel für die physikalische Umsetzung in einem 45 nm Standardzellen Ansatz aufgezeigt. Die hochflexible V-FPGA-Architektur kann mit mehr als 20 Parametern angepasst werden, darunter LUT-Grösse, Clustering, 3D-Stacking, Routing-Struktur und vieles mehr. Die Auswirkungen der Parameter auf Fläche und Leistung der Architektur werden untersucht und eine umfangreiche Analyse von über 1400 Benchmarkläufen zeigt eine hohe Parameterempfindlichkeit bei Abweichungen bis zu ±95, 9% in der Fläche und ±78, 1% in der Leistung, was die hohe Bedeutung von Anpassung für Effizienz aufzeigt. Um die Parameter systematisch an die Bedürfnisse der Applikation anzupassen, wird eine parametrische Entwurfsraum-Explorationsmethode auf der Basis geeigneter Flächen- und Zeitmodellen vorgeschlagen. Eine Herausforderung von angepassten Architekturen ist der Entwurfsaufwand und die Notwendigkeit für angepasste Werkzeuge. Daher umfasst diese Arbeit ein Framework für die Architekturgenerierung, die Entwurfsraumexploration, die Anwendungsabbildung und die Evaluation. Vor allem ist der V-FPGA in einem vollständig synthetisierbaren generischen Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) Code konzipiert, der sehr flexibel ist und die Notwendigkeit für externe Codegeneratoren eliminiert. Systementwickler können von verschiedenen Arten von generischen SoC-Architekturvorlagen profitieren, um die Entwicklungszeit zu reduzieren. Alle notwendigen Konstruktionsschritte für die Applikationsentwicklung und -abbildung auf den V-FPGA werden durch einen Tool-Flow für Entwurfsautomatisierung unterstützt, der eine Sammlung von vorhandenen kommerziellen und akademischen Werkzeugen ausnutzt, die durch geeignete Modelle angepasst und durch ein neues Werkzeug namens V-FPGA-Explorer ergänzt werden. Dieses neue Tool fungiert nicht nur als Back-End-Tool für die Anwendungsabbildung auf dem V-FPGA sondern ist auch ein grafischer Konfigurations- und Layout-Editor, ein Bitstream-Generator, ein Architekturdatei-Generator für die Place & Route Tools, ein Script-Generator und ein Testbenchgenerator. Eine Besonderheit ist die Unterstützung der Just-in-Time-Kompilierung mit schnellen Algorithmen für die In-System Anwendungsabbildung. Die Arbeit schliesst mit einigen Anwendungsfällen aus den Bereichen industrielle Prozessautomatisierung, medizinische Bildgebung, adaptive Systeme und Lehre ab, in denen der V-FPGA eingesetzt wird