2,768 research outputs found

    A Unified Framework for Biomedical Terminologies and Ontologies

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    The goal of the OBO (Open Biomedical Ontologies) Foundry initiative is to create and maintain an evolving collection of non-overlapping interoperable ontologies that will offer unambiguous representations of the types of entities in biological and biomedical reality. These ontologies are designed to serve non-redundant annotation of data and scientific text. To achieve these ends, the Foundry imposes strict requirements upon the ontologies eligible for inclusion. While these requirements are not met by most existing biomedical terminologies, the latter may nonetheless support the Foundry’s goal of consistent and non-redundant annotation if appropriate mappings of data annotated with their aid can be achieved. To construct such mappings in reliable fashion, however, it is necessary to analyze terminological resources from an ontologically realistic perspective in such a way as to identify the exact import of the ‘concepts’ and associated terms which they contain. We propose a framework for such analysis that is designed to maximize the degree to which legacy terminologies and the data coded with their aid can be successfully used for information-driven clinical and translational research

    Rivière or Fleuve? Modelling Multilinguality in the Hydrographical

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    The need for interoperability among geospatial resources in different natural languages evidences the difficulties to cope with domain representations highly dependent of the culture in which they have been conceived. In this paper we characterize the problem of representing cultural discrepancies in ontologies. We argue that such differences can be accounted for at the ontology terminological layer by means of external elaborated models of linguistic information associated to ontologies. With the aim of showing how external models can cater for cultural discrepancies, we compare two versions of an ontology of the hydrographical domain: hydrOntology. The first version makes use of the labeling system supported by RDF(S) and OWL to include multilingual linguistic information in the ontology. The second version relies on the Linguistic Information Repository model (LIR) to associate structured multilingual information to ontology concepts. In this paper we propose an extension to the LIR to better capture linguistic and cultural specificities within and across language

    Conceptualization and Visual Knowledge Organization

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    Towards natural language question generation for the validation of ontologies and mappings

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The increasing number of open-access ontologies and their key role in several applications such as decision-support systems highlight the importance of their validation. Human expertise is crucial for the validation of ontologies from a domain point-of-view. However, the growing number of ontologies and their fast evolution over time make manual validation challenging. Methods: We propose a novel semi-automatic approach based on the generation of natural language (NL) questions to support the validation of ontologies and their evolution. The proposed approach includes the automatic generation, factorization and ordering of NL questions from medical ontologies. The final validation and correction is performed by submitting these questions to domain experts and automatically analyzing their feedback. We also propose a second approach for the validation of mappings impacted by ontology changes. The method exploits the context of the changes to propose correction alternatives presented as Multiple Choice Questions. Results: This research provides a question optimization strategy to maximize the validation of ontology entities with a reduced number of questions. We evaluate our approach for the validation of three medical ontologies. We also evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of our mappings validation approach in the context of ontology evolution. These experiments are performed with different versions of SNOMED-CT and ICD9. Conclusions: The obtained experimental results suggest the feasibility and adequacy of our approach to support the validation of interconnected and evolving ontologies. Results also suggest that taking into account RDFS and OWL entailment helps reducing the number of questions and validation time. The application of our approach to validate mapping evolution also shows the difficulty of adapting mapping evolution over time and highlights the importance of semi-automatic validation.The increasing number of open-access ontologies and their key role in several applications such as decision-support systems highlight the importance of their validation. Human expertise is crucial for the validation of ontologies from a domain point-of-vi7115FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)2014/14890-

    Ontology Localization

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    Nuestra meta principal en esta tesis es proponer una solución para construir una ontología multilingüe, a través de la localización automática de una ontología. La noción de localización viene del área de Desarrollo de Software que hace referencia a la adaptación de un producto de software a un ambiente no nativo. En la Ingeniería Ontológica, la localización de ontologías podría ser considerada como un subtipo de la localización de software en el cual el producto es un modelo compartido de un dominio particular, por ejemplo, una ontología, a ser usada por una cierta aplicación. En concreto, nuestro trabajo introduce una nueva propuesta para el problema de multilingüismo, describiendo los métodos, técnicas y herramientas para la localización de recursos ontológicos y cómo el multilingüismo puede ser representado en las ontologías. No es la meta de este trabajo apoyar una única propuesta para la localización de ontologías, sino más bien mostrar la variedad de métodos y técnicas que pueden ser readaptadas de otras áreas de conocimiento para reducir el costo y esfuerzo que significa enriquecer una ontología con información multilingüe. Estamos convencidos de que no hay un único método para la localización de ontologías. Sin embargo, nos concentramos en soluciones automáticas para la localización de estos recursos. La propuesta presentada en esta tesis provee una cobertura global de la actividad de localización para los profesionales ontológicos. En particular, este trabajo ofrece una explicación formal de nuestro proceso general de localización, definiendo las entradas, salidas, y los principales pasos identificados. Además, en la propuesta consideramos algunas dimensiones para localizar una ontología. Estas dimensiones nos permiten establecer una clasificación de técnicas de traducción basadas en métodos tomados de la disciplina de traducción por máquina. Para facilitar el análisis de estas técnicas de traducción, introducimos una estructura de evaluación que cubre sus aspectos principales. Finalmente, ofrecemos una vista intuitiva de todo el ciclo de vida de la localización de ontologías y esbozamos nuestro acercamiento para la definición de una arquitectura de sistema que soporte esta actividad. El modelo propuesto comprende los componentes del sistema, las propiedades visibles de esos componentes, las relaciones entre ellos, y provee además, una base desde la cual sistemas de localización de ontologías pueden ser desarrollados. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo se resumen como sigue: - Una caracterización y definición de los problemas de localización de ontologías, basado en problemas encontrados en áreas relacionadas. La caracterización propuesta tiene en cuenta tres problemas diferentes de la localización: traducción, gestión de la información, y representación de la información multilingüe. - Una metodología prescriptiva para soportar la actividad de localización de ontologías, basada en las metodologías de localización usadas en Ingeniería del Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento, tan general como es posible, tal que ésta pueda cubrir un amplio rango de escenarios. - Una clasificación de las técnicas de localización de ontologías, que puede servir para comparar (analíticamente) diferentes sistemas de localización de ontologías, así como también para diseñar nuevos sistemas, tomando ventaja de las soluciones del estado del arte. - Un método integrado para construir sistemas de localización de ontologías en un entorno distribuido y colaborativo, que tenga en cuenta los métodos y técnicas más apropiadas, dependiendo de: i) el dominio de la ontología a ser localizada, y ii) la cantidad de información lingüística requerida para la ontología final. - Un componente modular para soportar el almacenamiento de la información multilingüe asociada a cada término de la ontología. Nuestra propuesta sigue la tendencia actual en la integración de la información multilingüe en las ontologías que sugiere que el conocimiento de la ontología y la información lingüística (multilingüe) estén separados y sean independientes. - Un modelo basado en flujos de trabajo colaborativos para la representación del proceso normalmente seguido en diferentes organizaciones, para coordinar la actividad de localización en diferentes lenguajes naturales. - Una infraestructura integrada implementada dentro del NeOn Toolkit por medio de un conjunto de plug-ins y extensiones que soporten el proceso colaborativo de localización de ontologías

    The Representation of White Matter in the Central Nervous System

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    The white matter of the central nervous system (CNS) is difficult to represent in anatomy because it is located predominantly “between” other anatomical entities. In a classic presentation, like a cross section of a brain segment, white matter is present and can be labeled adequately. Several appearances of the same entity are feasible on successive cross section views. The problem is the absence of a global view on long tracts, and more generally, the lack of a comprehensive classification of white matter pathways. Following the recent revision of the Terminologia Anatomica (TA, 1998), in particular the chapter on the nervous system, resulting in the Terminologia Neuroanatomica (TNA, 2017), the authors have developed a new schema for the representation of white matter. In this approach, white matter is directly attached to the CNS, and no longer considered as part of the brain segments. Such a move does not affect the content but redistributes the anatomical entities in a more natural fashion. This paper gives an overall description of this new schema of representation and emphasizes its benefits. The new classification of white matter tracts is developed, selecting the origin as the primary criterion and the type of tract as the secondary criterion

    A Platform for a Pragmatic Metatheoretic Model for Information Systems Practice and Research

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    This work is motivated by the need for a firm foundation for analyses in support of a number of contemporary challenges facing the information systems (IS) profession and discipline in such areas as the management of digital identity and of data quality. This paper reviews alternative approaches to the three key components of metatheory that underlie theories and practices in the IS field: ontology, epistemology and the relatively new field of axiology, which is concerned with the notion of value. Mainstream assumptions about the researcher as an independent, value-free observer of phenomena are being undermined by recognition that researchers adopt one or more perspectives, most commonly of a single stakeholder, that the inherent bias in most research is towards the particular value-sets of the favoured stakeholders, and that this needs to be acknowledged, reflected and allowed for when drawing inferences from reported research. In order to support the categories of research that are the motivation for the p esent work, a pragmatic metatheoretic model is proposed, which approximates and articulates a layman\u27s \u27common sense\u27 interpretation. It comprises a working set of assumptions in each of the areas of ontology, epistemology and axiology. The model is relevant to IS practice, and to that portion of IS research activity that is intended to be relevant to IS practice