617 research outputs found

    Manipulating the Capacity of Recommendation Models in Recall-Coverage Optimization

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    Traditional approaches in Recommender Systems ignore the problem of long-tail recommendations. There is no systematic approach to control the magnitude of long-tail recommendations generated by the models, and there is not even proper methodology to evaluate the quality of long-tail recommendations. This thesis addresses the long-tail recommendation problem from both the algorithmic and evaluation perspective. We proposed controlling the magnitude of long-tail recommendations generated by models through the manipulation with capacity hyperparameters of learning algorithms, and we dene such hyperparameters for multiple state-of-the-art algorithms. We also summarize multiple such algorithms under the common framework of the score function, which allows us to apply popularity-based regularization to all of them. We propose searching for Pareto-optimal states in the Recall-Coverage plane as the right way to search for long-tail, high-accuracy models. On the set of exhaustive experiments, we empirically demonstrate the corectness of our theory on a mixture of public and industrial datasets for 5 dierent algorithms and their dierent versions.Traditional approaches in Recommender Systems ignore the problem of long-tail recommendations. There is no systematic approach to control the magnitude of long-tail recommendations generated by the models, and there is not even proper methodology to evaluate the quality of long-tail recommendations. This thesis addresses the long-tail recommendation problem from both the algorithmic and evaluation perspective. We proposed controlling the magnitude of long-tail recommendations generated by models through the manipulation with capacity hyperparameters of learning algorithms, and we dene such hyperparameters for multiple state-of-the-art algorithms. We also summarize multiple such algorithms under the common framework of the score function, which allows us to apply popularity-based regularization to all of them. We propose searching for Pareto-optimal states in the Recall-Coverage plane as the right way to search for long-tail, high-accuracy models. On the set of exhaustive experiments, we empirically demonstrate the corectness of our theory on a mixture of public and industrial datasets for 5 dierent algorithms and their dierent versions

    User-Generated Data Network Effects and Market Competition Dynamics

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    This Article defines User-Generated Data (“UGD”) network effects, distinguishes them from the more familiar concept of traditional network effects, and explores their implications for market competition dynamics. It explains that UGD network effects produce various efficiencies for digital service providers (“data platforms”) by empowering their services’ optimization, personalization, and continuous diversification. In light of these efficiencies, competition dynamics in UGD-driven markets tend to be unstable and lead to the formation of dominant multi-industry conglomerates. These processes will enhance social welfare because they are natural and efficient. Conversely, countervailing UGD network effects also empower data platforms to detect and neutralize competitive threats, price discriminate among users, and manipulate users’ behaviors. The realization of these effects will result in inefficiencies, which will undermine social welfare. After a comprehensive analysis of conflicting economic forces, this Article sets the ground for informed policymaking. It suggests that emerging calls to aggravate antitrust enforcement and to “break up” Big Tech are ill-advised. Instead, this Article calls for policymakers to draw inspiration from traditional network industries’ public utility and open-access regulations

    The Surprising Reach of FDA Regulation of Cannabis Even after Rescheduling

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    As more states legalize cannabis, the push to “deschedule” it from the Controlled Substances Act is gaining momentum. At the same time, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the first conventional drug containing a cannabinoid derived from cannabis—cannabidiol (CBD) for two rare seizure disorders. This would all seem to bode well for proponents of full federal legalization of medical cannabis. But some traditional providers are wary of drug companies pulling medical cannabis into the regular small molecule drug development system. The FDA’s focus on precise analytical characterization and on individual active and inactive ingredients may be fundamentally inconsistent with the “entourage effects” theory of medical cannabis. Traditional providers may believe that descheduling cannabis would free them to promote and distribute their products free of federal intervention, both locally and nationally. Other producers appear to assume that descheduling would facilitate a robust market in cannabis-based edibles and dietary supplements. In fact, neither of these things is true. If cannabis were descheduled, the FDA’s complex and comprehensive regulatory framework governing foods, drugs, and dietary supplements would preclude much of this anticipated commerce. For example, any medical claims about cannabis would require the seller to complete the rigorous new drug approval process, the cost of which will be prohibitive for most current traditional providers. Likely also unexpected to some, there is no pathway forward for conventional foods containing cannabis constituents, with the (probably exclusive) exception of certain hemp seed ingredients, if those foods cross state lines. And it will certainly come as a shock to many that federal law already prohibits the sale of dietary supplements containing CBD—including those already on the market as well as those made from “hemp,” which has recently been descheduled under the 2018 Farm Bill. This Article describes in detail the surprising reach of the FDA and then outlines three modest, but legal, pathways forward for cannabis-based products in a world where cannabis has been descheduled

    The Surprising Reach of FDA Regulation of Cannabis Even After Descheduling

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    The Surprising Reach of FDA Regulation of Cannabis, Even after Descheduling

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    As more states legalize cannabis, the push to deschedule it from the Controlled Substances Act is gaining momentum. At the same time, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the first conventional drug containing a cannabinoid derived from cannabis - cannabidiol (CBD) for two rare seizure disorders. This would all seem to bode well for proponents of full federal legalization of medical cannabis. But some traditional providers are wary of drug companies pulling medical cannabis into the regular small molecule drug development system. The FDA\u27s focus on precise analytical characterization and on individual active and inactive ingredients may be fundamentally inconsistent with the entourage effects theory of medical cannabis. Traditional providers may believe that descheduling cannabis would free them to promote and distribute their products free of federal intervention, both locally and nationally. Other producers appear to assume that descheduling would facilitate a robust market in cannabis-based edibles and dietary supplements. In fact, neither of these things is true. If cannabis were descheduled, the FDA\u27s complex and comprehensive regulatory framework governing foods, drugs, and dietary supplements would preclude much of this anticipated commerce. For example, any medical claims about cannabis would require the seller to complete the rigorous new drug approval process, the cost of which will be prohibitive for most current traditional providers. Likely also unexpected to some, there is no pathway forward for conventional foods containing cannabis constituents, with the (probably exclusive) exception of certain hemp seed ingredients, if those foods cross state lines. And it will certainly come as a shock to many that federal law already prohibits the sale of dietary supplements containing CBD - including those already on the market as well as those made from hemp, which has recently been descheduled under the 2018 Farm Bill. This Article describes in detail the surprising reach of the FDA and then outlines three modest, but legal, pathways forward for cannabis-based products in a world where cannabis has been descheduled

    Vielä ehdit: Huispaa itsesi Tylypahkaan : Push-viestien vaikuttavuus suoratoistopalvelun sovelluksessa

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä tavoin käyttäjät suhtautuvat suoratoistopalvelun push-viestintään. Push-viestintä on yleinen mobiilimarkkinointikeino, mutta sen vaikuttavuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia asioita on tutkittu vielä suhteellisen vähän. Suoratoistopalvelut lähettävät push-viestejä saadakseen käyttäjänsä katsomaan sisältöä. Push-viestien avausprosentit ovat kuitenkin verrattain matalia. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten push-viestin lähetyspäivä ja -aika sekä viestin muoto ja kielellinen tyyli vaikuttavat käyttäjän halukkuuteen avata viesti, sekä mitkä syyt johtavat viestien mykistämiseen. Käytin tutkimuksessani vertailukohteena terveys- ja uutissovellusten push-viesteistä tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Tutkimuksen tarkastelukohteena käytettiin suoratoistopalvelun lähettämiä push-viestejä. Aineisto koostui yhden suoratoistopalvelun vuoden 2019 lähetettyjen push-viestien tilastoista sekä käyttäjille tehdystä kyselystä. Tutkimusta taustoitettiin push-viestien kirjoittajien haastattelulla ja aiemmalla, pienelle asiakasryhmälle tehdyllä kyselyllä. Push-viestien tilastojen ja kyselyn avulla saatiin sekä käyttäjien näkökulma että tekniset tilastot viestien vaikuttavuudesta. Sekä tilastot että kyselyn suljetut vastaukset analysoitiin määrällisesti. Kyselyn avoimet vastaukset analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuskysymykseni olivat: minkä tyylisiä viestejä käyttäjät suosivat, mikä vaikutus viestin lähetysajalla on sen vastaanottoon ja kuinka käyttäjät suhtautuvat push-viesteihin. Ainoaksi yksiselitteisesti suosituksi viestityyliksi osoittautui puhutteleva tyyli. Puhuttelevat viestit saivat keskimääräistä korkeammat avausprosentit vuosikalenterin tilastoissa sekä enemmistön kannatuksen kyselyssä. Muuten viestityylien suosio oli riippuvainen kohderyhmästä. Listamuotoiset ja lyhyet viestit sekä nimen mainitseminen viestissä lisäsivät viestin vaikuttavuutta oikealle yleisölle kohdennettuna. Kohdentaminen paljastuikin onnistuneen viestin avainsanaksi. Viesteissä käytetyistä tehokeinoista on hyötyä vain, kun niitä käytetään oikein ja oikealle yleisölle. Muussa tapauksessa vaikutus saattaa olla päinvastainen. Suosituimmaksi lähetyspäiväksi osoittautui maanantai ja lähetysajaksi iltapäivä. Käyttäjät toivovat viestintää silloin, kun heillä on vapaa-aikaa. Viestintää ei siis välttämättä kannata keskittää kellonajan mukaan, vaan käyttäjäkohtaisesti kohdennetusti silloin, kun käyttäjälle sopii. Käyttäjien suhtautuminen push-viesteihin oli hyvin vaihtelevaa. Jotkut haluavat vastaanottaa viestejä usein ja monesta eri aiheesta, kun taas toiset eivät halua saada mitään viestejä miltään sovellukselta. Push-viestien mykistäminen johtuu harvemmin sovelluksesta riippuvista syistä, vaan enemmänkin siitä, ettei käyttäjä halua push-viestintää ylipäätään

    Dynamics in Mobile Ecosystems

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    The main purpose of this thesis report is to examine the theory of ecosystems within the mobile industry and to create a framework that makes it possible to comprehend and manage the value creation in a practical setting. The theoretical part is characterized by mobile ecosystems since they are considered as a fast pace sector where new innovations are ruling the market. Due to these circumstances, the research question is directed at exploring how these ecosystems can look and function. With this in mind, the choice of exploring the B2B tool developer market of the mobile phone ecosystem was made, since it is a new and growing market ruled by innovations within the app economy. To be able to achieve this goal and to accomplish a link between theory and practice, a case study has been made on the mobile industry including several companies from the B2B tool developer sector. The research purpose is the identification of their roles among the other players in the ecosystem, services and challenges, and an examination of where the profit will migrate in the future. The case study research enables the report to discuss the challenges and future prospects for these B2B developers. Additionally, by teeing the theoretical research with the empirical findings, conclusions can be drawn on how to manage this industry in the future. The thesis report has concluded that the old way of using mobile services is superimposed by a new ecosystem relying on content creation by outside complementors. These complementors have gone from applying more of a vertical value chain and more or less developing most functions of the application in-house, to nowadays striving in the opposite direction. The modular market’s importance to platforms is evident as the support many of the key functions in generating value for end users. Because of this, an increased amount of funds are moving further down the funnel of the ecosystems. The predictions from the empirical material indicated a trend in consolidation. Most of the financial input is coming from enterprise developers and not small independent ones; therefore larger enterprise developers will be the ones financing the future application development tools