7,966 research outputs found

    Designing intelligent support for learning from and in everyday contexts

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    Motivation and engagement in learning benefit from a good match of learning settings and materials to individual learner contexts. This includes intrinsic context factors such as prior knowledge and personal interests but also extrinsic factors such as the current environment. Recent developments in adaptive and intelligent technology enable the personalisation of context-aware learning. For example, computer vision algorithms, machine translation, and Augmented Reality make it possible to support the creation of meaningful connections between learners and their context. However, for successful adoption in everyday life, these technologies also need to consider the learner experience. This thesis investigates the design of personalised context-aware learning experiences through the lens of ubiquitous and self-directed language learning as a multi-faceted learning domain. Specifically, it presents and discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of technology support for learning in and from learners’ everyday contexts with a strong focus on the learner perspective and user experience. The work is guided by four different roles that technology can take on in context-aware ubiquitous learning: For enhancing learning situations, it can (1) sense and (2) trigger in learners’ everyday contexts. For enhancing learning contents, it can (3) augment activities and (4) generate learning material from learner everyday contexts. With regards to the sensing role, the thesis investigates how learners typically use mobile learning apps in everyday contexts. Activity and context logging, combined with experience sampling, confirm that mobile learning sessions spread across the day and occur in different settings. However, they are typically short and frequently interrupted. This indicates that learners may benefit from better integrating learning into everyday contexts, e.g. by supporting task resumption. Subsequently, we explore how this integration could be supported with intelligent triggers linked to opportune moments for learning. We conceptualise and evaluate different trigger types based on interaction patterns and context detection. Our findings show that simple interactions (e.g. plugging in headphones) are promising for capturing both availability and willingness to engage in a learning activity. We discuss how similar interaction triggers could be adapted to match individual habits. In the area of enhancing learning contents, we first investigate how enjoyable everyday activities could be augmented for learning without disrupting these activities. Specifically, we assess the learner experience with interactive grammar support in e-readers and adapted captions for audio-visual media. Participants in our studies felt that the learning augmentations successfully supported their learning process. The information load of the learning support should match the learners’ current needs to maintain the activity flow. Learners may need encouragement to opt for novel concepts optimised for learning (e.g. time-synchronised captions) rather than sticking to habits (e.g. standard captions). Next, the thesis explores learner needs and preferences in generating their own personalised learning material from their context. We design and evaluate automated content generation methods that generate learning opportunities from objects in the learner’s environment. The connection to the learner’s context is established with state-of-the-art technology, such as object detection and Augmented Reality. Through several user studies, we show that learning performance and engagement with auto-generated personalised learning material is comparable to predefined and manually generated content. Findings further indicate that the success of personalisation depends on the effort required to generate content and whether the generation results match the learner’s expectations. Through the different perspectives examined in this thesis, we provide new insights into challenges and opportunities that we synthesise in a framework for context-aware ubiquitous learning technology. The findings also have more general implications for the interaction design of personalised and context-aware intelligent systems. Notably, for the auto-generation of personalised content, it is essential to consider not only correctness from a technological perspective but also how users may perceive the results.Lernmotivation und Engagement profitieren davon, wenn Lernumgebungen und Lernmaterialien auf den individuellen Kontext der Lernenden abgestimmt sind. Dieser umfasst sowohl intrinsische Faktoren wie Vorkenntnisse und persönliche Interessen, aber auch extrinsische Faktoren wie die aktuelle Umgebung. Aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich adaptiver und intelligenter Technologien ermöglichen es, Lernen kontextbewusst zu personalisieren. So können mithilfe von Computer-Vision-Algorithmen, maschineller Übersetzung und Augmented Reality sinnvolle Verknüpfungen zwischen Lernenden und ihrem Kontext geschaffen werden. Allerdings müssen diese Technologien für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz im Alltag auch die Lernerfahrung mit einbeziehen. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Gestaltung personalisierter kontextbewusster Lernerfahrungen aus der Perspektive des ubiquitären und self-directed Learning im Sprachenlernen, einem vielseitigen Lernbereich. Insbesondere wird die Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung von Technologieunterstützung für das Sprachenlernen in und aus dem Alltagskontext der Lernenden vorgestellt und diskutiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Perspektive der Lernenden und der Nutzererfahrung liegt. Die Arbeit orientiert sich an vier verschiedenen Rollen, die Technologie im kontextbewussten Lernen einnehmen kann. Um Lernsituationen anzureichern, kann Technologie im Alltagskontext von Lernenden (1) erfassen und (2) auslösen. Um Lerninhalte anzureichern, kann Technologie aus dem Alltagskontext (3) Aktivitäten augmentieren und (4) Inhalte generieren. Im Hinblick auf die erfassende Rolle von Technologie wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie die Lernenden mobile Lern-Apps in alltäglichen Kontexten nutzen. Die Aufzeichnung von Aktivitäten und Kontexten in Kombination mit Experience Sampling bestätigt, dass Lerneinheiten im mobilen Lernen über den Tag verteilt sind und in verschiedenen Umgebungen stattfinden. Allerdings sind sie in der Regel kurz und werden häufig unterbrochen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Lernenden von einer besseren Integration des Lernens in ihren Alltagskontext profitieren könnten, z. B. durch Unterstützung des Wiedereinstiegs nach einer Unterbrechung. Anschließend untersuchen wir, wie diese Integration durch intelligente Trigger unterstützt werden könnte, die mit passenden Lernzeitpunkten verknüpft sind. Wir konzipieren und evaluieren verschiedene Arten von Triggern auf Basis von Interaktionsmustern und Kontexterkennung. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass einfache Interaktionen (z. B. das Einstecken von Kopfhörern) vielversprechend dafür sind, sowohl die Verfügbarkeit als auch die Bereitschaft für eine Lernaktivität zu erfassen. Wir diskutieren, wie ähnliche Interaktionstrigger an individuelle Gewohnheiten angepasst werden können. Im Bereich der Augmentierung von Lerninhalten untersuchen wir zunächst, wie unterhaltsame Alltagsaktivitäten für das Lernen aufbereitet werden können, ohne diese Aktivitäten zu beeinträchtigen. Konkret bewerten wir die Lernerfahrung mit interaktiver Grammatikunterstützung in E-Readern und angepassten Untertiteln für audiovisuelle Medien. Die Teilnehmer:innen unserer Studien fanden, dass die Lernunterstützung ihren Lernprozess erfolgreich förderte. Die Informationslast im Lernsystem sollte auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse der Lernenden angepasst werden, damit das Flow-Erlebnis nicht beeinträchtigt wird. Die Lernenden brauchen möglicherweise Ermutigung dafür, sich für neuartige, lernoptimierte Konzepte zu entscheiden (z. B. zeitsynchrone Untertitel), anstatt an Gewohnheiten festzuhalten (z. B. Standarduntertitel). Als Nächstes werden in dieser Arbeit die Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen der Lernenden bei der Erstellung ihres eigenen personalisierten Lernmaterials aus ihrem Kontext untersucht. Insbesondere werden Methoden zur automatischen Generierung von Inhalten entwickelt und evaluiert, die Lernmöglichkeiten aus Objekten in der Umgebung des Lernenden generieren. Die Verbindung zum Kontext des Lernenden wird durch aktuelle Technologien wie Objekterkennung und Augmented Reality hergestellt. Wir zeigen anhand mehrerer Nutzerstudien, dass die Lernleistung und das Engagement bei automatisch personalisiertem Lernmaterial mit vordefinierten und manuell erstellten Inhalten vergleichbar sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen außerdem, dass der Erfolg der Personalisierung vom Aufwand abhängt, der für die Erstellung der Inhalte erforderlich ist, und davon, ob die generierten Materialien den Erwartungen der Lernenden entsprechen. Die verschiedenen Perspektiven, die in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden, bieten neue Einblicke in Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, die wir in einem Framework für kontextbewusste ubiquitäre Lerntechnologie zusammenfassen. Die Ergebnisse haben auch allgemeinere Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung der Interaktion mit personalisierten und kontextbewussten intelligenten Systemen. Beispielsweise ist es bei der automatischen Generierung personalisierter Inhalte wichtig, nicht nur die Korrektheit aus technologischer Sicht zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch, wie die Nutzer die Ergebnisse wahrnehmen


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    On a very high level, a movie recommendation system is one which uses data about the user, data about the movie and the ratings given by a user in order to generate predictions for the movies that the user will like. This prediction is further presented to the user as a recommendation. For example, Netflix uses a recommendation system to predict movies and generate favorable recommendations for users based on their profiles and the profiles of users similar to them. In user-based collaborative filtering algorithm, the movies rated highly by the similar users of a particular user are considered as recommendations to that user. But users’ preferences vary with time, which often affects the efficacy of the recommendation, especially in a movie recommendation system. Because of the constant variation of the preferences, there has been research on using time of rating or watching the movie as a significant factor for recommendation. If time is considered as an attribute in the training phase of building a recommendation model, the model might get complex. Most of the research till now does this in the training phase, however, we study the effect of using time as a factor in the post training phase and study it further by applying a genre-based filtering mechanism on the system. Employing this in the post training phase reduces the complexity of the method and also reduces the number of irrelevant recommendations

    Mediating chance encounters through opportunistic social matching

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    Chance encounters, the unintended meeting between people unfamiliar with each other, serve as an important social lubricant helping people to create new social ties, such as making new friends or finding an activity, study or collaboration partner. Unfortunately, social barriers often prevent chance encounters in environments where people do not know each other and people have to rely on serendipity to meet or be introduced to interesting people around them. Little is known about the underlying dynamics of chance encounters and how systems could utilize contextual data to mediate chance encounters. This dissertation addresses this gap in research literature by exploring the design space of opportunistic social matching systems that aim to introduce relevant people to each other in the opportune moment and the opportune place in order to encourage face-to-face interaction. A theoretical framework of relational, social and personal context as predictors of encounter opportunities is proposed and validated through a mixed method approach using interviews, experience sampling and a field study of a design prototype. Key contributions of the field interview study (n=58) include novel context-aware social matching concepts such as: sociability of others as an indicator of opportune social context; activity involvement as an indicator of opportune personal context; and contextual rarity as an indicator of opportune relational context. The following study combining Experience Sampling Method (ESM) and participant interviews extends prior research on social matching by providing an empirical foundation for the design of opportunistic social matching systems. A generalized linear mixed model analysis (n=1781) shows that personal context (mood and busyness) together with the sociability of others nearby are the strongest predictors of people’s interest in a social match. Interview findings provide novel approaches on how to operationalize relational context based on social network rarity and discoverable rarity. Moreover, insights from this study highlight that additional meta-information about user interests is needed to operationalize relational context, such as users’ passion level for an interest and their skill levels for an activity. Based on these findings, the novel design concept of passive context-awareness for social matching is put forward. In the last study, Encount’r, an instantiation of an opportunistic social matching system, is designed and evaluated through a field study and participant interviews. A large-scale user profiling survey provides baseline rarity measures to operationalize relational context using rarity, passion levels, skills, needs, and offers. Findings show that attribute type, computed attribute rarity, self-reported passion levels for interest, and response time are associated with people’s interest in a match opportunity. Moreover, this study extends prior work by showing how the concept of passive context-awareness for opportunistic social matching is promising. Collectively, contributions of this work include a theoretical framework encompassing relational, social, and personal context; new innovative concepts to operationalize each of these aspects for opportunistic social matching; and field-tested design affordances for opportunistic social matching systems. This is important because opportunistic social matching systems can lead to new social ties and improved social capital

    The {\it ab initio} calculation of spectra of open shell diatomic molecules

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    The spectra (rotational, rotation-vibrational or electronic) of diatomic molecules due to transitions involving only closed-shell (1ÎŁ^1\Sigma) electronic states follow very regular, simple patterns and their theoretical analysis is usually straightforward. On the other hand, open-shell electronic states lead to more complicated spectral patterns and, moreover, often appear as a manifold of closely lying electronic states, leading to perturbations with even larger complexity. This is especially true when at least one of the atoms is a transition metal. Traditionally these complex cases have been analysed using approaches based on perturbation theory, with semi-empirical parameters determined by fitting to spectral data. Recently the needs of two rather diverse scientific areas have driven the demand for improved theoretical models of open-shell diatomic systems based on an \emph{ab initio} approach, these areas are ultracold chemistry and the astrophysics of "cool" stars, brown dwarfs and most recently extrasolar planets. However, the complex electronic structure of these molecules combined with the accuracy requirements of high-resolution spectroscopy render such an approach particularly challenging. This review describes recent progress in developing methods for directly solving the effective Schr\"odinger equation for open-shell diatomic molecules, with a focus on molecules containing a transtion metal. It considers four aspects of the problem: 1. The electronic structure problem, 2. Non-perturbative treatments of the curve couplings, 3. The solution of the nuclear motion Schr\"odinger equation, 4. The generation of accurate electric dipole transition intensities. Examples of applications are used to illustrate these issues.Comment: Topical Revie

    Can implementation intentions and text messages promote brisk walking? A randomized trial.

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    Objective: To test the efficacy in promoting brisk walking of two theory-based interventions that incorporate implementation intentions and text message (Short Message Service; SMS) reminders directed at one’s walking-related plans or goals. Design: Participants (N = 149) were randomized to one of three conditions (implementation intention + SMS plan reminder, implementation intention + SMS goal reminder, control) before completing measures at baseline and follow-up 4 weeks later. At follow-up, the experimental groups were given a surprise recall task concerning their plans. All participants completed an equivalent goal recall task. Main Outcome Measures: Validated self-report measures of physical activity and measures of implementation intention and goal recall, weight, and waist-to-hip ratio. Results: Both intervention groups increased their brisk walking relative to the control group, without reducing other physical activity. The goal reminder group lost the most weight. The SMS plan reminder group recalled more of their plans than the SMS goal reminder group, but the latter were more successful in goal recall. Conclusion: Both interventions can promote brisk walking in sedentary populations. Text messages aid the recall of, and could enhance interventions that target, implementation intentions and goals

    Reminders make people adhere better to a self-help sleep intervention

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    The experiment presented in this paper investigated the effects of different kinds of reminders on adherence to automated parts of a cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) delivered via a mobile device. Previous studies report that computerized health interventions can be effective. However, treatment adherence is still an issue. Reminders are a simple technique that could improve adherence. A minimal intervention prototype in the realm of sleep treatment was developed to test the effects of reminders on adherence. Two prominent ways to determine the reminder-time are: a) ask users when they want to be reminded, and b) let an algorithm decide when to remind users. The prototype consisted of a sleep diary, a relaxation exercise and reminders. A within subject design was used in which the effect of reminders and two underlying principles were tested by 45 participants that all received the following three different conditions (in random order): a) event-based reminders b) time-based reminders c) no reminders. Both types of reminders improved adherence compared to no reminders. No differences were found between the two types of reminders. Opportunity and self-empowerment could partly mediate adherence to filling out the sleep diary, but not to the number of relaxation exercises conducted. Although the study focussed on CBT-I, we expect that designers of other computerized health interventions benefit from the tested opportunity and self-empowerment principles for reminders to improve adherence, as well

    The Professional Identity Development of Counseling Students During Extreme Stressors: Lessons Learned in the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Based on Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological framework and current literature, we discussed the impact of the COVID-19 crisis may have shaped the professional identity development (PID) of counseling students and the ecosystems of counselor education. While the discipline recognizes the importance of paying attention to counseling students’ PID, the discourse on the topic in the context of extreme environmental stressors such a pandemic appears to be lacking. We discussed in this paper the opportunity the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to counselor educators and supervisors (CES) to frame extreme challenging moments like theses as times to facilitate the strengthening and internalizing of counselor profession identity among counseling trainees. We further shared lessons learned as CES and offered suggestions to various stakeholders in counselor education for consideration. We concluded the paper by exploring implications, technological possibilities, and research possibilities in counselor training
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