10,054 research outputs found

    Cocliques of maximal size in the prime graph of a finite simple group

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    In this paper we continue our investgation of the prime graph of a finite simple group started in http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0506294 (the printed version appeared in [1]). We describe all cocliques of maximal size for all finite simple groups and also we correct mistakes and misprints from our previous paper. The list of correction is given in Appendix of the present paper.Comment: published version with correction

    Groups with the same prime graph as the simple group Dn(5)

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    Let G be a finite group. The prime graph of G is denoted by Γ(G). Let G be a finite group such that Γ(G)=Γ(Dn(5)), where n≥6. In the paper, as the main result, we show that if n is odd, then G is recognizable by the prime graph and if n is even, then G is quasirecognizable by the prime graph.Нехай G — скшченна група. Простий граф групи GG позначимо через Γ(G). Нехай G — скінченна група така, що Γ(G)=Γ(Dn(5)), де n≥6. Як основний результат роботи доведено, що для непарних n група G розтзнається простим графом, а для парних n група G є такою, що квазiрозпiзнається простим графом

    Distances and Isomorphism between Networks and the Stability of Network Invariants

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    We develop the theoretical foundations of a network distance that has recently been applied to various subfields of topological data analysis, namely persistent homology and hierarchical clustering. While this network distance has previously appeared in the context of finite networks, we extend the setting to that of compact networks. The main challenge in this new setting is the lack of an easy notion of sampling from compact networks; we solve this problem in the process of obtaining our results. The generality of our setting means that we automatically establish results for exotic objects such as directed metric spaces and Finsler manifolds. We identify readily computable network invariants and establish their quantitative stability under this network distance. We also discuss the computational complexity involved in precisely computing this distance, and develop easily-computable lower bounds by using the identified invariants. By constructing a wide range of explicit examples, we show that these lower bounds are effective in distinguishing between networks. Finally, we provide a simple algorithm that computes a lower bound on the distance between two networks in polynomial time and illustrate our metric and invariant constructions on a database of random networks and a database of simulated hippocampal networks

    Criterion of unrecognizability of a finite group by its Gruenberg-Kegel graph

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    The Gruenberg-Kegel graph Γ(G)\Gamma(G) associated with a finite group GG has as vertices the prime divisors of G|G|, with an edge from pp to qq if and only if GG contains an element of order pqpq. This graph has been the subject of much recent interest; one of our goals here is to give a survey of some of this material, relating to groups with the same Gruenberg-Kegel graph. However, our main aim is to prove several new results. Among them are the following. - There are infinitely many finite groups with the same Gruenberg-Kegel graph as the Gruenberg-Kegel of a finite group GG if and only if there is a finite group HH with non-trivial solvable radical such that Γ(G)=Γ(H)\Gamma(G)=\Gamma(H). - There is a function FF on the natural numbers with the property that if a finite nn-vertex graph whose vertices are labelled by pairwise distinct primes is the Gruenberg-Kegel graph of more than F(n)F(n) finite groups, then it is the Gruenberg-Kegel graph of infinitely many finite groups. (The function we give satisfies F(n)=O(n7)F(n)=O(n^7), but this is probably not best possible.) - If a finite graph Γ\Gamma whose vertices are labelled by pairwise distinct primes is the Gruenberg-Kegel graph of only finitely many finite groups, then all such groups are almost simple; moreover, Γ\Gamma has at least three pairwise non-adjacent vertices, and 22 is non-adjacent to at least one odd vertex. - Groups whose power graphs, or commuting graphs, are isomorphic have the same Gruenberg-Kegel graph. - The groups 2G2(27){^2}G_2(27) and E8(2)E_8(2) are uniquely determined by the isomorphism types of their Gruenberg-Kegel graphs. In addition, we consider groups whose Gruenberg-Kegel graph has no edges. These are the groups in which every element has prime power order, and have been studied under the name \emph{EPPO groups}; completing this line of research, we give a complete list of such groups.Comment: 29 page