22 research outputs found

    Recognition of nonmanual markers in American Sign Language (ASL) using non-parametric adaptive 2D-3D face tracking

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically recognizing linguistically significant nonmanual expressions in American Sign Language from video. We develop a fully automatic system that is able to track facial expressions and head movements, and detect and recognize facial events continuously from video. The main contributions of the proposed framework are the following: (1) We have built a stochastic and adaptive ensemble of face trackers to address factors resulting in lost face track; (2) We combine 2D and 3D deformable face models to warp input frames, thus correcting for any variation in facial appearance resulting from changes in 3D head pose; (3) We use a combination of geometric features and texture features extracted from a canonical frontal representation. The proposed new framework makes it possible to detect grammatically significant nonmanual expressions from continuous signing and to differentiate successfully among linguistically significant expressions that involve subtle differences in appearance. We present results that are based on the use of a dataset containing 330 sentences from videos that were collected and linguistically annotated at Boston University

    Computer-based tracking, analysis, and visualization of linguistically significant nonmanual events in American Sign Language (ASL)

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    Our linguistically annotated American Sign Language (ASL) corpora have formed a basis for research to automate detection by computer of essential linguistic information conveyed through facial expressions and head movements. We have tracked head position and facial deformations, and used computational learning to discern specific grammatical markings. Our ability to detect, identify, and temporally localize the occurrence of such markings in ASL videos has recently been improved by incorporation of (1) new techniques for deformable model-based 3D tracking of head position and facial expressions, which provide significantly better tracking accuracy and recover quickly from temporary loss of track due to occlusion; and (2) a computational learning approach incorporating 2-level Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), suited to the multi-scale spatio-temporal characteristics of the data, which analyses not only low-level appearance characteristics, but also the patterns that enable identification of significant gestural components, such as periodic head movements and raised or lowered eyebrows. Here we summarize our linguistically motivated computational approach and the results for detection and recognition of nonmanual grammatical markings; demonstrate our data visualizations, and discuss the relevance for linguistic research; and describe work underway to enable such visualizations to be produced over large corpora and shared publicly on the Web

    3D face tracking and multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of linguistically significant facial expressions and head positions in ASL

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    Essential grammatical information is conveyed in signed languages by clusters of events involving facial expressions and movements of the head and upper body. This poses a significant challenge for computer-based sign language recognition. Here, we present new methods for the recognition of nonmanual grammatical markers in American Sign Language (ASL) based on: (1) new 3D tracking methods for the estimation of 3D head pose and facial expressions to determine the relevant low-level features; (2) methods for higher-level analysis of component events (raised/lowered eyebrows, periodic head nods and head shakes) used in grammatical markings—with differentiation of temporal phases (onset, core, offset, where appropriate), analysis of their characteristic properties, and extraction of corresponding features; (3) a 2-level learning framework to combine lowand high-level features of differing spatio-temporal scales. This new approach achieves significantly better tracking and recognition results than our previous methods

    NEW shared & interconnected ASL resources: SignStream® 3 Software; DAI 2 for web access to linguistically annotated video corpora; and a sign bank

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    2017 marked the release of a new version of SignStream® software, designed to facilitate linguistic analysis of ASL video. SignStream® provides an intuitive interface for labeling and time-aligning manual and non-manual components of the signing. Version 3 has many new features. For example, it enables representation of morpho-phonological information, including display of handshapes. An expanding ASL video corpus, annotated through use of SignStream®, is shared publicly on the Web. This corpus (video plus annotations) is Web-accessible—browsable, searchable, and downloadable—thanks to a new, improved version of our Data Access Interface: DAI 2. DAI 2 also offers Web access to a brand new Sign Bank, containing about 10,000 examples of about 3,000 distinct signs, as produced by up to 9 different ASL signers. This Sign Bank is also directly accessible from within SignStream®, thereby boosting the efficiency and consistency of annotation; new items can also be added to the Sign Bank. Soon to be integrated into SignStream® 3 and DAI 2 are visualizations of computer-generated analyses of the video: graphical display of eyebrow height, eye aperture, an

    Multi-Modality American Sign Language Recognition

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    American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual gestural language which is used by many people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. In this paper, we design a visual recognition system based on action recognition techniques to recognize individual ASL signs. Specifically, we focus on recognition of words in videos of continuous ASL signing. The proposed framework combines multiple signal modalities because ASL includes gestures of both hands, body movements, and facial expressions. We have collected a corpus of RBG + depth videos of multi-sentence ASL performances, from both fluent signers and ASL students; this corpus has served as a source for training and testing sets for multiple evaluation experiments reported in this paper. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework can automatically recognize ASL

    Data-Driven Synthesis and Evaluation of Syntactic Facial Expressions in American Sign Language Animation

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    Technology to automatically synthesize linguistically accurate and natural-looking animations of American Sign Language (ASL) would make it easier to add ASL content to websites and media, thereby increasing information accessibility for many people who are deaf and have low English literacy skills. State-of-art sign language animation tools focus mostly on accuracy of manual signs rather than on the facial expressions. We are investigating the synthesis of syntactic ASL facial expressions, which are grammatically required and essential to the meaning of sentences. In this thesis, we propose to: (1) explore the methodological aspects of evaluating sign language animations with facial expressions, and (2) examine data-driven modeling of facial expressions from multiple recordings of ASL signers. In Part I of this thesis, we propose to conduct rigorous methodological research on how experiment design affects study outcomes when evaluating sign language animations with facial expressions. Our research questions involve: (i) stimuli design, (ii) effect of videos as upper baseline and for presenting comprehension questions, and (iii) eye-tracking as an alternative to recording question-responses from participants. In Part II of this thesis, we propose to use generative models to automatically uncover the underlying trace of ASL syntactic facial expressions from multiple recordings of ASL signers, and apply these facial expressions to manual signs in novel animated sentences. We hypothesize that an annotated sign language corpus, including both the manual and non-manual signs, can be used to model and generate linguistically meaningful facial expressions, if it is combined with facial feature extraction techniques, statistical machine learning, and an animation platform with detailed facial parameterization. To further improve sign language animation technology, we will assess the quality of the animation generated by our approach with ASL signers through the rigorous evaluation methodologies described in Part I

    Eye and mouth openness estimation in sign language and news broadcast videos

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    Currently there exists an increasing need of automatic video analysis tools to support sign language studies and the evaluation of the activity of the face in sign language and other videos. Henceforth, research focusing on automatic estimation and annotation of videos and facial gestures is continuously developing. In this work, techniques for the estimation of eye and mouth openness and eyebrow position are studied. Such estimation could prove beneficial for automatic annotation and quantitative evaluation of sign language videos as well as towards more prolific production of sign language material. The method proposed for the estimation of the eyebrow position, eye openness, and mouth state is based on the construction of a set of facial landmarks that employ different detection techniques designed for each facial element. Furthermore, we compare the presented landmark detection algorithm with a recently published third-party face alignment algorithm. The landmarks are used to compute features which describe the geometric information of the elements of the face. The features constitute the input for the classifiers that can produce quantized openness estimates for the studied facial elements. Finally, the estimation performance of the estimations is evaluated in quantitative and qualitative experiments with sign language and news broadcast videos

    Automatic Sign Language Recognition from Image Data

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou automatického rozpoznávání znakového jazyka z obrazových dat. Práce představuje pět hlavních přínosů v oblasti tvorby systému pro rozpoznávání, tvorby korpusů, extrakci příznaků z rukou a obličeje s využitím metod pro sledování pozice a pohybu rukou (tracking) a modelování znaků s využitím menších fonetických jednotek (sub-units). Metody využité v rozpoznávacím systému byly využity i k tvorbě vyhledávacího nástroje "search by example", který dokáže vyhledávat ve videozáznamech podle obrázku ruky. Navržený systém pro automatické rozpoznávání znakového jazyka je založen na statistickém přístupu s využitím skrytých Markovových modelů, obsahuje moduly pro analýzu video dat, modelování znaků a dekódování. Systém je schopen rozpoznávat jak izolované, tak spojité promluvy. Veškeré experimenty a vyhodnocení byly provedeny s vlastními korpusy UWB-06-SLR-A a UWB-07-SLR-P, první z nich obsahuje 25 znaků, druhý 378. Základní extrakce příznaků z video dat byla provedena na nízkoúrovňových popisech obrazu. Lepších výsledků bylo dosaženo s příznaky získaných z popisů vyšší úrovně porozumění obsahu v obraze, které využívají sledování pozice rukou a metodu pro segmentaci rukou v době překryvu s obličejem. Navíc, využitá metoda dokáže interpolovat obrazy s obličejem v době překryvu a umožňuje tak využít metody pro extrakci příznaků z obličeje, které by během překryvu nefungovaly, jako např. metoda active appearance models (AAM). Bylo porovnáno několik různých metod pro extrakci příznaků z rukou, jako např. local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), vysokoúrovnové lingvistické příznaky a nové navržená metoda hand shape radial distance function (hRDF). Bylo také zkoumáno využití menších fonetických jednotek, než jsou celé znaky, tzv. sub-units. Pro první krok tvorby těchto jednotek byl navržen iterativní algoritmus, který tyto jednotky automaticky vytváří analýzou existujících dat. Bylo ukázáno, že tento koncept je vhodný pro modelování a rozpoznávání znaků. Kromě systému pro rozpoznávání je v práci navržen a představen systém "search by example", který funguje jako vyhledávací systém pro videa se záznamy znakového jazyka a může být využit například v online slovnících znakového jazyka, kde je v současné době složité či nemožné v takovýchto datech vyhledávat. Tento nástroj využívá metody, které byly použity v rozpoznávacím systému. Výstupem tohoto vyhledávacího nástroje je seřazený seznam videí, které obsahují stejný nebo podobný tvar ruky, které zadal uživatel, např. přes webkameru.Katedra kybernetikyObhájenoThis thesis addresses several issues of automatic sign language recognition, namely the creation of vision based sign language recognition framework, sign language corpora creation, feature extraction, making use of novel hand tracking with face occlusion handling, data-driven creation of sub-units and "search by example" tool for searching in sign language corpora using hand images as a search query. The proposed sign language recognition framework, based on statistical approach incorporating hidden Markov models (HMM), consists of video analysis, sign modeling and decoding modules. The framework is able to recognize both isolated signs and continuous utterances from video data. All experiments and evaluations were performed on two own corpora, UWB-06-SLR-A and UWB-07-SLR-P, the first containing 25 signs and second 378. As a baseline feature descriptors, low level image features are used. It is shown that better performance is gained by higher level features that employ hand tracking, which resolve occlusions of hands and face. As a side effect, the occlusion handling method interpolates face area in the frames during the occlusion and allows to use face feature descriptors that fail in such a case, for instance features extracted from active appearance models (AAM) tracker. Several state-of-the-art appearance-based feature descriptors were compared for tracked hands, such as local binary patterns (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), high-level linguistic features or newly proposed hand shape radial distance function (denoted as hRDF) that enhances the feature description of hand-shape like concave regions. The concept of sub-units, that uses HMM models based on linguistic units smaller than whole sign and covers inner structures of the signs, was investigated in the proposed iterative method that is a first required step for data-driven construction of sub-units, and shows that such a concept is suitable for sign modeling and recognition tasks. Except of experiments in the sign language recognition, additional tool \textit{search by example} was created and evaluated. This tool is a search engine for sign language videos. Such a system can be incorporated into an online sign language dictionary where it is difficult to search in the sign language data. This proposed tool employs several methods which were examined in the sign language recognition task and allows to search in the video corpora based on an user-given query that consists of one or multiple images of hands. As a result, an ordered list of videos that contain the same or similar hand configurations is returned