1,473 research outputs found

    Uczeń słabowidzący w młodszym wieku szkolnym w szkole ogólnodostępnej. Studium przypadku

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    In the case of visual impairment, compensatory activities are focused on early intervention and diagnosis combined with a programme for the development of visual skills, especially in public schools, where importance is attached to educational success and the development of individual personality traits, as well as adapting the support, rehabilitation and education programme to the person with special educational needs. The challenges of cooperation with a visually impaired student are related to the equaling of educational opportunities, combining theoretical content with practical action, searching for programmes, the use of technology and communication (TiK), and working with the child’s resources. Vision impairments affect school difficulties in the cognitive, social, emotional, volitional and physical field. The unadjusted refractive defect (especially hyperopia) and weakened binocular vision contribute to creating an individual model of working with the child with visual impairment. The presented case study shows supporting and therapeutic actions, with emphasis on the use of solution-oriented therapy.Działania w przypadku dysfunkcji wzroku są skoncentrowane na wczesnej interwencji oraz diagnozie połą-czonej z programem rozwijania umiejętności widzenia, szczególnie w szkole ogólnodostępnej, gdzie przywiązuje się wagę do sukcesów edukacyjnych i rozwoju indywidualnych cech osobowości, dostosowując program wsparcia, rehabilitacji i edukacji do osoby ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Wyzwania współpracy z uczniem słabowidzącym wiążą się z wy-równywaniem szans edukacyjnych, łączeniem treści teoretycznych z działaniem praktycznym, poszukiwaniem programów, wykorzystaniem technologii i komunikacji (TiK) oraz pracą z zasobami dziecka. Zaburzenia widzenia wpływają na trudności szkolne w potencjale poznawczym, społecznym, emocjonalnym, wolicjonalnym, fizycznym. Nieskorygowana wada refrakcji (szczególnie nadwzroczność) i osłabione widzenie obuoczne przyczyniają się do stworzenia indywidulanego modelu pracy z dzieckiem z dysfunkcją wzroku. Przedstawione studium przypadku ukazuje działania wspierające, terapeutyczne, z naciskiem na wykorzystanie terapii skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach

    Are nanotechnology and robotics alternatives for therapeutic and theragnostic ophthalmic applications technologies for eye care services?

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    Objective: To identify new technological advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology and robotics and their application in diagnosis and therapeutics for visual health

    Report of the Inaugural Meeting of the TFOS i2 = initiating innovation Series: Targeting the Unmet Need for Dry Eye Treatment

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    In March 2015, a meeting was held in London, United Kingdom, to address the progress in targeting the unmet need for dry eye disease (DED) treatment. The meeting, which launched the i2 = initiating innovation series, was sponsored by the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS; www.TearFilm.org) and supported by Dompé. The TFOS i2 meeting was designed to review advances in the understanding of DED since publication of the 2007 TFOS International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS) report, and to help launch the highly anticipated sequel, DEWS II. The meeting was structured to discuss the scope of the DED problem, to review the clinical challenges of DED, and to consider the treatment challenges of DED. This article provides a synopsis of the presentations of this TFOS i2 meeting

    Low Vision Rehabilitation

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    Enhancing Vision in Nineteenth-Century Britain

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    The measurement of vision and the use of vision aids changed dramatically across the nineteenth century. This thesis explores the retail, manufacture, design, and use of vision aids in this context. The overall argument is threefold. Firstly, that the advancement and professionalisation of medical knowledge of the eye led to the reconceptualization of how vision aids were used, tested and sold. Secondly, that changes in the manufacture and sale of vision aids led to greater numbers being produced, and these were better suited for more long-term wear. Thirdly, it argues that these two changes affected users of vision aids by improving their utility, as well as their accessibility. This is the first major study of nineteenth-century vision aids and how they were used, dispensed and sold. However, it also contributes to our understanding of the Victorian period. New demands were placed on vision and vision aids intersect a range of important areas of Victorian history, including urbanisation, industrialisation, rise of print and education. Additionally, it highlights how an assistive technology can be used to challenge conventional thinking about medicalisation, medical definitions, medical authority and measurement in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, because vision aids could be both fashionable and stigmatised, it provides new perspectives on the process of normalisation and our understanding of impairment in relation to commonality. It highlights scope for the study of minor impairments by showing how the experience of blindness, partial sight, and disability as a whole, cannot be seen as transhistorical. The Science Museum’s Ophthalmology and Dunscombe collections have shaped this research. It reveals how objects can be used effectively alongside textual and visual evidence for the history of vision aids, as well as the history of medicine, retail, design, disability history, and the cultural perceptions that surround vision and its impairment

    Expert systems in optometry

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    Expert systems in optometr

    Advances in Ophthalmology

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    This book focuses on the different aspects of ophthalmology - the medical science of diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. Ophthalmology is divided into various clinical subspecialties, such as cornea, cataract, glaucoma, uveitis, retina, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, oncology, pathology, and oculoplastics. This book incorporates new developments as well as future perspectives in ophthalmology and is a balanced product between covering a wide range of diseases and expedited publication. It is intended to be the appetizer for other books to follow. Ophthalmologists, researchers, specialists, trainees, and general practitioners with an interest in ophthalmology will find this book interesting and useful

    Vision Correction and Eye Surgery

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    This book focuses on the current approaches in the medical and surgical treatment of the most diffuse and important ocular diseases. It reports the latest developments in surgery (anterior segment surgery, posterior pole surgery, etc.) for various types of ocular disease, including glaucoma, corneal diseases, and vitreoretinal disease. the latest developments in the surgical field of ocular disease from the anterior segment to the posterior pole going through the main ocular disease (cataract surgery in normal and/or complicated conditions, glaucoma, corneal diseases, and vitreoretinal disease), with the latest developments in the treatment of ocular disease that enable improved surgical outcomes and fewer complications