3,320 research outputs found

    Automated drowsiness detection for improved driving safety

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    Several approaches were proposed for the detection and prediction of drowsiness. The approaches can be categorized as estimating the fitness of duty, modeling the sleep-wake rhythms, measuring the vehicle based performance and online operator monitoring. Computer vision based online operator monitoring approach has become prominent due to its predictive ability of detecting drowsiness. Previous studies with this approach detect driver drowsiness primarily by making preassumptions about the relevant behavior, focusing on blink rate, eye closure, and yawning. Here we employ machine learning to datamine actual human behavior during drowsiness episodes. Automatic classifiers for 30 facial actions from the Facial Action Coding system were developed using machine learning on a separate database of spontaneous expressions. These facial actions include blinking and yawn motions, as well as a number of other facial movements. In addition, head motion was collected through automatic eye tracking and an accelerometer. These measures were passed to learning-based classifiers such as Adaboost and multinomial ridge regression. The system was able to predict sleep and crash episodes during a driving computer game with 96% accuracy within subjects and above 90% accuracy across subjects. This is the highest prediction rate reported to date for detecting real drowsiness. Moreover, the analysis revealed new information about human behavior during drowsy drivin

    Adaptive 3D facial action intensity estimation and emotion recognition

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    Automatic recognition of facial emotion has been widely studied for various computer vision tasks (e.g. health monitoring, driver state surveillance and personalized learning). Most existing facial emotion recognition systems, however, either have not fully considered subject-independent dynamic features or were limited to 2D models, thus are not robust enough for real-life recognition tasks with subject variation, head movement and illumination change. Moreover, there is also lack of systematic research on effective newly arrived novel emotion class detection. To address these challenges, we present a real-time 3D facial Action Unit (AU) intensity estimation and emotion recognition system. It automatically selects 16 motion-based facial feature sets using minimal-redundancy–maximal-relevance criterion based optimization and estimates the intensities of 16 diagnostic AUs using feedforward Neural Networks and Support Vector Regressors. We also propose a set of six novel adaptive ensemble classifiers for robust classification of the six basic emotions and the detection of newly arrived unseen novel emotion classes (emotions that are not included in the training set). A distance-based clustering and uncertainty measures of the base classifiers within each ensemble model are used to inform the novel class detection. Evaluated with the Bosphorus 3D database, the system has achieved the best performance of 0.071 overall Mean Squared Error (MSE) for AU intensity estimation using Support Vector Regressors, and 92.2% average accuracy for the recognition of the six basic emotions using the proposed ensemble classifiers. In comparison with other related work, our research outperforms other state-of-the-art research on 3D facial emotion recognition for the Bosphorus database. Moreover, in on-line real-time evaluation with real human subjects, the proposed system also shows superior real-time performance with 84% recognition accuracy and great flexibility and adaptation for newly arrived novel (e.g. ‘contempt’ which is not included in the six basic emotions) emotion detection

    Personalized face and gesture analysis using hierarchical neural networks

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    The video-based computational analyses of human face and gesture signals encompass a myriad of challenging research problems involving computer vision, machine learning and human computer interaction. In this thesis, we focus on the following challenges: a) the classification of hand and body gestures along with the temporal localization of their occurrence in a continuous stream, b) the recognition of facial expressivity levels in people with Parkinson's Disease using multimodal feature representations, c) the prediction of student learning outcomes in intelligent tutoring systems using affect signals, and d) the personalization of machine learning models, which can adapt to subject and group-specific nuances in facial and gestural behavior. Specifically, we first conduct a quantitative comparison of two approaches to the problem of segmenting and classifying gestures on two benchmark gesture datasets: a method that simultaneously segments and classifies gestures versus a cascaded method that performs the tasks sequentially. Second, we introduce a framework that computationally predicts an accurate score for facial expressivity and validate it on a dataset of interview videos of people with Parkinson's disease. Third, based on a unique dataset of videos of students interacting with MathSpring, an intelligent tutoring system, collected by our collaborative research team, we build models to predict learning outcomes from their facial affect signals. Finally, we propose a novel solution to a relatively unexplored area in automatic face and gesture analysis research: personalization of models to individuals and groups. We develop hierarchical Bayesian neural networks to overcome the challenges posed by group or subject-specific variations in face and gesture signals. We successfully validate our formulation on the problems of personalized subject-specific gesture classification, context-specific facial expressivity recognition and student-specific learning outcome prediction. We demonstrate the flexibility of our hierarchical framework by validating the utility of both fully connected and recurrent neural architectures

    Effects of cultural characteristics on building an emotion classifier through facial expression analysis

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Facial expressions are an important demonstration of humanity's humors and emotions. Algorithms capable of recognizing facial expressions and associating them with emotions were developed and employed to compare the expressions that different cultural groups use to show their emotions. Static pictures of predominantly occidental and oriental subjects from public datasets were used to train machine learning algorithms, whereas local binary patterns, histogram of oriented gradients (HOGs), and Gabor filters were employed to describe the facial expressions for six different basic emotions. The most consistent combination, formed by the association of HOG filter and support vector machines, was then used to classify the other cultural group: there was a strong drop in accuracy, meaning that the subtle differences of facial expressions of each culture affected the classifier performance. Finally, a classifier was trained with images from both occidental and oriental subjects and its accuracy was higher on multicultural data, evidencing the need of a multicultural training set to build an efficient classifier. (C) 2015 SPIE and IS&TFacial expressions are an important demonstration of humanity's humors and emotions. Algorithms capable of recognizing facial expressions and associating them with emotions were developed and employed to compare the expressions that different cultural gro24219FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)FAPESP [2011/22749-8, 2014/04020-9]CNPq [307113/2012-4]2011/22749-8; 2014/04020-9307113/2012-

    Multimodal emotion recognition

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    Reading emotions from facial expression and speech is a milestone in Human-Computer Interaction. Recent sensing technologies, namely the Microsoft Kinect Sensor, provide basic input modalities data, such as RGB imaging, depth imaging and speech, that can be used in Emotion Recognition. Moreover Kinect can track a face in real time and present the face fiducial points, as well as 6 basic Action Units (AUs). In this work we explore this information by gathering a new and exclusive dataset. This is a new opportunity for the academic community as well to the progress of the emotion recognition problem. The database includes RGB, depth, audio, fiducial points and AUs for 18 volunteers for 7 emotions. We then present automatic emotion classification results on this dataset by employing k-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks classifiers, with unimodal and multimodal approaches. Our conclusions show that multimodal approaches can attain better results.Ler e reconhecer emoções de expressões faciais e verbais é um marco na Interacção Humana com um Computador. As recentes tecnologias de deteção, nomeadamente o sensor Microsoft Kinect, recolhem dados de modalidades básicas como imagens RGB, de informaçãode profundidade e defala que podem ser usados em reconhecimento de emoções. Mais ainda, o sensor Kinect consegue reconhecer e seguir uma cara em tempo real e apresentar os pontos fiduciais, assim como as 6 AUs – Action Units básicas. Neste trabalho exploramos esta informação através da compilação de um dataset único e exclusivo que representa uma oportunidade para a comunidade académica e para o progresso do problema do reconhecimento de emoções. Este dataset inclui dados RGB, de profundidade, de fala, pontos fiduciais e AUs, para 18 voluntários e 7 emoções. Apresentamos resultados com a classificação automática de emoções com este dataset, usando classificadores k-vizinhos próximos, máquinas de suporte de vetoreseredes neuronais, em abordagens multimodais e unimodais. As nossas conclusões indicam que abordagens multimodais permitem obter melhores resultados

    Personalizing gesture recognition using hierarchical bayesian neural networks

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    Building robust classifiers trained on data susceptible to group or subject-specific variations is a challenging pattern recognition problem. We develop hierarchical Bayesian neural networks to capture subject-specific variations and share statistical strength across subjects. Leveraging recent work on learning Bayesian neural networks, we build fast, scalable algorithms for inferring the posterior distribution over all network weights in the hierarchy. We also develop methods for adapting our model to new subjects when a small number of subject-specific personalization data is available. Finally, we investigate active learning algorithms for interactively labeling personalization data in resource-constrained scenarios. Focusing on the problem of gesture recognition where inter-subject variations are commonplace, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed techniques. We test our framework on three widely used gesture recognition datasets, achieving personalization performance competitive with the state-of-the-art.http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Joshi_Personalizing_Gesture_Recognition_CVPR_2017_paper.htmlhttp://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Joshi_Personalizing_Gesture_Recognition_CVPR_2017_paper.htmlhttp://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Joshi_Personalizing_Gesture_Recognition_CVPR_2017_paper.htmlPublished versio