46 research outputs found

    Fuzzy ontology representation using OWL 2

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    AbstractThe need to deal with vague information in Semantic Web languages is rising in importance and, thus, calls for a standard way to represent such information. We may address this issue by either extending current Semantic Web languages to cope with vagueness, or by providing a procedure to represent such information within current standard languages and tools. In this work, we follow the latter approach, by identifying the syntactic differences that a fuzzy ontology language has to cope with, and by proposing a concrete methodology to represent fuzzy ontologies using OWL 2 annotation properties. We also report on some prototypical implementations: a plug-in to edit fuzzy ontologies using OWL 2 annotations and some parsers that translate fuzzy ontologies represented using our methodology into the languages supported by some reasoners

    Modelos de representaci贸n de imprecisi贸n e incertidumbre en fusi贸n de alto nivel

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    Actas de: XVII Congreso Espa帽ol sobre Tecnolog铆as y L贸gica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2014). Zaragoza, 5-7 de febrero de 2014.Las t茅cnicas de fusi贸n de datos e informaci贸n procedente de redes de sensores necesitan manejar informaci贸n incierta e imprecisa, puesto que es habitual enfrentarse a problemas en los que el conocimiento disponible es vago o insuficiente y/o los aparatos de medici贸n est谩n sujetos a fallos. Con el reciente auge de la denominada "fusi贸n de alto nivel", que tiene como objetivo reconocer la situaci贸n observada e identificar posibles riesgos, este problema se ha acentuado, ya que los formalismos que se utilizan habitualmente para construir un modelo simb贸lico del escenario, como la l贸gica de primer orden y las ontolog铆as, no proporcionan soporte para este tipo de conocimiento. En este trabajo repasamos varias propuestas recientes para representaci贸n y razonamiento con informaci贸n incierta e imprecisa en fusi贸n de alto nivel. Nos centramos en dos tipos: (a) las que incorporan estos mecanismos en los propios modelos de representaci贸n, como las ontolog铆as probabil铆sticas y difusas y las redes l贸gicas de Markov; (b) las que extienden el proceso de fusi贸n con una capa de gesti贸n de incertidumbre adicional, como las basadas en argumentaci贸n probabil铆stica.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Junta de Andaluc铆a (P11-TIC-7460), la Comunidad de Madrid (S2009/TIC- 1485) y el Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad de Espa帽a (TEC2012-37832-C02-01, TEC2011-28626-C02- 02, TIN2012-30939).Publicad

    Semantic and Fuzzy Coordination Through Programmable Tuple Spaces

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    Minimalistic fuzzy ontology reasoning: An application to Building Information Modeling

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    This paper presents a minimalistic reasoning algorithm to solve imprecise instance retrieval in fuzzy ontologies with application to querying Building Information Models (BIMs)鈥攁 knowledge representation formalism used in the construction industry. Our proposal is based on a novel lossless reduction of fuzzy to crisp reasoning tasks, which can be processed by any Description Logics reasoner. We implemented the minimalistic reasoning algorithm and performed an empirical evaluation of its performance in several tasks: interoperation with classical reasoners (Hermit and TrOWL), initialization time (comparing TrOWL and a SPARQL engine), and use of different data structures (hash tables, databases, and programming interfaces). We show that our software can efficiently solve very expressive queries not available nowadays in regular or semantic BIMs tools

    Approximate reasoning with fuzzy-syllogistic systems

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    The well known Aristotelian syllogistic system consists of 256 moods. We have found earlier that 136 moods are distinct in terms of equal truth ratios that range in 蟿=[0,1]. The truth ratio of a particular mood is calculated by relating the number of true and false syllogistic cases the mood matches. A mood with truth ratio is a fuzzy-syllogistic mood. The introduction of (n-1) fuzzy existential quantifiers extends the system to fuzzy-syllogistic systems nS, 1<n, of which every fuzzy-syllogistic mood can be interpreted as a vague inference with a generic truth ratio that is determined by its syllogistic structure. We experimentally introduce the logic of a fuzzy-syllogistic ontology reasoner that is based on the fuzzy-syllogistic systems nS. We further introduce a new concept, the relative truth ratio r蟿=[0,1] that is calculated based on the cardinalities of the syllogistic cases

    An Extended Semantic Interoperability Model for Distributed Electronic Health Record Based on Fuzzy Ontology Semantics

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    Semantic interoperability of distributed electronic health record (EHR) systems is a crucial problem for querying EHR and machine learning projects. The main contribution of this paper is to propose and implement a fuzzy ontology-based semantic interoperability framework for distributed EHR systems. First, a separate standard ontology is created for each input source. Second, a unified ontology is created that merges the previously created ontologies. However, this crisp ontology is not able to answer vague or uncertain queries. We thirdly extend the integrated crisp ontology into a fuzzy ontology by using a standard methodology and fuzzy logic to handle this limitation. The used dataset includes identified data of 100 patients. The resulting fuzzy ontology includes 27 class, 58 properties, 43 fuzzy data types, 451 instances, 8376 axioms, 5232 logical axioms, 1216 declarative axioms, 113 annotation axioms, and 3204 data property assertions. The resulting ontology is tested using real data from the MIMIC-III intensive care unit dataset and real archetypes from openEHR. This fuzzy ontology-based system helps physicians accurately query any required data about patients from distributed locations using near-natural language queries. Domain specialists validated the accuracy and correctness of the obtained resultsThis work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (NRF-2021R1A2B5B02002599)S