4,307 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Ontologies and Ontology Engineering

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    In the last decades, the use of ontologies in information systems has become more and more popular in various fields, such as web technologies, database integration, multi agent systems, natural language processing, etc. Artificial intelligent researchers have initially borrowed the word “ontology” from Philosophy, then the word spread in many scientific domain and ontologies are now used in several developments. The main goal of this chapter is to answer generic questions about ontologies, such as: Which are the different kinds of ontologies? What is the purpose of the use of ontologies in an application? Which methods can I use to build an ontology

    Modern Information Systems

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    The development of modern information systems is a demanding task. New technologies and tools are designed, implemented and presented in the market on a daily bases. User needs change dramatically fast and the IT industry copes to reach the level of efficiency and adaptability for its systems in order to be competitive and up-to-date. Thus, the realization of modern information systems with great characteristics and functionalities implemented for specific areas of interest is a fact of our modern and demanding digital society and this is the main scope of this book. Therefore, this book aims to present a number of innovative and recently developed information systems. It is titled "Modern Information Systems" and includes 8 chapters. This book may assist researchers on studying the innovative functions of modern systems in various areas like health, telematics, knowledge management, etc. It can also assist young students in capturing the new research tendencies of the information systems' development

    Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey

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    As we are moving towards the Internet of Things (IoT), the number of sensors deployed around the world is growing at a rapid pace. Market research has shown a significant growth of sensor deployments over the past decade and has predicted a significant increment of the growth rate in the future. These sensors continuously generate enormous amounts of data. However, in order to add value to raw sensor data we need to understand it. Collection, modelling, reasoning, and distribution of context in relation to sensor data plays critical role in this challenge. Context-aware computing has proven to be successful in understanding sensor data. In this paper, we survey context awareness from an IoT perspective. We present the necessary background by introducing the IoT paradigm and context-aware fundamentals at the beginning. Then we provide an in-depth analysis of context life cycle. We evaluate a subset of projects (50) which represent the majority of research and commercial solutions proposed in the field of context-aware computing conducted over the last decade (2001-2011) based on our own taxonomy. Finally, based on our evaluation, we highlight the lessons to be learnt from the past and some possible directions for future research. The survey addresses a broad range of techniques, methods, models, functionalities, systems, applications, and middleware solutions related to context awareness and IoT. Our goal is not only to analyse, compare and consolidate past research work but also to appreciate their findings and discuss their applicability towards the IoT.Comment: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Journal, 201

    Innovative Tools and Methods Using BIM for an Efficient Renovation in Buildings

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    This open access book describes a BIM-based toolkit that has been developed according to the latest research activities on building information modelling and semantic interoperability to optimize the building process. It highlights the impacts of using such new tools to fast renovation activities starting from the decision-making and design stages to the construction site management with the possibility to monitor occupants' and owners’ feedback during the realization process. In this process, a framework has been developed and implemented to allow stakeholders involved in a renovation project to efficiently compile, maintain, and add data about (i) building elements, (ii) building services systems, (iii) tenants, operators, and owners of the building, and (iv) current and predicted performance of the building from the various data sources available. The framework applies and specializes the existing practices in the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and ontology domain to the management of renovation projects. It has been designed to be open so that any system which implements the required functions and uses the specified conventions will be able to achieve semantic interoperability with other framework-compliant systems in the renovation domain. Finally, this book represents the validation process of the toolkit that has been held in three demo sites: a social housing building in Italy and two private residential buildings in Poland and Finland. The outcome shows that the toolkit facilitates the renovation process with relevant reductions of time, costs, and energy consumption and that the inhabitants can take advantage of the increase in building performances, quality, and comfort

    Tuple-based morphisms for interoperability establishment of financial information models

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e ComputadoresThe current financial crisis has demonstrated that there is a need for financial accounting data in a format which can be rapidly analyzed and exchanged. The appearance of XBRL in 2000 has helped create a ‘de facto’ standard data format for the exchange of financial information. However, XBRL by itself is not capable of ensuring a common semantic for the exchange of accounting information. Additionally, the existence of different accounting standards in different countries is a hindrance to efficient analysis and evaluation of companies by international analysts or investors. Therefore, there is a need to not only use a more advanced data format, but also for tools which can facilitate the exchange of accounting data, in particular when different accounting standards are used. This dissertation presents a tuple-based semantic and structural mapping for interoperability establishment of financial information models based on the use of ontologies and a ‘Communication Mediator’. It allows the mapping of accounting concepts of different accounting standards to be stored in the ‘Communication Mediator’. The mapping stored contains an ATL code expression, which with the aid of model transformation tools, can be utilized to perform the mapping between two different accounting models

    Thirty years of artificial intelligence and law : the third decade

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    The Force Awakens: Artificial Intelligence for Consumer Law

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    Recent years have been tainted by market practices that continuously expose us, as consumers, to new risks and threats. We have become accustomed, and sometimes even resigned, to businesses monitoring our activities, examining our data, and even meddling with our choices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often depicted as a weapon in the hands of businesses and blamed for allowing this to happen. In this paper, we envision a paradigm shift, where AI technologies are brought to the side of consumers and their organizations, with the aim of building an efficient and effective counter-power. AI-powered tools can support a massive-scale automated analysis of textual and audiovisual data, as well as code, for the benefit of consumers and their organizations. This in turn can lead to a better oversight of business activities, help consumers exercise their rights, and enable the civil society to mitigate information overload. We discuss the societal, political, and technological challenges that stand before that vision

    Ontologies in medicinal chemistry: current status and future challenges

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    [Abstract] Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the amount and availability of data in the diverse areas of medicinal chemistry, making it possible to achieve significant advances in fields such as the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of compounds. However, with this data explosion, the storage, management and analysis of available data to extract relevant information has become even a more complex task that offers challenging research issues to Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientists. Ontologies have emerged in AI as a key tool to formally represent and semantically organize aspects of the real world. Beyond glossaries or thesauri, ontologies facilitate communication between experts and allow the application of computational techniques to extract useful information from available data. In medicinal chemistry, multiple ontologies have been developed during the last years which contain knowledge about chemical compounds and processes of synthesis of pharmaceutical products. This article reviews the principal standards and ontologies in medicinal chemistry, analyzes their main applications and suggests future directions.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; FIS-PI10/02180Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/217Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2011/034Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/21

    Using natural language processing for question answering in closed and open domains

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    With regard to the growth in the amount of social, environmental, and biomedical information available digitally, there is a growing need for Question Answering (QA) systems that can empower users to master this new wealth of information. Despite recent progress in QA, the quality of interpretation and extraction of the desired answer is not adequate. We believe that striving for higher accuracy in QA systems is subject to on-going research, i.e., it is better to have no answer is better than wrong answers. However, there are diverse queries, which the state of the art QA systems cannot interpret and answer properly. The problem of interpreting a question in a way that could preserve its syntactic-semantic structure is considered as one of the most important challenges in this area. In this work we focus on the problems of semantic-based QA systems and analyzing the effectiveness of NLP techniques, query mapping, and answer inferencing both in closed (first scenario) and open (second scenario) domains. For this purpose, the architecture of Semantic-based closed and open domain Question Answering System (hereafter “ScoQAS”) over ontology resources is presented with two different prototyping: Ontology-based closed domain and an open domain under Linked Open Data (LOD) resource. The ScoQAS is based on NLP techniques combining semantic-based structure-feature patterns for question classification and creating a question syntactic-semantic information structure (QSiS). The QSiS provides an actual potential by building constraints to formulate the related terms on syntactic-semantic aspects and generating a question graph (QGraph) which facilitates making inference for getting a precise answer in the closed domain. In addition, our approach provides a convenient method to map the formulated comprehensive information into SPARQL query template to crawl in the LOD resources in the open domain. The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows: 1. Developing ScoQAS architecture integrated with common and specific components compatible with closed and open domain ontologies. 2. Analysing user’s question and building a question syntactic-semantic information structure (QSiS), which is constituted by several processes of the methodology: question classification, Expected Answer Type (EAT) determination, and generated constraints. 3. Presenting an empirical semantic-based structure-feature pattern for question classification and generalizing heuristic constraints to formulate the relations between the features in the recognized pattern in terms of syntactical and semantical. 4. Developing a syntactic-semantic QGraph for representing core components of the question. 5. Presenting an empirical graph-based answer inference in the closed domain. In a nutshell, a semantic-based QA system is presented which provides some experimental results over the closed and open domains. The efficiency of the ScoQAS is evaluated using measures such as precision, recall, and F-measure on LOD challenges in the open domain. We focus on quantitative evaluation in the closed domain scenario. Due to the lack of predefined benchmark(s) in the first scenario, we define measures that demonstrate the actual complexity of the problem and the actual efficiency of the solutions. The results of the analysis corroborate the performance and effectiveness of our approach to achieve a reasonable accuracy.Con respecto al crecimiento en la cantidad de información social, ambiental y biomédica disponible digitalmente, existe una creciente necesidad de sistemas de la búsqueda de la respuesta (QA) que puedan ofrecer a los usuarios la gestión de esta nueva cantidad de información. A pesar del progreso reciente en QA, la calidad de interpretación y extracción de la respuesta deseada no es la adecuada. Creemos que trabajar para lograr una mayor precisión en los sistemas de QA es todavía un campo de investigación abierto. Es decir, es mejor no tener respuestas que tener respuestas incorrectas. Sin embargo, existen diversas consultas que los sistemas de QA en el estado del arte no pueden interpretar ni responder adecuadamente. El problema de interpretar una pregunta de una manera que podría preservar su estructura sintáctica-semántica es considerado como uno de los desafíos más importantes en esta área. En este trabajo nos centramos en los problemas de los sistemas de QA basados en semántica y en el análisis de la efectividad de las técnicas de PNL, y la aplicación de consultas e inferencia respuesta tanto en dominios cerrados (primer escenario) como abiertos (segundo escenario). Para este propósito, la arquitectura del sistema de búsqueda de respuestas en dominios cerrados y abiertos basado en semántica (en adelante "ScoQAS") sobre ontologías se presenta con dos prototipos diferentes: en dominio cerrado basado en el uso de ontologías y un dominio abierto dirigido a repositorios de Linked Open Data (LOD). El ScoQAS se basa en técnicas de PNL que combinan patrones de características de estructura semánticas para la clasificación de preguntas y la creación de una estructura de información sintáctico-semántica de preguntas (QSiS). El QSiS proporciona una manera la construcción de restricciones para formular los términos relacionados en aspectos sintáctico-semánticos y generar un grafo de preguntas (QGraph) el cual facilita derivar inferencias para obtener una respuesta precisa en el dominio cerrado. Además, nuestro enfoque proporciona un método adecuado para aplicar la información integral formulada en la plantilla de consulta SPARQL para navegar en los recursos LOD en el dominio abierto. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son los siguientes: 1. El desarrollo de la arquitectura ScoQAS integrada con componentes comunes y específicos compatibles con ontologías de dominio cerrado y abierto. 2. El análisis de la pregunta del usuario y la construcción de una estructura de información sintáctico-semántica de las preguntas (QSiS), que está constituida por varios procesos de la metodología: clasificación de preguntas, determinación del Tipo de Respuesta Esperada (EAT) y las restricciones generadas. 3. La presentación de un patrón empírico basado en la estructura semántica para clasificar las preguntas y generalizar las restricciones heurísticas para formular las relaciones entre las características en el patrón reconocido en términos sintácticos y semánticos. 4. El desarrollo de un QGraph sintáctico-semántico para representar los componentes centrales de la pregunta. 5. La presentación de la respuesta inferida a partir de un grafo empírico en el dominio cerrado. En pocas palabras, se presenta un sistema semántico de QA que proporciona algunos resultados experimentales sobre los dominios cerrados y abiertos. La eficiencia del ScoQAS se evalúa utilizando medidas tales como una precisión, cobertura y la medida-F en desafíos LOD para el dominio abierto. Para el dominio cerrado, nos centramos en la evaluación cuantitativa; su precisión se analiza en una ontología empresarial. La falta de un banco la pruebas predefinidas es uno de los principales desafíos de la evaluación en el primer escenario. Por lo tanto, definimos medidas que demuestran la complejidad real del problema y la eficiencia real de las soluciones. Los resultados del análisis corroboran el rendimient