549 research outputs found

    Labour Turnover in Russia: Evidence from the Administrative Reporting of Enterprises in Four Regions

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    Early in the 1990s, the introduction of economic reforms in Russia created expectations of a substantial reallocation of labour; "old" jobs in the state and former-state sector were to be shed and "new" jobs created in new private firms. Although the labour market experienced relatively heavy flows, they did not occur in the expected pattern. Most of the separations were quits rather than lay-offs and former-state enterprises continued to hire at relatively high rates. This paper takes a fresh look at the developments in labour turnover and the relationship between the components of labour turnover and various enterprise characteristics. National-level aggregate statistics are used to gain insights concerning the scale and structure of labour turnover in medium and large enterprises. A more detailed examination is then made of the components of labour turnover and their relationship to selected enterprise characteristics using microdata from administrative reporting in four Russian regions.Labour Turnovers, Hirings, Separations, Employment, Microdata, Russian Regions

    Dynamic frequency planning for professional wireless microphone systems

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    Energy-efficient wireless communication

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    In this chapter we present an energy-efficient highly adaptive network interface architecture and a novel data link layer protocol for wireless networks that provides Quality of Service (QoS) support for diverse traffic types. Due to the dynamic nature of wireless networks, adaptations in bandwidth scheduling and error control are necessary to achieve energy efficiency and an acceptable quality of service. In our approach we apply adaptability through all layers of the protocol stack, and provide feedback to the applications. In this way the applications can adapt the data streams, and the network protocols can adapt the communication parameters

    Analysis of the impact of wireless mobile devices in critical industrial applications

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    The main objective of the thesis is to study the impact of mobile nodes in industrial applications with strict reliability and time constraints in both centralized and decentralized topologies. Considering the harsh wireless channel conditions of industrial environments, that goal implies a considerable challenge. In order not to compromise the performance of the system, a deterministic Real-Time (RT) communication protocol is needed, along with a mechanism to deal with changes in the topology due to the movements of the wireless devices. The existing wireless standard technologies do not satisfy the requirements demanded by the most critical industrial applications such as Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and, thus, wired communication cannot be directly replaced by wireless solutions. Nevertheless, the adoption of wireless communications can be seen as an extension to the existing wired networks to create hybrid networks with mobility requirements. The design of a proper communication solution depends mainly on the choice of the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol, which is responsible for controlling access to the medium and thereby plays a vital role in decreasing latency and packet errors. Furthermore, the changes in the topology due to the movement of the wireless devices must be managed correctly in order not to affect the performance of the entire network. In this doctoral thesis, a hybrid centralized architecture designed for industrial applications with strict requirements in terms of robustness, determinism and RT is proposed and evaluated. For that, a wireless RT MAC scheme based on the IEEE 802.11 physical layer is proposed along with a Real-Time Ethernet (RTE) MAC scheme. This hybrid system ensures seamless communication between both media. With the aim of including mobile devices in the proposed architecture, a soft-handover algorithm is designed and evaluated. This algorithm guarantees an uninterrupted communication during the handover process without the need for a second radio interface and with a reduced growth in network overhead. Finally, the impact of mobile nodes in a decentralized wireless topology is analysed. For that, the Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) protocol is evaluated to analyse its viability as an alternative to carrying out a handover in industrial applications without centralized systems.El objetivo principal de la tesis es estudiar el impacto de los nodos móviles en las aplicaciones inalámbricas industriales con requisitos estrictos de tiempo y robustez tanto para topologías centralizadas como descentralizadas. Este objetivo supone un gran desafío dadas las adversas condiciones del canal inalámbrico en los entornos industriales. Para no comprometer el rendimiento del sistema, es necesario un protocolo de comunicación determinista y con garantías de tiempo real, junto con un mecanismo para hacer frente a los cambios en la topología debido al movimiento de los dispositivos inalámbricos. Las tecnologías estándar inalámbricas existentes no satisfacen los requisitos exigidos por las aplicaciones industriales más críticas, como los Sistemas de Control Distribuido (DCS - Distributed Control Systems) y, por lo tanto, las comunicaciones cableadas no pueden ser reemplazadas directamente por soluciones inalámbricas. Sin embargo, la adopción de las comunicaciones inalámbricas puede verse como una extensión de las redes cableadas existentes con el objetivo de crear redes híbridas con requisitos de movilidad. El diseño de una solución de comunicación adecuada depende principalmente de la elección del protocolo de control de acceso al medio (MAC - Medium Access Control), el cual, desempeña un papel vital en la disminución de la latencia y del número de paquetes erróneos. Además, los cambios en la topología debidos al movimiento de los dispositivos inalámbricos deben gestionarse correctamente para que el rendimiento de toda la red no se vea afectado. En esta tesis doctoral se propone y se evalúa una arquitectura híbrida centralizada diseñada para aplicaciones industriales con requisitos estrictos de robustez, determinismo y tiempo real. Para ello, se propone un esquema MAC inalámbrico con garantías de tiempo real basado en la capa física IEEE 802.11 junto con un esquema MAC basado en Ethernet en tiempo real (RTE - Real-Time Ethernet). Este esquema híbrido garantiza una comunicación continua entre ambos medios de comunicación. Con el objetivo de incluir dispositivos móviles en la arquitectura propuesta, se propone y evalúa un algoritmo de soft-handover. Este algoritmo garantiza una comunicación ininterrumpida durante el proceso de handover sin la necesidad de una segunda interfaz de radio y con un aumento reducido de la sobrecarga de la red. Finalmente, se analiza el impacto de los nodos móviles en una topología inalámbrica descentralizada. Para ello, se evalúa el protocolo del estado del arte Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) con el objetivo de analizar su viabilidad como alternativa para realizar un handover en las aplicaciones industriales sin sistemas centralizados.Tesi honen helburu nagusia, nodo mugikorrek fidagarritasun eta denboraren aldetik baldintza ugari eskatzen duten aplikazio industrial zentralizatu eta deszentralizatuetan duten eragina aztertzea da. Eremu industrialetako haririk gabeko kanaletan ematen diren komunikazioetarako baldintza bereziki aurkakoak direla medio, helburu honek erronka handia sortzen du. Sarearen errendimendua arriskuan ez jartzeko, determinista eta denbora errealeko komunikazio protokolo bat beharrezkoa da, haririk gabeko nodoen mugimenduaren ondorioz topologiaren aldaketei aurre egiteko mekanismo batekin batera. Haririk gabeko teknologia estandarrek ez dute aplikazio industrial kritikoenek dituzten baldintzak betetzen eta, beraz, kable bidezko komunikazioak ezin dira haririk gabeko sistemekin ordezkatu. Hala ere, haririk gabeko komunikazioen erabilpena jadanik existitzen diren kable bidezko komunikazioen hedadura bezala kontsidera daiteke, mobilitate baldintzak dituzten sare hibridoak sortuz. Komunikazio sistemaren diseinu egokia Medium Access Control (MAC) protokoloaren hautaketa zuzenean oinarritzen da gehien bat, sarbidea kontrolatzeaz arduratzen baita, honela ezinbesteko papera izanik latentzian eta pakete erroreen murrizketan. Horretaz aparte, bai sare zentralizatu eta deszentralizatuen kasuan, haririk gabeko nodoen mugimenduek sortutako tipologia aldaketak azkar eta zuzen kudeatu behar dira sare osoko errendimenduak kalterik ez jasateko. Doktore tesi honetan, fidagarritasun zorrotz, determinismo eta denbora-errealeko baldintzak dituzten industria aplikazioetarako arkitektura hibrido zentralizatu bat proposatu eta ebaluatu da. Horretarako, IEEE 802.11 maila fisikoan oinarritutako haririk gabeko MAC eskema bat proposatu da, Real-Time Ethernet-en (RTE) oinarritutako MAC eskema batekin batera. Eskema hibrido honek bi komunikabideen artean etengabeko komunikazioa bermatzen du. Proposatutako arkitekturan nodo mugikorrak kontuan hartu ahal izateko, soft-handover algoritmo bat proposatu eta ebaluatu da. Algoritmo honek etenik gabeko komunikazioa bermatzen du handover prozesuan zehar bigarren irrati interfaze baten beharrik gabe eta sareko gainkarga oso gutxi handituz. Azkenik, nodo mugikorrek duten eragina haririk gabeko topologia deszentralizatuetan aztertu da. Horretako, bibliografiako Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) protokoloa ebaluatu da industrial aplikazioetako sistema zentralizatuen handover mekanismoaren alternatiba gisa

    Priority realloc : a threefold mechanism for route and resources allocation in EONs

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São PauloBackbone networks are responsible for long-haul data transport serving many clients with a large volume of data. Since long-haul data transport service must rely on a robust high capacity network the current technology broadly adopted by the industry is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). WDM networks enable one single fiber to operate with multiple high capacity channels, drastically increasing the fiber capacity. In WDM networks each channel is associated with an individual wavelength. Therefore a whole wavelength capacity is assigned to a connection, causing waste of bandwidth in case the connection bandwidth requirement is less than the channel total capacity. In the last half decade, Elastic Optical Networks (EON) have been proposed and developed based on the flexible use of the optical spectrum known as the flexigrid. EONs are adaptable to clients requirements and may enhance optical networks performance. For these reasons, research community and data transport providers have been demonstrating increasingly high interest in EONs which are likely to replace WDM as the universally adopted technology in backbone networks in the near future. EONs have two characteristics that may limit its efficient resources use. The spectrum fragmentation, inherent to the dynamic EON operation, decreases the network capacity to assign resources to connection requests increasing network blocking probability. The spectrum fragmentation also intensifies the denial of service to higher rate request inducing service unfairness. Due to the fact EONs were just recently developed and proposed, the aforementioned issues were not yet extensively studied and solutions are still being proposed. Furthermore, EONs do not yet provide specific features as differentiated service mechanisms. Differentiated service strategies are important in backbone networks to guarantee client's diverse requirements in case of a network failure or the natural congestion and resources contention that may occur at some periods of time in a network. Impelled by the foregoing facts, this thesis objective is three-fold. By means of developing and proposing a mechanism for routing and resources assignment in EONs, we intend to provide differentiated service while decreasing fragmentation level and increasing service fairness. The mechanism proposed and explained in this thesis was tested in an EON simulation environment and performance results indicated that it promotes beneficial performance enhancements when compared to benchmark algorithms.Redes backbone sao responsáveis pelo transporte de dados à longa distância que atendem a uma grande quantidade de clientes com um grande volume de dados. Como redes backbone devem basear-se em uma rede robusta e de alta capacidade, a tecnologia atual amplamente adotada pela indústria é Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Redes WDM permitem que uma única fibra opere com múltiplos canais de alta largura de banda, aumentando drasticamente a capacidade da fibra. Em redes WDM cada canal está associado a um comprimento de onda particular. Por conseguinte, toda capacidade do comprimento de onda é atribuída a uma única conexão, fazendo com que parte da largura de banda seja desperdiçada no caso em que a requisição de largura de banda da conexão seja menor do que a capacidade total do canal. A partir da metade da última década, as Redes Ópticas Elásticas (Elastic Optical Networks - EON) têm sido propostas e desenvolvidas com base no uso flexível do espectro óptico conhecido como flexigrid. EONs são adaptáveis às requisiçes por banda dos clientes e podem, portanto, melhorar o desempenho das redes ópticas. Por estas razões, EONs têm recebido cada vez mais interesse dos meios de pesquisa e provedores de serviço e provavelmente substituirão WDM como a tecnologia universalmente adotada pela indústria em redes backbone. EONs têm duas características que podem limitar a utilização eficiente de recursos. A fragmentação do espectro, inerente à operação dinâmica das EONs, pode diminuir a capacidade da rede em distribuir recursos ao atender às solicitações por conexões aumentando a probabilidade de bloqueio na rede. A fragmentação do espectro também intensifica a negação de serviço às solicitações por taxa de transmissão mais elevada, gerando injustiça no serviço prestado. Como EONs foram desenvolvidas recentemente, respostas às questões acima mencionadas ainda estão sob estudo e soluções continuam sendo propostas na literatura. Além disso, EONs ainda não fornecem funções específicas como um mecanismo que proveja diferenciação de serviço. Estratégias de diferenciação de serviço são importantes em redes backbone para garantir os diversos requisitos dos clientes em caso de uma falha na rede ou do congestionamento e disputa por recursos que podem ocorrer em alguns períodos em uma rede. Impulsionada pelos fatos anteriormente mencionados, esta tese possui três objetivos. Através do desenvolvimento e proposta de um mecanismo de roteamento e atribuição de recursos para EONs, temos a intenção de disponibilizar diferenciação de serviço, diminuir o nível de fragmentação de espectro e aumentar a justiça na distribuição de serviços. O mecanismo proposto nesta tese foi testado em simulações de EONs. Resultados indicaram que o mecanismo proposto promove benefícios através do aprimoramento da performance de uma rede EON quando comparado com algoritmos de referência.Les xarxes troncals son responsables per el transport de dades a llarga distància que serveixen a una gran quantitat de clients amb un gran volum de dades. Com les xarxes troncals han d'estar basades en una xarxa robusta i d'alta capacitat, la tecnologia actual àmpliament adoptada per la indústria és el Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Xarxes WDM permeten operar amb una sola fibra multicanal d'alt ample de banda, el que augmenta molt la capacitat de la fibra. A les xarxes WDM cada canal est a associat amb una longitud d'ona particular. En conseqüència, tota la capacitat del canal es assignada a una sola connexió, fent que part dels recurs siguin perduts en el cas en que l'ample de banda sol licitada sigui menys que la capacitat total del canal. A gairebé deu anys les xarxes òptiques elàstiques (Elastic Optical Networks -EON) son propostes i desenvolupades basades en el ús visible de l'espectre òptic conegut com Flexigrid. EONs són adaptables a les sol·licituds per ample de banda dels clients i per tant poden millorar el rendiment de les xarxes òptiques. Per aquestes raons, EONs han rebut cada vegada més interès en els mitjans d’investigació i de serveis i, probablement, han de reemplaçar el WDM com la tecnologia universalment adoptada en les xarxes troncals. EONs tenen dues característiques que poden limitar l'ús eficient dels recursos seus. La fragmentació de l'espectre inherent al funcionament dinàmic de les EONs, pot disminuir la capacitat de la xarxa en distribuir els recursos augmentant la probabilitat de bloqueig de connexions. La fragmentació de l'espectre també intensifica la denegació de les sol·licituds de servei per connexions amb una major ample de banda, el que genera injustícia en el servei ofert. Com les EONs s'han desenvolupat recentment, solucions als problemes anteriors encara estan en estudi i les solucions segueixen sent proposades en la literatura. D'altra banda, les EONs encara no proporcionen funcions especifiques com mecanisme de diferenciació de provisió de serveis. Estratègies de diferenciació de servei són importants en les xarxes troncals per garantir les diverses necessitats dels clients en cas d'una fallada de la xarxa o de la congestió i la competència pels recursos que es poden produir en alguns períodes. Impulsada pels fets abans esmentats, aquesta tesi te tres objectius. A través del desenvolupament i proposta d'un mecanisme d'enrutament i assignació de recursos per EONs, tenim la intenció d'oferir la diferenciació de serveis, disminuir el nivell de fragmentació de l'espectre i augmentar l'equitat en la distribució dels serveis. El mecanisme proposat en aquesta tesi ha estat provat en simulacions EONs. Els resultats van indicar que el mecanisme promou millores en el rendiment de la EON, en comparació amb els algoritmes de referència.Postprint (published version

    Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are penetrating our daily lives, and they are starting to be deployed even in an industrial environment. The research on such industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs) considers more stringent requirements of robustness, reliability, and timeliness in each network layer. This Special Issue presents the recent research result on industrial wireless sensor networks. Each paper in this Special Issue has unique contributions in the advancements of industrial wireless sensor network research and we expect each paper to promote the relevant research and the deployment of IWSNs

    Resource-Constrained Airline Ground Operations: Optimizing Schedule Recovery under Uncertainty

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    Die zentrale europäische Verkehrsflusssteuerung (englisch: ATFM) und Luftverkehrsgesellschaften (englisch: Airlines) verwenden unterschiedliche Paradigmen für die Priorisierung von Flügen. Während ATFM jeden Flug als individuelle Einheit betrachtet, um die Kapazitätsauslastung aller Sektoren zu steuern, bewerten Airlines jeden Flug als Teilabschnitt eines Flugzeugumlaufes, eines Crew-Einsatzplanes bzw. einer Passagierroute. Infolgedessen sind ATFM-Zeitfenster für Flüge in Kapazitätsengpässen oft schlecht auf die Ressourcenabhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Airline-Netzwerks abgestimmt, sodass die Luftfahrzeug-Bodenabfertigung – als Verbindungselement bzw. Bruchstelle zwischen einzelnen Flügen im Netzwerk – als Hauptverursacher primärer und reaktionärer Verspätungen in Europa gilt. Diese Dissertation schließt die Lücke zwischen beiden Paradigmen, indem sie ein integriertes Optimierungsmodell für die Flugplanwiederherstellung entwickelt. Das Modell ermöglicht Airlines die Priorisierung zwischen Flügen, die von einem ATFM-Kapazitätsengpass betroffen sind, und berücksichtigt dabei die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit von Abfertigungsressourcen am Flughafen. Weiterhin werden verschiedene Methoden untersucht, um die errechneten Flugprioritäten vertraulich innerhalb von kooperativen Lösungsverfahren mit externen Stakeholdern austauschen zu können. Das integrierte Optimierungsmodell ist eine Erweiterung des Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems und integriert das Bodenprozessmanagement von Luftfahrzeugen mit bestehenden Ansätzen für die Steuerung von Flugzeugumläufen, Crew-Einsatzplänen und Passagierrouten. Das Modell soll der Verkehrsleitzentrale einer Airline als taktische Entscheidungsunterstützung dienen und arbeitet dabei mit einer Vorlaufzeit von mehr als zwei Stunden bis zur nächsten planmäßigen Verkehrsspitze. Systemimmanente Unsicherheiten über Prozessabweichungen und mögliche zukünftige Störungen werden in der Optimierung in Form von stochastischen Prozesszeiten und mittels des neu-entwickelten Konzeptes stochastischer Verspätungskostenfunktionen berücksichtigt. Diese Funktionen schätzen die Kosten der Verspätungsausbreitung im Airline-Netzwerk flugspezifisch auf der Basis historischer Betriebsdaten ab, sodass knappe Abfertigungsressourcen am Drehkreuz der Airline den kritischsten Flugzeugumläufen zugeordnet werden können. Das Modell wird innerhalb einer Fallstudie angewendet, um die taktischen Kosten einer Airline in Folge von verschiedenen Flugplanstörungen zu minimieren. Die Analyseergebnisse zeigen, dass die optimale Lösung sehr sensitiv in Bezug auf die Art, den Umfang und die Intensität einer Störung reagiert und es folglich keine allgemeingültige optimale Flugplanwiederherstellung für verschiedene Störungen gibt. Umso dringender wird der Einsatz eines flexiblen und effizienten Optimierungsverfahrens empfohlen, welches die komplexen Ressourcenabhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Airline-Netzwerks berücksichtigt und kontextspezifische Lösungen generiert. Um die Effizienz eines solchen Optimierungsverfahrens zu bestimmen, sollte das damit gewonnene Steuerungspotenzial im Vergleich zu aktuell genutzten Verfahren über einen längeren Zeitraum untersucht werden. Aus den in dieser Dissertation analysierten Störungsszenarien kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die flexible Standplatzvergabe, Passagier-Direkttransporte, beschleunigte Abfertigungsverfahren und die gezielte Verspätung von Abflügen sehr gute Steuerungsoptionen sind und während 95 Prozent der Saison Anwendung finden könnten, um geringe bis mittlere Verspätungen von Einzelflügen effizient aufzulösen. Bei Störungen, die zu hohen Verspätungen im gesamten Airline-Netzwerk führen, ist eine vollständige Integration aller in Betracht gezogenen Steuerungsoptionen erforderlich, um eine erhebliche Reduzierung der taktischen Kosten zu erreichen. Dabei ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit, Ankunfts- und Abflugzeitfenster zu tauschen, von hoher Bedeutung für eine Airline, um die ihr zugewiesenen ATFM-Verspätungen auf die Flugzeugumläufe zu verteilen, welche die geringsten Einschränkungen im weiteren Tagesverlauf aufweisen. Die Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten im nachgelagerten Airline-Netzwerk zeigt, dass eine Optimierung auf Basis deterministischer Verspätungskosten die taktischen Kosten für eine Airline überschätzen kann. Die optimale Flugplanwiederherstellung auf Basis stochastischer Verspätungskosten unterscheidet sich deutlich von der deterministischen Lösung und führt zu weniger Passagierumbuchungen am Drehkreuz. Darüber hinaus ist das vorgeschlagene Modell in der Lage, Flugprioritäten und Airline-interne Kostenwerte für ein zugewiesenes ATFM-Zeitfenster zu bestimmen. Die errechneten Flugprioritäten können dabei vertraulich in Form von optimalen Verspätungszeitfenstern pro Flug an das ATFM übermittelt werden, während die Definition von internen Kostenwerten für ATFM-Zeitfenster die Entwicklung von künftigen Handelsmechanismen zwischen Airlines unterstützen kann.:1 Introduction 2 Status Quo on Airline Operations Management 3 Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources 4 Implementation and Application 5 Case Study Analysis 6 ConclusionsAir Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) and airlines use different paradigms for the prioritisation of flights. While ATFM regards each flight as individual entity when it controls sector capacity utilization, airlines evaluate each flight as part of an aircraft rotation, crew pairing and passenger itinerary. As a result, ATFM slot regulations during capacity constraints are poorly coordinated with the resource interdependencies within an airline network, such that the aircraft turnaround -- as the connecting element or breaking point between individual flights in an airline schedule -- is the major contributor to primary and reactionary delays in Europe. This dissertation bridges the gap between both paradigms by developing an integrated schedule recovery model that enables airlines to define their optimal flight priorities for schedule disturbances arising from ATFM capacity constraints. These priorities consider constrained airport resources and different methods are studied how to communicate them confidentially to external stakeholders for the usage in collaborative solutions, such as the assignment of reserve resources or ATFM slot swapping. The integrated schedule recovery model is an extension of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem and integrates aircraft turnaround operations with existing approaches for aircraft, crew and passenger recovery. The model is supposed to provide tactical decision support for airline operations controllers at look-ahead times of more than two hours prior to a scheduled hub bank. System-inherent uncertainties about process deviations and potential future disruptions are incorporated into the optimization via stochastic turnaround process times and the novel concept of stochastic delay cost functions. These functions estimate the costs of delay propagation and derive flight-specific downstream recovery capacities from historical operations data, such that scarce resources at the hub airport can be allocated to the most critical turnarounds. The model is applied to the case study of a network carrier that aims at minimizing its tactical costs from several disturbance scenarios. The case study analysis reveals that optimal recovery solutions are very sensitive to the type, scope and intensity of a disturbance, such that there is neither a general optimal solution for different types of disturbance nor for disturbances of the same kind. Thus, airlines require a flexible and efficient optimization method, which considers the complex interdependencies among their constrained resources and generates context-specific solutions. To determine the efficiency of such an optimization method, its achieved network resilience should be studied in comparison to current procedures over longer periods of operation. For the sample of analysed scenarios in this dissertation, it can be concluded that stand reallocation, ramp direct services, quick-turnaround procedures and flight retiming are very efficient recovery options when only a few flights obtain low and medium delays, i.e., 95% of the season. For disturbances which induce high delay into the entire airline network, a full integration of all considered recovery options is required to achieve a substantial reduction of tactical costs. Thereby, especially arrival and departure slot swapping are valuable options for the airline to redistribute its assigned ATFM delays onto those aircraft that have the least critical constraints in their downstream rotations. The consideration of uncertainties in the downstream airline network reveals that an optimization based on deterministic delay costs may overestimate the tactical costs for the airline. Optimal recovery solutions based on stochastic delay costs differ significantly from the deterministic approach and are observed to result in less passenger rebooking at the hub airport. Furthermore, the proposed schedule recovery model is able to define flight priorities and internal slot values for the airline. Results show that the priorities can be communicated confidentially to ATFM by using the concept of 'Flight Delay Margins', while slot values may support future inter-airline slot trading mechanisms.:1 Introduction 2 Status Quo on Airline Operations Management 3 Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources 4 Implementation and Application 5 Case Study Analysis 6 Conclusion

    Balancing the Costs for Finished Goods Inventory and Production Capacity in a Make-to-Order Company

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    In most manufacturing companies, it is necessary to carry inventory to a greater or lesser extent in order to disconnect the activities in the supply chain that are not conducted at the same pace. This way, a smoother flow through the chain, from raw material extraction to arrival at the final customer of a finished product, is facilitated. However, different parts of a company often have conflicting goals when it comes to inventory decisions. From a financial point of view, for example, it is beneficial to have as little capital as possible tied up in inventory, while high stock levels can enable an even level of production and better customer service. However these different goals are prioritized, the benefits in one department will incur costs in another one. The purpose of this project is to investigate how these costs are connected to each other, and increase the understanding of how they affect the total cost of ownership in a make-to-order company. Moreover, a model that describes the relationship between the different costs and that calculates a near cost optimal production plan over a given planning horizon will be developed. An interview based, deductive case study with focus on finished goods inventory at Tetra Pak in Lund has been conducted to state an example of a typical make-to-order firm. Company specific cost factors have been identified and used for setting up an aggregate planning model and making calculations for a cost optimal production plan in an example case. Furthermore, the cost factors have been compared individually in order to establish an understanding of how they are interrelated in isolated decision situations. It can be concluded that while the costs for inventory and production are relatively easy to determine, due to their concrete nature, other costs related to inventory and production management are more difficult to estimate. One such cost is the one of insufficient customer service, as this parameter cannot be measured only in financial terms, but also have soft aspects that have to be taken into consideration. It is therefore recommended that companies that wish to use methods similar to the one exemplified in this study, bear in mind that their strategic priorities have to be taken into account when making decisions based on the suggested cost optimal production plan