101 research outputs found

    Practical Product Path Guiding Using Linearly Transformed Cosines

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    International audiencePath tracing is now the standard method used to generate realistic imagery in many domains, e.g., film, special effects, architecture etc. Path guiding has recently emerged as a powerful strategy to counter the notoriously long computation times required torender such images. We present a practical path guiding algorithm that performs product sampling, i.e., samples proportionalto the product of the bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) and incoming radiance. We use a spatial-directionalsubdivision to represent incoming radiance, and introduce the use of Linearly Transformed Cosines (LTCs) to represent theBSDF during path guiding, thus enabling efficient product sampling. Despite the computational efficiency of LTCs, several optimizations are needed to make our method cost effective. In particular, we show how we can use vectorization, precomputation,as well as strategies to optimize multiple importance sampling and Russian roulette to improve performance. We evaluate ourmethod on several scenes, demonstrating consistent improvement in efficiency compared to previous work, especially in sceneswith significant glossy inter-reflection

    Sampling Projected Spherical Caps in Real Time

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    Stochastic shading with area lights requires methods to sample the light sources. For diffuse materials, the best strategy is to sample proportionally to projected solid angle. Recent work in offline rendering has addressed this problem for spherical light sources, but the solution is unsuitable for a GPU implementation. We present a far more efficient solution. It offers results without noteworthy noise for diffuse surfaces lit by an unoccluded spherical light source while being only two to three times more costly than simple sampling of the solid angle. The core insight of the technique is that a projected spherical cap can be decomposed into, or at least approximated by, cut disks. We present an efficient method to sample cut disks and show how to use it to sample projected spherical caps. In some cases, our method does not sample exactly proportionally to projected solid angle but the deviation is provably bounded

    Slope-space integrals for specular next event estimation

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    International audienceMonte Carlo light transport simulations often lack robustness in scenes containing specular or near-specular materials. Widely used uni- and bidirectional sampling strategies tend to find light paths involving such materials with insufficient probability, producing unusable images that are contaminated by significant variance.This article addresses the problem of sampling a light path connecting two given scene points via a single specular reflection or refraction, extending the range of scenes that can be robustly handled by unbiased path sampling techniques. Our technique enables efficient rendering of challenging transport phenomena caused by such paths, such as underwater caustics or caustics involving glossy metallic objects.We derive analytic expressions that predict the total radiance due to a single reflective or refractive triangle with a microfacet BSDF and we show that this reduces to the well known Lambert boundary integral for irradiance. We subsequently show how this can be leveraged to efficiently sample connections on meshes comprised of vast numbers of triangles.Our derivation builds on the theory of off-center microfacets and involves integrals in the space of surface slopes.Our approach straightforwardly applies to the related problem of rendering glints with high-resolution normal maps describing specular microstructure. Our formulation alleviates problems raised by singularities in filtering integrals and enables a generalization of previous work to perfectly specular materials. We also extend previous work to the case of GGX distributions and introduce new techniques to improve accuracy and performance

    Representation and shape matching of 3-D objects

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    Journal ArticleA three-dimensional scene analysis system for the shape matching of real world 3-D objects is presented. Various issues related to representation and modeling of 3-D objects are addressed. A new method for the approximation of 3-D objects by a set of planar faces is discussed. The major advantage of this method is that it is applicable to a complete object and not restricted to single range view which was the imitation of the previous work in 3-D scene analysis. The method is a sequential region growing algorithm. It is not applied to range images, but rather to a set of 3-D model of an object is obtained

    The use of computer-aided design techniques in dynamic graphical simulation

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    Imperial Users onl

    Toward accurate computation of optically reconstructed holograms

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1991.Includes bibliographical references (p. 163-165).by John Stephen Underkoffler.M.S

    Interactive volume ray tracing

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    Die Visualisierung von volumetrischen Daten ist eine der interessantesten, aber sicherlich auch schwierigsten Anwendungsgebiete innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung. Im Gegensatz zu Oberflächenmodellen, repräsentieren solche Daten ein semi-transparentes Medium in einem 3D-Feld. Anwendungen reichen von medizinischen Untersuchungen, Simulation physikalischer Prozesse bis hin zur visuellen Kunst. Viele dieser Anwendungen verlangen Interaktivität hinsichtlich Darstellungs- und Visualisierungsparameter. Der Ray-Tracing- (Stahlverfolgungs-) Algorithmus wurde dabei, obwohl er inhärent die Interaktion mit einem solchen Medium simulieren kann, immer als zu langsam angesehen. Die meisten Forscher konzentrierten sich vielmehr auf Rasterisierungsansätze, da diese besser für Grafikkarten geeignet sind. Dabei leiden diese Ansätze entweder unter einer ungenügenden Qualität respektive Flexibilität. Die andere Alternative besteht darin, den Ray-Tracing-Algorithmus so zu beschleunigen, dass er sinnvoll für Visualisierungsanwendungen benutzt werden kann. Seit der Verfügbarkeit moderner Grafikkarten hat die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet nachgelassen, obwohl selbst moderne GPUs immer noch Limitierungen, wie beispielsweise der begrenzte Grafikkartenspeicher oder das umständliche Programmiermodell, enthalten. Die beiden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden sind deshalb vollständig softwarebasiert, da es sinnvoller erscheint, möglichst viele Optimierungen in Software zu realisieren, bevor eine Portierung auf Hardware erfolgt. Die erste Methode wird impliziter Kd-Baum genannt, eine hierarchische und räumliche Beschleunigungstruktur, die ursprünglich für die Generierung von Isoflächen reguläre Gitterdatensätze entwickelt wurde. In der Zwischenzeit unterstützt sie auch die semi-transparente Darstellung, die Darstellung von zeitabhängigen Datensätzen und wurde erfolgreich für andere Anwendungen eingesetzt. Der zweite Algorithmus benutzt so genannte Plücker-Koordinaten, welche die Implementierung eines schnellen inkrementellen Traversierers für Datensätze erlauben, deren Primitive Tetraeder beziehungsweise Hexaeder sind. Beide Algorithmen wurden wesentlich optimiert, um eine interaktive Bildgenerierung volumetrischer Daten zu ermöglichen und stellen deshalb einen wichtigen Beitrag hin zu einem flexiblen und interaktiven Volumen-Ray-Tracing-System dar.Volume rendering is one of the most demanding and interesting topics among scientific visualization. Applications include medical examinations, simulation of physical processes, and visual art. Most of these applications demand interactivity with respect to the viewing and visualization parameters. The ray tracing algorithm, although inherently simulating light interaction with participating media, was always considered too slow. Instead, most researchers followed object-order algorithms better suited for graphics adapters, although such approaches often suffer either from low quality or lack of flexibility. Another alternative is to speed up the ray tracing algorithm to make it competitive for volumetric visualization tasks. Since the advent of modern graphic adapters, research in this area had somehow ceased, although some limitations of GPUs, e.g. limited graphics board memory and tedious programming model, are still a problem. The two methods discussed in this thesis are therefore purely software-based since it is believed that software implementations allow for a far better optimization process before porting algorithms to hardware. The first method is called implicit kd-tree, which is a hierarchical spatial acceleration structure originally developed for iso-surface rendering of regular data sets that now supports semi-transparent rendering, time-dependent data visualization, and is even used in non volume-rendering applications. The second algorithm uses so-called Plücker coordinates, providing a fast incremental traversal for data sets consisting of tetrahedral or hexahedral primitives. Both algorithms are highly optimized to support interactive rendering of volumetric data sets and are therefore major contributions towards a flexible and interactive volume ray tracing framework

    Efektivní a expresivní mikrofasetové modely

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    Název: Efektivní a expresivní mikrofasetové modely Autor: Asen Atanasov Katedra: Katedra softwaru a výuky informatiky Vedoucí: doc. Dr. Alexander Wilkie, Katedra softwaru a výuky informatiky Abstrakt: V realistickém modelování vzhledu jsou drsné povrchy, které mají mikroskopické detaily, popsány pomocí tzv. mikrofazetových modelů. Mezi tyto modely patří analytické modely, které statisticky definují fyzikálně založený mikropovrch. Takové modely jsou široce používány v praxi, protože jsou nenáročné na výpočet a nabízejí značnou flexibilitu ve vzhledu, který s nimi lze docílit. Tyto modely mohou být rozšířené o viditelné povrchové prvky prostřednictvím normálové mapy. Stále však existují oblasti, ve kterých lze tento obecný typ modelu vylepšit: důležité funkce, jako je řízení anizotropie, někdy postrádají analytická řešení a účinné vykreslování normálových map vyžaduje přesné a obecné filtrovací algoritmy. Posunujeme předchozí práci v následujících oblastech: odvodíme analytické anizotropní modely, přeformulujeme problém filtrování a navrhneme efektivní filtrační algoritmus založený na nové datové struktuře filtračních dat. Konkrétně odvodíme obecný výsledek v mikrofazetové teorii: na základě libovolného mikropovrchu definovaného pomocí standardní mikrofazetové statistiky ukážeme, jak konstruovat statistiku...Title: Efficient and Expressive Microfacet Models Author: Asen Atanasov Department: Department of Software and Computer Science Education Supervisor: doc. Dr. Alexander Wilkie, Department of Software and Computer Science Education Abstract: In realistic appearance modeling, rough surfaces that have micro- scopic details are described using so-called microfacet models. These include analytical models that statistically define a physically-based microsurface. Such models are extensively used in practice because they are inexpensive to compute and offer considerable flexibility in terms of appearance control. Also, small but visible surface features can easily be added to them through the use of a normal map. However, there are still areas in which this general type of model can be improved: important features like anisotropy control sometimes lack analytic solutions, and the efficient rendering of normal maps requires accurate and general filtering algorithms. We advance the state of the art with regard to such models in these areas: we derive analytic anisotropic models, reformulate the filtering problem and propose an efficient filtering algorithm based on a novel filtering data structure. Specifically, we derive a general result in microfacet theory: given an arbitrary microsurface defined via standard...Katedra softwaru a výuky informatikyDepartment of Software and Computer Science EducationMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    View generated database

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    This document represents the final report for the View Generated Database (VGD) project, NAS7-1066. It documents the work done on the project up to the point at which all project work was terminated due to lack of project funds. The VGD was to provide the capability to accurately represent any real-world object or scene as a computer model. Such models include both an accurate spatial/geometric representation of surfaces of the object or scene, as well as any surface detail present on the object. Applications of such models are numerous, including acquisition and maintenance of work models for tele-autonomous systems, generation of accurate 3-D geometric/photometric models for various 3-D vision systems, and graphical models for realistic rendering of 3-D scenes via computer graphics
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