4,198 research outputs found

    MIDV-2019: Challenges of the modern mobile-based document OCR

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    Recognition of identity documents using mobile devices has become a topic of a wide range of computer vision research. The portfolio of methods and algorithms for solving such tasks as face detection, document detection and rectification, text field recognition, and other, is growing, and the scarcity of datasets has become an important issue. One of the openly accessible datasets for evaluating such methods is MIDV-500, containing video clips of 50 identity document types in various conditions. However, the variability of capturing conditions in MIDV-500 did not address some of the key issues, mainly significant projective distortions and different lighting conditions. In this paper we present a MIDV-2019 dataset, containing video clips shot with modern high-resolution mobile cameras, with strong projective distortions and with low lighting conditions. The description of the added data is presented, and experimental baselines for text field recognition in different conditions. The dataset is available for download at ftp://smartengines.com/midv-500/extra/midv-2019/.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, 18 references, submitted and accepted to the 12th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2019

    MIDV-2020: A Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset for Identity Document Analysis

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    Identity documents recognition is an important sub-field of document analysis, which deals with tasks of robust document detection, type identification, text fields recognition, as well as identity fraud prevention and document authenticity validation given photos, scans, or video frames of an identity document capture. Significant amount of research has been published on this topic in recent years, however a chief difficulty for such research is scarcity of datasets, due to the subject matter being protected by security requirements. A few datasets of identity documents which are available lack diversity of document types, capturing conditions, or variability of document field values. In addition, the published datasets were typically designed only for a subset of document recognition problems, not for a complex identity document analysis. In this paper, we present a dataset MIDV-2020 which consists of 1000 video clips, 2000 scanned images, and 1000 photos of 1000 unique mock identity documents, each with unique text field values and unique artificially generated faces, with rich annotation. For the presented benchmark dataset baselines are provided for such tasks as document location and identification, text fields recognition, and face detection. With 72409 annotated images in total, to the date of publication the proposed dataset is the largest publicly available identity documents dataset with variable artificially generated data, and we believe that it will prove invaluable for advancement of the field of document analysis and recognition. The dataset is available for download at ftp://smartengines.com/midv-2020 and http://l3i-share.univ-lr.fr

    Back-compatible Color QR Codes for colorimetric applications

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    Color correction techniques in digital photography often rely on the use of color correction charts, which require including this relatively large object in the field of view. We propose here to use QR Codes to pack these color charts in a compact form factor, in a fully compatible manner with conventional black and white QR Codes; this is, without losing any of their easy location, sampling and digital data storage features. First, we present an algorithm to build these new colored QR Codes that preserves the original QR Code functionality - much more than other coloring proposals based on the random substitution of black and white pixels by colors - that relies on the ability of the native CRC code to correct and counteract these alterations. Second, we demonstrate that, as a result, these QR Codes can allocate far many more colors than the conventional color correction charts, enabling much more accurate color correction schemes in a more convenient and usable format

    Towards a unified framework for identity documents analysis and recognition

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    Identity documents recognition is far beyond classical optical character recognition problems. Automated ID document recognition systems are tasked not only with the extraction of editable and transferable data but with performing identity validation and preventing fraud, with an increasingly high cost of error. A significant amount of research is directed to the creation of ID analysis systems with a specific focus for a subset of document types, or a particular mode of image acquisition, however, one of the challenges of the modern world is an increasing demand for identity document recognition from a wide variety of image sources, such as scans, photos, or video frames, as well as in a variety of virtually uncontrolled capturing conditions. In this paper, we describe the scope and context of identity document analysis and recognition problem and its challenges; analyze the existing works on implementing ID document recognition systems; and set a task to construct a unified framework for identity document recognition, which would be applicable for different types of image sources and capturing conditions, as well as scalable enough to support large number of identity document types. The aim of the presented framework is to serve as a basis for developing new methods and algorithms for ID document recognition, as well as for far more heavy challenges of identity document forensics, fully automated personal authentication and fraud prevention.This work was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 18-29-03085 and 19-29-09055)

    Automated color correction for colorimetric applications using barcodes

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    [eng] Color-based sensor devices often offer qualitative solutions, where a material change its color from one color to another, and this is change is observed by a user who performs a manual reading. These materials change their color in response to changes in a certain physical or chemical magnitude. Nowadays, we can find colorimetric indicators with several sensing targets, such as: temperature, humidity, environmental gases, etc. The common approach to quantize these sensors is to place ad hoc electronic components, e.g., a reader device. With the rise of smartphone technology, the possibility to automatically acquire a digital image of those sensors and then compute a quantitative measure is near. By leveraging this measuring process to the smartphones, we avoid the use of ad hoc electronic components, thus reducing colorimetric application cost. However, there exists a challenge on how-to acquire the images of the colorimetric applications and how-to do it consistently, with the disparity of external factors affecting the measure, such as ambient light conditions or different camera modules. In this thesis, we tackle the challenges to digitize and quantize colorimetric applications, such as colorimetric indicators. We make a statement to use 2D barcodes, well-known computer vision patterns, as the base technology to overcome those challenges. We focus on four main challenges: (I) to capture barcodes on top of real-world challenging surfaces (bottles, food packages, etc.), which are the usual surface where colorimetric indicators are placed; (II) to define a new 2D barcode to embed colorimetric features in a back-compatible fashion; (III) to achieve image consistency when capturing images with smartphones by reviewing existent methods and proposing a new color correction method, based upon thin-plate splines mappings; and (IV) to demonstrate a specific application use case applied to a colorimetric indicator for sensing CO2 in the range of modified atmosphere packaging, MAP, one of the common food-packaging standards.[cat] Els dispositius de sensat basats en color, normalment ofereixen solucions qualitatives, en aquestes solucions un material canvia el seu color a un altre color, i aquest canvi de color és observat per un usuari que fa una mesura manual. Aquests materials canvien de color en resposta a un canvi en una magnitud física o química. Avui en dia, podem trobar indicadors colorimètrics que amb diferents objectius, per exemple: temperatura, humitat, gasos ambientals, etc. L'opció més comuna per quantitzar aquests sensors és l'ús d'electrònica addicional, és a dir, un lector. Amb l'augment de la tecnologia dels telèfons intel·ligents, la possibilitat d'automatitzar l'adquisició d'imatges digitals d'aquests sensors i després computar una mesura quantitativa és a prop. Desplaçant aquest procés de mesura als telèfons mòbils, evitem l'ús d'aquesta electrònica addicional, i així, es redueix el cost de l'aplicació colorimètrica. Tanmateix, existeixen reptes sobre com adquirir les imatges de les aplicacions colorimètriques i de com fer-ho de forma consistent, a causa de la disparitat de factors externs que afecten la mesura, com per exemple la llum ambient or les diferents càmeres utilitzades. En aquesta tesi, encarem els reptes de digitalitzar i quantitzar aplicacions colorimètriques, com els indicadors colorimètrics. Fem una proposició per utilitzar codis de barres en dues dimensions, que són coneguts patrons de visió per computador, com a base de la nostra tecnologia per superar aquests reptes. Ens focalitzem en quatre reptes principals: (I) capturar codis de barres sobre de superfícies del món real (ampolles, safates de menjar, etc.), que són les superfícies on usualment aquests indicadors colorimètrics estan situats; (II) definir un nou codi de barres en dues dimensions per encastar elements colorimètrics de forma retro-compatible; (III) aconseguir consistència en la captura d'imatges quan es capturen amb telèfons mòbils, revisant mètodes de correcció de color existents i proposant un nou mètode basat en transformacions geomètriques que utilitzen splines; i (IV) demostrar l'ús de la tecnologia en un cas específic aplicat a un indicador colorimètric per detectar CO2 en el rang per envasos amb atmosfera modificada, MAP, un dels estàndards en envasos de menjar.

    Location estimation in smart homes setting with RFID systems

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    Indoor localisation technologies are a core component of Smart Homes. Many applications within Smart Homes benefit from localisation technologies to determine the locations of things, objects and people. The tremendous characteristics of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have become one of the enabler technologies in the Internet of Things (IOT) that connect objects and things wirelessly. RFID is a promising technology in indoor positioning that not only uniquely identifies entities but also locates affixed RFID tags on objects or subjects in stationary and real-time. The rapid advancement in RFID-based systems has sparked the interest of researchers in Smart Homes to employ RFID technologies and potentials to assist with optimising (non-) pervasive healthcare systems in automated homes. In this research localisation techniques and enabled positioning sensors are investigated. Passive RFID sensors are used to localise passive tags that are affixed to Smart Home objects and track the movement of individuals in stationary and real-time settings. In this study, we develop an affordable passive localisation platform using inexpensive passive RFID sensors. To fillful this aim, a passive localisation framework using minimum tracking resources (RFID sensors) has been designed. A localisation prototype and localisation application that examined the affixed RFID tag on objects to evaluate our proposed locaisation framework was then developed. Localising algorithms were utilised to achieve enhanced accuracy of localising one particular passive tag which that affixed to target objects. This thesis uses a general enough approach so that it could be applied more widely to other applications in addition to Health Smart Homes. A passive RFID localising framework is designed and developed through systematic procedures. A localising platform is built to test the proposed framework, along with developing a RFID tracking application using Java programming language and further data analysis in MATLAB. This project applies localisation procedures and evaluates them experimentally. The experimental study positively confirms that our proposed localisation framework is capable of enhancing the accuracy of the location of the tracked individual. The low-cost design uses only one passive RFID target tag, one RFID reader and three to four antennas

    Advancements In Crowd-Monitoring System: A Comprehensive Analysis of Systematic Approaches and Automation Algorithms: State-of-The-Art

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    Growing apprehensions surrounding public safety have captured the attention of numerous governments and security agencies across the globe. These entities are increasingly acknowledging the imperative need for reliable and secure crowd-monitoring systems to address these concerns. Effectively managing human gatherings necessitates proactive measures to prevent unforeseen events or complications, ensuring a safe and well-coordinated environment. The scarcity of research focusing on crowd monitoring systems and their security implications has given rise to a burgeoning area of investigation, exploring potential approaches to safeguard human congregations effectively. Crowd monitoring systems depend on a bifurcated approach, encompassing vision-based and non-vision-based technologies. An in-depth analysis of these two methodologies will be conducted in this research. The efficacy of these approaches is contingent upon the specific environment and temporal context in which they are deployed, as they each offer distinct advantages. This paper endeavors to present an in-depth analysis of the recent incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and models into automated systems, emphasizing their contemporary applications and effectiveness in various contexts

    The sources and characteristics of electronic evidence and artificial intelligence

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    In this updated edition of the well-established practitioner text, Stephen Mason and Daniel Seng have brought together a team of experts in the field to provide an exhaustive treatment of electronic evidence and electronic signatures. This fifth edition continues to follow the tradition in English evidence text books by basing the text on the law of England and Wales, with appropriate citations of relevant case law and legislation from other jurisdictions

    Remote Surveillance System for Mobile Application

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    Remote video surveillance is the use of cameras and other surveillance equipment to monitor properties and assets from a separate location. It is often used as a force multiplier or asset protection device for areas where it is not possible, practical, or affordable to install a cable network. It is commonly deployed in city and campus applications, or any place where it is difficult to monitor the surroundings using common means. Remote surveillance is a great opportunity to use wireless technologies for connectivity due to the flexibility they provide. A video surveillance system is only as reliable as the network it is connected to, so careful planning of the network technologies and equipment choices are crucial. Keywords: camera control, change detection, computer vision, image processing, video surveillance