46 research outputs found

    Adaptive Real-Time Image Processing for Human-Computer Interaction

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    Activity Recognition Using Probabilistic Timed Automata

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    Particle Filters for Colour-Based Face Tracking Under Varying Illumination

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    Automatic human face tracking is the basis of robotic and active vision systems used for facial feature analysis, automatic surveillance, video conferencing, intelligent transportation, human-computer interaction and many other applications. Superior human face tracking will allow future safety surveillance systems which monitor drowsy drivers, or patients and elderly people at the risk of seizure or sudden falls and will perform with lower risk of failure in unexpected situations. This area has actively been researched in the current literature in an attempt to make automatic face trackers more stable in challenging real-world environments. To detect faces in video sequences, features like colour, texture, intensity, shape or motion is used. Among these feature colour has been the most popular, because of its insensitivity to orientation and size changes and fast process-ability. The challenge of colour-based face trackers, however, has been dealing with the instability of trackers in case of colour changes due to the drastic variation in environmental illumination. Probabilistic tracking and the employment of particle filters as powerful Bayesian stochastic estimators, on the other hand, is increasing in the visual tracking field thanks to their ability to handle multi-modal distributions in cluttered scenes. Traditional particle filters utilize transition prior as importance sampling function, but this can result in poor posterior sampling. The objective of this research is to investigate and propose stable face tracker capable of dealing with challenges like rapid and random motion of head, scale changes when people are moving closer or further from the camera, motion of multiple people with close skin tones in the vicinity of the model person, presence of clutter and occlusion of face. The main focus has been on investigating an efficient method to address the sensitivity of the colour-based trackers in case of gradual or drastic illumination variations. The particle filter is used to overcome the instability of face trackers due to nonlinear and random head motions. To increase the traditional particle filter\u27s sampling efficiency an improved version of the particle filter is introduced that considers the latest measurements. This improved particle filter employs a new colour-based bottom-up approach that leads particles to generate an effective proposal distribution. The colour-based bottom-up approach is a classification technique for fast skin colour segmentation. This method is independent to distribution shape and does not require excessive memory storage or exhaustive prior training. Finally, to address the adaptability of the colour-based face tracker to illumination changes, an original likelihood model is proposed based of spatial rank information that considers both the illumination invariant colour ordering of a face\u27s pixels in an image or video frame and the spatial interaction between them. The original contribution of this work lies in the unique mixture of existing and proposed components to improve colour-base recognition and tracking of faces in complex scenes, especially where drastic illumination changes occur. Experimental results of the final version of the proposed face tracker, which combines the methods developed, are provided in the last chapter of this manuscript

    Multiple cue integration for robust tracking in dynamic environments: application to video relighting

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    L'anàlisi de moviment i seguiment d'objectes ha estat un dels pricipals focus d'atenció en la comunitat de visió per computador durant les dues darreres dècades. L'interès per aquesta àrea de recerca resideix en el seu ample ventall d'aplicabilitat, que s'extén des de tasques de navegació de vehicles autònoms i robots, fins a aplications en la indústria de l'entreteniment i realitat virtual.Tot i que s'han aconseguit resultats espectaculars en problemes específics, el seguiment d'objectes continua essent un problema obert, ja que els mètodes disponibles són propensos a ser sensibles a diversos factors i condicions no estacionàries de l'entorn, com ara moviments impredictibles de l'objecte a seguir, canvis suaus o abruptes de la il·luminació, proximitat d'objectes similars o fons confusos. Enfront aquests factors de confusió la integració de múltiples característiques ha demostrat que permet millorar la robustesa dels algoritmes de seguiment. En els darrers anys, degut a la creixent capacitat de càlcul dels ordinadors, hi ha hagut un significatiu increment en el disseny de complexes sistemes de seguiment que consideren simultàniament múltiples característiques de l'objecte. No obstant, la majoria d'aquests algoritmes estan basats enheurístiques i regles ad-hoc formulades per aplications específiques, fent-ne impossible l'extrapolació a noves condicions de l'entorn.En aquesta tesi proposem un marc probabilístic general per integrar el nombre de característiques de l'objecte que siguin necessàries, permetent que interactuin mútuament per tal d'estimar-ne el seu estat amb precisió, i per tant, estimar amb precisió la posició de l'objecte que s'està seguint. Aquest marc, s'utilitza posteriorment per dissenyar un algoritme de seguiment, que es valida en diverses seqüències de vídeo que contenen canvis abruptes de posició i il·luminació, camuflament de l'objecte i deformacions no rígides. Entre les característiques que s'han utilitzat per representar l'objecte, cal destacar la paramatrització robusta del color en un espai de color dependent de l'objecte, que permet distingir-lo del fons més clarament que altres espais de color típicament ulitzats al llarg de la literatura.En la darrera part de la tesi dissenyem una tècnica per re-il·luminar tant escenes estàtiques com en moviment, de les que s'en desconeix la geometria. La re-il·luminació es realitza amb un mètode 'basat en imatges', on la generació de les images de l'escena sota noves condicions d'il·luminació s'aconsegueix a partir de combinacions lineals d'un conjunt d'imatges de referència pre-capturades, i que han estat generades il·luminant l'escena amb patrons de llum coneguts. Com que la posició i intensitat de les fonts d'il.luminació que formen aquests patrons de llum es pot controlar, és natural preguntar-nos: quina és la manera més òptima d'il·luminar una escena per tal de reduir el nombre d'imatges de referència? Demostrem que la millor manera d'il·luminar l'escena (és a dir, la que minimitza el nombre d'imatges de referència) no és utilitzant una seqüència de fonts d'il·luminació puntuals, com es fa generalment, sinó a través d'una seqüència de patrons de llum d'una base d'il·luminació depenent de l'objecte. És important destacar que quan es re-il·luminen seqüències de vídeo, les imatges successives s'han d'alinear respecte a un sistema de coordenades comú. Com que cada imatge ha estat generada per un patró de llum diferent il·uminant l'escena, es produiran canvis d'il·luminació bruscos entre imatges de referència consecutives. Sota aquestes circumstàncies, el mètode de seguiment proposat en aquesta tesi juga un paper fonamental. Finalment, presentem diversos resultats on re-il·luminem seqüències de vídeo reals d'objectes i cares d'actors en moviment. En cada cas, tot i que s'adquireix un únic vídeo, som capaços de re-il·luminar una i altra vegada, controlant la direcció de la llum, la seva intensitat, i el color.Motion analysis and object tracking has been one of the principal focus of attention over the past two decades within the computer vision community. The interest of this research area lies in its wide range of applicability, extending from autonomous vehicle and robot navigation tasks, to entertainment and virtual reality applications.Even though impressive results have been obtained in specific problems, object tracking is still an open problem, since available methods are prone to be sensitive to several artifacts and non-stationary environment conditions, such as unpredictable target movements, gradual or abrupt changes of illumination, proximity of similar objects or cluttered backgrounds. Multiple cue integration has been proved to enhance the robustness of the tracking algorithms in front of such disturbances. In recent years, due to the increasing power of the computers, there has been a significant interest in building complex tracking systems which simultaneously consider multiple cues. However, most of these algorithms are based on heuristics and ad-hoc rules formulated for specific applications, making impossible to extrapolate them to new environment conditions.In this dissertation we propose a general probabilistic framework to integrate as many object features as necessary, permitting them to mutually interact in order to obtain a precise estimation of its state, and thus, a precise estimate of the target position. This framework is utilized to design a tracking algorithm, which is validated on several video sequences involving abrupt position and illumination changes, target camouflaging and non-rigid deformations. Among the utilized features to represent the target, it is important to point out the use of a robust parameterization of the target color in an object dependent colorspace which allows to distinguish the object from the background more clearly than other colorspaces commonly used in the literature.In the last part of the dissertation, we design an approach for relighting static and moving scenes with unknown geometry. The relighting is performed through an -image-based' methodology, where the rendering under new lighting conditions is achieved by linear combinations of a set of pre-acquired reference images of the scene illuminated by known light patterns. Since the placement and brightness of the light sources composing such light patterns can be controlled, it is natural to ask: what is the optimal way to illuminate the scene to reduce the number of reference images that are needed? We show that the best way to light the scene (i.e., the way that minimizes the number of reference images) is not using a sequence of single, compact light sources as is most commonly done, but rather to use a sequence of lighting patterns as given by an object-dependent lighting basis. It is important to note that when relighting video sequences, consecutive images need to be aligned with respect to a common coordinate frame. However, since each frame is generated by a different light pattern illuminating the scene, abrupt illumination changes between consecutive reference images are produced. Under these circumstances, the tracking framework designed in this dissertation plays a central role. Finally, we present several relighting results on real video sequences of moving objects, moving faces, and scenes containing both. In each case, although a single video clip was captured, we are able to relight again and again, controlling the lighting direction, extent, and color.Postprint (published version

    Computerized Evaluatution of Microsurgery Skills Training

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    The style of imparting medical training has evolved, over the years. The traditional methods of teaching and practicing basic surgical skills under apprenticeship model, no longer occupy the first place in modern technically demanding advanced surgical disciplines like neurosurgery. Furthermore, the legal and ethical concerns for patient safety as well as cost-effectiveness have forced neurosurgeons to master the necessary microsurgical techniques to accomplish desired results. This has lead to increased emphasis on assessment of clinical and surgical techniques of the neurosurgeons. However, the subjective assessment of microsurgical techniques like micro-suturing under the apprenticeship model cannot be completely unbiased. A few initiatives using computer-based techniques, have been made to introduce objective evaluation of surgical skills. This thesis presents a novel approach involving computerized evaluation of different components of micro-suturing techniques, to eliminate the bias of subjective assessment. The work involved acquisition of cine clips of micro-suturing activity on synthetic material. Image processing and computer vision based techniques were then applied to these videos to assess different characteristics of micro-suturing viz. speed, dexterity and effectualness. In parallel subjective grading on these was done by a senior neurosurgeon. Further correlation and comparative study of both the assessments was done to analyze the efficacy of objective and subjective evaluation

    Vidéosurveillance intelligente pour la détection de chutes chez les personnes âgées

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    Les pays industrialisés comme le Canada doivent faire face au vieillissement de leur population. En particulier, la majorité des personnes âgées, vivant à domicile et souvent seules, font face à des situations à risques telles que des chutes. Dans ce contexte, la vidéosurveillance est une solution innovante qui peut leur permettre de vivre normalement dans un environnement sécurisé. L’idée serait de placer un réseau de caméras dans l’appartement de la personne pour détecter automatiquement une chute. En cas de problème, un message pourrait être envoyé suivant l’urgence aux secours ou à la famille via une connexion internet sécurisée. Pour un système bas coût, nous avons limité le nombre de caméras à une seule par pièce ce qui nous a poussé à explorer les méthodes monoculaires de détection de chutes. Nous avons d’abord exploré le problème d’un point de vue 2D (image) en nous intéressant aux changements importants de la silhouette de la personne lors d’une chute. Les données d’activités normales d’une personne âgée ont été modélisées par un mélange de gaussiennes nous permettant de détecter tout événement anormal. Notre méthode a été validée à l’aide d’une vidéothèque de chutes simulées et d’activités normales réalistes. Cependant, une information 3D telle que la localisation de la personne par rapport à son environnement peut être très intéressante pour un système d’analyse de comportement. Bien qu’il soit préférable d’utiliser un système multi-caméras pour obtenir une information 3D, nous avons prouvé qu’avec une seule caméra calibrée, il était possible de localiser une personne dans son environnement grâce à sa tête. Concrêtement, la tête de la personne, modélisée par une ellipsoide, est suivie dans la séquence d’images à l’aide d’un filtre à particules. La précision de la localisation 3D de la tête a été évaluée avec une bibliothèque de séquence vidéos contenant les vraies localisations 3D obtenues par un système de capture de mouvement (Motion Capture). Un exemple d’application utilisant la trajectoire 3D de la tête est proposée dans le cadre de la détection de chutes. En conclusion, un système de vidéosurveillance pour la détection de chutes avec une seule caméra par pièce est parfaitement envisageable. Pour réduire au maximum les risques de fausses alarmes, une méthode hybride combinant des informations 2D et 3D pourrait être envisagée.Developed countries like Canada have to adapt to a growing population of seniors. A majority of seniors reside in private homes and most of them live alone, which can be dangerous in case of a fall, particularly if the person cannot call for help. Video surveillance is a new and promising solution for healthcare systems to ensure the safety of elderly people at home. Concretely, a camera network would be placed in the apartment of the person in order to automatically detect a fall. When a fall is detected, a message would be sent to the emergency center or to the family through a secure Internet connection. For a low cost system, we must limit the number of cameras to only one per room, which leads us to explore monocular methods for fall detection. We first studied 2D information (images) by analyzing the shape deformation during a fall. Normal activities of an elderly person were used to train a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to detect any abnormal event. Our method was tested with a realistic video data set of simulated falls and normal activities. However, 3D information like the spatial localization of a person in a room can be very useful for action recognition. Although a multi-camera system is usually preferable to acquire 3D information, we have demonstrated that, with only one calibrated camera, it is possible to localize a person in his/her environment using the person’s head. Concretely, the head, modeled by a 3D ellipsoid, was tracked in the video sequence using particle filters. The precision of the 3D head localization was evaluated with a video data set containing the real 3D head localizations obtained with a Motion Capture system. An application example using the 3D head trajectory for fall detection is also proposed. In conclusion, we have confirmed that a video surveillance system for fall detection with only one camera per room is feasible. To reduce the risk of false alarms, a hybrid method combining 2D and 3D information could be considered

    Stereo-based human detection and tracking for crowd monitoring

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    Object Tracking

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    Object tracking consists in estimation of trajectory of moving objects in the sequence of images. Automation of the computer object tracking is a difficult task. Dynamics of multiple parameters changes representing features and motion of the objects, and temporary partial or full occlusion of the tracked objects have to be considered. This monograph presents the development of object tracking algorithms, methods and systems. Both, state of the art of object tracking methods and also the new trends in research are described in this book. Fourteen chapters are split into two sections. Section 1 presents new theoretical ideas whereas Section 2 presents real-life applications. Despite the variety of topics contained in this monograph it constitutes a consisted knowledge in the field of computer object tracking. The intention of editor was to follow up the very quick progress in the developing of methods as well as extension of the application

    People detection and tracking using a network of low-cost depth cameras

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    Automaattinen ihmisten havainnointi on jo laajalti käytetty teknologia, jolla on sovelluksia esimerkiksi kaupan ja turvallisuuden aloilla. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on suunnitella yleiskäyttöinen järjestelmä ihmisten havainnointiin sisätiloissa. Tässä työssä ensin esitetään kirjallisuudesta löytyvät ratkaisut ihmisten havainnointiin, seurantaan ja tunnistamiseen. Painopiste on syvyyskuvaa hyödyntävissä havaitsemismenetelmissä. Lisäksi esittellään kehitetty älykkäiden syvyyskameroiden verkko. Havainnointitarkkuutta kokeillaan neljällä kuvasarjalla, jotka sisältävät yli 20 000 syvyyskuvaa. Tulokset ovat lupaavia ja näyttävät, että yksinkertaiset ja laskennallisesti kevyet ratkaisut sopivat hyvin käytännön sovelluksiin.Automatic people detection is a widely adopted technology that has applications in retail stores, crowd management and surveillance. The goal of this work is to create a general purpose people detection framework. First, studies on people detection, tracking and re-identification are reviewed. The emphasis is on people detection from depth images. Furthermore, an approach based on a network of smart depth cameras is presented. The performance is evaluated with four image sequences, totalling over 20 000 depth images. Experimental results show that simple and lightweight algorithms are very useful in practical applications

    Comprehensive review of vision-based fall detection systems

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    Vision-based fall detection systems have experienced fast development over the last years. To determine the course of its evolution and help new researchers, the main audience of this paper, a comprehensive revision of all published articles in the main scientific databases regarding this area during the last five years has been made. After a selection process, detailed in the Materials and Methods Section, eighty-one systems were thoroughly reviewed. Their characterization and classification techniques were analyzed and categorized. Their performance data were also studied, and comparisons were made to determine which classifying methods best work in this field. The evolution of artificial vision technology, very positively influenced by the incorporation of artificial neural networks, has allowed fall characterization to become more resistant to noise resultant from illumination phenomena or occlusion. The classification has also taken advantage of these networks, and the field starts using robots to make these systems mobile. However, datasets used to train them lack real-world data, raising doubts about their performances facing real elderly falls. In addition, there is no evidence of strong connections between the elderly and the communities of researchers