1,735 research outputs found

    Interactive Visual Analytics for Agent-Based Simulation: Street-Crossing Behavior at Signalized Pedestrian Crossing

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    To design a pedestrian crossing area reasonably can be a demanding task for traffic planners. There are several challenges, including determining the appropriate dimensions, and ensuring that pedestrians are exposed to the least risks. Pedestrian safety is especially obscure to analyze, given that many people in Stockholm cross the street illegally by running against the red light. To cope with these challenges, computational approaches of trajectory data visual analytics can be used to support the analytical reasoning process. However, it remains an unexplored field regarding how to visualize and communicate the street-crossing spatio-temporal data effectively. Moreover, the rendering also needs to deal with a growing data size for a more massive number of people. This thesis proposes a web-based interactive visual analytics tool for pedestrians' street-crossing behavior under various flow rates. The visualization methodology is also presented, which is then evaluated to have achieved satisfying communication and rendering effectiveness for maximal 180 agents over 100 seconds. In terms of the visualization scenario, pedestrians either wait for the red light or cross the street illegally; all people can choose to stop by a buffer island before they finish crossing. The visualization enables the analysis under multiple flow rates for 1) pedestrian movement, 2) space utilization, 3) crossing frequency in time-series, and 4) illegal frequency. Additionally, to acquire the initial trajectory data, Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) algorithm is engaged in the crowd simulation. Then different visualization techniques are utilized to comply with user demands, including map animation, data aggregation, and time-series graph

    Visual analytics of movement: An overview of methods, tools and procedures

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    Analysis of movement is currently a hot research topic in visual analytics. A wide variety of methods and tools for analysis of movement data has been developed in recent years. They allow analysts to look at the data from different perspectives and fulfil diverse analytical tasks. Visual displays and interactive techniques are often combined with computational processing, which, in particular, enables analysis of a larger number of data than would be possible with purely visual methods. Visual analytics leverages methods and tools developed in other areas related to data analytics, particularly statistics, machine learning and geographic information science. We present an illustrated structured survey of the state of the art in visual analytics concerning the analysis of movement data. Besides reviewing the existing works, we demonstrate, using examples, how different visual analytics techniques can support our understanding of various aspects of movement

    Designing visual analytics methods for massive collections of movement data

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    Exploration and analysis of large data sets cannot be carried out using purely visual means but require the involvement of database technologies, computerized data processing, and computational analysis methods. An appropriate combination of these technologies and methods with visualization may facilitate synergetic work of computer and human whereby the unique capabilities of each “partner” can be utilized. We suggest a systematic approach to defining what methods and techniques, and what ways of linking them, can appropriately support such a work. The main idea is that software tools prepare and visualize the data so that the human analyst can detect various types of patterns by looking at the visual displays. To facilitate the detection of patterns, we must understand what types of patterns may exist in the data (or, more exactly, in the underlying phenomenon). This study focuses on data describing movements of multiple discrete entities that change their positions in space while preserving their integrity and identity. We define the possible types of patterns in such movement data on the basis of an abstract model of the data as a mathematical function that maps entities and times onto spatial positions. Then, we look for data transformations, computations, and visualization techniques that can facilitate the detection of these types of patterns and are suitable for very large data sets – possibly too large for a computer's memory. Under such constraints, visualization is applied to data that have previously been aggregated and generalized by means of database operations and/or computational techniques

    A conceptual framework and taxonomy of techniques for analyzing movement

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    Movement data link together space, time, and objects positioned in space and time. They hold valuable and multifaceted information about moving objects, properties of space and time as well as events and processes occurring in space and time. We present a conceptual framework that describes in a systematic and comprehensive way the possible types of information that can be extracted from movement data and on this basis defines the respective types of analytical tasks. Tasks are distinguished according to the type of information they target and according to the level of analysis, which may be elementary (i.e. addressing specific elements of a set) or synoptic (i.e. addressing a set or subsets). We also present a taxonomy of generic analytic techniques, in which the types of tasks are linked to the corresponding classes of techniques that can support fulfilling them. We include techniques from several research fields: visualization and visual analytics, geographic information science, database technology, and data mining. We expect the taxonomy to be valuable for analysts and researchers. Analysts will receive guidance in choosing suitable analytic techniques for their data and tasks. Researchers will learn what approaches exist in different fields and compare or relate them to the approaches they are going to undertake
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