14,303 research outputs found

    A reconfigurable real-time morphological system for augmented vision

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    There is a significant number of visually impaired individuals who suffer sensitivity loss to high spatial frequencies, for whom current optical devices are limited in degree of visual aid and practical application. Digital image and video processing offers a variety of effective visual enhancement methods that can be utilised to obtain a practical augmented vision head-mounted display device. The high spatial frequencies of an image can be extracted by edge detection techniques and overlaid on top of the original image to improve visual perception among the visually impaired. Augmented visual aid devices require highly user-customisable algorithm designs for subjective configuration per task, where current digital image processing visual aids offer very little user-configurable options. This paper presents a highly user-reconfigurable morphological edge enhancement system on field-programmable gate array, where the morphological, internal and external edge gradients can be selected from the presented architecture with specified edge thickness and magnitude. In addition, the morphology architecture supports reconfigurable shape structuring elements and configurable morphological operations. The proposed morphology-based visual enhancement system introduces a high degree of user flexibility in addition to meeting real-time constraints capable of obtaining 93 fps for high-definition image resolution

    New insights to study the accumulation and erosion processes of fine-grained organic sediments in combined sewer systems from a laboratory scale model

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    Versión aceptada de https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136923[Abstract:] The deposition and resuspension of sediments are issues of considerable concern in combined sewer systems management. Sediments can produce the loss of hydraulic capacity and odour generation in sewers, and are also considered the main source of pollution due to their occasional uncontrolled discharges into the environment via Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO). Sewer sediments contain granular and cohesive organic fractions that can have a significant influence on bed resistance. In order to address the relationship between sewer sediment composition and its erodibility, accumulation and erosion experiments were performed in a flume test facility fed with wastewater. The flume was placed in a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), in which different circular pipe geometries were set. Wastewater flow inlet conditions and bed structures were monitored during the experiments. The photogrammetric technique Structure from Motion (SfM) was applied to record the bed deposit structures, providing accurate measurements of the accumulation rates. The SfM was also used to assess sediment transport and the characteristics of the bed forms after the erosion tests. In addition, velocity distributions and shear stress profiles were measured during the erosion tests to characterize flow resistance and sediment erosion. During both accumulation and erosion tests, sediments were sampled in order to analyse their physicochemical properties, thus highlighting the study of the biodegradability of the organic matter. Different deposition periods showed biological transformations in the bed deposit structure, which were seen to affect its cohesion, and in consequence, its erosion threshold. Tests with significant erosion rates agreed in broad terms with dimensionless sediment transport models derived from previous experimental studies performed with partly cohesive and organic materials in sewer pipes.This research was financed by the projects ‘SEDUNIT’ Ref. CGL2015-69094-R and ‘OVALPIPE II’ Ref. RTC-2016-4987-5 (MINECO/FEDER, EU). The authors would like to thank the companies EDAR Bens SA, EMALCSA and ABN Pipe Systems S.L.U. for their assistance with the experimental work

    Characterization of Sediment Accumulation, Erosion and Transport Processes in Combined Sewer Pipes

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxeñaría Civil . 5011V01[Resumen] El análisis de los procesos de acumulación, erosión y transporte de sedimentos en tuberías de saneamiento unitario es esencial en los sistemas de drenaje urbano. Estos sedimentos representan la mayor fuente de contaminación dentro de los sistemas de saneamiento hacia el medio receptor. El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar en detalle estos procesos para poder plantear soluciones óptimas que den lugar a un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Para ello, se ha ensayado la eficiencia de autolimpieza y de ausencia de obstrucciones por sólidos gruesos en tuberías de saneamiento unitario con geometrías ovoides en comparación con tuberías circulares. Además, como gran elemento diferenciador, se ha puesto en marcha una Plataforma Científica que permite ensayar diferentes conducciones con agua residual urbana. En este modelo se han desarrollado nuevas técnicas y metodologías para medir con mayor precisión la acumulación y transporte de sedimentos en tuberías, así como para analizar sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. Asimismo, se han realizado ensayos en modelos a escala reducida para caracterizar la concentración y el tamaño de partículas en suspensión a través de sensores acústicos. Como resultado, se ha obtenido un gran conjunto de datos que podrá utilizarse para el desarrollo de estrategias avanzadas de diseño, operación y mantenimiento de sistemas de saneamiento unitario.[Resumo] O estudo da acumulación, erosión e transporte de sedimentos en tubaxes de saneamento unitario é esencial dentro de calquera sistema de drenaxe urbana. Estes sedimentos representan a maior fonte de contaminación dentro dos sistemas de saneamento cara o medio receptor. O propósito de esta tese é estudar en detalle estes procesos para poder expor solucións óptimas que dean lugar a un desenvolvemento urbano sostible. Para iso, ensaiouse a eficiencia de autolimpeza e de ausencia de obstrucións por sólidos grosos en tubaxes de saneamento unitario con xeometrías ovoides en comparación con tubaxes circulares. Ademais, como gran elemento diferencial, púxose en marcha unha Plataforma Científica que permite ensaiar diferentes conducións con auga residual urbana. Neste modelo desenvolvéronse novas técnicas e metodoloxías para medir con maior precisión a acumulación e o transporte de sedimentos en tubaxes, así como para analizar as súas propiedades fisicoquímicas. Así mesmo, realizáronse ensaios en modelos a escala reducida para caracterizar a concentración e o tamaño de partículas en suspensión a través de sensores acústicos. Como resultado, obtívose un gran conxunto de datos que poderá utilizarse para o desenvolvemento de estratexias avanzadas de deseño, operación e conservación de sistemas de saneamento unitario.[Abstract] The analysis of the sediment accumulation, erosion and transport processes in combined sewers is a key issue within urban drainage systems. Sewer sediments represent the main source of pollution in sewer systems to the receiving environment. This thesis aims to study in detail these phenomena to propose optimal solutions that lead to sustainable urban development. To this end, the self-cleansing efficiency and the absence of blockages by gross solids in egg-shaped pipes were tested in comparison with circular sewer pipes. In addition, as a major differentiating element, a Flume Test Facility was set up to perform in-sewer deposition, erosion and transport experiments with various pipes by supplying urban wastewater. In this facility, new techniques and methodologies were developed to increase the accuracy in the measurement of the accumulation and transport of in-sewer sediments, as well as to analyse their physicochemical properties. Furthermore, experiments were also performed on small-scale models to characterise the concentration and size of suspended particles by using acoustic sensors. As a result, a large dataset was obtained to develop advanced strategies for the design, operation and maintenance of combined sewer systems

    Development Of Pipeline Corrosion Inspection System Using Machine Vision

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    These days, utilization of camera as an inspection tool has been expanded. The flexible function of camera is adequate to obtain different kind of information. In Cawley (2001) review on NDT that was presented in 2001, Radiography, Ultrasonic, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle, and Penetrant Testing were the top five techniques dominating the NDT market yet Visual Inspection is the most widely applied. Even though the popularity of visual inspection is higher compared to other NDT method, but due to the reliability issues it is often used together with other methods. This research work is focusing on developing a robust corrosion inspection system based on vision sensor that is able to accurately detect and classify corrosion based on the appearance features. By installing at an early stage, inspection system would be able to gather data and at the same time identify and analyse the collected data. Through the results, the analysed data is able to classify the corrosion type based on appearance. From the research work, the method of using image enhancement filters to improve accuracy of vision corrosion inspection system is identified. The detection of each macroscopic surface corrosion types; galvanic; crevice; erosion; pitting and exfoliation using vision inspection able to achieve 79% accuracy using the simulated dataset. The new method of corrosion inspection operation which able to generate prevention plan has qualified the Vision Corrosion Inspection System to be used during preliminary inspection. It is expected that the Vision Corrosion Inspection System can improve vision inspection as the pioneer in NDT method for corrosion inspection. In addition, framework of the developed Vision Corrosion Inspection system is applicable for other applications of vision inspection whereby it can be applied for other inspection process or extending its application to other problems

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included

    Assessment of remote cavitation detection methods with flow visualization in a full scale francis turbine

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    This paper describes the experimental investigations carried out in the Francis turbine at Svorka power plant operated by Statkraft in Norway. The unit, with a head of 260 m, can deliver a maximum output load of 25 MW. The rated flow rate is 11 m3/s and the machine rotates at 600 rpm. The turbine runner shows cavitation pitting on the suction side of the blades but some blades present more erosion than others. Moreover, preliminary studies based on remote monitoring of vibrations and acoustic emissions in this particular unit have predicted risk of erosion at high loads and the presence of a draft tube swirl affecting the cavity dynamics. In order to assess the sensitivity of these methods and the validity of the predictions, several acrylic-glass windows have been installed on the draft tube wall to visualize the runner outlet flow during operation. A high speed camera has been used to record the flow field during the tests with rates up to 5000 frames per second. A cavitation detection system has been installed comprising three high-frequency uniaxial integrated electronics piezoelectric (IEPE)-type accelerometers and an acoustic emission sensor, mounted in the turbine guide bearing pedestal and a guide vane arm. In particular, a series of measurements at different operation conditions have been carried out to correlate the simultaneous camera observations with the acceleration and acoustic emission overall levels in high frequency bands. The preliminary analysis of the camera records permits to certify the existence of erosive blade cavitation with the closure region close to the eroded areas at high loads. It can be seen that cavitation appears only in some blades and that it presents different cavity sizes for the same operation condition. As the load increases towards maximum powers, both the number of blades with cavitation and the size of the cavities grow. Moreover, the overall vibration levels also rise as expected.Postprint (published version

    Baseball Shagger

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    The purpose of our project is to allow players to hit baseballs on a baseball field and not have to worry about picking them up. By combining our knowledge of software and hardware, we developed the first design of a robot that “shags” baseballs. Our endeavor was only partially successful. The device was tested on grass, turf, and concrete. The motors did not have enough torque to get moving on grass. The device faired better on turf where it could move, but was quite jerky as the motor drive needed to be high to start moving, but once it was moving, full motor drive was often too much. On concrete, the device could move smoothly but this surface was not indicative of the conditions specified by our use case. Our software uses an onboard camera to take pictures of the field and relay the position of the baseballs to our Raspberry Pi (which acts as the brains of the device). We turn the balls location in the photo into an angle and a direction, and power our motors accordingly. After arriving at the ball, we attempt to pick up the baseball using a custom built arm. While the arm and motors worked independently, there were issues whenever they were both running at the same time

    Water productivity: methodologies and management

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    Irrigated farmingIrrigation programsWater conservationRiver basin managementIrrigation efficiencyProductivityCrop productionCase studies