86 research outputs found

    Mining diverse consumer preferences for bundling and recommendation

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    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov

    Development of Context-Aware Recommenders of Sequences of Touristic Activities

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    En els últims anys, els sistemes de recomanació s'han fet omnipresents a la xarxa. Molts serveis web, inclosa la transmissió de pel·lícules, la cerca web i el comerç electrònic, utilitzen sistemes de recomanació per facilitar la presa de decisions. El turisme és una indústria molt representada a la xarxa. Hi ha diversos serveis web (e.g. TripAdvisor, Yelp) que es beneficien de la integració de sistemes recomanadors per ajudar els turistes a explorar destinacions turístiques. Això ha augmentat la investigació centrada en la millora dels recomanadors turístics per resoldre els principals problemes als quals s'enfronten. Aquesta tesi proposa nous algorismes per a sistemes recomanadors turístics que aprenen les preferències dels turistes a partir dels seus missatges a les xarxes socials per suggerir una seqüència d'activitats turístiques que s'ajustin a diversos contextes i incloguin activitats afins. Per aconseguir-ho, proposem mètodes per identificar els turistes a partir de les seves publicacions a Twitter, identificant les activitats experimentades en aquestes publicacions i perfilant turistes similars en funció dels seus interessos, informació contextual i períodes d'activitat. Aleshores, els perfils d'usuari es combinen amb un algorisme de mineria de regles d'associació per capturar relacions implícites entre els punts d'interès de cada perfil. Finalment, es fa un rànquing de regles i un procés de selecció d'un conjunt d'activitats recomanables. Es va avaluar la precisió de les recomanacions i l'efecte del perfil d'usuari. A més, ordenem el conjunt d'activitats mitjançant un algorisme multi-objectiu per enriquir l'experiència turística. També realitzem una segona fase d'anàlisi dels fluxos turístics a les destinacions que és beneficiós per a les organitzacions de gestió de destinacions, que volen entendre la mobilitat turística. En general, els mètodes i algorismes proposats en aquesta tesi es mostren útils en diversos aspectes dels sistemes de recomanació turística.En los últimos años, los sistemas de recomendación se han vuelto omnipresentes en la web. Muchos servicios web, incluida la transmisión de películas, la búsqueda en la web y el comercio electrónico, utilizan sistemas de recomendación para ayudar a la toma de decisiones. El turismo es una industria altament representada en la web. Hay varios servicios web (e.g. TripAdvisor, Yelp) que se benefician de la inclusión de sistemas recomendadores para ayudar a los turistas a explorar destinos turísticos. Esto ha aumentado la investigación centrada en mejorar los recomendadores turísticos y resolver los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan. Esta tesis propone nuevos algoritmos para sistemas recomendadores turísticos que aprenden las preferencias de los turistas a partir de sus mensajes en redes sociales para sugerir una secuencia de actividades turísticas que se alinean con diversos contextos e incluyen actividades afines. Para lograr esto, proponemos métodos para identificar a los turistas a partir de sus publicaciones en Twitter, identificar las actividades experimentadas en estas publicaciones y perfilar turistas similares en función de sus intereses, contexto información y periodos de actividad. Luego, los perfiles de usuario se combinan con un algoritmo de minería de reglas de asociación para capturar relaciones entre los puntos de interés que aparecen en cada perfil. Finalmente, un proceso de clasificación de reglas y selección de actividades produce un conjunto de actividades recomendables. Se evaluó la precisión de las recomendaciones y el efecto de la elaboración de perfiles de usuario. Ordenamos además el conjunto de actividades utilizando un algoritmo multi-objetivo para enriquecer la experiencia turística. También llevamos a cabo un análisis de los flujos turísticos en los destinos, lo que es beneficioso para las organizaciones de gestión de destinos, que buscan entender la movilidad turística. En general, los métodos y algoritmos propuestos en esta tesis se muestran útiles en varios aspectos de los sistemas de recomendación turística.In recent years, recommender systems have become ubiquitous on the web. Many web services, including movie streaming, web search and e-commerce, use recommender systems to aid human decision-making. Tourism is one industry that is highly represented on the web. There are several web services (e.g. TripAdvisor, Yelp) that benefit from integrating recommender systems to aid tourists in exploring tourism destinations. This has increased research focused on improving tourism recommender systems and solving the main issues they face. This thesis proposes new algorithms for tourism recommender systems that learn tourist preferences from their social media data to suggest a sequence of touristic activities that align with various contexts and include affine activities. To accomplish this, we propose methods for identifying tourists from their frequent Twitter posts, identifying the activities experienced in these posts, and profiling similar tourists based on their interests, contextual information, and activity periods. User profiles are then combined with an association rule mining algorithm for capturing implicit relationships between points of interest apparent in each profile. Finally, a rule ranking and activity selection process produces a set of recommendable activities. The recommendations were evaluated for accuracy and the effect of user profiling. We further order the set of activities using a multi-objective algorithm to enrich the tourist experience. We also carry out a second-stage analysis of tourist flows at destinations which is beneficial to destination management organisations seeking to understand tourist mobility. Overall, the methods and algorithms proposed in this thesis are shown to be useful in various aspects of tourism recommender systems

    Collaborative Planning and Event Monitoring Over Supply Chain Network

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    The shifting paradigm of supply chain management is manifesting increasing reliance on automated collaborative planning and event monitoring through information-bounded interaction across organizations. An end-to-end support for the course of actions is turning vital in faster incident response and proactive decision making. Many current platforms exhibit limitations to handle supply chain planning and monitoring in decentralized setting where participants may divide their responsibilities and share computational load of the solution generation. In this thesis, we investigate modeling and solution generation techniques for shared commodity delivery planning and event monitoring problems in a collaborative setting. In particular, we first elaborate a new model of Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) to jointly serve customer demands using multiple vehicles followed by a heuristic technique to search near-optimal solutions for such problem instances. Secondly, we propose two distributed mechanisms, namely: Passive Learning and Active Negotiation, to find near-optimal MDVRP solutions while executing the heuristic algorithm at the participant's side. Thirdly, we illustrate a collaboration mechanism to cost-effectively deploy execution monitors over supply chain network in order to collect in-field plan execution data. Finally, we describe a distributed approach to collaboratively monitor associations among recent events from an incoming stream of plan execution data. Experimental results over known datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches to handle medium and large problem instances. The work has also produced considerable knowledge on the collaborative transportation planning and execution event monitoring

    Enhancing the Prediction of Missing Targeted Items from the Transactions of Frequent, Known Users

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    The ability for individual grocery retailers to have a single view of its customers across all of their grocery purchases remains elusive, and is considered the “holy grail” of grocery retailing. This has become increasingly important in recent years, especially in the UK, where competition has intensified, shopping habits and demographics have changed, and price sensitivity has increased. Whilst numerous studies have been conducted on understanding independent items that are frequently bought together, there has been little research conducted on using this knowledge of frequent itemsets to support decision making for targeted promotions. Indeed, having an effective targeted promotions approach may be seen as an outcome of the “holy grail”, as it will allow retailers to promote the right item, to the right customer, using the right incentives to drive up revenue, profitability, and customer share, whilst minimising costs. Given this, the key and original contribution of this study is the development of the market target (mt) model, the clustering approach, and the computer-based algorithm to enhance targeted promotions. Tests conducted on large scale consumer panel data, with over 32000 customers and 51 million individual scanned items per year, show that the mt model and the clustering approach successfully identifies both the best items, and customers to target. Further, the algorithm segregates customers into differing categories of loyalty, in this case it is four, to enable retailers to offer customised incentives schemes to each group, thereby enhancing customer engagement, whilst preventing unnecessary revenue erosion. The proposed model is compared with both a recently published approach, and the cross-sectional shopping patterns of the customers on the consumer scanner panel. Tests show that the proposed approach outperforms the other approach in that it significantly reduces the probability of having “false negatives” and “false positives” in the target customer set. Tests also show that the customer segmentation approach is effective, in that customers who are classed as highly loyal to a grocery retailer, are indeed loyal, whilst those that are classified as “switchers” do indeed have low levels of loyalty to the selected grocery retailer. Applying the mt model to other fields has not only been novel but yielded success. School attendance is improved with the aid of the mt model being applied to attendance data. In this regard, an action research study, involving the proposed mt model and approach, conducted at a local UK primary school, has resulted in the school now meeting the required attendance targets set by the government, and it has halved its persistent absenteeism for the first time in four years. In medicine, the mt model is seen as a useful tool that could rapidly uncover associations that may lead to new research hypotheses, whilst in crime prevention, the mt value may be used as an effective, tangible, efficiency metric that will lead to enhanced crime prevention outcomes, and support stronger community engagement. Future work includes the development of a software program for improving school attendance that will be offered to all schools, while further progress will be made on demonstrating the effectiveness of the mt value as a tangible crime prevention metric

    Essentials of Business Analytics

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    A Taxonomy of Sequential Patterns Based Recommendation Systems

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    With remarkable expansion of information through the internet, users prefer to receive the exact information they need through some suggestions to save their time and money. Thus, recommendation systems have become the heart of business strategies of E-commerce as they can increase sales and revenue as well as customer loyalty. Recommendation systems techniques provide suggestions for items/products to be purchased, rented or used by a user. The most common type of recommendation system technique is Collaborative Filtering (CF), which takes user’s interest in an item (explicit rating) as input in a matrix known as the user-item rating matrix, and produces an output for unknown ratings of users for items from which top N recommended items for target users are defined. E-commerce recommendation systems usually deal with massive customer sequential databases such as historical purchase or click sequences. The time stamp of a click or purchase event is an important attribute of each dataset as the time interval between item purchases may be useful to learn the next items for purchase by users. Sequential Pattern Mining mines frequent or high utility sequential patterns from a sequential database. Recommendation systems accuracy will be improved if complex sequential patterns of user purchase behavior are learned by integrating sequential patterns of customer clicks and/or purchases into the user-item rating matrix input. Thus, integrating collaborative filtering (CF) and sequential pattern mining (SPM) of historical clicks and purchase data can improve recommendation accuracy, diversity and quality and this survey focuses on review of existing recommendation systems that are sequential pattern based exposing their methodologies, achievements, limitations, and potentials for solving more problems in this domain. This thesis provides a comprehensive and comparative study of the existing Sequential Pattern-based E-commerce recommendation systems (SP-based E-commerce RS) such as ChoRec05, ChenRec09, HuangRec09, LiuRec09, ChoiRec12, Hybrid Model RecSys16, Product RecSys16, SainiRec17, HPCRec18 and HSPCRec19. Thesis shows that integrating sequential patterns mining (SPM) of historical purchase and/or click sequences into user-item matrix for collaborative filtering (CF) (i) Improved recommendation accuracy (ii) Reduced limiting user-item rating data Sparsity (iii) Increased Novelty Rate of the recommendations and (iv) Improved Scalability of the recommendation system. Thus, the importance of sequential patterns of customer behavior in improving the quality of recommendation systems for the application domain of E-commerce is accentuated through this survey by having a comparative performance analysis of the surveyed systems