114 research outputs found

    How functional programming mattered

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    In 1989 when functional programming was still considered a niche topic, Hughes wrote a visionary paper arguing convincingly ‘why functional programming matters’. More than two decades have passed. Has functional programming really mattered? Our answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’. Functional programming is now at the forefront of a new generation of programming technologies, and enjoying increasing popularity and influence. In this paper, we review the impact of functional programming, focusing on how it has changed the way we may construct programs, the way we may verify programs, and fundamentally the way we may think about programs

    Staattisesti tyypitetyt ohjelmointikielet JavaScript-ekosysteemissä: tyyppijärjestelmien näkökulma

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    JavaScript is a ubiquitous programming language with usage in web, mobile applications and server software. The status of the language as the de-facto programming language of the web has made the language ecosystem advanced with a great number of userspace libraries and major companies working on efficient runtime systems. The core language, however, has numerous known difficulties caused by the initial design and persisted by the requirements for backwards-compatibility. In the last decade, a number of programming languages have chosen JavaScript as the compile target of the language. Type theory and its application, programming language type systems, is an essential area of study in the design of programming languages. Every high-level programming language features a type system that greatly influences the ways of designing and implementing programs in the language. This thesis examines a group of selected statically-typed programming languages that compile to JavaScript. The core topics of research in this thesis are the motivation for new JS-compiled languages, the type system design of the languages, and the future direction of the JavaScript ecosystem based on the current trends and parallels to other programming ecosystems. The results of the work include identifying several trends in type systems for the JS ecosystem and the web. These include unsound yet convenient partially inferred type systems for object-oriented and multi-paradigm programming and fully inferred extended Hindley-Milner type systems for primarily functional programming languages. Additionally, different options for the advancement of the programming ecosystem, including type annotations, inference of dynamically typed languages and new compile targets, are explored. Finally, based on the design choices of the languages researched, we provide several recommendations for safe and productive statically typed programming in the JavaScript ecosystem.JavaScript on laajalti käytetty ohjelmointikieli, jonka käyttö ulottuu web- ja mobiilisovelluksiin sekä palvelinohjelmistoon. Kielen asema web-kehityksen de-facto-ohjelmointikielenä on luonut sen ympärille laajan ohjelmistoekosysteemin, joka kattaa suuren määrän ohjelmistokirjastoja sekä tehokkaita ajoympäristöjä. Itse kieli aiheuttaa tästä huolimatta vaikeuksia alkuperäisten suunnitteluvirheiden ja vaaditun taaksepäinyhteensopivuuden vuoksi. Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana useampi ohjelmointikieli on alkanut käyttää JavaScriptia käännöskohteenaan. Tyyppiteoria ja sen sovellus, ohjelmointikielten tyyppijärjestelmät, on tärkeä tutkimusala liittyen ohjelmointikielten suunnitteluun. Tyyppijärjestelmä on osa jokaista korkean tason ohjelmoinikieltä ja vaikuttaa täten suuresti itse ohjelmointikielen muihin ominaisuuksiin ja käyttöön. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee joukkoa staattisesti tyypitettyjä ohjelmointikieliä, jotka kääntyvät JavaScript-koodiksi. Tutkimuksen ytimessä ovat uusien kielten kehityksen motiivit, kielten tyyppijärjestelmien suunnittelu ja ominaisuudet sekä JavaScript-ekosysteemin mahdolliset tulevaisuuden suunnat. Työn tuloksena tunnistamme useita trendejä tyyppijärjestelmien suunnittelussa JavaScript-ekosysteemiin. Näihin kuuluu käytännölliset, mutta teoriassa epäturvalliset tyyppijärjestelmät olio- ja moniparadigmaohjelmoinkieliin sekä funktionaalisten ohjelmointikielien Hindley-Milner-pohjaiset tyyppijärjestelmät, joissa muuttujien tyypit pystytään täysin päättelemään ilman ohjelman kirjoittajan annotaatioita. Lisäksi nostamme esiin useita tulevaisuuden suuntia, jotka voisivat viedä JS-ekosysteemiä eteenpäin. Näihin kuuluvat tyyppiannotaatiot, dynaamisten kielten tyyppi-inferenssi ja uudet käännöskohteet web-ekosysteemiin. Lopuksi annamme tutkimuksen perusteella suosituksia ominaisuuksista ja suunnitteluratkaisuista, jotka voisivat mahdollistaa tehokkaan ja turvallisen ohjelmistokehityksen JavaScript-ekosysteemissä tulevaisuudessa

    Next generation IT - Computing in the cloud life after jurassic OO middleware

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    It is painfully clear that current middleware cannot provide agility nor provide cost effective scalable commodity infrastructure. Current IT applications programming technology is too complex and too inefficient to leverage next generation infrastructures On top of this we are facing an acute shortage of skilled application developers. Hence we need to consider simpler alternative solutions, of which cloud computing and functional Infrastructure enabled Domain Oriented Programming seem to be the most promising on the horizon. Simple services enable agility and leverage scaleable commodity technology. Functional Services enable rapid application development and enable the service infrastructure to handle concurrency. Domain Oriented Programming enables domain specific service development on top of which Business Programming empowers business teams with embedded developers to deliver applications quickly

    Learning-Assisted Automated Reasoning with Flyspeck

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    The considerable mathematical knowledge encoded by the Flyspeck project is combined with external automated theorem provers (ATPs) and machine-learning premise selection methods trained on the proofs, producing an AI system capable of answering a wide range of mathematical queries automatically. The performance of this architecture is evaluated in a bootstrapping scenario emulating the development of Flyspeck from axioms to the last theorem, each time using only the previous theorems and proofs. It is shown that 39% of the 14185 theorems could be proved in a push-button mode (without any high-level advice and user interaction) in 30 seconds of real time on a fourteen-CPU workstation. The necessary work involves: (i) an implementation of sound translations of the HOL Light logic to ATP formalisms: untyped first-order, polymorphic typed first-order, and typed higher-order, (ii) export of the dependency information from HOL Light and ATP proofs for the machine learners, and (iii) choice of suitable representations and methods for learning from previous proofs, and their integration as advisors with HOL Light. This work is described and discussed here, and an initial analysis of the body of proofs that were found fully automatically is provided

    A Verified LL(1) Parser Generator

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    An LL(1) parser is a recursive descent algorithm that uses a single token of lookahead to build a grammatical derivation for an input sequence. We present an LL(1) parser generator that, when applied to grammar G, produces an LL(1) parser for G if such a parser exists. We use the Coq Proof Assistant to verify that the generator and the parsers that it produces are sound and complete, and that they terminate on all inputs without using fuel parameters. As a case study, we extract the tool\u27s source code and use it to generate a JSON parser. The generated parser runs in linear time; it is two to four times slower than an unverified parser for the same grammar

    Versatile event correlation with algebraic effects

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    We present the first language design to uniformly express variants of n -way joins over asynchronous event streams from different domains, e.g., stream-relational algebra, event processing, reactive and concurrent programming. We model asynchronous reactive programs and joins in direct style, on top of algebraic effects and handlers. Effect handlers act as modular interpreters of event notifications, enabling fine-grained control abstractions and customizable event matching. Join variants can be considered as cartesian product computations with ”degenerate” control flow, such that unnecessary tuples are not materialized a priori. Based on this computational interpretation, we decompose joins into a generic, naive enumeration procedure of the cartesian product, plus variant-specific extensions, represented in terms of user-supplied effect handlers. Our microbenchmarks validate that this extensible design avoids needless materialization. Alongside a formal semantics for joining and prototypes in Koka and multicore OCaml, we contribute a systematic comparison of the covered domains and features. ERC, Advanced Grant No. 321217 ERC, Consolidator Grant No. 617805 DFG, SFB 1053 DFG, SA 2918/2-

    3rd SC@RUG 2006 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2005-2006

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