321,895 research outputs found

    Implementasi Konsep Language Awareness Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Gramatikal Bahasa Prancis Pada Mahasiswa Sastra Perancis Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    Most Indonesian learners are bilingual or even polyglot. Not only speaking their mother tongue (which is mostly regional language like Javanese or Sundanese), they are also exposed to foreign languages like Arabic, English and French. However, it does not necessarily means that learning foreign languages is easy for them. According to Chomsky, human beings are equipped with Language Acquisition Device which enables them to acquire any language they are exposed to. It is assumed that the more we are exposed to other languages, the easier it is for us to learn foreign languages. Communicative Approach is used in the learning process at Program Studi Sastra Perancis Universitas Negeri Semarang. This approach focuses on 4 competencies namely: Speaking (La production orale), Writing (La production ecrite), Listening Comprehension (La compréhension orale) and Reading Comprehension (La comprehension écrite). Since Grammar Course has been abolished from the curriculum for a couple of years, it is in these 4 courses of competence that its teaching is integrated into. Unfortunately, most students are not quite competent in these four courses and also weak in Grammar. It is expected that Language Awareness concept help solve this problem

    No Words

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    In this thesis, I will try to explore and put into perspective how my life experiences have made me the person I am now. The topic of my thesis is No Words. I focused on painting human emotions that transcend standard cultural barriers of race, culture and languages. Being a foreigner in a foreign land and surrounded with foreign words I have more often than not, had to rely on reading people\u27s emotions to gather substance of a conversation. Very often feelings of gratitude and happiness were easier to express as well as interpret using facial gestures as opposed to words. I have attempted to capture and express positive human emotions in a manner that is truly global. The human faces and features that I have portrayed in my oil paintings are snapshots of such emotions. My thesis project represents my exposure to a truly multicultural environment and how I used reading peoples faces as a source of the meaning and depth behind people\u27s words

    Reading skills and FL acquisition in dyslexia: a case study

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    This thesis examines how dyslexia affects foreign language acquisition and takes into account the effects of foreign language acquisition on the skills in the first language. The role of dyslexia and its influence on reading and writing skills is examined here through a series of premeditated tasks, aimed at proving that a child with dyslexia would rely more on their phonological memory due to their lack of phonological processing ability. The study also brings forth the relationship between the student and the teacher, and examines how this relationship and collaboration affect the teaching process. Furthermore, the thesis also offers a brief overview of the most important theories in first and second language acquisition and discusses orthographic differences in various languages and their influence on acquiring language in its written form

    Складні іншомовні наукові тексти як виклик українським студентам

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    У статті розглядається проблема роботи з науковими текстами іноземними мовами студентами технічних факультетів, яка включає читання, сприйняття і розуміння. Автор вважає цю роботу дуже важливою для студентів-інженерів, їх самовдосконалення та майбутньої роботи за спеціальністю. Наведено деякі визначення читання і важливий компонент успішного розуміння прочитаного. Читання іншомовних наукових текстів представляється складним завданням через ряд утруднень, з якими стикаються студенти. Описано два типи показника – суб'єктивний і об'єктивний – які розділені на дві групи, та визначають ступінь складності задач, запропонованих Г. Баллом. Представлені деякі суб'єктивні і об'єктивні психологічні та інші утруднення, які виникають під час читання іншомовної наукової літератури. Підкреслюється важливість таких психологічних компонентів, як операційний, когнітивний, мотиваційний та особистісний. Проаналізувавши ряд психологічних і педагогічних досліджень, автор розглядає дану проблему з точки зору психологічних особливостей студентів (мотивація, стиль навчання, тип інтелекту, пам'ять, увага, а також читацькі звички, рівень самоорганізації і т. д.). Урахування цих характеристик, робить заняття з іноземної мови для технічних спеціальностей та роботу з іншомовними науковими текстами більш ефективною. У статті пропонуються рекомендації з розробки практичних занять, побудованих на психологічних особливостях кожного студента. Даюся деякі практичні рекомендації щодо створення навчальної програми «Іноземна мова для технічних спеціальностей», яка дозволила б зробити заняття більш ефективними з урахуванням психологічних особливостей кожного студента, його мотивації, когнітивних особливостей і т.д.The article deals with the problem of the work with science texts in foreign languages by technical departments’ students that include reading, perception and comprehension. The author considers this work very important for the future engineers, their self-perfection and promotion. These are some definitions of the reading and an essential component of successful reading comprehension. Reading of foreign science texts is represented as a challenge because of many difficulties that students encounter. Two types of indicators – subjective and objective divided in two groups – that quantify the difficulty of tasks proposed by G. Ball are described. Some subjective and objective psychological and other difficulties in foreign science literature are suggested. The importance of such psychological characteristics of students as operational, cognitive, motivational and personal is emphasized. Having analyzed a number of relevant psychological and pedagogical investigation findings the author addresses the problem in question from the perspective of students’ psychological features (motivation, learning style, intelligence type, memory, attention and also reading habits, self organization, etc.). Taking into account of these characteristics makes lessons of English for specific purposes or French for specific purposes and the work with foreign science texts more effective. The article offers some practical recommendations about the design of practical classes based on the psychological needs of each student. It gives suggestions for “Foreign languages for special purposes” syllabus that would make lessons more effective by taking into account psychological features of each student, their motivation, cognitive features and so on

    The role of integrated media education in teaching forieng languages

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    This article describes the possibility of the effective use of media education in learning/teaching foreign languages in education and their importance as a lesson. The presence of educational material in electronic form, that is, viewing, studying, editing and recording text, graphics, audio, animated materials on a computer screen, allows for more i n-depth study.Teaching foreing languages on the basis of integrated media education has a rapid effect on the development of all four language skills (reading,writing,speaking,listenning). In order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the “National training Program”1 ,it is necessary to eliminate certain contradictions in the education system.Certain contradictions are the active use of educational technologies today and the unwillingness of many teachers to put them into practice is the difference between the factor in overcoming such contradictions is technique the achievements of technology and innovative technologies in the educational process is to implement

    The teaching of French and German in our American schools.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Supporting triple literacy : language learning in Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3

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    Comparative assessment of young learners' foreign language competence in three Eastern European countries

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    This paper concerns teacher practices in, and beliefs about, the assessment of young learners' progress in English in three Eastern European countries (Slovenia, Croatia, and the Czech Republic). The central part of the paper focuses on an international project involving empirical research into assessment of young learners' foreign language competence in Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic. With the help of an adapted questionnaire, we collected data from a non-random sample of primary and foreign language teachers who teach foreign languages at the primary level in these countries. The research shows that English as a foreign language is taught mostly by young teachers either primary specialists or foreign language teachers. These teachers most frequently use oral assessment/interviews or self-developed tests. Other more authentic types of assessment, such as language portfolios, are rarely used. The teachers most frequently assess speaking and listening skills, and they use assessment involving vocabulary the most frequently of all. However, there are significant differences in practice among the three countries