432 research outputs found

    Autostereoscopy vs. non-autostereoscopy on the LG Optimus 3D

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    [ES] El rápido aumento de los dispositivos con características 3D ha permitido una serie de sistemas de entretenimiento nuevos y avanzados para casa, hecho que ha aumentado la demanda de contenidos en 3D: películas en 3D, series en 3D y videojuegos en 3D. Esta tecnología ya se ha aplicado en las pantallas de los teléfonos inteligentes y videoconsolas portátiles. En esta tesina, se realizó un estudio sobre una aplicación para dispositivos Android con dos modos de visualización e interacción con el usuario: con autoestereoscopía y sin autoestereoscopía. Esta aplicación contiene varios objetos, tanto estáticos como dinámicos, en un entorno 3D. Tras realizar la evaluación, los resultados indican el alto grado de interés que tienen los contenidos en 3D para juegos en teléfonos inteligentes. Sin embargo, los problemas de percepción de objetos virtuales en 3D demuestran que esta tecnología todavía necesita mejoras para proporcionar una percepción de profundidad sin pérdida de nitidez en la imagen para que sea adecuada a un amplio grupo de la población.[EN] The rapid increase of 3D capable devices has provided a series of new and advanced home entertainment systems; that indicates a higher number of demands for 3D contents, such as 3D movies, 3D TV series and 3D games. As a result, this technology has been applied already on the displays of Smartphones and handheld video gaming consoles. In this thesis, a study between autostereoscopy and non-autostereoscopy on a Smartphone was carried out by testing a new Android application that provides both visualization modes with user interactions. The new app contains a number of static and dynamic objects in a 3D environment. Evaluation findings indicate that people are interested in 3D game content on Smartphones. However, perception issues of 3D virtual objects and loss of picture quality demonstrate that this technology still needs further improvements before it can become suitable for all groups of people.Kaczmarczyk, KM. (2013). Autostereoscopy vs. non-autostereoscopy on the LG Optimus 3D. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/37109Archivo delegad

    Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based Calculator

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    This paper focused on design and implementation of a microcontroller based calculator which will perform simple arithmetic using a calculator keypad and a 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The program is limited to single digit input and double-digit results. This allows the program for the arithmetic operations to be simple, while the same principles can be extended to multi-digit calculations

    Human Factors Guidance for the Use of Handheld, Portable, and Wearable Computing Devices

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    This report provides human factors guidance for the selection and use of handheld, portable, and wearable computing devices, including personal digital assistants (PDAs), tablet computers, and, to a more limited extent, head-mounted display systems. These devices are becoming more common in the workplace. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wanted to know if these devices would be beneficial to maintenance specialists. Human factors researchers from the William J. Hughes Technical Center were asked to identify the advantages and disadvantages of these devices. These systems require different usage guidelines than standard desktop computing systems because of their size, portability, human-computer interface (HCI) designs, and intended work environments. In this report, we discuss differences between different maintenance tasks and how these differences may affect the selection of an appropriate device. We summarize the advantages and disadvantages of common handheld, portable, and wearable systems, specifically focusing on areas such as device size, screen size and resolution, input method, one- or two-handed operation, and headsdown time

    Etäisyyden huomioiva kaksiulotteinen viivakoodi mobiilikäyttötapauksiin

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    Global internet use is becoming increasingly mobile, and mobile data usage is growing exponentially. This puts increasing stress on the radio frequency spectrum that cellular and Wi-Fi networks use. As a consequence, research has also been conducted to develop wireless technologies for other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum – namely, visible light. One approach of using the visible light channel for wireless communication leverages barcodes. In this thesis, we propose a 2D barcode that can display different information based on the distance between the barcode and the scanner. Earlier research on distance-sensitive barcodes has focused on providing a closer viewer more information as a closer viewer can see more detail. In contrast, we target use cases where a clear physical separation between users of different roles can be made, such as presentation systems. We evaluate two methods of achieving distance-awareness: color-shifting of individual colors, where a color changes tone at longer distances, and color blending, where two colors blend into a third color at longer viewing distances. Our results show that a modern smartphone is capable of leveraging color-shifting in ideal conditions, but external changes such as ambient lighting render color-shifting unusable in practical scenarios. On the other hand, color blending is robust in varying indoor conditions and can be used to construct a reliable distance-aware barcode. Accordingly, we employ color blending to design a distance-aware barcode. We implement our solution in an off-the-shelf Android smartphone. Experimental results show that our scheme achieves a clear separation between close and far viewers. As a representative use case, we also implement a presentation system where a single barcode provides the presenter access to presentation tools and the audience access to auxiliary presentation material.Maailmanlaajuinen internetin käyttö muuttuu yhä liikkuvammaksi, ja mobiilidatan käyttö kasvaa eksponentiaalisesti. Tämä kohdistaa yhä suurempia vaatimuksia radiotaajuusspektriin, jota mobiili- ja Wi-Fi-verkot käyttävät. Näin ollen tutkijat ovat kehittäneet langattomia teknologioita hyödyntäen myös muita sähkömagneettisen spektrin osia – erityisesti näkyvää valoa. Yksi näkyvän valon sovellus langattomassa viestinnässä ovat viivakoodit. Tässä työssä kehitämme kaksiulotteisen viivakoodin, joka pystyy välittämään eri tietoa katselijoille eri etäisyyksillä. Aiempi etäisyyden huomioivien viivakoodien tutkimus on keskittynyt tarjoamaan lähellä olevalle katselijalle enemmän tietoa, koska läheinen katselija näkee viivakoodin tarkemmin. Sitä vastoin me keskitymme käyttötapauksiin, joissa eri käyttäjäroolien välillä on selkeä etäisyydellinen ero, kuten esimerkiksi esitelmissä puhujan ja yleisön välillä. Tarkastelemme kahta menetelmää: yksittäisten värien muutoksia etäisyyden muuttuessa ja kahden värin sekoittumista etäisyyden kasvaessa. Tulostemme perusteella nykyaikainen älypuhelin pystyy hyödyntämään yksittäisten värien muutoksia ihanteellisissa olosuhteissa, mutta ulkoiset tekijät, kuten ympäristön valaistus, aiheuttavat liian suuria värimuutoksia käytännön käyttötapauksissa. Toisaalta värien sekoittuminen on johdonmukaista muuttuvassa sisäympäristössä ja sitä voidaan käyttää luotettavan viivakoodin luomisessa. Näin ollen me suunnittelemme etäisyyden huomioivan viivakoodin hyödyntäen värien sekoittumista. Toteutamme ratkaisumme yleisesti saatavilla olevalle Android-älypuhelimelle. Kokeellisten tulostemme perusteella menetelmämme saavuttaa selkeän erottelun läheisten ja kaukaisten katselijoiden välillä. Esimerkkikäyttötapauksena toteutamme myös esitelmäjärjestelmän, jossa sama viivakoodi antaa lähellä olevalle puhujalle nopean pääsyn esitystyökaluihin ja kauempana olevalle yleisölle pääsyn esityksen apumateriaaliin

    OLEDs AND E-PAPER. Disruptive Potential for the European Display Industry

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    DG ENTR and JRC/IPTS of the European Commission have launched a series of studies to analyse prospects of success for European ICT industries with respect to emerging technologies. This report concerns display technologies (Organic Light Emitting Diodes and Electronic Paper - or OLEDs and e-paper for short). It assesses whether these technologies could be disruptive, and how well placed EU firms would be to take advantage of this disruption In general, displays are an increasingly important segment of the ICT sector. Since the 1990s and following the introduction of flat panel displays (FPDs), the global display industry has grown dramatically. The market is now (2009) worth about ¿ 100 billion. Geo-politically, the industry is dominated by Asian suppliers, with European companies relegated to a few vertical niches and parts of the value chain (e.g. research, supply of material and equipment). However, a number of new technologies are entering the market, e.g. OLEDs and electronic paper. Such emerging technologies may provide an opportunity for European enterprises to (re-)enter or strengthen their competitive position. OLEDs are composed of polymers that emit light when a current is passed through them. E-paper, on the other hand, is a portable, reusable storage and display medium, typically thin and flexible. Both OLEDs and e-paper have the potential to disrupt the existing displays market, but it is still too soon to say with certainty whether this will occur and when. Success for OLEDs depends on two key technical advances: first, the operating lifetime, and second, the production process. E-paper has a highly disruptive potential since it opens the door to new applications, largely text-based, not just in ICTs but also in consumer goods, pictures and advertising that could use its key properties. It could also displace display technologies that offer text-reading functions in ICT terminals such as tablet notebooks. There are three discrete segments in the OLED value chain where any discontinuity could offer EU firms the opportunity to play a more significant part in the displays sector: (1) original R&D and IPR for devices and for the manufacturing process and material supply/verification; (2) bulk materials for manufacture and glass; and (3) process equipment:. For the e-paper value chain, we can see that the entry of EU suppliers is perhaps possible across more value chain segments than for OLEDs. Apart from the ones mentioned for OLEDs, there are opportunities to enter into complete devices and content provision. In terms of vertical segments, the point of entry in OLED FPDs for Europe is most likely to be in the mass production of smaller FPDs for mobile handsets. In conclusion, OLEDs and e-paper have the potential to disrupt current displays market and in so doing they may enable EU companies to enter at selected points in the value chain to compete with the Asian ICT industry.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures - Prototype and First Experiences

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    Graz University of Technology has a long tradition in doing technology-enhanced courses. Following the latest trends, as mentioned in the NMC Horizon Report [32], we reviewed the possibility to use a wearable technology, in our case the Google GlassTM, in courses to improve the interaction between the lecturer and the audience with a special focus on huge classes. The lack of interaction in traditional face-to-face lectures is a well-known problem with a long research history [4], [12]. New technologies in Audience Response Systems (ARS) offer new ways to improve the interaction between teacher and student by enabling to ask questions to the audience [5] to get instant feedback during a lecture. Currently many types of web-based ARSs are available on the market [15]. Our research focused on finding an ARS suitable for the visualization in the Google Glass display. Further we developed a prototype and described first practical experiences

    Educational Handheld Video: Examining Shot Composition, Graphic Design, And Their Impact On Learning

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    Formal features of video such as shot composition and graphic design can weigh heavily on the success or failure of educational videos. Many studies have assessed the proper use of these techniques given the psychological expectations that viewers have for video programming (Hawkins et al., 2002; Kenny, 2002; Lang, Zhou, Schwardtz, Bolls, & Potter, 2000; McCain, Chilberg, & Wakshlag, 1977; McCain & Repensky, 1972; Miller, 2005; Morris, 1984; Roe, 1998; Schmitt, Anderson, & Collins, 1999; Sherman & Etling, 1991; Tannenbaum & Fosdick, 1960; Wagner, 1953). This study examined formal features within the context of the newly emerging distribution method of viewing video productions on mobile handheld devices. Shot composition and graphic design were examined in the context of an educational video to measure whether or not they had any influence on user perceptions of learning and learning outcomes. The two formal features were modified for display on 24 inch screens and on 3.5 inch or smaller screens. Participants were shown one of the four modified treatments, then presented with a test to measure whether or not the modified formal features had any impact or influence on learning outcomes from a sample of 132 undergraduate college students. No significant differences were found to occur as a result of manipulation of formal features between the treatment groups

    Optical and motor changes associated with lighting and near vision tasks in electronic devices

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    Purpose: To assess optical and motor changes associated with near vision reading under different controlled lighting conditions performed with two different types of electronic screens. Methods: Twenty-four healthy subjects with a mean age of 22.9±2.3 years (18-33) participated in this study. An iPad and an e-ink reader were chosen to present calibrated text, and each task lasted 5 minutes evaluating both ambient illuminance level and luminance of the screens. Results:Eye-tracker data revealed a higher number of saccadic eye movements under minimum luminance than under maximum luminance. The results showed statistically significant differences between the iPad (p=0.016) and the e-ink reader (p=0.002). The length of saccades was also higher for the minimum luminance level for both devices: 6.2±2.8 mm and 8.2±4.2 mm (e-ink max vs min), 6.8±2.9 mm and 7.6±3.6 mm (iPad max vs min), and blinking rate increased significantly for lower lighting conditions. Conclusions: Performing reading tasks on electronic devices is highly influenced by both the configuration of the screens and the ambient lighting, meanwhile, low differences in visual quality that are transient in healthy young people, were found


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    The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) and its Office of Materials Technology (OMT) is responsible for ensuring the materials used on its roadway system are properly designed, produced, and built to the approved standards. Each technology subdivision is responsible for the quality assurance of the materials used in transportation facility construction. The management of these materials relies on a series of intensive human processes involving sample collection and delivery. As the materials travel throughout the OMT, associated material information is manually recorded into a localized network database and the Material Management System (MMS) separately. The current large amount of human involvement necessary in the material clearance process can be streamlined with the integration of automatic identification technology (AIT). This study utilizes past implementations of AIT into civil engineering and construction applications to provide the SHA with AIT system hardware recommendations, software development considerations, estimated investment costs, and return on investment