79 research outputs found

    Ein flexibles, heterogenes Bildverarbeitungs-Framework für weltraumbasierte, rekonfigurierbare Datenverarbeitungsmodule

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    Scientific instruments as payload of current space missions are often equipped with high-resolution sensors. Thereby, especially camera-based instruments produce a vast amount of data. To obtain the desired scientific information, this data usually is processed on ground. Due to the high distance of missions within the solar system, the data rate for downlink to the ground station is strictly limited. The volume of scientific relevant data is usually less compared to the obtained raw data. Therefore, processing already has to be carried out on-board the spacecraft. An example of such an instrument is the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) on-board Solar Orbiter. For acquisition, storage and processing of images, the instrument is equipped with a Data Processing Module (DPM). It makes use of heterogeneous computing based on a dedicated LEON3 processor in combination with two reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-4 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The thesis will provide an overview of the available space-grade processing components (processors and FPGAs) which fulfill the requirements of deepspace missions. It also presents existing processing platforms which are based upon a heterogeneous system combining processors and FPGAs. This also includes the DPM of the PHI instrument, whose architecture will be introduced in detail. As core contribution of this thesis, a framework will be presented which enables high-performance image processing on such hardware-based systems while retaining software-like flexibility. This framework mainly consists of a variety of modules for hardware acceleration which are integrated seamlessly into the data flow of the on-board software. Supplementary, it makes extensive use of the dynamic in-flight reconfigurability of the used Virtex-4 FPGAs. The flexibility of the presented framework is proven by means of multiple examples from within the image processing of the PHI instrument. The framework is analyzed with respect to processing performance as well as power consumption.Wissenschaftliche Instrumente auf aktuellen Raumfahrtmissionen sind oft mit hochauflösenden Sensoren ausgestattet. Insbesondere kamerabasierte Instrumente produzieren dabei eine große Menge an Daten. Diese werden üblicherweise nach dem Empfang auf der Erde weiterverarbeitet, um daraus wissenschaftlich relevante Informationen zu gewinnen. Aufgrund der großen Entfernung von Missionen innerhalb unseres Sonnensystems ist die Datenrate zur Übertragung an die Bodenstation oft sehr begrenzt. Das Volumen der wissenschaftlich relevanten Daten ist meist deutlich kleiner als die aufgenommenen Rohdaten. Daher ist es vorteilhaft, diese bereits an Board der Sonde zu verarbeiten. Ein Beispiel für solch ein Instrument ist der Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) an Bord von Solar Orbiter. Um die Daten aufzunehmen, zu speichern und zu verarbeiten, ist das Instrument mit einem Data Processing Module (DPM) ausgestattet. Dieses nutzt ein heterogenes Rechnersystem aus einem dedizierten LEON3 Prozessor, zusammen mit zwei rekonfigurierbaren Xilinx Virtex-4 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Die folgende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über verfügbare Komponenten zur Datenverarbeitung (Prozessoren und FPGAs), die den Anforderungen von Raumfahrtmissionen gerecht werden, und stellt einige existierende Plattformen vor, die auf einem heterogenen System aus Prozessor und FPGA basieren. Hierzu gehört auch das Data Processing Module des PHI Instrumentes, dessen Architektur im Verlauf dieser Arbeit beschrieben wird. Als Kernelement der Dissertation wird ein Framework vorgestellt, das sowohl eine performante, als auch eine flexible Bilddatenverarbeitung auf einem solchen System ermöglicht. Dieses Framework besteht aus verschiedenen Modulen zur Hardwarebeschleunigung und bindet diese nahtlos in den Datenfluss der On-Board Software ein. Dabei wird außerdem die Möglichkeit genutzt, die eingesetzten Virtex-4 FPGAs dynamisch zur Laufzeit zu rekonfigurieren. Die Flexibilität des vorgestellten Frameworks wird anhand mehrerer Fallbeispiele aus der Bildverarbeitung von PHI dargestellt. Das Framework wird bezüglich der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit und Energieeffizienz analysiert

    Analyse und Erweiterung eines fehler-toleranten NoC für SRAM-basierte FPGAs in Weltraumapplikationen

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    Data Processing Units for scientific space mission need to process ever higher volumes of data and perform ever complex calculations. But the performance of available space-qualified general purpose processors is just in the lower three digit megahertz range, which is already insufficient for some applications. As an alternative, suitable processing steps can be implemented in hardware on a space-qualified SRAM-based FPGA. However, suitable devices are susceptible against space radiation. At the Institute for Communication and Network Engineering a fault-tolerant, network-based communication architecture was developed, which enables the construction of processing chains on the basis of different processing modules within suitable SRAM-based FPGAs and allows the exchange of single processing modules during runtime, too. The communication architecture and its protocol shall isolate non SEU mitigated or just partial SEU mitigated modules affected by radiation-induced faults to prohibit the propagation of errors within the remaining System-on-Chip. In the context of an ESA study, this communication architecture was extended with further components and implemented in a representative hardware platform. Based on the acquired experiences during the study, this work analyses the actual fault-tolerance characteristics as well as weak points of this initial implementation. At appropriate locations, the communication architecture was extended with mechanisms for fault-detection and fault-differentiation as well as with a hardware-based monitoring solution. Both, the former measures and the extension of the employed hardware-platform with selective fault-injection capabilities for the emulation of radiation-induced faults within critical areas of a non SEU mitigated processing module, are used to evaluate the effects of radiation-induced faults within the communication architecture. By means of the gathered results, further measures to increase fast detection and isolation of faulty nodes are developed, selectively implemented and verified. In particular, the ability of the communication architecture to isolate network nodes without SEU mitigation could be significantly improved.Instrumentenrechner für wissenschaftliche Weltraummissionen müssen ein immer höheres Datenvolumen verarbeiten und immer komplexere Berechnungen ausführen. Die Performanz von verfügbaren qualifizierten Universalprozessoren liegt aber lediglich im unteren dreistelligen Megahertz-Bereich, was für einige Anwendungen bereits nicht mehr ausreicht. Als Alternative bietet sich die Implementierung von entsprechend geeigneten Datenverarbeitungsschritten in Hardware auf einem qualifizierten SRAM-basierten FPGA an. Geeignete Bausteine sind jedoch empfindlich gegenüber der Strahlungsumgebung im Weltraum. Am Institut für Datentechnik und Kommunikationsnetze wurde eine fehlertolerante netzwerk-basierte Kommunikationsarchitektur entwickelt, die innerhalb eines geeigneten SRAM-basierten FPGAs Datenverarbeitungsmodule miteinander nach Bedarf zu Verarbeitungsketten verbindet, sowie den Austausch von einzelnen Modulen im Betrieb ermöglicht. Nicht oder nur partiell SEU mitigierte Module sollen bei strahlungsbedingten Fehlern im Modul durch das Protokoll und die Fehlererkennungsmechanismen der Kommunikationsarchitektur isoliert werden, um ein Ausbreiten des Fehlers im restlichen System-on-Chip zu verhindern. Im Kontext einer ESA Studie wurde diese Kommunikationsarchitektur um Komponenten erweitert und auf einer repräsentativen Hardwareplattform umgesetzt. Basierend auf den gesammelten Erfahrungen aus der Studie, wird in dieser Arbeit eine Analyse der tatsächlichen Fehlertoleranz-Eigenschaften sowie der Schwachstellen dieser ursprünglichen Implementierung durchgeführt. Die Kommunikationsarchitektur wurde an geeigneten Stellen um Fehlerdetektierungs- und Fehlerunterscheidungsmöglichkeiten erweitert, sowie um eine hardwarebasierte Überwachung ergänzt. Sowohl diese Maßnahmen, als auch die Erweiterung der Hardwareplattform um gezielte Fehlerinjektions-Möglichkeiten zum Emulieren von strahlungsinduzierten Fehlern in kritischen Komponenten eines nicht SEU mitigierten Prozessierungsmoduls werden genutzt, um die tatsächlichen auftretenden Effekte in der Kommunikationsarchitektur zu evaluieren. Anhand der Ergebnisse werden weitere Verbesserungsmaßnahmen speziell zur schnellen Detektierung und Isolation von fehlerhaften Knoten erarbeitet, selektiv implementiert und verifiziert. Insbesondere die Fähigkeit, fehlerhafte, nicht SEU mitigierte Netzwerkknoten innerhalb der Kommunikationsarchitektur zu isolieren, konnte dabei deutlich verbessert werden

    Fault tolerant design implementation on radiation hardened by design SRAM-Based FPGAs

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013.This electronic version was submitted and approved by the author's academic department as part of an electronic thesis pilot project. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections."June 2013." Cataloged from department-submitted PDF version of thesisIncludes bibliographical references (p. 197-204).SRAM-based FPGAs are highly attractive for space applications due to their in-flight reconfigurability, decreased development time and cost, and increased design and testing flexibility. The Xilinx Virtex-5QV is the first commercially available Radiation Hardened By Design (RHBD) SRAM-based FPGA; however, not all of its internal components are hardened against radiation-induced errors. This thesis examines and quantifies the additional considerations and techniques designers should employ with a RHBD SRAM-based FPGA in a space-based processing system to achieve high operational reliability. Additionally, this work presents the application of some of these techniques to the embedded avionics design of the REXIS imaging payload on the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission.by Frank Hall Schmidt, Jr.S.M

    New Design Techniques for Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures

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    An Adaptive Modular Redundancy Technique to Self-regulate Availability, Area, and Energy Consumption in Mission-critical Applications

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    As reconfigurable devices\u27 capacities and the complexity of applications that use them increase, the need for self-reliance of deployed systems becomes increasingly prominent. A Sustainable Modular Adaptive Redundancy Technique (SMART) composed of a dual-layered organic system is proposed, analyzed, implemented, and experimentally evaluated. SMART relies upon a variety of self-regulating properties to control availability, energy consumption, and area used, in dynamically-changing environments that require high degree of adaptation. The hardware layer is implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-4 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to provide self-repair using a novel approach called a Reconfigurable Adaptive Redundancy System (RARS). The software layer supervises the organic activities within the FPGA and extends the self-healing capabilities through application-independent, intrinsic, evolutionary repair techniques to leverage the benefits of dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (PR). A SMART prototype is evaluated using a Sobel edge detection application. This prototype is shown to provide sustainability for stressful occurrences of transient and permanent fault injection procedures while still reducing energy consumption and area requirements. An Organic Genetic Algorithm (OGA) technique is shown capable of consistently repairing hard faults while maintaining correct edge detector outputs, by exploiting spatial redundancy in the reconfigurable hardware. A Monte Carlo driven Continuous Markov Time Chains (CTMC) simulation is conducted to compare SMART\u27s availability to industry-standard Triple Modular Technique (TMR) techniques. Based on nine use cases, parameterized with realistic fault and repair rates acquired from publically available sources, the results indicate that availability is significantly enhanced by the adoption of fast repair techniques targeting aging-related hard-faults. Under harsh environments, SMART is shown to improve system availability from 36.02% with lengthy repair techniques to 98.84% with fast ones. This value increases to five nines (99.9998%) under relatively more favorable conditions. Lastly, SMART is compared to twenty eight standard TMR benchmarks that are generated by the widely-accepted BL-TMR tools. Results show that in seven out of nine use cases, SMART is the recommended technique, with power savings ranging from 22% to 29%, and area savings ranging from 17% to 24%, while still maintaining the same level of availability

    Firmware Development and Integration for ALICE TPC and PHOS Front-end Electronics: A Trigger Based Readout and Control System operating in a Radiation Environment

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    The readout electronics in PHOS and TPC - two of the major detectors of the ALICE experiment at the LHC - consist of a set of Front End Cards (FECs) that digitize, process and buffer the data from the detector sensors. The FECs are connected to a Readout Control Unit (RCU) via two sets of custom made PCB backplanes. For PHOS, 28 FECs are connected to one RCU, while for TPC the number is varying from 18 to 25 FECs depending on location. The RCU is in charge of the data readout, including reception and distribution of triggers and in moving the data from the FECs to the Data Acquisition System. In addition it does low level control tasks. The RCU consists of an RCU Motherboard that hosts a Detector Control System (DCS) board and a Source Interface Unit. The DCS board is an embedded computer running Linux that controls the readout electronics. All the mentioned devices are implemented in commercial grade SRAM based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Even if these devices are not very radiation tolerant, they are chosen because of their cost and flexibility, and most importantly the possibility to easily do future upgrades of the electronics. Since physical shielding of the electronics is not possible in ALICE due to the architecture of the detector, the radiation related errors need to be handled with other techniques such as firmware mitigation techniques. The main objective of this thesis has been to make firmware modules for the FPGAs reciding in different parts of the readout electronics. Because of the flexibility of the designs, some of them have, with minor adaptations, been applied in different devices surrounding the readout electronics. Additionally, effort has been put into testing and integration of the system. In detail, the work presented in this thesis can be summarized as follows: - Firmware design for radiation environments. All firmware modules that are designed are to be used in a radiation environment, and then special precautions need to be taken. Additionally, a state-of-the-art solution has been designed for protecting the main FPGA on the RCU Motherboard against radiation induced functional failures. - Implementation of Trigger Handling for the TPC/PHOS Readout Electronics. The triggers are received from the global trigger system via an optical link and are handled by an Application Spesific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) on the DCS board. The problem is that the DCS board might have occasional down time 6 due to radiation related errors, so a special interface module is designed for the main FPGA on the RCU Motherboard. This module decodes and verifies the information received from the trigger system. As it is a generic design it has also been implemented as part of the BusyBox. The BusyBox is an important device in the trigger path of the TPC and PHOS sub-detectors. - Testing and Verification of all firmware modules. All firmware modules have been extensively verified with computer simulation before being tested in real hardware. - Maintenance of the DCS board for TPC/PHOS and of the different Fee firmware modules in general. - System Integration and System Level Tests. A big contribution has been done integrating and testing all the modules and sub-systems. This concern both locally on the RCU and the BusyBox, as well as making all the devices play together on a larger scale. - Testing and Verification of all firmware modules. All firmware modules have been extensively verified with computer simulation before being tested in real hardware. - Maintenance of the DCS board for TPC/PHOS and of the different Fee firmware modules in general. - System Integration and System Level Tests. A big contribution has been done integrating and testing all the modules and sub-systems. This concern both locally on the RCU and the BusyBox, as well as making all the devices play together on a larger scale. As the presented electronics are located in a radiation environment and are physically unavailable after commissioning, effort has been put into making designs that are reliable, scalable and possible to upgrade. This has been ensured by following a systematic design approach where testability, version management and documentation are key elements. Some parts of the work described in this thesis have been published and presented in international peer reviewed publications and conferences