2,252 research outputs found

    SOAP3-dp: Fast, Accurate and Sensitive GPU-based Short Read Aligner

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    To tackle the exponentially increasing throughput of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), most of the existing short-read aligners can be configured to favor speed in trade of accuracy and sensitivity. SOAP3-dp, through leveraging the computational power of both CPU and GPU with optimized algorithms, delivers high speed and sensitivity simultaneously. Compared with widely adopted aligners including BWA, Bowtie2, SeqAlto, GEM and GPU-based aligners including BarraCUDA and CUSHAW, SOAP3-dp is two to tens of times faster, while maintaining the highest sensitivity and lowest false discovery rate (FDR) on Illumina reads with different lengths. Transcending its predecessor SOAP3, which does not allow gapped alignment, SOAP3-dp by default tolerates alignment similarity as low as 60 percent. Real data evaluation using human genome demonstrates SOAP3-dp's power to enable more authentic variants and longer Indels to be discovered. Fosmid sequencing shows a 9.1 percent FDR on newly discovered deletions. SOAP3-dp natively supports BAM file format and provides a scoring scheme same as BWA, which enables it to be integrated into existing analysis pipelines. SOAP3-dp has been deployed on Amazon-EC2, NIH-Biowulf and Tianhe-1A.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PLoS ONE, additional files available at "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bhclhxpoiubh371/O5CO_CkXQE". Comments most welcom

    MaxSSmap: A GPU program for mapping divergent short reads to genomes with the maximum scoring subsequence

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    Programs based on hash tables and Burrows-Wheeler are very fast for mapping short reads to genomes but have low accuracy in the presence of mismatches and gaps. Such reads can be aligned accurately with the Smith-Waterman algorithm but it can take hours and days to map millions of reads even for bacteria genomes. We introduce a GPU program called MaxSSmap with the aim of achieving comparable accuracy to Smith-Waterman but with faster runtimes. Similar to most programs MaxSSmap identifies a local region of the genome followed by exact alignment. Instead of using hash tables or Burrows-Wheeler in the first part, MaxSSmap calculates maximum scoring subsequence score between the read and disjoint fragments of the genome in parallel on a GPU and selects the highest scoring fragment for exact alignment. We evaluate MaxSSmap's accuracy and runtime when mapping simulated Illumina E.coli and human chromosome one reads of different lengths and 10\% to 30\% mismatches with gaps to the E.coli genome and human chromosome one. We also demonstrate applications on real data by mapping ancient horse DNA reads to modern genomes and unmapped paired reads from NA12878 in 1000 genomes. We show that MaxSSmap attains comparable high accuracy and low error to fast Smith-Waterman programs yet has much lower runtimes. We show that MaxSSmap can map reads rejected by BWA and NextGenMap with high accuracy and low error much faster than if Smith-Waterman were used. On short read lengths of 36 and 51 both MaxSSmap and Smith-Waterman have lower accuracy compared to at higher lengths. On real data MaxSSmap produces many alignments with high score and mapping quality that are not given by NextGenMap and BWA. The MaxSSmap source code is freely available from http://www.cs.njit.edu/usman/MaxSSmap

    Canonical, Stable, General Mapping using Context Schemes

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    Motivation: Sequence mapping is the cornerstone of modern genomics. However, most existing sequence mapping algorithms are insufficiently general. Results: We introduce context schemes: a method that allows the unambiguous recognition of a reference base in a query sequence by testing the query for substrings from an algorithmically defined set. Context schemes only map when there is a unique best mapping, and define this criterion uniformly for all reference bases. Mappings under context schemes can also be made stable, so that extension of the query string (e.g. by increasing read length) will not alter the mapping of previously mapped positions. Context schemes are general in several senses. They natively support the detection of arbitrary complex, novel rearrangements relative to the reference. They can scale over orders of magnitude in query sequence length. Finally, they are trivially extensible to more complex reference structures, such as graphs, that incorporate additional variation. We demonstrate empirically the existence of high performance context schemes, and present efficient context scheme mapping algorithms. Availability and Implementation: The software test framework created for this work is available from https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/adamnovak/sequence-graphs/. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary Information: Six supplementary figures and one supplementary section are available with the online version of this article.Comment: Submission for Bioinformatic

    What's in your next-generation sequence data? An exploration of unmapped DNA and RNA sequence reads from the bovine reference individual.

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    BackgroundNext-generation sequencing projects commonly commence by aligning reads to a reference genome assembly. While improvements in alignment algorithms and computational hardware have greatly enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of alignments, a significant percentage of reads often remain unmapped.ResultsWe generated de novo assemblies of unmapped reads from the DNA and RNA sequencing of the Bos taurus reference individual and identified the closest matching sequence to each contig by alignment to the NCBI non-redundant nucleotide database using BLAST. As expected, many of these contigs represent vertebrate sequence that is absent, incomplete, or misassembled in the UMD3.1 reference assembly. However, numerous additional contigs represent invertebrate species. Most prominent were several species of Spirurid nematodes and a blood-borne parasite, Babesia bigemina. These species are either not present in the US or are not known to infect taurine cattle and the reference animal appears to have been host to unsequenced sister species.ConclusionsWe demonstrate the importance of exploring unmapped reads to ascertain sequences that are either absent or misassembled in the reference assembly and for detecting sequences indicative of parasitic or commensal organisms

    De novo human genome assemblies reveal spectrum of alternative haplotypes in diverse populations.

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    The human reference genome is used extensively in modern biological research. However, a single consensus representation is inadequate to provide a universal reference structure because it is a haplotype among many in the human population. Using 10× Genomics (10×G) "Linked-Read" technology, we perform whole genome sequencing (WGS) and de novo assembly on 17 individuals across five populations. We identify 1842 breakpoint-resolved non-reference unique insertions (NUIs) that, in aggregate, add up to 2.1 Mb of so far undescribed genomic content. Among these, 64% are considered ancestral to humans since they are found in non-human primate genomes. Furthermore, 37% of the NUIs can be found in the human transcriptome and 14% likely arose from Alu-recombination-mediated deletion. Our results underline the need of a set of human reference genomes that includes a comprehensive list of alternative haplotypes to depict the complete spectrum of genetic diversity across populations

    GenPIP: In-Memory Acceleration of Genome Analysis via Tight Integration of Basecalling and Read Mapping

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    Nanopore sequencing is a widely-used high-throughput genome sequencing technology that can sequence long fragments of a genome into raw electrical signals at low cost. Nanopore sequencing requires two computationally-costly processing steps for accurate downstream genome analysis. The first step, basecalling, translates the raw electrical signals into nucleotide bases (i.e., A, C, G, T). The second step, read mapping, finds the correct location of a read in a reference genome. In existing genome analysis pipelines, basecalling and read mapping are executed separately. We observe in this work that such separate execution of the two most time-consuming steps inherently leads to (1) significant data movement and (2) redundant computations on the data, slowing down the genome analysis pipeline. This paper proposes GenPIP, an in-memory genome analysis accelerator that tightly integrates basecalling and read mapping. GenPIP improves the performance of the genome analysis pipeline with two key mechanisms: (1) in-memory fine-grained collaborative execution of the major genome analysis steps in parallel; (2) a new technique for early-rejection of low-quality and unmapped reads to timely stop the execution of genome analysis for such reads, reducing inefficient computation. Our experiments show that, for the execution of the genome analysis pipeline, GenPIP provides 41.6X (8.4X) speedup and 32.8X (20.8X) energy savings with negligible accuracy loss compared to the state-of-the-art software genome analysis tools executed on a state-of-the-art CPU (GPU). Compared to a design that combines state-of-the-art in-memory basecalling and read mapping accelerators, GenPIP provides 1.39X speedup and 1.37X energy savings.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    The mapping task and its various applications in next-generation sequencing

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    The aim of this thesis is the development and benchmarking of computational methods for the analysis of high-throughput data from tiling arrays and next-generation sequencing. Tiling arrays have been a mainstay of genome-wide transcriptomics, e.g., in the identification of functional elements in the human genome. Due to limitations of existing methods for the data analysis of this data, a novel statistical approach is presented that identifies expressed segments as significant differences from the background distribution and thus avoids dataset-specific parameters. This method detects differentially expressed segments in biological data with significantly lower false discovery rates and equivalent sensitivities compared to commonly used methods. In addition, it is also clearly superior in the recovery of exon-intron structures. Moreover, the search for local accumulations of expressed segments in tiling array data has led to the identification of very large expressed regions that may constitute a new class of macroRNAs. This thesis proceeds with next-generation sequencing for which various protocols have been devised to study genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic features. One of the first crucial steps in most NGS data analyses is the mapping of sequencing reads to a reference genome. This work introduces algorithmic methods to solve the mapping tasks for three major NGS protocols: DNA-seq, RNA-seq, and MethylC-seq. All methods have been thoroughly benchmarked and integrated into the segemehl mapping suite. First, mapping of DNA-seq data is facilitated by the core mapping algorithm of segemehl. Since the initial publication, it has been continuously updated and expanded. Here, extensive and reproducible benchmarks are presented that compare segemehl to state-of-the-art read aligners on various data sets. The results indicate that it is not only more sensitive in finding the optimal alignment with respect to the unit edit distance but also very specific compared to most commonly used alternative read mappers. These advantages are observable for both real and simulated reads, are largely independent of the read length and sequencing technology, but come at the cost of higher running time and memory consumption. Second, the split-read extension of segemehl, presented by Hoffmann, enables the mapping of RNA-seq data, a computationally more difficult form of the mapping task due to the occurrence of splicing. Here, the novel tool lack is presented, which aims to recover missed RNA-seq read alignments using de novo splice junction information. It performs very well in benchmarks and may thus be a beneficial extension to RNA-seq analysis pipelines. Third, a novel method is introduced that facilitates the mapping of bisulfite-treated sequencing data. This protocol is considered the gold standard in genome-wide studies of DNA methylation, one of the major epigenetic modifications in animals and plants. The treatment of DNA with sodium bisulfite selectively converts unmethylated cytosines to uracils, while methylated ones remain unchanged. The bisulfite extension developed here performs seed searches on a collapsed alphabet followed by bisulfite-sensitive dynamic programming alignments. Thus, it is insensitive to bisulfite-related mismatches and does not rely on post-processing, in contrast to other methods. In comparison to state-of-the-art tools, this method achieves significantly higher sensitivities and performs time-competitive in mapping millions of sequencing reads to vertebrate genomes. Remarkably, the increase in sensitivity does not come at the cost of decreased specificity and thus may finally result in a better performance in calling the methylation rate. Lastly, the potential of mapping strategies for de novo genome assemblies is demonstrated with the introduction of a new guided assembly procedure. It incorporates mapping as major component and uses the additional information (e.g., annotation) as guide. With this method, the complete mitochondrial genome of Eulimnogammarus verrucosus has been successfully assembled even though the sequencing library has been heavily dominated by nuclear DNA. In summary, this thesis introduces algorithmic methods that significantly improve the analysis of tiling array, DNA-seq, RNA-seq, and MethylC-seq data, and proposes standards for benchmarking NGS read aligners. Moreover, it presents a new guided assembly procedure that has been successfully applied in the de novo assembly of a crustacean mitogenome.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und dem Benchmarken von Verfahren zur Analyse von Daten aus Hochdurchsatz-Technologien, wie Tiling Arrays oder Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung. Tiling Arrays bildeten lange Zeit die Grundlage fĂŒr die genomweite Untersuchung des Transkriptoms und kamen beispielsweise bei der Identifizierung funktioneller Elemente im menschlichen Genom zum Einsatz. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues statistisches Verfahren zur Auswertung von Tiling Array-Daten vorgestellt. Darin werden Segmente als exprimiert klassifiziert, wenn sich deren Signale signifikant von der Hintergrundverteilung unterscheiden. Dadurch werden keine auf den Datensatz abgestimmten Parameterwerte benötigt. Die hier vorgestellte Methode erkennt differentiell exprimierte Segmente in biologischen Daten bei gleicher SensitivitĂ€t mit geringerer Falsch-Positiv-Rate im Vergleich zu den derzeit hauptsĂ€chlich eingesetzten Verfahren. Zudem ist die Methode bei der Erkennung von Exon-Intron Grenzen prĂ€ziser. Die Suche nach AnhĂ€ufungen exprimierter Segmente hat darĂŒber hinaus zur Entdeckung von sehr langen Regionen gefĂŒhrt, welche möglicherweise eine neue Klasse von macroRNAs darstellen. Nach dem Exkurs zu Tiling Arrays konzentriert sich diese Arbeit nun auf die Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung, fĂŒr die bereits verschiedene Sequenzierungsprotokolle zur Untersuchungen des Genoms, Transkriptoms und Epigenoms etabliert sind. Einer der ersten und entscheidenden Schritte in der Analyse von Sequenzierungsdaten stellt in den meisten FĂ€llen das Mappen dar, bei dem kurze Sequenzen (Reads) auf ein großes Referenzgenom aligniert werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt algorithmische Methoden vor, welche das Mapping-Problem fĂŒr drei wichtige Sequenzierungsprotokolle (DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq und MethylC-Seq) lösen. Alle Methoden wurden ausfĂŒhrlichen Benchmarks unterzogen und sind in der segemehl-Suite integriert. Als Erstes wird hier der Kern-Algorithmus von segemehl vorgestellt, welcher das Mappen von DNA-Sequenzierungsdaten ermöglicht. Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung wurde dieser kontinuierlich optimiert und erweitert. In dieser Arbeit werden umfangreiche und auf Reproduzierbarkeit bedachte Benchmarks prĂ€sentiert, in denen segemehl auf zahlreichen DatensĂ€tzen mit bekannten Mapping-Programmen verglichen wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass segemehl nicht nur sensitiver im Auffinden von optimalen Alignments bezĂŒglich der Editierdistanz sondern auch sehr spezifisch im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden ist. Diese Vorteile sind in realen und simulierten Daten unabhĂ€ngig von der Sequenzierungstechnologie oder der LĂ€nge der Reads erkennbar, gehen aber zu Lasten einer lĂ€ngeren Laufzeit und eines höheren Speicherverbrauchs. Als Zweites wird das Mappen von RNA-Sequenzierungsdaten untersucht, welches bereits von der Split-Read-Erweiterung von segemehl unterstĂŒtzt wird. Aufgrund von Spleißen ist diese Form des Mapping-Problems rechnerisch aufwendiger. In dieser Arbeit wird das neue Programm lack vorgestellt, welches darauf abzielt, fehlende Read-Alignments mit Hilfe von de novo Spleiß-Information zu finden. Es erzielt hervorragende Ergebnisse und stellt somit eine sinnvolle ErgĂ€nzung zu Analyse-Pipelines fĂŒr RNA-Sequenzierungsdaten dar. Als Drittes wird eine neue Methode zum Mappen von Bisulfit-behandelte Sequenzierungsdaten vorgestellt. Dieses Protokoll gilt als Goldstandard in der genomweiten Untersuchung der DNA-Methylierung, einer der wichtigsten epigenetischen Modifikationen in Tieren und Pflanzen. Dabei wird die DNA vor der Sequenzierung mit Natriumbisulfit behandelt, welches selektiv nicht methylierte Cytosine zu Uracilen konvertiert, wĂ€hrend Methylcytosine davon unberĂŒhrt bleiben. Die hier vorgestellte Bisulfit-Erweiterung fĂŒhrt die Seed-Suche auf einem reduziertem Alphabet durch und verifiziert die erhaltenen Treffer mit einem auf dynamischer Programmierung basierenden Bisulfit-sensitiven Alignment-Algorithmus. Das verwendete Verfahren ist somit unempfindlich gegenĂŒber Bisulfit-Konvertierungen und erfordert im Gegensatz zu anderen Verfahren keine weitere Nachverarbeitung. Im Vergleich zu aktuell eingesetzten Programmen ist die Methode sensitiver und benötigt eine vergleichbare Laufzeit beim Mappen von Millionen von Reads auf große Genome. Bemerkenswerterweise wird die erhöhte SensitivitĂ€t bei gleichbleibend guter SpezifizitĂ€t erreicht. Dadurch könnte diese Methode somit auch bessere Ergebnisse bei der prĂ€zisen Bestimmung der Methylierungsraten erreichen. Schließlich wird noch das Potential von Mapping-Strategien fĂŒr Assemblierungen mit der EinfĂŒhrung eines neuen, Kristallisation-genanntes Verfahren zur unterstĂŒtzten Assemblierung aufgezeigt. Es enthĂ€lt Mapping als Hauptbestandteil und nutzt Zusatzinformation (z.B. Annotationen) als UnterstĂŒtzung. Dieses Verfahren ermöglichte die erfolgreiche Assemblierung des kompletten mitochondrialen Genoms von Eulimnogammarus verrucosus trotz einer vorwiegend aus nukleĂ€rer DNA bestehenden genomischen Bibliothek. Zusammenfassend stellt diese Arbeit algorithmische Methoden vor, welche die Analysen von Tiling Array, DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq und MethylC-Seq Daten signifikant verbessern. Es werden zudem Standards fĂŒr den Vergleich von Programmen zum Mappen von Daten der Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung vorgeschlagen. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein neues Verfahren zur unterstĂŒtzten Genom-Assemblierung vorgestellt, welches erfolgreich bei der de novo-Assemblierung eines mitochondrialen Krustentier-Genoms eingesetzt wurde

    Detection of microRNAs in color space

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    MotivationDeep sequencing provides inexpensive opportunities to characterize the transcriptional diversity of known genomes. The AB SOLiD technology generates millions of short sequencing reads in color-space; that is, the raw data is a sequence of colors, where each color represents 2 nt and each nucleotide is represented by two consecutive colors. This strategy is purported to have several advantages, including increased ability to distinguish sequencing errors from polymorphisms. Several programs have been developed to map short reads to genomes in color space. However, a number of previously unexplored technical issues arise when using SOLiD technology to characterize microRNAs.ResultsHere we explore these technical difficulties. First, since the sequenced reads are longer than the biological sequences, every read is expected to contain linker fragments. The color-calling error rate increases toward the 3(') end of the read such that recognizing the linker sequence for removal becomes problematic. Second, mapping in color space may lead to the loss of the first nucleotide of each read. We propose a sequential trimming and mapping approach to map small RNAs. Using our strategy, we reanalyze three published insect small RNA deep sequencing datasets and characterize 22 new microRNAs.Availability and implementationA bash shell script to perform the sequential trimming and mapping procedure, called SeqTrimMap, is available at: http://www.mirbase.org/tools/seqtrimmap/[email protected] informationSupplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online
