2,364 research outputs found

    Modeling EMI Resulting from a Signal Via Transition Through Power/Ground Layers

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    Signal transitioning through layers on vias are very common in multi-layer printed circuit board (PCB) design. For a signal via transitioning through the internal power and ground planes, the return current must switch from one reference plane to another reference plane. The discontinuity of the return current at the via excites the power and ground planes, and results in noise on the power bus that can lead to signal integrity, as well as EMI problems. Numerical methods, such as the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), Moment of Methods (MoM), and partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method, were employed herein to study this problem. The modeled results are supported by measurements. In addition, a common EMI mitigation approach of adding a decoupling capacitor was investigated with the FDTD method

    Kohti metsien laserkeilausmittausten syvällisempää ymmärrystä

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    This thesis presents basic research on how airborne LiDAR measurements of forest vegetation are influenced by the interplay of the geometric-optical properties of vegetation, sensor function and acquisition settings. Within the work, examining the potential of waveform (WF) recording sensors was of particular interest. Study I focused upon discrete return LiDAR measurements of understory trees. It showed that transmission losses influenced the intensity of observations and echo triggering probabilities, and also skewed the distribution of echoes towards those triggered by highly reflective or dense targets. The intensity data were of low value for species identification, but the abundance of understory trees could be predicted based on echo height distributions. In study II, a method of close-range terrestrial photogrammetry was developed. Images were shown as being useful for visualizations and even the geometric quality control of LiDAR data. The strength of backscattering was shown to correlate with the projected area extracted from the images. In study III, a LiDAR simulation model was developed and validated against real measurements. The model was able to be used for sensitivity analyses to illustrate how plant structure or different pulse properties influence the WF data. Both simulated and real data showed that WF data were able to capture small-scale variations in the structural and optical properties of juvenile forest vegetation. Study IV illustrated the potential of WF data in the species classification of larger trees. The WF features that separated tree species were also dependent on other variables such as tree size and phenology. Inherent between-tree differences in structure were quantified and the effects of pulse density on the features were examined. Overall, the thesis provides basic findings on how LiDAR pulses interact with forest vegetation, and serves to link theory with real observations. The results contribute to an improved understanding of LiDAR measurements and their limitations, and thus provide support for further improvements in both data interpretation methods and specific sensor design.Väitöskirja käsittelee metsien mittausta ilma-aluksesta tehdyn laserkeilauksen avulla. Perustutkimusluonteisessa työssä selvitettiin, miten metsän rakenne ja heijastusominaisuudet sekä keilain- ja keilauskohtaiset parametrit vaikuttavat laserkeilaimella tehtyihin mittauksiin. Lisäksi selvitettiin aaltomuotolaserkeilainten käyttömahdollisuuksia verrattuna yleisemmin käytettyihin kaikulaserkeilaimiin. Osajulkaisussa I tutkittiin alikasvospuustosta kaikulaserkeilaimella tehtyjä mittauksia. Energiahäviöt ylempiin latvuskerroksiin vaikuttivat todennäköisyyteen saada kaikuja alikasvospuista ja vääristivät kaikujen jakaumaa siten, että kaikuja saatiin eniten voimakkaasti heijastavista kohteista. Laserkaikujen intensiteetti ei soveltunut alikasvoksen puulajin tunnistukseen, mutta alikasvospuuston määrää pystyttiin ennustamaan kaikujen korkeusjakauman avulla. Osajulkaisussa II kehitettiin maastofotogrammetriaan perustuva menetelmä laserkeilaustutkimuksen tueksi. Maastossa otettujen digikuvien avulla pystyttiin visualisoimaan laserkaikuja ja -aaltomuotoja sekä tutkimaan niiden geometrista tarkkuutta. Kuvilta laskettu kasvillisuuden silhuettiala oli yhteydessä lasersignaalin voimakkuuteen. Osajulkaisussa III kehitettiin simulointimalli lasermittausten mallintamiseen ja verrattiin simuloituja aineistoja taimikkokasvillisuudesta aaltomuotolaserkeilaimella tehtyihin mittauksiin. Simuloimalla näytettiin, miten kasvillisuuden rakenne ja laserkeilaimen ominaisuudet vaikuttavat mittauksiin. Tulokset osoittivat, että aaltomuotolaserkeilaimella tehdyt mittaukset kuvaavat taimikkokasvillisuuden rakennetta ja niitä on mahdollista hyödyntää taimikkokasvillisuuden kartoituksessa. Osajulkaisussa IV tutkittiin aaltomuotolaserkeilaimella tehtyjen mittausten käyttöä puulajin tunnistuksessa. Aaltomuotolaserkeilaus paransi tuloksia verrattuna kaikulaserin tallentaman intensiteetin käyttöön. Lisäksi selvitettiin, mitkä muut tekijät puulajin lisäksi vaikuttavat lasermittauksiin. Tunnetuista tekijöistä puuyksilöiden välistä lasersignaalin vaihtelua selittivät parhaiten puun pituus ja fenologinen tila, mutta aineistoon jäi paljon puuyksilöstä riippuvaa selittämätöntä vaihtelua. Väitöskirjan tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä metsäkasvillisuudesta tehtyhin laserkeilausmittauksiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja luovat perustaa keilainlaitteiden sekä aineistojen tulkintamenetelmien jatkokehitykselle

    Efficient Object-Based Hierarchical Radiosity Methods

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    The efficient generation of photorealistic images is one of the main subjects in the field of computer graphics. In contrast to simple image generation which is directly supported by standard 3D graphics hardware, photorealistic image synthesis strongly adheres to the physics describing the flow of light in a given environment. By simulating the energy flow in a 3D scene global effects like shadows and inter-reflections can be rendered accurately. The hierarchical radiosity method is one way of computing the global illumination in a scene. Due to its limitation to purely diffuse surfaces solutions computed by this method are view independent and can be examined in real-time walkthroughs. Additionally, the physically based algorithm makes it well suited for lighting design and architectural visualization. The focus of this thesis is the application of object-oriented methods to the radiosity problem. By consequently keeping and using object information throughout all stages of the algorithms several contributions to the field of radiosity rendering could be made. By introducing a new meshing scheme, it is shown how curved objects can be treated efficiently by hierarchical radiosity algorithms. Using the same paradigm the radiosity computation can be distributed in a network of computers. A parallel implementation is presented that minimizes communication costs while obtaining an efficient speedup. Radiosity solutions for very large scenes became possible by the use of clustering algorithms. Groups of objects are combined to clusters to simulate the energy exchange on a higher abstraction level. It is shown how the clustering technique can be improved without loss in image quality by applying the same data-structure for both, the visibility computations and the efficient radiosity simulation.Eines der Schwerpunktthemen in der Computergraphik ist die effiziente Erzeugung von fotorealistischen Bildern. Im Gegensatz zur einfachen Bilderzeugung, die bereits durch gaengige 3D-Grafikhardware unterstuetzt wird, gehorcht die fotorealistische Bildsynthese physikalischen Gesetzen, die die Lichtausbreitung innerhalb einer bestimmten Umgebung beschreiben. Durch die Simulation der Energieausbreitung in einer dreidimensionalen Szene koennen globale Effekte wie Schatten und mehrfache Reflektionen wirklichkeitstreu dargestellt werden. Die hierarchische Radiositymethode (Hierarchical Radiosity) ist eine Moeglichkeit, um die globale Beleuchtung innerhalb einer Szene zu berechnen. Da diese Methode auf die Verwendung von rein diffus reflektierenden Oberflaechen beschraenkt ist, sind damit errechnete Loesungen blickwinkelunabhaengig und lassen sich in Echtzeit am Bildschirm durchwandern. Zudem ist dieser Algorithmus aufgrund der verwendeten physikalischen Grundlagen sehr gut zur Beleuchtungssimulation und Architekturvisualisierung geeignet. Den Schwerpunkt dieser Doktorarbeit stellt die Anwendung objektbasierter Methoden auf das Radiosityproblem dar. Durch konsequente Ausnutzung von Objektinformationen waehrend aller Berechnungsschritte konnten verschiedene Verbesserungen im Rahmen der hierarchischen Radiositymethode erzielt werden. Gekruemmte Objekte koennen aufgrund eines neuen Flaechenunterteilungsverfahrens nun effizient durch den hierarchischen Radiosityalgorithmus dargestellt werden. Dieses Verfahren ermoeglicht ebenso eine effiziente Parallelisierung des hierarchischen Radiosityalgorithmus. Es wird ein parallele Implementierung vorgestellt, die unter Minimierung der Kommunikationskosten eine effiziente Geschwindigkeitssteigerung erzielt. Radiosityberechnungen fuer sehr grosse Szenen sind nur durch Verwendung sogenannter Clustering-Algorithmen moeglich. Dabei werden Gruppen von Objekten zu Clustern kombiniert um den Energieaustausch zwischen Oberflaechen stellvertretend auf einem hoeheren Abstraktionsniveau durchzufuehren. Durch Verwendung derselben Datenstruktur fuer Sichtbarkeitsberechnungen und fuer die Steuerung der Radiositysimulation wird gezeigt, wie das Clusteringverfahren ohne Qualitaetsverluste verbessert werden kann

    Heat Transfer

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    Over the past few decades there has been a prolific increase in research and development in area of heat transfer, heat exchangers and their associated technologies. This book is a collection of current research in the above mentioned areas and describes modelling, numerical methods, simulation and information technology with modern ideas and methods to analyse and enhance heat transfer for single and multiphase systems. The topics considered include various basic concepts of heat transfer, the fundamental modes of heat transfer (namely conduction, convection and radiation), thermophysical properties, computational methodologies, control, stabilization and optimization problems, condensation, boiling and freezing, with many real-world problems and important modern applications. The book is divided in four sections : "Inverse, Stabilization and Optimization Problems", "Numerical Methods and Calculations", "Heat Transfer in Mini/Micro Systems", "Energy Transfer and Solid Materials", and each section discusses various issues, methods and applications in accordance with the subjects. The combination of fundamental approach with many important practical applications of current interest will make this book of interest to researchers, scientists, engineers and graduate students in many disciplines, who make use of mathematical modelling, inverse problems, implementation of recently developed numerical methods in this multidisciplinary field as well as to experimental and theoretical researchers in the field of heat and mass transfer

    Emission and reflection from healthy and stressed natural targets with computer analysis of spectroradiometric and multispectral scanner data

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    Special emphasis was on corn plants, and the healthy targets were differentiated from stressed ones by remote sensing. Infrared radiometry of plants is reviewed thoroughly with emphasis on agricultural crops. Theory and error analysis of the determination of emittance of a natural target by radiometer is discussed. Experiments were conducted on corn (Zea mays L.) plants with long wavelength spectroradiometer under field conditions. Analysis of multispectral scanner data of ten selected flightlines of Corn Blight Watch Experiment of 1972 indicated: (1) There was no regular pattern of the mean response of the higher level/levels blighted corn vs. lower level/levels blighted corn in any of the spectral channels. (2) The greater the difference between the blight levels, the more statistically separable they usually were in subsets of one, two, three and four spectral channels

    An engineering feasibility study of an orbiting scanning radiometer

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    Engineering feasibility study of lunar orbiting optical scanning radiometer

    Hardware Accelerators for Animated Ray Tracing

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    Future graphics processors are likely to incorporate hardware accelerators for real-time ray tracing, in order to render increasingly complex lighting effects in interactive applications. However, ray tracing poses difficulties when drawing scenes with dynamic content, such as animated characters and objects. In dynamic scenes, the spatial datastructures used to accelerate ray tracing are invalidated on each animation frame, and need to be rapidly updated. Tree update is a complex subtask in its own right, and becomes highly expensive in complex scenes. Both ray tracing and tree update are highly memory-intensive tasks, and rendering systems are increasingly bandwidth-limited, so research on accelerator hardware has focused on architectural techniques to optimize away off-chip memory traffic. Dynamic scene support is further complicated by the recent introduction of compressed trees, which use low-precision numbers for storage and computation. Such compression reduces both the arithmetic and memory bandwidth cost of ray tracing, but adds to the complexity of tree update.This thesis proposes methods to cope with dynamic scenes in hardware-accelerated ray tracing, with focus on reducing traffic to external memory. Firstly, a hardware architecture is designed for linear bounding volume hierarchy construction, an algorithm which is a basic building block in most state-of-the-art software tree builders. The algorithm is rearranged into a streaming form which reduces traffic to one-third of software implementations of the same algorithm. Secondly, an algorithm is proposed for compressing bounding volume hierarchies in a streaming manner as they are output from a hardware builder, instead of performing compression as a postprocessing pass. As a result, with the proposed method, compression reduces the overall cost of tree update rather than increasing it. The last main contribution of this thesis is an evaluation of shallow bounding volume hierarchies, common in software ray tracing, for use in hardware pipelines. These are found to be more energy-efficient than binary hierarchies. The results in this thesis both confirm that dynamic scene support may become a bottleneck in real time ray tracing, and add to the state of the art on tree update in terms of energy-efficiency, as well as the complexity of scenes that can be handled in real time on resource-constrained platforms

    Ray Tracing Gems

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    This book is a must-have for anyone serious about rendering in real time. With the announcement of new ray tracing APIs and hardware to support them, developers can easily create real-time applications with ray tracing as a core component. As ray tracing on the GPU becomes faster, it will play a more central role in real-time rendering. Ray Tracing Gems provides key building blocks for developers of games, architectural applications, visualizations, and more. Experts in rendering share their knowledge by explaining everything from nitty-gritty techniques that will improve any ray tracer to mastery of the new capabilities of current and future hardware. What you'll learn: The latest ray tracing techniques for developing real-time applications in multiple domains Guidance, advice, and best practices for rendering applications with Microsoft DirectX Raytracing (DXR) How to implement high-performance graphics for interactive visualizations, games, simulations, and more Who this book is for: Developers who are looking to leverage the latest APIs and GPU technology for real-time rendering and ray tracing Students looking to learn about best practices in these areas Enthusiasts who want to understand and experiment with their new GPU

    DEsignBench: Exploring and Benchmarking DALL-E 3 for Imagining Visual Design

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    We introduce DEsignBench, a text-to-image (T2I) generation benchmark tailored for visual design scenarios. Recent T2I models like DALL-E 3 and others, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating photorealistic images that align closely with textual inputs. While the allure of creating visually captivating images is undeniable, our emphasis extends beyond mere aesthetic pleasure. We aim to investigate the potential of using these powerful models in authentic design contexts. In pursuit of this goal, we develop DEsignBench, which incorporates test samples designed to assess T2I models on both "design technical capability" and "design application scenario." Each of these two dimensions is supported by a diverse set of specific design categories. We explore DALL-E 3 together with other leading T2I models on DEsignBench, resulting in a comprehensive visual gallery for side-by-side comparisons. For DEsignBench benchmarking, we perform human evaluations on generated images in DEsignBench gallery, against the criteria of image-text alignment, visual aesthetic, and design creativity. Our evaluation also considers other specialized design capabilities, including text rendering, layout composition, color harmony, 3D design, and medium style. In addition to human evaluations, we introduce the first automatic image generation evaluator powered by GPT-4V. This evaluator provides ratings that align well with human judgments, while being easily replicable and cost-efficient. A high-resolution version is available at https://github.com/design-bench/design-bench.github.io/raw/main/designbench.pdf?download=Comment: Project page at https://design-bench.github.io

    A Source Book for Teaching Three Units in Design

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Art at Morehead State University by John Herbert Kuhn on March 29, 1977