2,029 research outputs found

    Rate-cost tradeoffs in control

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    Consider a distributed control problem with a communication channel connecting the observer of a linear stochastic system to the controller. The goal of the controller is minimize a quadratic cost function. The most basic special case of that cost function is the mean-square deviation of the system state from the desired state. We study the fundamental tradeoff between the communication rate r bits/sec and the limsup of the expected cost b, and show a lower bound on the rate necessary to attain b. The bound applies as long as the system noise has a probability density function. If target cost b is not too large, that bound can be closely approached by a simple lattice quantization scheme that only quantizes the innovation, that is, the difference between the controller's belief about the current state and the true state

    Cross-Layer Optimization for Power-Efficient and Robust Digital Circuits and Systems

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    With the increasing digital services demand, performance and power-efficiency become vital requirements for digital circuits and systems. However, the enabling CMOS technology scaling has been facing significant challenges of device uncertainties, such as process, voltage, and temperature variations. To ensure system reliability, worst-case corner assumptions are usually made in each design level. However, the over-pessimistic worst-case margin leads to unnecessary power waste and performance loss as high as 2.2x. Since optimizations are traditionally confined to each specific level, those safe margins can hardly be properly exploited. To tackle the challenge, it is therefore advised in this Ph.D. thesis to perform a cross-layer optimization for digital signal processing circuits and systems, to achieve a global balance of power consumption and output quality. To conclude, the traditional over-pessimistic worst-case approach leads to huge power waste. In contrast, the adaptive voltage scaling approach saves power (25% for the CORDIC application) by providing a just-needed supply voltage. The power saving is maximized (46% for CORDIC) when a more aggressive voltage over-scaling scheme is applied. These sparsely occurred circuit errors produced by aggressive voltage over-scaling are mitigated by higher level error resilient designs. For functions like FFT and CORDIC, smart error mitigation schemes were proposed to enhance reliability (soft-errors and timing-errors, respectively). Applications like Massive MIMO systems are robust against lower level errors, thanks to the intrinsically redundant antennas. This property makes it applicable to embrace digital hardware that trades quality for power savings.Comment: 190 page

    Hardware-Conscious Wireless Communication System Design

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    The work at hand is a selection of topics in efficient wireless communication system design, with topics logically divided into two groups.One group can be described as hardware designs conscious of their possibilities and limitations. In other words, it is about hardware that chooses its configuration and properties depending on the performance that needs to be delivered and the influence of external factors, with the goal of keeping the energy consumption as low as possible. Design parameters that trade off power with complexity are identified for analog, mixed signal and digital circuits, and implications of these tradeoffs are analyzed in detail. An analog front end and an LDPC channel decoder that adapt their parameters to the environment (e.g. fluctuating power level due to fading) are proposed, and it is analyzed how much power/energy these environment-adaptive structures save compared to non-adaptive designs made for the worst-case scenario. Additionally, the impact of ADC bit resolution on the energy efficiency of a massive MIMO system is examined in detail, with the goal of finding bit resolutions that maximize the energy efficiency under various system setups.In another group of themes, one can recognize systems where the system architect was conscious of fundamental limitations stemming from hardware.Put in another way, in these designs there is no attempt of tweaking or tuning the hardware. On the contrary, system design is performed so as to work around an existing and unchangeable hardware limitation. As a workaround for the problematic centralized topology, a massive MIMO base station based on the daisy chain topology is proposed and a method for signal processing tailored to the daisy chain setup is designed. In another example, a large group of cooperating relays is split into several smaller groups, each cooperatively performing relaying independently of the others. As cooperation consumes resources (such as bandwidth), splitting the system into smaller, independent cooperative parts helps save resources and is again an example of a workaround for an inherent limitation.From the analyses performed in this thesis, promising observations about hardware consciousness can be made. Adapting the structure of a hardware block to the environment can bring massive savings in energy, and simple workarounds prove to perform almost as good as the inherently limited designs, but with the limitation being successfully bypassed. As a general observation, it can be concluded that hardware consciousness pays off
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