19,311 research outputs found

    Binding by random bursts : a computational model of cognitive control

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    Dopaminergic Regulation of Neuronal Circuits in Prefrontal Cortex

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    Neuromodulators, like dopamine, have considerable influence on the\ud processing capabilities of neural networks. \ud This has for instance been shown in the working memory functions\ud of prefrontal cortex, which may be regulated by altering the\ud dopamine level. Experimental work provides evidence on the biochemical\ud and electrophysiological actions of dopamine receptors, but there are few \ud theories concerning their significance for computational properties \ud (ServanPrintzCohen90,Hasselmo94).\ud We point to experimental data on neuromodulatory regulation of \ud temporal properties of excitatory neurons and depolarization of inhibitory \ud neurons, and suggest computational models employing these effects.\ud Changes in membrane potential may be modelled by the firing threshold,\ud and temporal properties by a parameterization of neuronal responsiveness \ud according to the preceding spike interval.\ud We apply these concepts to two examples using spiking neural networks.\ud In the first case, there is a change in the input synchronization of\ud neuronal groups, which leads to\ud changes in the formation of synchronized neuronal ensembles.\ud In the second case, the threshold\ud of interneurons influences lateral inhibition, and the switch from a \ud winner-take-all network to a parallel feedforward mode of processing.\ud Both concepts are interesting for the modeling of cognitive functions and may\ud have explanatory power for behavioral changes associated with dopamine \ud regulation

    Fast Synchronization of Perpetual Grouping in Laminar Visual Cortical Circuits

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    Perceptual grouping is well-known to be a fundamental process during visual perception, notably grouping across scenic regions that do not receive contrastive visual inputs. Illusory contours are a classical example of such groupings. Recent psychophysical and neurophysiological evidence have shown that the grouping process can facilitate rapid synchronization of the cells that are bound together by a grouping, even when the grouping must be completed across regions that receive no contrastive inputs. Synchronous grouping can hereby bind together different object parts that may have become desynchronized due to a variety of factors, and can enhance the efficiency of cortical transmission. Neural models of perceptual grouping have clarified how such fast synchronization may occur by using bipole grouping cells, whose predicted properties have been supported by psychophysical, anatomical, and neurophysiological experiments. These models have not, however, incorporated some of the realistic constraints on which groupings in the brain are conditioned, notably the measured spatial extent of long-range interactions in layer 2/3 of a grouping network, and realistic synaptic and axonal signaling delays within and across cells in different cortical layers. This work addresses the question: Can long-range interactions that obey the bipole constraint achieve fast synchronization under realistic anatomical and neurophysiological constraints that initially desynchronize grouping signals? Can the cells that synchronize retain their analog sensitivity to changing input amplitudes? Can the grouping process complete and synchronize illusory contours across gaps in bottom-up inputs? Our simulations show that the answer to these questions is Yes.Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-03097

    Simultaneous Detection of Longitudinal and Transverse Bunch Signals at a Storage Ring

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    To understand and control the dynamics in the longitudinal phase space, time-resolved measurements of different bunch parameters are required. For a reconstruction of this phase space, the detector systems have to be synchronized. This reconstruction can be used e.g. for studies of the micro-bunching instability. It occurs if the interaction of the bunch with its own radiation leads to the formation of sub-structures on the longitudinal bunch profile. These sub-structures can grow rapidly -- leading to a sawtooth-like behaviour of the bunch. At KARA, we use a fast-gated intensified camera for energy spread studies, Schottky diodes for coherent synchrotron radiation studies as well as electro-optical spectral decoding for longitudinal bunch profile measurements. For a synchronization, a hardware synchronization scheme is used which compensates for eventual hardware delays. In this paper, the different experimental setups and their synchronization are discussed and first results of synchronous measurements are presented

    Sub-nanosecond, time-resolved, broadband infrared spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation

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    A facility for sub-nanosecond time-resolved (pump-probe) infrared spectroscopy has been developed at the National Synchrotron Light Source of Brookhaven National Laboratory. A mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser produces 2 ps duration, tunable near-IR pump pulses synchronized to probe pulses from a synchrotron storage ring. The facility is unique on account of the broadband infrared from the synchrotron, which allows the entire spectral range from 2 cm-1 (0.25 meV) to 20,000 cm-1 (2.5 eV) to be probed. A temporal resolution of 200 ps, limited by the infrared synchrotron-pulse duration, is achieved. A maximum time delay of 170 ns is available without gating the infrared detector. To illustrate the performance of the facility, a measurement of electron-hole recombination dynamics for an HgCdTe semiconductor film in the far- and mid infrared range is presented.Comment: 11 pages with 9 figures include

    Contribution to Efficient Use of Narrowband Radio Channel

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    Předkládaná práce se soustředí na problematiku využívání úzkopásmového rádiového kanálu rádiovými modemy, které jsou určené pro průmyslové aplikace pozemní pohyblivé rádiové služby, specifikované v dominantní míře Evropským standardem ETSI EN 300 113. Tato rádiová zařízení se používají v kmitočtových pásmech od 30 MHz do 1 GHz s nejčastěji přidělovanou šířkou pásma 25 kHz a ve většině svých instalací jsou využívána ve fixních nebo mobilních bezdrátových sítích. Mezi typické oblasti použití patří zejména datová telemetrie, aplikace typu SCADA, nebo monitorování transportu strategických surovin. Za hlavní znaky popisovaného systému lze označit komunikační pokrytí značných vzdáleností, dané především vysokou výkonovou účinnosti datového přenosu a využívaní efektivních přístupových technik na rádiový kanál se semiduplexním komunikačním režimem. Striktní požadavky na elektromagnetickou kompatibilitu umožňují těmto zařízením využívat spektrum i v oblastech kmitočtově blízkým jiným komunikačním systémům bez nutnosti vkládání dodatečných ochranných frekvenčních pásem. Úzkopásmové rádiové komunikační systémy, v současnosti používají převážně exponenciální digitální modulace s konstantní modulační obálkou zejména z důvodů velice striktních omezení pro velikost výkonu vyzářeného do sousedního kanálu. Dosahují tak pouze kompromisních hodnot komunikační účinnosti. Úpravy limitů příslušných rádiových parametrů a rychlý rozvoj prostředků číslicového zpracování signálu v nedávné době, dnes umožňují ekonomicky přijatelné využití spektrálně efektivnějších modulačních technik i v těch oblastech, kde je prioritní využívání úzkých rádiových kanálů. Cílem předkládané disertační práce je proto výzkum postupů směřující ke sjednocení výhodných vlastností lineárních a nelineárních modulací v moderní konstrukci úzkopásmového rádiového modemu. Účelem tohoto výzkumu je efektivní a „ekologické“ využívání přidělené části frekvenčního spektra. Mezi hlavní dílčí problémy, jimiž se předkládaná práce zabývá, lze zařadit zejména tyto: Nyquistova modulační filtrace, navrhovaná s ohledem na minimalizaci nežádoucích elektromagnetických interferencí, efektivní číslicové algoritmy frekvenční demodulace a rychlé rámcové a symbolové synchronizace. Součástí práce je dále analýza navrhovaného řešení z pohledu celkové konstrukce programově definovaného rádiového modemu v rovině simulací při vyšetřování robustnosti datového přenosu rádiovým kanálem s bílým Gaussovským šumem nebo kanálem s únikem v důsledku mnohacestného šíření signálu. Závěr práce je pak zaměřen na prezentování výsledků praktické části projektu, v níž byly testovány, měřeny a analyzovány dvě prototypové konstrukce rádiového zařízení. Tato finální část práce obsahuje i praktická doporučení, vedoucí k vyššímu stupni využitelnosti spektrálně efektivnějších komunikačních režimů v oblasti budoucí generace úzkopásmových zařízení pozemní pohyblivé rádiové služby.he industrial narrowband land mobile radio (LMR) devices, as considered in this dissertation project, has been subject to European standard ETSI EN 300 113. The system operates on frequencies between 30 MHz and 1 GHz, with channel separations of up to 25 kHz, and is intended for private, fixed, or mobile, radio packet switching networks. Data telemetry, SCADA, maritime and police radio services; traffic monitoring; gas, water, and electricity producing factories are the typical system applications. Long distance coverage, high power efficiency, and efficient channel access techniques in half duplex operation are the primary advantages the system relays on. Very low level of adjacent channel power emissions and robust radio receiver architectures, with high dynamic range, enable for a system’s coexistence with various communication standards, without the additional guard band frequency intervals. On the other hand, the strict limitations of the referenced standard as well as the state of the technology, has hindered the increase in communication efficiency, with which the system has used its occupied bandwidth. New modifications and improvements are needed to the standard itself and to the up-to-date architectures of narrowband LMR devices, to make the utilization of more efficient modes of system operation practically realizable. The main objective of this dissertation thesis is therefore to find a practical way how to combine the favorable properties of the advanced nonlinear and linear digital modulation techniques in a single digital modem solution, in order to increase the efficiency of the narrowband radio channel usage allocated to the new generation of the industrial LMR devices. The main attention is given to the particular areas of digital modem design such as proposal of the new family of the Nyquist filters minimizing the adjacent channel interference, design and analysis of the efficient algorithms for frequency discrimination, fast frame and symbol

    Developing a Compton Polarimeter to Measure Polarization of Hard X-Rays in the 50-300 keV Energy Range

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    This paper discusses the latest progress in the development of GRAPE (Gamma-Ray Polarimeter Experiment), a hard X-ray Compton Polarimeter. The purpose of GRAPE is to measure the polarization of hard X-rays in the 50-300 keV energy range. We are particularly interested in X-rays that are emitted from solar flares and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Accurately measuring the polarization of the emitted radiation from these sources will lead, to a better understating of both the emission mechanisms and source geometries. The GRAPE design consists of an array of plastic scintillators surrounding a central high-Z crystal scintillator. We can monitor individual Compton scatters that occur in the plastics and determine whether the photon is photo absorbed by the high-Z crystal or not. A Compton scattered photon that is immediately photo absorbed by the high-Z crystal constitutes a valid event. These valid events provide us with the interaction locations of each incident photon and ultimately produces a modulation pattern for the Compton scattering of the polarized radiation. Comparing with Monte Carlo simulations of a 100% polarized beam, the level of polarization of the measured beam can then be determined. The complete array is mounted on a flat-panel multi-anode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) that can measure the deposited energies resulting from the photon interactions. The design of the detector allows for a large field-of-view (>pi steradian), at the same time offering the ability to be close-packed with multiple modules in order to reduce deadspace. We plan to present in this paper the latest laboratory results obtained from GRAPE using partially polarized radiation sources.Comment: 10 pages; conference paper presented at the SPIE conference "UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV." To be published in SPIE Conference Proceedings, vol. 589