9 research outputs found

    Estudio de métodos de construcción de ensembles de clasificadores y aplicaciones

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    La inteligencia artificial se dedica a la creación de sistemas informáticos con un comportamiento inteligente. Dentro de este área el aprendizaje computacional estudia la creación de sistemas que aprenden por sí mismos. Un tipo de aprendizaje computacional es el aprendizaje supervisado, en el cual, se le proporcionan al sistema tanto las entradas como la salida esperada y el sistema aprende a partir de estos datos. Un sistema de este tipo se denomina clasificador. En ocasiones ocurre, que en el conjunto de ejemplos que utiliza el sistema para aprender, el número de ejemplos de un tipo es mucho mayor que el número de ejemplos de otro tipo. Cuando esto ocurre se habla de conjuntos desequilibrados. La combinación de varios clasificadores es lo que se denomina "ensemble", y a menudo ofrece mejores resultados que cualquiera de los miembros que lo forman. Una de las claves para el buen funcionamiento de los ensembles es la diversidad. Esta tesis, se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de construcción de ensembles, centrados en técnicas de incremento de la diversidad y en los problemas desequilibrados. Adicionalmente, se aplican estas técnicas a la solución de varias problemas industriales.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, proyecto TIN-2011-2404

    Reconnaissance d'objets multiclasses pour des applications d'aide à la conduite et de vidéo surveillance

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    Co-encadrement de la thèse : Bogdan StanciulescuPedestrian Detection and Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) are important components of an Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). This thesis presents two methods for eliminating false alarms in pedestrian detection applications and a novel three stage approach for TSR. Our TSR approch consists of a color segmentation, a shape detection and a content classification phase. The red color enhancement is improved by using an adaptive threshold. The performance of the K-d tree is augmented by introducing a spatial weighting. The Random Forests yield a classification accuracy of 97% on the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark. Moreover, the processing and memory requirements are reduced by employing a feature space reduction. The classifiers attain an equally high classification rate using only a fraction of the feature dimension, selected using the Random Forest or Fisher's Criterion. This technique is also validated on two different multiclass benchmarks: ETH80 and Caltech 101. Further, in a static camera video surveillance application, the immobile false positives, such as trees and poles, are eliminated using the correlation measure over several frames. The recurring false alarms in the pedestrian detection in the scope of an embedded ADAS application are removed using a complementary tree filter.La détection de piétons et la reconnaissance des panneaux routiers sont des fonctions importantes des systèmes d'aide à la conduite (anglais : Advanced Driver Assistance System - ADAS). Une nouvelle approche pour la reconnaissance des panneaux et deux méthodes d'élimination de fausses alarmes dans des applications de détection de piétons sont présentées dans cette thèse. Notre approche de reconnaissance de panneaux consiste en trois phases: une segmentation de couleurs, une détection de formes et une classification du contenu. Le color enhancement des régions rouges est amélioré en introduisant un seuil adaptatif. Dans la phase de classification, la performance du K-d tree est augmentée en utilisant un poids spatial. Les Random Forests obtiennent un taux de classification de 97% sur le benchmark allemand de la reconnaissance des panneaux routiers (German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark). Les besoins en mémoire et calcul sont réduits en employant une réduction de la dimension des caractéristiques. Les classifieurs atteignent un taux de classification aussi haut qu'avec une fraction de la dimension des caractéristiques, selectionée en utilisant des Random Forests ou Fisher's Crtierion. Cette technique est validée sur deux benchmarks d'images multiclasses : ETH80 et Caltech 101. Dans une application de vidéo surveillance avec des caméras statiques, les fausses alarmes des objets fixes, comme les arbres et les lampadaires, sont éliminées avec la corrélation sur plusieurs trames. Les fausses alarmes récurrentes sont supprimées par un filtre complémentaire en forme d'arbre

    Cascade of classifier ensembles for reliable medical image classification

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    Medical image analysis and recognition is one of the most important tools in modern medicine. Different types of imaging technologies such as X-ray, ultrasonography, biopsy, computed tomography and optical coherence tomography have been widely used in clinical diagnosis for various kinds of diseases. However, in clinical applications, it is usually time consuming to examine an image manually. Moreover, there is always a subjective element related to the pathological examination of an image. This produces the potential risk of a doctor to make a wrong decision. Therefore, an automated technique will provide valuable assistance for physicians. By utilizing techniques from machine learning and image analysis, this thesis aims to construct reliable diagnostic models for medical image data so as to reduce the problems faced by medical experts in image examination. Through supervised learning of the image data, the diagnostic model can be constructed automatically. The process of image examination by human experts is very difficult to simulate, as the knowledge of medical experts is often fuzzy and not easy to be quantified. Therefore, the problem of automatic diagnosis based on images is usually converted to the problem of image classification. For the image classification tasks, using a single classifier is often hard to capture all aspects of image data distributions. Therefore, in this thesis, a classifier ensemble based on random subspace method is proposed to classify microscopic images. The multi-layer perceptrons are used as the base classifiers in the ensemble. Three types of feature extraction methods are selected for microscopic image description. The proposed method was evaluated on two microscopic image sets and showed promising results compared with the state-of-art results. In order to address the classification reliability in biomedical image classification problems, a novel cascade classification system is designed. Two random subspace based classifier ensembles are serially connected in the proposed system. In the first stage of the cascade system, an ensemble of support vector machines are used as the base classifiers. The second stage consists of a neural network classifier ensemble. Using the reject option, the images whose classification results cannot achieve the predefined rejection threshold at the current stage will be passed to the next stage for further consideration. The proposed cascade system was evaluated on a breast cancer biopsy image set and two UCI machine learning datasets, the experimental results showed that the proposed method can achieve high classification reliability and accuracy with small rejection rate. Many computer aided diagnosis systems face the problem of imbalance data. The datasets used for diagnosis are often imbalanced as the number of normal cases is usually larger than the number of the disease cases. Classifiers that generalize over the data are not the most appropriate choice in such an imbalanced situation. To tackle this problem, a novel one-class classifier ensemble is proposed. The Kernel Principle Components are selected as the base classifiers in the ensemble; the base classifiers are trained by different types of image features respectively and then combined using a product combining rule. The proposed one-class classifier ensemble is also embedded into the cascade scheme to improve classification reliability and accuracy. The proposed method was evaluated on two medical image sets. Favorable results were obtained comparing with the state-of-art results

    3D Classification of Power Line Scene Using Airborne Lidar Data

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    Failure to adequately maintain vegetation within a power line corridor has been identified as a main cause of the August 14, 2003 electric power blackout. Such that, timely and accurate corridor mapping and monitoring are indispensible to mitigate such disaster. Moreover, airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) has been recently introduced and widely utilized in industries and academies thanks to its potential to automate the data processing for scene analysis including power line corridor mapping. However, today’s corridor mapping practice using LiDAR in industries still remains an expensive manual process that is not suitable for the large-scale, rapid commercial compilation of corridor maps. Additionally, in academies only few studies have developed algorithms capable of recognizing corridor objects in the power line scene, which are mostly based on 2-dimensional classification. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to develop a 3-dimensional classification system which is able to automatically identify key objects in the power line corridor from large-scale LiDAR data. This dissertation introduces new features for power structures, especially for the electric pylon, and existing features which are derived through diverse piecewise (i.e., point, line and plane) feature extraction, and then constructs a classification model pool by building individual models according to the piecewise feature sets and diverse voltage training samples using Random Forests. Finally, this dissertation proposes a Multiple Classifier System (MCS) which provides an optimal committee of models from the model pool for classification of new incoming power line scene. The proposed MCS has been tested on a power line corridor where medium voltage transmission lines (115 kV and 230 kV) pass. The classification results based on the MCS applied by optimally selecting the pre-built classification models according to the voltage type of the test corridor demonstrate a good accuracy (89.07%) and computationally effective time cost (approximately 4 hours/km) without additional training fees

    Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence

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    Traditional models struggle to cope with complexity, noise, and the existence of a changing environment, while Computational Intelligence (CI) offers solutions to complicated problems as well as reverse problems. The main feature of CI is adaptability, spanning the fields of machine learning and computational neuroscience. CI also comprises biologically-inspired technologies such as the intellect of swarm as part of evolutionary computation and encompassing wider areas such as image processing, data collection, and natural language processing. This book aims to discuss the usage of CI for optimal solving of various applications proving its wide reach and relevance. Bounding of optimization methods and data mining strategies make a strong and reliable prediction tool for handling real-life applications

    Multi-Modal Similarity Learning for 3D Deformable Registration of Medical Images

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    Alors que la perspective de la fusion d images médicales capturées par des systèmes d imageries de type différent est largement contemplée, la mise en pratique est toujours victime d un obstacle théorique : la définition d une mesure de similarité entre les images. Des efforts dans le domaine ont rencontrés un certain succès pour certains types d images, cependant la définition d un critère de similarité entre les images quelle que soit leur origine et un des plus gros défis en recalage d images déformables. Dans cette thèse, nous avons décidé de développer une approche générique pour la comparaison de deux types de modalités donnés. Les récentes avancées en apprentissage statistique (Machine Learning) nous ont permis de développer des solutions innovantes pour la résolution de ce problème complexe. Pour appréhender le problème de la comparaison de données incommensurables, nous avons choisi de le regarder comme un problème de plongement de données : chacun des jeux de données est plongé dans un espace commun dans lequel les comparaisons sont possibles. A ces fins, nous avons exploré la projection d un espace de données image sur l espace de données lié à la seconde image et aussi la projection des deux espaces de données dans un troisième espace commun dans lequel les calculs sont conduits. Ceci a été entrepris grâce à l étude des correspondances entre les images dans une base de données images pré-alignées. Dans la poursuite de ces buts, de nouvelles méthodes ont été développées que ce soit pour la régression d images ou pour l apprentissage de métrique multimodale. Les similarités apprises résultantes sont alors incorporées dans une méthode plus globale de recalage basée sur l optimisation discrète qui diminue le besoin d un critère différentiable pour la recherche de solution. Enfin nous explorons une méthode qui permet d éviter le besoin d une base de données pré-alignées en demandant seulement des données annotées (segmentations) par un spécialiste. De nombreuses expériences sont conduites sur deux bases de données complexes (Images d IRM pré-alignées et Images TEP/Scanner) dans le but de justifier les directions prises par nos approches.Even though the prospect of fusing images issued by different medical imagery systems is highly contemplated, the practical instantiation of it is subject to a theoretical hurdle: the definition of a similarity between images. Efforts in this field have proved successful for select pairs of images; however defining a suitable similarity between images regardless of their origin is one of the biggest challenges in deformable registration. In this thesis, we chose to develop generic approaches that allow the comparison of any two given modality. The recent advances in Machine Learning permitted us to provide innovative solutions to this very challenging problem. To tackle the problem of comparing incommensurable data we chose to view it as a data embedding problem where one embeds all the data in a common space in which comparison is possible. To this end, we explored the projection of one image space onto the image space of the other as well as the projection of both image spaces onto a common image space in which the comparison calculations are conducted. This was done by the study of the correspondences between image features in a pre-aligned dataset. In the pursuit of these goals, new methods for image regression as well as multi-modal metric learning methods were developed. The resulting learned similarities are then incorporated into a discrete optimization framework that mitigates the need for a differentiable criterion. Lastly we investigate on a new method that discards the constraint of a database of images that are pre-aligned, only requiring data annotated (segmented) by a physician. Experiments are conducted on two challenging medical images data-sets (Pre-Aligned MRI images and PET/CT images) to justify the benefits of our approach.CHATENAY MALABRY-Ecole centrale (920192301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field