2,631 research outputs found

    Automatically Verifying Temporal Properties of Pointer Programs with Cyclic Proof

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    In this article, we investigate the automated verification of temporal properties of heap-aware programs. We propose a deductive reasoning approach based on cyclic proof. Judgements in our proof system assert that a program has a certain temporal property over memory state assertions, written in separation logic with user-defined inductive predicates, while the proof rules of the system unfold temporal modalities and predicate definitions as well as symbolically executing programs. Cyclic proofs in our system are, as usual, finite proof graphs subject to a natural, decidable soundness condition, encoding a form of proof by infinite descent. We present a proof system tailored to proving CTL properties of nondeterministic pointer programs, and then adapt this system to handle fair execution conditions. We show both versions of the system to be sound, and provide an implementation of each in the Cyclist theorem prover, yielding an automated tool that is capable of automatically discovering proofs of (fair) temporal properties of pointer programs. Experimental evaluation of our tool indicates that our approach is viable, and offers an interesting alternative to traditional model checking techniques

    The Use of Matrix Technique in an Analysis of Atta Personal Pronouns

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    All Philippine languages have multiple pronoun sets, differing in distribution within the clause, and differing in internal complexity. Traditionally, pronoun sets have been listed and their distribution stated, but few attempts have been made to describe their internal structuring. Smearing of morpheme boundaries has made conventional morpheme analysis of the pronouns a difficult and often unproductive exercise. It will be demonstrated in this paper, however, that by using the techniques of matrix permutation and conflation, the ranking of pronouns and a display of their internal structure is entirely possible. The purpose of this paper is, first, to demonstrate how this was accomplished for the Atta pronouns, and second, to show how on the basis of these matrices meanings can be attributed to each of the pronoun formatives

    Summarized Explanations from Linked Justifications

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    A user of a Semantic Web application may not trust its results because he may not understand how the application produces its results using distributed data and inferential capabilities. Explanation-aware Semantic Web applications provide explanations of their reasoning - explaining why an application has performed a given step or which information it has used to derive a new piece of information. However, providing too much and irrelevant information in explanations may overwhelm the users, especially the non-expert users. In this paper, we discuss an approach to explain reasoning over Linked Data. We introduce a vocabulary to describe justifications and we discuss how publishing justifications as Linked Data enables explaining reasoning over Linked Data. Finally, we discuss how to summarize explanations with relevant information taking into account user specified explanation filtering criterion.Un utilisateur d'une application Web sĂ©mantique peut ne pas faire confiance Ă  ses rĂ©sultats, car il peut ne pas comprendre comment l'application produit ses rĂ©sultats Ă  l'aide de ses capacitĂ©s infĂ©rentielles et de donnĂ©es distribuĂ©es. Les applications Web sĂ©mantique sensibles aux explication fournissent des explications de leurs raisonnements - pour expliquer pourquoi une Ă©tape a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© ou quelles informations ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour cette Ă©tape. Cependant, fournir trop d'informations parfois non pertinentes dans les explications peut submerger les utilisateurs, en particulier ceux non-experts. Dans cet article, nous discutons d'une approche pour expliquer le raisonnement sur ​​le web des donnĂ©es liĂ©es. Nous introduisons un vocabulaire pour dĂ©crire les justifications et nous montrons comment publier des justifications en tant que donnĂ©es liĂ©es pour expliquer les raisonnements sur le web des donnĂ©es liĂ©es. Enfin, nous discutons de la façon de rĂ©sumer les explications par des information pertinente en fonction des critĂšres de filtre d'explication spĂ©cifiĂ©s par l'utilisateur

    Automatic Document Summarization Using Knowledge Based System

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    This dissertation describes a knowledge-based system to create abstractive summaries of documents by generalizing new concepts, detecting main topics and creating new sentences. The proposed system is built on the Cyc development platform that consists of the world’s largest knowledge base and one of the most powerful inference engines. The system is unsupervised and domain independent. Its domain knowledge is provided by the comprehensive ontology of common sense knowledge contained in the Cyc knowledge base. The system described in this dissertation generates coherent and topically related new sentences as a summary for a given document. It uses syntactic structure and semantic features of the given documents to fuse information. It makes use of the knowledge base as a source of domain knowledge. Furthermore, it uses the reasoning engine to generalize novel information. The proposed system consists of three main parts: knowledge acquisition, knowledge discovery, and knowledge representation. Knowledge acquisition derives syntactic structure of each sentence in the document and maps words and their syntactic relationships into Cyc knowledge base. Knowledge discovery abstracts novel concepts, not explicitly mentioned in the document by exploring the ontology of mapped concepts and derives main topics described in the document by clustering the concepts. Knowledge representation creates new English sentences to summarize main concepts and their relationships. The syntactic structure of the newly created sentences is extended beyond simple subject-predicate-object triplets by incorporating adjective and adverb modifiers. This structure allows the system to create sentences that are more complex. The proposed system was implemented and tested. Test results show that the system is capable of creating new sentences that include abstracted concepts not mentioned in the original document and is capable of combining information from different parts of the document text to compose a summary

    Proving termination using abstract interpretation

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    PhDOne way to develop more robust software is to use formal program verification. Formal program verification requires the construction of a formal mathematical proof of the programs correctness. In the past ten years or so there has been much progress in the use of automated tools to formally prove properties of programs. However many such tools focus on proving safety properties: that something bad does not happen. Liveness properties, where we try to prove that something good will happen, have received much less attention. Program termination is an example of a liveness property. It has been known for a long time that to prove program termination we need to discover some function which maps program states to a well-founded set. Essentially we need to find one global argument for why the program terminates. Finding such an argument which overapproximates the entire program is very difficult. Recently, Podelski and Rybalchenko discovered a more compositional proof rule to find disjunctive termination arguments. Disjunctive termination arguments requires a series of termination arguments that individually may only cover part of the program but when put together give a reason for why the entire program will terminate. Thus we do not need to search for one overall reason for termination but we can break the problem down and focus on smaller parts of the program. This thesis develops a series of abstract interpreters for proving the termination of imperative programs. We make three contributions, each of which makes use of the Podelski-Rybalchenko result. Firstly we present a technique to re-use domains and operators from abstract interpreters for safety properties to produce termination analysers. This technique produces some very fast termination analysers, but is limited by the underlying safety domain used. We next take the natural step forward: we design an abstract domain for termination. This abstract domain is built from ranking functions: in essence the abstract domain only keeps track of the information necessary to prove program termination. However, the abstract domain is limited to proving termination for language with iteration. In order to handle recursion we use metric spaces to design an abstract domain which can handle recursion over the unit type. We define a framework for designing abstract interpreters for liveness properties such as termination. The use of metric spaces allows us to model the semantics of infinite computations for programs with recursion over the unit type so that we can design an abstract interpreter in a systematic manner. We have to ensure that the abstract interpreter is well-behaved with respect to the metric space semantics, and our framework gives a way to do this

    Synthesizing stream control

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    For the management of reactive systems, controllers must coordinate time, data streams, and data transformations, all joint by the high level perspective of their control flow. This control flow is required to drive the system correctly and continuously, which turns the development into a challenge. The process is error-prone, time consuming, unintuitive, and costly. An attractive alternative is to synthesize the system instead, where the developer only needs to specify the desired behavior. The synthesis engine then automatically takes care of all the technical details. However, while current algorithms for the synthesis of reactive systems are well-suited to handle control, they fail on complex data transformations due to the complexity of the comparably large data space. Thus, to overcome the challenge of explicitly handling the data we must separate data and control. We introduce Temporal Stream Logic (TSL), a logic which exclusively argues about the control of the controller, while treating data and functional transformations as interchangeable black-boxes. In TSL it is possible to specify control flow properties independently of the complexity of the handled data. Furthermore, with TSL at hand a synthesis engine can check for realizability, even without a concrete implementation of the data transformations. We present a modular development framework that first uses synthesis to identify the high level control flow of a program. If successful, the created control flow then is extended with concrete data transformations in order to be compiled into a final executable. Our results also show that the current synthesis approaches cannot replace existing manual development work flows immediately. During the development of a reactive system, the developer still may use incomplete or faulty specifications at first, that need the be refined after a subsequent inspection. In the worst case, constraints are contradictory or miss important assumptions, which leads to unrealizable specifications. In both scenarios, the developer needs additional feedback from the synthesis engine to debug errors for finally improving the system specification. To this end, we explore two further possible improvements. On the one hand, we consider output sensitive synthesis metrics, which allow to synthesize simple and well structured solutions that help the developer to understand and verify the underlying behavior quickly. On the other hand, we consider the extension of delay, whose requirement is a frequent reason for unrealizability. With both methods at hand, we resolve the aforementioned problems and therefore help the developer in the development phase with the effective creation of a safe and correct reactive system.Um reaktive Systeme zu regeln mĂŒssen SteuergerĂ€te Zeit, Datenströme und Datentransformationen koordinieren, die durch den ĂŒbergeordneten Kontrollfluss zusammengefasst werden. Die Aufgabe des Kontrollflusses ist es das System korrekt und dauerhaft zu betreiben. Die Entwicklung solcher Systeme wird dadurch zu einer Herausforderung, denn der Prozess ist fehleranfĂ€llig, zeitraubend, unintuitiv und kostspielig. Eine attraktive Alternative ist es stattdessen das System zu synthetisieren, wobei der Entwickler nur das gewĂŒnschte Verhalten des Systems festlegt. Der Syntheseapparat kĂŒmmert sich dann automatisch um alle technischen Details. WĂ€hrend aktuelle Algorithmen fĂŒr die Synthese von reaktiven Systemen erfolgreich mit dem Kontrollanteil umgehen können, versagen sie jedoch, sobald komplexe Datentransformationen hinzukommen, aufgrund der KomplexitĂ€t des vergleichsweise großen Datenraums. Daten und Kontrolle mĂŒssen demnach getrennt behandelt werden, um auch große DatenrĂ€umen effizient handhaben zu können. Wir prĂ€sentieren Temporal Stream Logic (TSL), eine Logik die ausschließlich die Kontrolle einer Steuerung betrachtet, wohingegen Daten und funktionale Datentransformationen als austauschbare Blackboxen gehandhabt werden. In TSL ist es möglich Kontrollflusseigenschaften unabhĂ€ngig von der KomplexitĂ€t der zugrunde liegenden Daten zu beschreiben. Des Weiteren kann ein auf TSL beruhender Syntheseapparat die Realisierbarkeit einer Spezifikation prĂŒfen, selbst ohne die konkreten Implementierungen der Datentransformationen zu kennen. Wir prĂ€sentieren ein modulares GrundgerĂŒst fĂŒr die Entwicklung. Es verwendet zunĂ€chst den Syntheseapparat um den ĂŒbergeordneten Kontrollfluss zu erzeugen. Ist dies erfolgreich, so wird der resultierende Kontrollfluss um die konkreten Implementierungen der Datentransformationen erweitert und anschließend zu einer ausfĂŒhrbare Anwendung kompiliert. Wir zeigen auch auf, dass bisherige Syntheseverfahren bereits existierende manuelle Entwicklungsprozesse noch nicht instantan ersetzen können. Im Verlauf der Entwicklung ist es auch weiterhin möglich, dass der Entwickler zunĂ€chst unvollstĂ€ndige oder fehlerhafte Spezifikationen erstellt, welche dann erst nach genauerer Betrachtung des synthetisierten Systems weiter verbessert werden können. Im schlimmsten Fall sind Anforderungen inkonsistent oder wichtige Annahmen ĂŒber das Verhalten fehlen, was zu unrealisierbaren Spezifikationen fĂŒhrt. In beiden FĂ€llen benötigt der Entwickler zusĂ€tzliche RĂŒckmeldungen vom Syntheseapparat, um Fehler zu identifizieren und die Spezifikation schlussendlich zu verbessern. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuchen wir zwei mögliche Erweiterungen. Zum einen betrachten wir ausgabeabhĂ€ngige Metriken, die es dem Entwickler erlauben einfache und wohlstrukturierte Lösungen zu synthetisieren die verstĂ€ndlich sind und deren Verhalten einfach zu verifizieren ist. Zum anderen betrachten wir die Erweiterung um Verzögerungen, welche eine der Hauptursachen fĂŒr Unrealisierbarkeit darstellen. Mit beiden Methoden beheben wir die jeweils zuvor genannten Probleme und helfen damit dem Entwickler wĂ€hrend der Entwicklungsphase auch wirklich das reaktive System zu kreieren, dass er sich auch tatsĂ€chlich vorstellt
