156 research outputs found

    Randomized Embeddings with Slack and High-Dimensional Approximate Nearest Neighbor

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    International audienceThe approximate nearest neighbor problem (e-ANN) in high dimensional Euclidean space has been mainly addressed by Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), which has polynomial dependence in the dimension, sublinear query time, but subquadratic space requirement. In this paper, we introduce a new definition of "low-quality" embeddings for metric spaces. It requires that, for some query point q, there exists an approximate nearest neighbor among the pre-images of the k > 1 approximate nearest neighbors in the target space. Focusing on Euclidean spaces, we employ random projections in order to reduce the original problem to one in a space of dimension inversely proportional to k. The k approximate nearest neighbors can be efficiently retrieved by a data structure such as BBD-trees. The same approach is applied to the problem of computing an approximate near neighbor, where we obtain a data structure requiring linear space, and query time in O(dn^ρ), for ρ ≈ 1 − e^2 / log(1/e). This directly implies a solution for e-ANN, while achieving a better exponent in the query time than the method based on BBD-trees. Better bounds are obtained in the case of doubling subsets of Euclidean space, by combining our method with r-nets. We implement our method in C++, and present experimental results in dimension up to 500 and 1Mil. points, which show that performance is better than predicted by the analysis. In addition, we compare our ANN approach to E2LSH, which implements LSH, and we show that the theoretical advantages of each method are reflected on their actual performance

    Near-Neighbor Preserving Dimension Reduction for Doubling Subsets of l_1

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    Randomized dimensionality reduction has been recognized as one of the fundamental techniques in handling high-dimensional data. Starting with the celebrated Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, such reductions have been studied in depth for the Euclidean (l_2) metric, but much less for the Manhattan (l_1) metric. Our primary motivation is the approximate nearest neighbor problem in l_1. We exploit its reduction to the decision-with-witness version, called approximate near neighbor, which incurs a roughly logarithmic overhead. In 2007, Indyk and Naor, in the context of approximate nearest neighbors, introduced the notion of nearest neighbor-preserving embeddings. These are randomized embeddings between two metric spaces with guaranteed bounded distortion only for the distances between a query point and a point set. Such embeddings are known to exist for both l_2 and l_1 metrics, as well as for doubling subsets of l_2. The case that remained open were doubling subsets of l_1. In this paper, we propose a dimension reduction by means of a near neighbor-preserving embedding for doubling subsets of l_1. Our approach is to represent the pointset with a carefully chosen covering set, then randomly project the latter. We study two types of covering sets: c-approximate r-nets and randomly shifted grids, and we discuss the tradeoff between them in terms of preprocessing time and target dimension. We employ Cauchy variables: certain concentration bounds derived should be of independent interest

    Products of Euclidean Metrics and Applications to Proximity Questions among Curves

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    International audienceThe problem of Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search is fundamental in computer science and has benefited from significant progress in the past couple of decades. However, most work has been devoted to pointsets whereas complex shapes have not been sufficiently treated. Here, we focus on distance functions between discretized curves in Euclidean space: they appear in a wide range of applications, from road segments and molecular backbones to time-series in general dimension. For p-products of Euclidean metrics, for any p ≥ 1, we design simple and efficient data structures for ANN, based on randomized projections, which are of independent interest. They serve to solve proximity problems under a notion of distance between discretized curves, which generalizes both discrete Fréchet and Dynamic Time Warping distances. These are the most popular and practical approaches to comparing such curves. We offer the first data structures and query algorithms for ANN with arbitrarily good approximation factor, at the expense of increasing space usage and preprocessing time over existing methods. Query time complexity is comparable or significantly improved by our algorithms; our approach is especially efficient when the length of the curves is bounded. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Data structures design and analysi

    Routing and search on large scale networks

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    In this thesis, we address two seemingly unrelated problems, namely routing in large wireless ad hoc networks and comparison based search in image databases. However, the underlying problem is in essence similar and we can use the same strategy to attack those two problems. In both cases, the intrinsic complexity of the problem is in some sense low, and we can exploit this fact to design efficient algorithms. A wireless ad hoc network is a communication network consisting of wireless devices such as for instance laptops or cell phones. The network does not have any fixed infrastructure, and hence nodes which cannot communicate directly over the wireless medium must use intermediate nodes as relays. This immediately raises the question of how to select the relay nodes. Ideally, one would like to find a path from the source to the destination which is as short as possible. The length of the found path, also called route, typically depends on how much signaling traffic is generated in order to establish the route. This is the fundamental trade-off that we will investigate in this thesis. As mentioned above, we try and exploit the fact that the communication network is intrinsically low-dimensional, or in other words has low complexity. We show that this is indeed the case for a large class of models and that we can design efficient algorithms for routing that use this property. Low dimensionality implies that we can well embed the network in a low-dimensional space, or build simple hierarchical decompositions of the network. We use both those techniques to design routing algorithms. Comparison based search in image databases is a new problem that can be defined as follows. Given a large database of images, can a human user retrieve an image which he has in mind, or at least an image similar to that image, without going sequentially through all images? More precisely, we ask whether we can search a database of images only by making comparisons between images. As a case in point, we ask whether we can find a query image q only by asking questions of the type "does image q look more like image A or image B"? The analogous to signaling traffic for wireless networks would here be the questions we can ask human users in a learning phase anterior to the search. In other words, we would like to ask as few questions as possible to pre-process and prepare the database, while guaranteeing a certain quality of the results obtained in the search phase. As the underlying image space is not necessarily metric, this raises new questions on how to search spaces for which only rank information can be obtained. The rank of A with respect to B is k, if A is B's kth nearest neighbor. In this setup, low-dimensionality is analogous to the homogeneity of the image space. As we will see, the homogeneity can be captured by properties of the rank relationships. In turn, homogeneous spaces can be well decomposed hierarchically using comparisons. Further, it allows us to design good hash functions. To design efficient algorithms for these two problems, we can apply the same techniques mutatis mutandis. In both cases, we relied on the intuition that the problem has a low intrinsic complexity, and that we can exploit this fact. Our results come in the form of simulation results and asymptotic bounds

    Dimensionality reduction for approximate near neighbor search in the Manhattan metric

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    Οι τυχαίες προβολές αποτελούν μια απο τις πιο διαδεδομένες μεθόδους για το χειρισμό δεδομένων μεγάλης διάστασης. Ξεκινώντας από το περίφημο Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, τέτοιου είδους προβολές έχουν μελετηθεί αρκετά για την Ευκλείδια (L2) μετρική, και πολύ λιγότερο για τη μετρική Μανχάταν (L1). Σε αυτή την εργασία εστιάζουμε στο πρόβλημα του προσεγγιστικού κοντινότερου γείτονα στη μετρική Μανχάταν, εκμεταλλεύοντας την αποφαντική εκδοχή του προβλήματος, που λέγεται προσεγγιστικός κοντινός γείτονας και επιβάλει ένα (περίπου) λογαριθμικό κόστος. Το 2007, οι Indyk και Naor εισήγαγαν την έννοια των εμβυθίσεων που διατηρούν τον κοντινότερο γείτονα (nearest neighbor-preserving embeddings). Οι εμβυθίσεις αυτές είναι τυχαιοκρατικές και εγγυόνται για την αλλοίωση μόνο N αποστάσεων (μεταξύ ενός σημείου-query και N σημείων), αντί για όλα τις δυνατές O(N^2). Τέτοιου είδους εμβυθίσεις υπάρχουν για τις μετρικές L2 και L1, καθώς και για διπλασιάζοντα (doubling) υποσύνολα της L2. Σε αυτή την εργασία παρουσιάζουμε μια συνάρτηση εμβύθισης για την μείωση διάστασης, η οποία διατηρεί τον κοντινό γείτονα (near neighbor-preserving) για διπλασιάζοντα υποσύνολα της L1. Η τεχνική που εφαρμόζουμε είναι να προβάλουμε τυχαία όχι τα ίδια τα σημεία, αλλά ένα σύνολο αντιπροσώπων τους. Μελετούμε δύο είδη αντιπροσώπων, τα approximate nets και τα randomly shifted grids, και τα συγκρίνουμε ως προς την νέα διάσταση και το χρόνο υπολογισμού της συνάρτησης εμβύθισης.The approximate nearest neighbor problem is one of the fundamental problems in computational geometry and has received much attention during the past decades. Efficient and practical algorithms are known for data sets of low dimension. However, modern, high-dimensional data cannot be handled by these algorithms, because of the so called "curse of dimensionality". A new theory for approximate nearest neighbors in high dimensions emerged with an influential paper by Indyk and Motwani, in 1998, yielding algorithms that depend polynomially on the dimension. Nevertheless, is has been realized that designing efficient ANN data structures is closely related with dimension-reducing embeddings. One popular dimension reduction technique is randomized projections. Starting with the celebrated Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, such projections have been studied in depth for the Euclidean (L2) metric and, much less, for the Manhattan (L1) metric. In 2007, Indyk and Naor, in the context of approximate nearest neighbors, introduced the notion of nearest neighbor-preserving embeddings. These are randomized embeddings between two metric spaces with guaranteed bounded distortion only for the distances between a query point and a point set. Such embeddings are known to exist for both L2 and L1 metrics, as well as for doubling subsets of L2. In this thesis, we consider the approximate nearest neighbor problem in doubling subsets of L1. We exploit the decision-with-witness version, called approximate near neighbor, which incurs a roughly logarithmic overhead, and we propose a dimension reducing, near neighbor-preserving embedding for doubling subsets of L1. Our approach is to represent the point set with a carefully chosen covering set, and then apply a random linear projection to that covering set, using a matrix of Cauchy random variables. We study two cases of covering sets: approximate nets and randomly shifted grids, and we discuss the differences between them in terms of computing time, target dimension, as well as their algorithmic implications

    Bounded-Distortion Metric Learning

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    Metric learning aims to embed one metric space into another to benefit tasks like classification and clustering. Although a greatly distorted metric space has a high degree of freedom to fit training data, it is prone to overfitting and numerical inaccuracy. This paper presents {\it bounded-distortion metric learning} (BDML), a new metric learning framework which amounts to finding an optimal Mahalanobis metric space with a bounded-distortion constraint. An efficient solver based on the multiplicative weights update method is proposed. Moreover, we generalize BDML to pseudo-metric learning and devise the semidefinite relaxation and a randomized algorithm to approximately solve it. We further provide theoretical analysis to show that distortion is a key ingredient for stability and generalization ability of our BDML algorithm. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets yield promising results