1,893 research outputs found

    The splay-list: A distribution-adaptive concurrent skip-list

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    The design and implementation of efficient concurrent data structures have seen significant attention. However, most of this work has focused on concurrent data structures providing good \emph{worst-case} guarantees. In real workloads, objects are often accessed at different rates, since access distributions may be non-uniform. Efficient distribution-adaptive data structures are known in the sequential case, e.g. the splay-trees; however, they often are hard to translate efficiently in the concurrent case. In this paper, we investigate distribution-adaptive concurrent data structures and propose a new design called the splay-list. At a high level, the splay-list is similar to a standard skip-list, with the key distinction that the height of each element adapts dynamically to its access rate: popular elements ``move up,'' whereas rarely-accessed elements decrease in height. We show that the splay-list provides order-optimal amortized complexity bounds for a subset of operations while being amenable to efficient concurrent implementation. Experimental results show that the splay-list can leverage distribution-adaptivity to improve on the performance of classic concurrent designs, and can outperform the only previously-known distribution-adaptive design in certain settings

    Praktické datové struktury

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    V této práci implementujeme datové struktury pro uspořádané a neuspořádané slovníky a měříme jejich výkon v hlavní paměti pomocí syntetických i praktických experimentů. Náš průzkum zahrnuje jak obvyklé datové struktury (B-stromy, červeno-černé stromy, splay stromy a hashování), tak exotičtější přístupy (k-splay stromy a k-lesy). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)In this thesis, we implement several data structures for ordered and unordered dictionaries and we benchmark their performance in main memory on synthetic and practical workloads. Our survey includes both well-known data structures (B-trees, red-black trees, splay trees and hashing) and more exotic approaches (k-splay trees and k-forests). Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Department of Applied MathematicsKatedra aplikované matematikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Decision models for fast-fashion supply and stocking problems in internet fulfillment warehouses

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    Internet technology is being widely used to transform all aspects of the modern supply chain. Specifically, accelerated product flows and wide spread information sharing across the supply chain have generated new sets of decision problems. This research addresses two such problems. The first focuses on fast fashion supply chains in which inventory and price are managed in real time to maximize retail cycle revenue. The second is concerned with explosive storage policies in Internet Fulfillment Warehouses (IFW). Fashion products are characterized by short product life cycles and market success uncertainty. An unsuccessful product will often require multiple price discounts to clear the inventory. The first topic proposes a switching solution for fast-fashion retailers who have preordered an initial or block inventory, and plan to use channel switching as opposed to multiple discounting steps. The FFS Multi-Channel Switching (MCS) problem then is to monitor real-time demand and store inventory, such that at the optimal period the remaining store inventory is sold at clearance, and the warehouse inventory is switched to the outlet channel. The objective is to maximize the total revenue. With a linear projection of the moving average demand trend, an estimation of the remaining cycle revenue at any time in the cycle is shown to be a concave function of the switching time. Using a set of conditions the objective is further simplified into cases. The Linear Moving Average Trend (LMAT) heuristic then prescribes whether a channel switch should be made in the next period. The LMAT is compared with the optimal policy and the No-Switch and Beta-Switch rules. The LMAT performs very well and the majority of test problems provide a solution within 0.4% of the optimal. This confirms that LMAT can readily and effectively be applied to real time decision making in a FFS. An IFW is a facility built and operated exclusively for online retail, and a key differentiator is the explosive storage policy. Breaking the single stocking location tradition, in an IFW small batches of the same stock keeping unit (SKU) are dispersed across the warehouse. Order fulfillment time performance is then closely related to the storage location decision, that is, for every incoming bulk, what is the specific storage location for each batch. Faster fulfillment is possible when SKUs are clustered such that narrow band picklists can be efficiently generated. Stock location decisions are therefore a function of the demand arrival behavior and correlations with other SKUs. Faster fulfillment is possible when SKUs are clustered such that narrow band picklists can be efficiently generated. Stock location decisions are therefore a function of the demand behavior and correlations with other SKUs. A Joint Item Correlation and Density Oriented (JICDO) Stocking Algorithm is developed and tested. JICDO is formulated to increase the probability that M pick able order items are stocked in a δ band of storage locations. It scans the current inventory dispersion to identify location bands with low SKU density and combines the storage affinity with correlated items. In small problem testing against a MIP formulation and large scale testing in a simulator the JICDO performance is confirmed

    Samoupravující seznamy

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    Samoupravující seznamy Samoupravující seznamy jsou datové struktury sloužící k rychlému vyhledávání za předpokladu, že některé prvky v nich uložené jsou vyhledávány častěji než jiné, přičemž pravděpodobnosti přístupu k jednotlivým prvkům obecně nejsou předem známy. Efektivnějšího vyhledávání je dosaženo použitím různých permutačních pravidel, která průběžně mění uspořádání seznamu tak, aby častěji vyhledávané prvky byly blíže k jeho začátku. V této práci je uveden přehled známých algoritmů pro řešení tohoto problému (s uvedením teoretických výsledků o jejich složitosti, jsou-li známy) a experimentální studie o jejich chování (s využitím vlastních nebo volně dostupných implementací a programových prostředků pro generování vstupních dat, testování algoritmů a zpracování výsledků experimentů).Self-organizing linear lists Self-organizing linear lists are data structures for fast search, provided that certain elements stored in them are searched more frequently than others, while the probability of access to individual elements is generally not known in advance. Efficient search is achieved using different permutation rules that keep changing the list structure so that the more frequently searched elements are closer to the beginning. This thesis gives an overview of known algorithms for solving this problem (with the theoretical results about their complexity, if they are known), and experimental study of their behavior (using its own or freely available implementations and software for generating input data, testing algorithms and processing the results of experiments).Department of Distributed and Dependable SystemsKatedra distribuovaných a spolehlivých systémůFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Treasure hunt : a framework for cooperative, distributed parallel optimization

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Daniel WeingaertnerCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Myriam Regattieri DelgadoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/05/2019Inclui referências: p. 18-20Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho propõe um framework multinível chamado Treasure Hunt, que é capaz de distribuir algoritmos de busca independentes para um grande número de nós de processamento. Com o objetivo de obter uma convergência conjunta entre os nós, este framework propõe um mecanismo de direcionamento que controla suavemente a cooperação entre múltiplas instâncias independentes do Treasure Hunt. A topologia em árvore proposta pelo Treasure Hunt garante a rápida propagação da informação pelos nós, ao mesmo tempo em que provê simutaneamente explorações (pelos nós-pai) e intensificações (pelos nós-filho), em vários níveis de granularidade, independentemente do número de nós na árvore. O Treasure Hunt tem boa tolerância à falhas e está parcialmente preparado para uma total tolerância à falhas. Como parte dos métodos desenvolvidos durante este trabalho, um método automatizado de Particionamento Iterativo foi proposto para controlar o balanceamento entre explorações e intensificações ao longo da busca. Uma Modelagem de Estabilização de Convergência para operar em modo Online também foi proposto, com o objetivo de encontrar pontos de parada com bom custo/benefício para os algoritmos de otimização que executam dentro das instâncias do Treasure Hunt. Experimentos em benchmarks clássicos, aleatórios e de competição, de vários tamanhos e complexidades, usando os algoritmos de busca PSO, DE e CCPSO2, mostram que o Treasure Hunt melhora as características inerentes destes algoritmos de busca. O Treasure Hunt faz com que os algoritmos de baixa performance se tornem comparáveis aos de boa performance, e os algoritmos de boa performance possam estender seus limites até problemas maiores. Experimentos distribuindo instâncias do Treasure Hunt, em uma rede cooperativa de até 160 processos, demonstram a escalabilidade robusta do framework, apresentando melhoras nos resultados mesmo quando o tempo de processamento é fixado (wall-clock) para todas as instâncias distribuídas do Treasure Hunt. Resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de amostragem fornecido pelo Treasure Hunt, aliado à maior cooperação entre as múltiplas populações em evolução, reduzem a necessidade de grandes populações e de algoritmos de busca complexos. Isto é especialmente importante em problemas de mundo real que possuem funções de fitness muito custosas. Palavras-chave: Inteligência artificial. Métodos de otimização. Algoritmos distribuídos. Modelagem de convergência. Alta dimensionalidade.Abstract: This work proposes a multilevel framework called Treasure Hunt, which is capable of distributing independent search algorithms to a large number of processing nodes. Aiming to obtain joint convergences between working nodes, Treasure Hunt proposes a driving mechanism that smoothly controls the cooperation between the multiple independent Treasure Hunt instances. The tree topology proposed by Treasure Hunt ensures quick propagation of information, while providing simultaneous explorations (by parents) and exploitations (by children), on several levels of granularity, regardless the number of nodes in the tree. Treasure Hunt has good fault tolerance and is partially prepared to full fault tolerance. As part of the methods developed during this work, an automated Iterative Partitioning method is proposed to control the balance between exploration and exploitation as the search progress. A Convergence Stabilization Modeling to operate in Online mode is also proposed, aiming to find good cost/benefit stopping points for the optimization algorithms running within the Treasure Hunt instances. Experiments on classic, random and competition benchmarks of various sizes and complexities, using the search algorithms PSO, DE and CCPSO2, show that Treasure Hunt boosts the inherent characteristics of these search algorithms. Treasure Hunt makes algorithms with poor performances to become comparable to good ones, and algorithms with good performances to be capable of extending their limits to larger problems. Experiments distributing Treasure Hunt instances in a cooperative network up to 160 processes show the robust scaling of the framework, presenting improved results even when fixing a wall-clock time for the instances. Results show that the sampling mechanism provided by Treasure Hunt, allied to the increased cooperation between multiple evolving populations, reduce the need for large population sizes and complex search algorithms. This is specially important on real-world problems with time-consuming fitness functions. Keywords: Artificial intelligence. Optimization methods. Distributed algorithms. Convergence modeling. High dimensionality

    IOHanalyzer: Performance Analysis for Iterative Optimization Heuristic

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    Benchmarking and performance analysis play an important role in understanding the behaviour of iterative optimization heuristics (IOHs) such as local search algorithms, genetic and evolutionary algorithms, Bayesian optimization algorithms, etc. This task, however, involves manual setup, execution, and analysis of the experiment on an individual basis, which is laborious and can be mitigated by a generic and well-designed platform. For this purpose, we propose IOHanalyzer, a new user-friendly tool for the analysis, comparison, and visualization of performance data of IOHs. Implemented in R and C++, IOHanalyzer is fully open source. It is available on CRAN and GitHub. IOHanalyzer provides detailed statistics about fixed-target running times and about fixed-budget performance of the benchmarked algorithms on real-valued, single-objective optimization tasks. Performance aggregation over several benchmark problems is possible, for example in the form of empirical cumulative distribution functions. Key advantages of IOHanalyzer over other performance analysis packages are its highly interactive design, which allows users to specify the performance measures, ranges, and granularity that are most useful for their experiments, and the possibility to analyze not only performance traces, but also the evolution of dynamic state parameters. IOHanalyzer can directly process performance data from the main benchmarking platforms, including the COCO platform, Nevergrad, and our own IOHexperimenter. An R programming interface is provided for users preferring to have a finer control over the implemented functionalities

    The Workforce Investment Act: Implementation Experiences and Evaluation Findings

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    This volume examines WIA’s objectives and the evidence on program performance and impact. The chapters are organized into five general areas: 1) understanding WIA, 2) program implementation, 3) performance management, 4) impact evaluations, and 5) future evaluation choices.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1227/thumbnail.jp

    Object detection for big data

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    "May 2014."Dissertation supervisor: Dr. Tony X. Han.Includes vita.We have observed significant advances in object detection over the past few decades and gladly seen the related research has began to contribute to the world: Vehicles could automatically stop before hitting any pedestrian; Face detectors have been integrated into smart phones and tablets; Video surveillance systems could locate the suspects and stop crimes. All these applications demonstrate the substantial research progress on object detection. However learning a robust object detector is still quite challenging due to the fact that object detection is a very unbalanced big data problem. In this dissertation, we aim at improving the object detector's performance from different aspects. For object detection, the state-of-the-art performance is achieved through supervised learning. The performances of object detectors of this kind are mainly determined by two factors: features and underlying classification algorithms. We have done thorough research on both of these factors. Our contribution involves model adaption, local learning, contextual boosting, template learning and feature development. Since the object detection is an unbalanced problem, in which positive examples are hard to be collected, we propose to adapt a general object detector for a specific scenario with a few positive examples; To handle the large intra-class variation problem lying in object detection task, we propose a local adaptation method to learn a set of efficient and effective detectors for a single object category; To extract the effective context from the huge amount of negative data in object detection, we introduce a novel contextual descriptor to iteratively improve the detector; To detect object with a depth sensor, we design an effective depth descriptor; To distinguish the object categories with the similar appearance, we propose a local feature embedding and template selection algorithm, which has been successfully incorporated into a real-world fine-grained object recognition application. All the proposed algorithms and featuIncludes bibliographical references (pages 117-130)

    Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs for Algorithm Engineering

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    The design and analysis of graph algorithms is heavily based on the worst case. In practice, however, many algorithms perform much better than the worst case would suggest. Furthermore, various problems can be tackled more efficiently if one assumes the input to be, in a sense, realistic. The field of network science, which studies the structure and emergence of real-world networks, identifies locality and heterogeneity as two frequently occurring properties. A popular model that captures these properties are geometric inhomogeneous random graphs (GIRGs), which is a generalization of hyperbolic random graphs (HRGs). Aside from their importance to network science, GIRGs can be an immensely valuable tool in algorithm engineering. Since they convincingly mimic real-world networks, guarantees about quality and performance of an algorithm on instances of the model can be transferred to real-world applications. They have model parameters to control the amount of heterogeneity and locality, which allows to evaluate those properties in isolation while keeping the rest fixed. Moreover, they can be efficiently generated which allows for experimental analysis. While realistic instances are often rare, generated instances are readily available. Furthermore, the underlying geometry of GIRGs helps to visualize the network, e.g.,~for debugging or to improve understanding of its structure. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the capabilities of geometric inhomogeneous random graphs in algorithm engineering and establish them as routine tools to replace previous models like the Erd\H{o}s-R{\\u27e}nyi model, where each edge exists with equal probability. We utilize geometric inhomogeneous random graphs to design, evaluate, and optimize efficient algorithms for realistic inputs. In detail, we provide the currently fastest sequential generator for GIRGs and HRGs and describe algorithms for maximum flow, directed spanning arborescence, cluster editing, and hitting set. For all four problems, our implementations beat the state-of-the-art on realistic inputs. On top of providing crucial benchmark instances, GIRGs allow us to obtain valuable insights. Most notably, our efficient generator allows us to experimentally show sublinear running time of our flow algorithm, investigate the solution structure of cluster editing, complement our benchmark set of arborescence instances with a density for which there are no real-world networks available, and generate networks with adjustable locality and heterogeneity to reveal the effects of these properties on our algorithms

    Memory Models for Incremental Learning Architectures

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    Losing V. Memory Models for Incremental Learning Architectures. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.Technological advancement leads constantly to an exponential growth of generated data in basically every domain, drastically increasing the burden of data storage and maintenance. Most of the data is instantaneously extracted and available in form of endless streams that contain the most current information. Machine learning methods constitute one fundamental way of processing such data in an automatic way, as they generate models that capture the processes behind the data. They are omnipresent in our everyday life as their applications include personalized advertising, recommendations, fraud detection, surveillance, credit ratings, high-speed trading and smart-home devices. Thereby, batch learning, denoting the offline construction of a static model based on large datasets, is the predominant scheme. However, it is increasingly unfit to deal with the accumulating masses of data in given time and in particularly its static nature cannot handle changing patterns. In contrast, incremental learning constitutes one attractive alternative that is a very natural fit for the current demands. Its dynamic adaptation allows continuous processing of data streams, without the necessity to store all data from the past, and results in always up-to-date models, even able to perform in non-stationary environments. In this thesis, we will tackle crucial research questions in the domain of incremental learning by contributing new algorithms or significantly extending existing ones. Thereby, we consider stationary and non-stationary environments and present multiple real-world applications that showcase merits of the methods as well as their versatility. The main contributions are the following: One novel approach that addresses the question of how to extend a model for prototype-based algorithms based on cost minimization. We propose local split-time prediction for incremental decision trees to mitigate the trade-off between adaptation speed versus model complexity and run time. An extensive survey of the strengths and weaknesses of state-of-the-art methods that provides guidance for choosing a suitable algorithm for a given task. One new approach to extract valuable information about the type of change in a dataset. We contribute a biologically inspired architecture, able to handle different types of drift using dedicated memories that are kept consistent. Application of the novel methods within three diverse real-world tasks, highlighting their robustness and versatility. Investigation of personalized online models in the context of two real-world applications