10 research outputs found

    Integrated Applications of Geo-Information in Environmental Monitoring

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    This book focuses on fundamental and applied research on geo-information technology, notably optical and radar remote sensing and algorithm improvements, and their applications in environmental monitoring. This Special Issue presents ten high-quality research papers covering up-to-date research in land cover change and desertification analyses, geo-disaster risk and damage evaluation, mining area restoration assessments, the improvement and development of algorithms, and coastal environmental monitoring and object targeting. The purpose of this Special Issue is to promote exchanges, communications and share the research outcomes of scientists worldwide and to bridge the gap between scientific research and its applications for advancing and improving society

    Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-N report). Volume 2: Technical appendix

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    The contents include: operation with inclinations up to 3.5 deg to extend life; earth sensor improvements to reduce noise; sensor configurations studied; momentum management system design; reaction wheel induced dynamic interaction; controller design; spacecraft motion compensation; analog filtering; GFRP servo design - modern control approach; feedforward compensation as applied to GOES-1 sounder; discussion of allocation of navigation, inframe registration and image-to-image error budget overview; and spatial response and cloud smearing study

    Transfer Learning of Deep Learning Models for Cloud Masking in Optical Satellite Images

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    Los sat茅lites de observaci贸n de la Tierra proporcionan una oportunidad sin precedentes para monitorizar nuestro planeta a alta resoluci贸n tanto espacial como temporal. Sin embargo, para procesar toda esta cantidad creciente de datos, necesitamos desarrollar modelos r谩pidos y precisos adaptados a las caracter铆sticas espec铆ficas de los datos de cada sensor. Para los sensores 贸pticos, detectar las nubes en la imagen es un primer paso inevitable en la mayor铆a de aplicaciones tanto terrestres como oce谩nicas. Aunque detectar nubes brillantes y opacas es relativamente f谩cil, identificar autom谩ticamente nubes delgadas semitransparentes o diferenciar nubes de nieve o superficies brillantes es mucho m谩s dif铆cil. Adem谩s, en el escenario actual, donde el n煤mero de sensores en el espacio crece constantemente, desarrollar metodolog铆as para transferir modelos que funcionen con datos de nuevos sat茅lites es una necesidad urgente. Por tanto, los objetivos de esta tesis son desarrollar modelos precisos de detecci贸n de nubes que exploten las diferentes propiedades de las im谩genes de sat茅lite y desarrollar metodolog铆as para transferir esos modelos a otros sensores. La tesis est谩 basada en cuatro trabajos los cuales proponen soluciones a estos problemas. En la primera contribuci贸n, "Multitemporal cloud masking in the Google Earth Engine", implementamos un modelo de detecci贸n de nubes multitemporal que se ejecuta en la plataforma Google Earth Engine y que supera los modelos operativos de Landsat-8. La segunda contribuci贸n, "Transferring deep learning models for Cloud Detection between Landsat-8 and Proba-V", es un caso de estudio de transferencia de un algoritmo de detecci贸n de nubes basado en aprendizaje profundo de Landsat-8 (resoluci贸n 30m, 12 bandas espectrales y muy buena calidad radiom茅trica) a Proba-V, que tiene una resoluci贸n de 333m, solo cuatro bandas y una calidad radiom茅trica peor. El tercer art铆culo, "Cross sensor adversarial domain adaptation of Landsat-8 and Proba-V images for cloud detection", propone aprender una transformaci贸n de adaptaci贸n de dominios que haga que las im谩genes de Proba-V se parezcan a las tomadas por Landsat-8 con el objetivo de transferir productos dise帽ados con datos de Landsat-8 a Proba-V. Finalmente, la cuarta contribuci贸n, "Towards global flood mapping onboard low cost satellites with machine learning", aborda simult谩neamente la detecci贸n de inundaciones y nubes con un 煤nico modelo de aprendizaje profundo, implementado para que pueda ejecutarse a bordo de un CubeSat (蠒Sat-I) con un chip acelerador de aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial. El modelo est谩 entrenado en im谩genes Sentinel-2 y demostramos c贸mo transferir este modelo a la c谩mara del 蠒Sat-I. Este modelo se lanz贸 en junio de 2021 a bordo de la misi贸n WildRide de D-Orbit para probar su funcionamiento en el espacio.Remote sensing sensors onboard Earth observation satellites provide a great opportunity to monitor our planet at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Nevertheless, to process all this ever-growing amount of data, we need to develop fast and accurate models adapted to the specific characteristics of the data acquired by each sensor. For optical sensors, detecting the clouds present in the image is an unavoidable first step for most of the land and ocean applications. Although detecting bright and opaque clouds is relatively easy, automatically identifying thin semi-transparent clouds or distinguishing clouds from snow or bright surfaces is much more challenging. In addition, in the current scenario where the number of sensors in orbit is constantly growing, developing methodologies to transfer models across different satellite data is a pressing need. Henceforth, the overreaching goal of this Thesis is to develop accurate cloud detection models that exploit the different properties of the satellite images, and to develop methodologies to transfer those models across different sensors. The four contributions of this Thesis are stepping stones in that direction. In the first contribution,"Multitemporal cloud masking in the Google Earth Engine", we implemented a lightweight multitemporal cloud detection model that runs on the Google Earth Engine platform and which outperforms the operational models for Landsat-8. The second contribution, "Transferring deep learning models for Cloud Detection between Landsat-8 and Proba-V", is a case-study of transferring a deep learning based cloud detection algorithm from Landsat-8 (30m resolution, 12 spectral bands and very good radiometric quality) to Proba-V, which has a lower{333m resolution, only four bands and a less accurate radiometric quality. The third paper, "Cross sensor adversarial domain adaptation of Landsat-8 and Proba-V images for cloud detection", proposes a learning-based domain adaptation transformation of Proba-V images to resemble those taken by Landsat-8, with the objective of transferring products designed on Landsat-8 to Proba-V. Finally, the fourth contribution, "Towards global flood mapping onboard low cost satellites with machine learning", tackles simultaneously cloud and flood water detection with a single deep learning model, which was implemented to run onboard a CubeSat (蠒Sat-I) with an AI accelerator chip. In this case, the model is trained on Sentinel-2 and transferred to the蠒Sat-I camera. This model was launched in June 2021 onboard the Wild Ride D-Orbit mission in order to test its performance in space

    Human and environmental exposure to hydrocarbon pollution in the Niger Delta:A geospatial approach

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    This study undertook an integrated geospatial assessment of human and environmental exposure to oil pollution in the Niger Delta using primary and secondary spatial data. This thesis begins by presenting a clear rationale for the study of extensive oil pollution in the Niger Delta, followed by a critical literature review of the potential application of geospatial techniques for monitoring and managing the problem. Three analytical chapters report on the methodological developments and applications of geospatial techniques that contribute to achieving the aim of the study. Firstly, a quantitative assessment of human and environmental exposure to oil pollution in the Niger Delta was performed using a government spill database. This was carried out using Spatial Analysis along Networks (SANET), a geostatistical tool, since oil spills in the region tend to follow the linear patterns of the pipelines. Spatial data on pipelines, oil spills, population and land cover data were analysed in order to quantify the extent of human and environmental exposure to oil pollution. The major causes of spills and spatial factors potentially reinforcing reported causes were analysed. Results show extensive general exposure and sabotage as the leading cause of oil pollution in the Niger Delta. Secondly, a method of delineating the river network in the Niger Delta using Sentinel-1 SAR data was developed, as a basis for modelling potential flow of pollutants in the distributary pathways of the network. The cloud penetration capabilities of SAR sensing are particularly valuable for this application since the Niger Delta is notorious for cloud cover. Vector and raster-based river networks derived from Sentinel-1 were compared to alternative river map products including those from the USGS and ESA. This demonstrated the superiority of the Sentinel-1 derived river network, which was subsequently used in a flow routing analysis to demonstrate the potential for understanding oil spill dispersion. Thirdly, the study applied optical remote sensing for indirect detection and mapping of oil spill impacts on vegetation. Multi-temporal Landsat data was used to delineate the spill impact footprint of a notable 2008 oil spill incident in Ogoniland and population exposure was evaluated. The optical data was effective in impact area delineation, demonstrating extensive and long-lasting population exposure to oil pollution. Overall, this study has successfully assembled and produced relevant spatial and attribute data sets and applied integrated geostatistical analytical techniques to understand the distribution and impacts of oil spills in the Niger Delta. The study has revealed the extensive level of human and environmental exposure to hydrocarbon pollution in the Niger Delta and introduced new methods that will be valuable fo

    Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-1 PMS Sensor with a New BRDF Model

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    On-orbit radiometric calibration of a space-borne sensor is of great importance for quantitative remote sensing applications. Cross-calibration is a common method with high calibration accuracy, and the core and emphasis of this method is to select the appropriate reference satellite sensor. As for the cross-calibration of high-spatial resolution and narrow-swath sensor, however, there are some scientific issues, such as large observation angles of reference image, and non-synchronization (or quasi-synchronization) between the imaging date of reference image and the date of sensor to be calibrated, which affects the accuracy of cross-calibration to a certain degree. Therefore, taking the GaoFen-1 (GF-1) Panchromatic and Multi-Spectral (PMS) sensor as an example in this research, an innovative radiometric cross-calibration method is proposed to overcome this bottleneck. Firstly, according a set of criteria, valid MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imagine Spectroradiometer) images of sunny day in one year over the Dunhuang radiometric calibration site in China are extracted, and a new and distinctive bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) model based on top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance and imaging angles of the sunny day MODIS images is constructed. Subsequently, the cross-calibration of PMS sensor at Dunhuang and Golmud radiation calibration test sites is carried out by using the method presented in this paper, taking the MODIS image with large solar and observation angles and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) with different dates from PMS as reference. The validation results of the calibration coefficients indicate that our proposed method can acquire high calibration accuracy, and the total calibration uncertainties of PMS using MODIS as reference sensor are less than 6%

    Review and new methodological approaches in human-caused wildfire modeling and ecological vulnerability: Risk modeling at mainland Spain

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    En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, las autoridades en materia de incendios han fomentado la investigaci贸n acerca de los factores desencadenantes del fuego, par谩metro decisivo para lograr un entendimiento mayor de los patrones de la ocurrencia de incendios y mejorar las medidas preventivas. Existe por tanto una necesidad de mejorar y actualizar los enfoques metodol贸gicos para el modelado de incendios forestales, teniendo en cuenta no s贸lo algoritmos innovadores, sino tambi茅n la mejora y/o superaci贸n de los m茅todos cl谩sicos de regresi贸n. Por otra parte, es tambi茅n imprescindible fomentar la evaluaci贸n de los posibles da帽os potenciales en los ecosistemas naturales, promoviendo as铆 la conservaci贸n de los servicios de valor econ贸mico, ambiental, cultural y est茅tico que 茅stos proporcionan a la sociedad. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es explorar nuevos m茅todos para el modelado de la causalidad humana en incendios forestales as铆 como de los efectos adversos sobre las comunidades vegetales potencialmente afectadas. El modelado de la causalidad humana se ha realizado a partir de m茅todos de aprendizaje artificial y de t茅cnicas de regresi贸n geogr谩ficamente ponderada. Estas t茅cnicas permiten por una parte el ajuste de modelos de probabilidad de ocurrencia espacialmente expl铆citos y, por otra, el estudio de la variabilidad espacial de los factores explicativos. La estimaci贸n de la vulnerabilidad de la vegetaci贸n frente al fuego, se ha llevado a cabo utilizando un enfoque cuantitativo, que permita superar los m茅todos existentes, que, si bien pueden ser 煤tiles en algunas 谩reas de la gesti贸n del territorio, son inadecuados para otros tipos de an谩lisis, tales como la estimaci贸n de las p茅rdidas econ贸micas inducidas por el fuego como consecuencia de la interrupci贸n de los servicios ambientales (por ejemplo, la madera, la caza, y la recolecci贸n de setas). Para abordar el an谩lisis de la vulnerabilidad se propone un m茅todo basado en la estimaci贸n del tiempo de recuperaci贸n de las comunidades vegetales tras el fuego, desarrollado mediante 谩lgebra de mapas en entorno SIG. Los resultados indican que la utilizaci贸n de m茅todos de aprendizaje artificial (concretamente el algoritmo Random Forest) supone una mejora sustancial respecto a los m茅todos cl谩sicos de regresi贸n, si bien parece que existe cierta incertidumbre en los modelos desarrollados, relacionada principalmente con la calidad de los datos de ocurrencia. Adem谩s, la aplicaci贸n de modelos GWR ha revelado la existencia de una elevada heterogeneidad espacial en la relaci贸n y capacidad explicativa de los factores relacionados con la ocurrencia de incendios con origen antr贸pico. Por otra parte, la aplicaci贸n del modelo propuesto para la estimaci贸n cuantitativa de la vulnerabilidad ecol贸gica sugiere que la capacidad de respuesta de la vegetaci贸n se encuentra estrechamente relacionada con la estrategia reproductiva de las especies afectadas.Over the last decades, authorities responsible on forest fire have encouraged research on fire triggering factors, recognizing this as a critical point to achieve a greater understanding of fire occurrence patterns and improve preventive measures. There is therefore a need to improve and update the methodological approaches for modeling forest fires, taking into account not only innovative algorithms, but also improving and/or overcoming classical regression methods. On the other hand it is also essential to encourage the assessment of potential damage on natural ecosystems, promoting the conservation of its economic, environmental, cultural and aesthetic assets they provide to society. The main objective of this PhD thesis is to explore new methods for modeling human causality in forest fires and adverse effects on the plant communities potentially affected. Human causality modeling was carried out from machine learning methods and geographically weighted regression techniques. These procedures allow the adjustment spatially explicit probability models of occurrence and, secondly, the study of the spatial variability of wildfire explanatory factors. The estimation of the vulnerability of vegetation to fire was carried out using a quantitative approach to overcome current methods, which, while they may be useful in some areas of land management, are inadequate for other types of analysis, such as estimating economic losses induced by interrupting ecosystem services (e.g., wood, hunting, and gathering mushrooms). To address the vulnerability a method based on evaluating the recovery time of plant communities after the fire using a GIS map algebra approach is proposed. The results suggest that the use of machine learning methods (specifically the Random Forest algorithm) represents a substantial improvement over traditional methods of regression, although it appears that there is some uncertainty in the models, primarily related to the quality of ignition. Furthermore, the application of GWR models has revealed the existence of a high spatial heterogeneity in the relationship and explanatory power of the factors related to the occurrence of anthropogenic fires. Moreover, the application of the proposed model for the quantitative estimation of ecological vulnerability suggests that the responsiveness of vegetation is closely related to the reproductive strategy of the fire-affected species

    Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 in Multispectral Bands

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    The GaoFen-4 (GF-4), launched at the end of December 2015, is China鈥檚 first high-resolution geostationary optical satellite. A panchromatic and multispectral sensor (PMS) is onboard the GF-4 satellite. Unfortunately, the GF-4 has no onboard calibration assembly, so on-orbit radiometric calibration is required. Like the charge-coupled device (CCD) onboard HuanJing-1 (HJ) or the wide field of view sensor (WFV) onboard GaoFen-1 (GF-1), GF-4 also has a wide field of view, which provides challenges for cross-calibration with narrow field of view sensors, like the Landsat series. A new technique has been developed and used to calibrate HJ-1/CCD and GF-1/WFV, which is verified viable. The technique has three key steps: (1) calculate the surface using the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) characterization of a site, taking advantage of its uniform surface material and natural topographic variation using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)/Operational Land Imager (OLI) imagery and digital elevation model (DEM) products; (2) calculate the radiance at the top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) with the simulated surface reflectance using the atmosphere radiant transfer model; and (3) fit the calibration coefficients with the TOA radiance and corresponding Digital Number (DN) values of the image. This study attempts to demonstrate the technique is also feasible to calibrate GF-4 multispectral bands. After fitting the calibration coefficients using the technique, extensive validation is conducted by cross-validation using the image pairs of GF-4/PMS and Landsat-8/OLI with similar transit times and close view zenith. The validation result indicates a higher accuracy and frequency than that given by the China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) using vicarious calibration. The study shows that the new technique is also quite feasible for GF-4 multispectral bands as a routine long-term procedure

    Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 in Multispectral Bands

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    The GaoFen-4 (GF-4), launched at the end of December 2015, is China鈥檚 first high-resolution geostationary optical satellite. A panchromatic and multispectral sensor (PMS) is onboard the GF-4 satellite. Unfortunately, the GF-4 has no onboard calibration assembly, so on-orbit radiometric calibration is required. Like the charge-coupled device (CCD) onboard HuanJing-1 (HJ) or the wide field of view sensor (WFV) onboard GaoFen-1 (GF-1), GF-4 also has a wide field of view, which provides challenges for cross-calibration with narrow field of view sensors, like the Landsat series. A new technique has been developed and used to calibrate HJ-1/CCD and GF-1/WFV, which is verified viable. The technique has three key steps: (1) calculate the surface using the bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) characterization of a site, taking advantage of its uniform surface material and natural topographic variation using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)/Operational Land Imager (OLI) imagery and digital elevation model (DEM) products; (2) calculate the radiance at the top-of-the atmosphere (TOA) with the simulated surface reflectance using the atmosphere radiant transfer model; and (3) fit the calibration coefficients with the TOA radiance and corresponding Digital Number (DN) values of the image. This study attempts to demonstrate the technique is also feasible to calibrate GF-4 multispectral bands. After fitting the calibration coefficients using the technique, extensive validation is conducted by cross-validation using the image pairs of GF-4/PMS and Landsat-8/OLI with similar transit times and close view zenith. The validation result indicates a higher accuracy and frequency than that given by the China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA) using vicarious calibration. The study shows that the new technique is also quite feasible for GF-4 multispectral bands as a routine long-term procedure