21 research outputs found

    Discrimination Between Child and Adult Forms Using Radar Frequency Signature Analysis

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    In this thesis we develop a method to discriminate between adult and child radar signatures. In particular, we examine radar data measured from behind a wall, which introduces radar signal attenuation and multipath effects. To investigate the child/adult discrimination problem in a through-wall, multipath scenario, a previously developed free-space human scattering model was expanded to incorporate multiple paths, and the effects of transmission through, and reflections from, walls and ground. The ground was modeled as a perfectly reflecting surface, while the walls were modeled as homogeneous concrete slabs. Twenty-five reflection paths were identified, involving the direct paths, as well as reflected paths between the ground and an adjacent wall. All paths included two-way transmission through an obstructing wall

    Ground target classification for airborne bistatic radar

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    Radar target classification by micro-Doppler contributions

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    This thesis studies non-cooperative automatic radar target classification. Recent developments in silicon-germanium and monolithic microwave integrated circuit technologies allows to build cheap and powerful continuous wave radars. Availability of radars opens new applications in different areas. One of these applications is security. Radars could be used for surveillance of huge areas and detect unwanted moving objects. Determination of the type of the target is essential for such systems. Microwave radars use high frequencies that reflect from objects of millimetre size. The micro-Doppler signature of a target is a time-varying frequency modulated contribution that arose in radar backscattering and caused by the relative movement of separate parts of the target. The micro-Doppler phenomenon allows to classify non-rigid moving objects by analysing their signatures. This thesis is focused on designing of automatic target classification systems based on analysis of micro-Doppler signatures. Analysis of micro-Doppler radar signatures is usually performed by second-order statistics, i.e. common energy-based power spectra and spectrogram. However, the information about phase coupling content in backscattering is totally lost in these energy-based statistics. This useful phase coupling content can be extracted by higher-order spectral techniques. We show that this content is useful for radar target classification in terms of improved robustness to various corruption factors. A problem of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) classification using continuous wave radar is covered in the thesis. All steps of processing required to make a decision out of the raw radar data are considered. A novel feature extraction method is introduced. It is based on eigenpairs extracted from the correlation matrix of the signature. Different classes of UAVs are successfully separated in feature space by support vector machine. Within experiments or real radar data, achieved high classification accuracy proves the efficiency of the proposed solutions. Thesis also covers several applications of the automotive radar due to very high growth in technologies for intelligent vehicle radar systems. Such radars are already build-in in the vehicle and ready for new applications. We consider two novel applications. First application is a multi-sensor fusion of video camera and radar for more efficient vehicle-to-vehicle video transmission. Second application is a frequency band invariant pedestrian classification by an automotive radar. This system allows us to use the same signal processing hardware/software for different countries where regulations vary and radars with different operating frequency are required. We consider different radar applications: ground moving target classification, aerial target classification, unmanned aerial vehicles classification, pedestrian classification. The highest priority is given to verification of proposed methods on real radar data collected with frequencies equal to 9.5, 10, 16.8, 24 and 33 GHz

    Subspace-based methodologies for the non-cooperative identification of aircraft by means of a synthetic database of radar signatures

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    Una de las principales preocupaciones dentro del mundo de la aviación es la identificación rápida, eficaz y fiable de cualquier objeto observado que se encuentre a cualquier distancia y bajo cualquier condición atmosférica. Gracias a los avances en tecnología radar, esto se ha conseguido. De hecho, los radares son los sensores más adecuados para el reconocimiento de blancos en vuelo ya que pueden operar en cualquier condición. El reconocimiento de blancos mediante radar es hoy un hecho, existiendo sistemas IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) capaces de comunicarse con una aeronave haciendo posible que ella misma se identifique por sí sola. Sin embargo, esta necesidad de comunicación directa puede ser un inconveniente en ciertos momentos. Así, aparecen las técnicas no cooperativas o NCTI (Non-Cooperative Target Identification), que no establecen ninguna comunicación con el blanco y normalmente hacen uso de radares de alta resolución. Éstos ven los blancos como compuestos por diversos puntos que dispersan la energía emitida por el radar, generando así una imagen de la reflectividad de un blanco, lo que se ha llamado su firma radar. Comparando dicha firma radar con una base de datos de firmas radar de blancos conocidos es posible establecer, mediante una serie de algoritmos de identificación, el tipo de blanco iluminado por el radar. Uno de los temas más cuestionados es cómo poblar y actualizar esta base de datos de firmas radar. De manera ideal, la base de datos debería de contener medidas de blancos reales en vuelo; desafortunadamente, la principal desventaja de esta estrategia radica en la dificultad de obtener firmas radar de aviones neutrales o enemigos. Por esta razón, esta tesis propone utilizar firmas radar de blancos ideales, generadas mediante simulaciones electromagnéticas, como base de datos. Con el avance de las herramientas de predicción electromagnética es posible obtener de manera rápida y a bajo coste firmas radar de cualquier blanco deseado y en cualquier orientación. De este modo, el principal objetivo de esta tesis yace en el desarrollo de algoritmos eficientes de identificación de aeronaves en vuelo de manera no cooperativa, con altas tasas de acierto y empleando una base de datos de blancos obtenida mediante simulación electromagnética. El escenario propuesto consiste en la comparación de firmas radar reales obtenidas en una campaña de medidas con una base de datos compuesta por firmas radar simuladas, con ello se pretende por un lado, simular un escenario más realista, en el que las firmas de los blancos recogidas por el radar no tienen porqué tener la misma calidad que aquellas de la base de datos y por otro, comprobar que la identificación de un avión real mediante simulaciones es posible

    Statistical assessment on Non-cooperative Target Recognition using the Neyman-Pearson statistical test

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    Electromagnetic simulations of a X-target were performed in order to obtain its Radar Cross Section (RCS) for several positions and frequencies. The software used is the CST MWS©. A 1 : 5 scale model of the proposed aircraft was created in CATIA© V5 R19 and imported directly into the CST MWS© environment. Simulations on the X-band were made with a variable mesh size due to a considerable wavelength variation. It is intended to evaluate the Neyman-Pearson (NP) simple hypothesis test performance by analyzing its Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs) for two different radar detection scenarios - a Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) coated model, and a Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) model for recognition purposes. In parallel the radar range equation is used to estimate the maximum range detection for the simulated RAM coated cases to compare their shielding effectiveness (SE) and its consequent impact on recognition. The AN/APG-68(V)9’s airborne radar specifications were used to compute these ranges and to simulate an airborne hostile interception for a Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) environment. Statistical results showed weak recognition performances using the Neyman-Pearson (NP) statistical test. Nevertheless, good RCS reductions for most of the simulated positions were obtained reflecting in a 50:9% maximum range detection gain for the PAniCo RAM coating, abiding with experimental results taken from the reviewed literature. The best SE was verified for the PAniCo and CFC-Fe RAMs.Simulações electromagnéticas do alvo foram realizadas de modo a obter a assinatura radar (RCS) para várias posições e frequências. O software utilizado é o CST MWS©. O modelo proposto à escala 1:5 foi modelado em CATIA© V5 R19 e importado diretamente para o ambiente de trabalho CST MWS©. Foram efectuadas simulações na banda X com uma malha de tamanho variável devido à considerável variação do comprimento de onda. Pretende-se avaliar estatisticamente o teste de decisão simples de Neyman-Pearson (NP), analisando as Características de Operação do Receptor (ROCs) para dois cenários de detecção distintos - um modelo revestido com material absorvente (RAM), e outro sendo um condutor perfeito (PEC) para fins de detecção. Em paralelo, a equação de alcance para radares foi usada para estimar o alcance máximo de detecção para ambos os casos de modo a comparar a eficiência de blindagem electromagnética (SE) entre os diferentes revestimentos. As especificações do radar AN/APG-68(V)9 do F-16 foram usadas para calcular os alcances para cada material, simulando uma intercepção hostil num ambiente de reconhecimento de alvos não-cooperativos (NCTR). Os resultados mostram performances de detecção fracas usando o teste de decisão simples de Neyman-Pearson como detector e uma boa redução de RCS para todas as posições na gama de frequências selecionada. Um ganho de alcance de detecção máximo 50:9 % foi obtido para o RAM PAniCo, estando de acordo com os resultados experimentais da bibliografia estudada. Já a melhor SE foi verificada para o RAM CFC-Fe e PAniCo

    Développement d'algorithmes pour la fonction NCTR - Application des calculs parallèles sur les processeurs GPU.

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    Le thème principal de cette thèse est l'étude d'algorithmes de reconnaissance de cibles non coopératives (NCTR). Il s'agit de faire de la reconnaissance au sein de la classe "chasseur" en utilisant le profil distance. Nous proposons l'étude de quatre algorithmes : un basé sur l'algorithme des KPPV, un sur les méthodes probabilistes et deux sur la logique floue. Une contrainte majeure des algorithmes NCTR est le contrôle du taux d'erreur tout en maximisant le taux de succès. Nous avons pu montrer que les deux premiers algorithmes ne permettait pas de respecter cette contrainte. Nous avons en revanche proposé deux algorithmes basés sur la logique floue qui permettent de respecter cette contrainte. Ceci se fait au détriment du taux de succès (notamment sur les données réelles) pour le premier des deux algorithmes. Cependant la deuxième version de l'algorithme a permis d'augmenter considérablement le taux de succès tout en gardant le contrôle du taux d'erreur. Le principe de cet algorithme est de caractériser, case distance par case distance, l'appartenance à une classe en introduisant notamment des données acquises en chambre sourde. Nous avons également proposé une procédure permettant d'adapter les données acquises en chambre sourde pour une classe donnée à d'autres classes de cibles. La deuxième contrainte forte des algorithmes NCTR est la contrainte du temps réel. Une étude poussée d'une parallélisation de l'algorithme basé sur les KPPV a été réalisée en début de thèse. Cette étude a permis de faire ressortir les points à prendre en compte lors d'une parallélisation sur GPU d'algorithmes NCTR. Les conclusions tirées de cette étude permettront par la suite de paralléliser de manière efficace sur GPU les futurs algorithmes NCTR et notamment ceux proposés dans le cadre de cette thèse.The main subject of this thesis is the study of algorithms for non-cooperative targets recognition (NCTR). The purpose is to make recognition within "fighter" class using range profile. The study of four algorithms is proposed : one based on the KNN algorithm, one on probabilistic methods and two on fuzzy logic. A major constraint of NCTR algorithms is to control the error rate while maximizing the success rate. We have shown that the two first algorithms are not sufficient to fulfill this requirement. On the other hand, two algorithms based on fuzzy logic have been proposed and meet this requirement. Compliance with this condition is made at the expense of success rate (in particular on real data) for the first of the two algorithms based on fuzzy-logic. However, a second version of the algorithm has greatly increased the success rate while keeping control of the error rate. The principle of this algorithm is to make classification range bin by range bin, with the introduction of data acquired in an anechoic chamber. We also proposed a procedure for adapting the data acquired in an anechoic chamber for a class to another class of targets. The second major constraint algorithms NCTR is the real time constraint. An advanced study of a parallelization on GPU of the algorithm based on KNN was conducted at the beginning of the thesis. This study has helped to identify key points of a parallelization on GPU of NCTR algorithms. Findings from this study will be used to parallelize efficiently on GPU future NCTR algorithms, including those proposed in the thesis.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in low THz band in automotive radar applications

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    This thesis, firstly, due to the lack of knowledge in influence of harsh outdoor environment on the performance of the low-THz automotive sensors, the investigation has been done to demonstrate the performance of low-THz sensors in the presence of different radome contaminants (mud, oil, grit, etc.) and various weather conditions (rain, snow, fog, etc.) to prove the feasibility of using low-THz frequencies (100 GHz -1 THz) in automotive radar in uncontrolled environmental conditions. Secondarily, this thesis reports and discuss the important and yet unsolved task on automotive surface recognition and shows the possibility of using Low THz radar for road surface classification by exploring the radar signal backscattering from surfaces with different roughness, and finally this thesis demonstrate the novel approach to surface classification based on the analysis of radar images obtained using the low THz imaging radar and demonstrate the advantage of low THz radar for surface discrimination for automotive sensing. The proposed experimental technique in combination with a convolutional neural network provides high surface classification accuracy

    Advances and Applications of Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) for Information Fusion (Collected Works), Vol. 4

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    The fourth volume on Advances and Applications of Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) for information fusion collects theoretical and applied contributions of researchers working in different fields of applications and in mathematics. The contributions (see List of Articles published in this book, at the end of the volume) have been published or presented after disseminating the third volume (2009, http://fs.unm.edu/DSmT-book3.pdf) in international conferences, seminars, workshops and journals. First Part of this book presents the theoretical advancement of DSmT, dealing with Belief functions, conditioning and deconditioning, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Decision Making, Multi-Criteria, evidence theory, combination rule, evidence distance, conflicting belief, sources of evidences with different importance and reliabilities, importance of sources, pignistic probability transformation, Qualitative reasoning under uncertainty, Imprecise belief structures, 2-Tuple linguistic label, Electre Tri Method, hierarchical proportional redistribution, basic belief assignment, subjective probability measure, Smarandache codification, neutrosophic logic, Evidence theory, outranking methods, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Bayes fusion rule, frequentist probability, mean square error, controlling factor, optimal assignment solution, data association, Transferable Belief Model, and others. More applications of DSmT have emerged in the past years since the apparition of the third book of DSmT 2009. Subsequently, the second part of this volume is about applications of DSmT in correlation with Electronic Support Measures, belief function, sensor networks, Ground Moving Target and Multiple target tracking, Vehicle-Born Improvised Explosive Device, Belief Interacting Multiple Model filter, seismic and acoustic sensor, Support Vector Machines, Alarm classification, ability of human visual system, Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning Evaluation Framework, Threat Assessment, Handwritten Signature Verification, Automatic Aircraft Recognition, Dynamic Data-Driven Application System, adjustment of secure communication trust analysis, and so on. Finally, the third part presents a List of References related with DSmT published or presented along the years since its inception in 2004, chronologically ordered

    Field Cancerisation in Breast Cancer

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    Since the national breast screening programme was established in 1987, the number of breast cancer cases detected at an early stage has risen. This has allowed patients with these tumours to undergo breast-conserving therapy (BCT), a surgery where the tumour and clear margins are excised from the breast while preserving it cosmetically as much as possible. However, 40% of these patients suffer from recurrence at the surgical margin. This could be due to microscopic genetic or biochemical changes, defined as “cancerised” fields which may appear histologically normal for a long time, leading pathologists, and surgeons to classify them as normal. This PhD thesis uses computational biology, high-throughput sequencing and proteomics applied to a unique cohort of patient samples. The aim is to generate signatures that identify morphologically normal but genetically altered breast tissues – a concept termed field cancerisation – and to determine whether information from these tissues could be applied to direct the modern management of breast cancer: tailored surgery/therapy, risk assessment, early detection, monitoring, and primary chemoprevention. Analysis of gene expression, clustering, gene fusion, mutation and splicing were implemented. Four subgroups were identified within a new transcriptional classification of histologically normal samples, termed metabolic, immune, matrisome/epithelialmesenchymal transition and non-coding-enriched. Patients from the TCGA dataset whose adjacent sample was classified in the metabolic subgroup had the worst survival compared to the others. Hotspots of gene fusion were detected on chromosome 6, 9, and 14, which have been already presented as potential markers for a good prognosis. We show that molecular changes in histologically normal tissues, including driver mutations in cancer genes, are independent of the distance from the primary index tumour, supporting the hypothesis of field cancerisation