368 research outputs found

    Training Radial Basis Neural Networks with the Extended Kalman Filter

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    Radial basis function (RBF) neural networks provide attractive possibilities for solving signal processing and pattern classification problems. Several algorithms have been proposed for choosing the RBF prototypes and training the network. The selection of the RBF prototypes and the network weights can be viewed as a system identification problem. As such, this paper proposes the use of the extended Kalman filter for the learning procedure. After the user chooses how many prototypes to include in the network, the Kalman filter simultaneously solves for the prototype vectors and the weight matrix. A decoupled extended Kalman filter is then proposed in order to decrease the computational effort of the training algorithm. Simulation results are presented on reformulated radial basis neural networks as applied to the Iris classification problem. It is shown that the use of the Kalman filter results in better learning than conventional RBF networks and faster learning than gradient descent

    Temporal Feature Selection with Symbolic Regression

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    Building and discovering useful features when constructing machine learning models is the central task for the machine learning practitioner. Good features are useful not only in increasing the predictive power of a model but also in illuminating the underlying drivers of a target variable. In this research we propose a novel feature learning technique in which Symbolic regression is endowed with a ``Range Terminal\u27\u27 that allows it to explore functions of the aggregate of variables over time. We test the Range Terminal on a synthetic data set and a real world data in which we predict seasonal greenness using satellite derived temperature and snow data over a portion of the Arctic. On the synthetic data set we find Symbolic regression with the Range Terminal outperforms standard Symbolic regression and Lasso regression. On the Arctic data set we find it outperforms standard Symbolic regression, fails to beat the Lasso regression, but finds useful features describing the interaction between Land Surface Temperature, Snow, and seasonal vegetative growth in the Arctic

    Neural Networks

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    We present an overview of current research on artificial neural networks, emphasizing a statistical perspective. We view neural networks as parameterized graphs that make probabilistic assumptions about data, and view learning algorithms as methods for finding parameter values that look probable in the light of the data. We discuss basic issues in representation and learning, and treat some of the practical issues that arise in fitting networks to data. We also discuss links between neural networks and the general formalism of graphical models

    A hybrid RBF-HMM system for continuous speech recognition

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    A hybrid system for continuous speech recognition, consisting of a neural network with Radial Basis Functions and Hidden Markov Models is described in this paper together with discriminant training techniques. Initially the neural net is trained to approximate a-posteriori probabilities of single HMM states. These probabilities are used by the Viterbi algorithm to calculate the total scores for the individual hybrid phoneme models. The final training of the hybrid system is based on the "Minimum Classification Error\u27; objective function, which approximates the misclassification rate of the hybrid classifier, and the "Generalized Probabilistic Descent\u27; algorithm. The hybrid system was used in continuous speech recognition experiments with phoneme units and shows about 63.8% phoneme recognition rate in a speaker-independent task

    A kernelized genetic algorithm decision tree with information criteria

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    Decision trees are one of the most widely used data mining models with a long history in machine learning, statistics, and pattern recognition. A main advantage of the decision trees is that the resulting data partitioning model can be easily understood by both the data analyst and customer. This is in comparison to some more powerful kernel related models such as Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks and Support Vector Machines. In recent literature, the decision tree has been used as part of a two-step training algorithm for RBF networks. However, the primary function of the decision tree is not model visualization but dividing the input data into initial potential radial basis spaces. In this dissertation, the kernel trick using Mercer\u27s condition is applied during the splitting of the input data through the guidance of a decision tree. This allows the algorithm to search for the best split using the projected feature space information while remaining in the current data space. The decision tree will capture the information of the linear split in the projected feature space and present the corresponding non-linear split of the input data space. Using a genetic search algorithm, Bozdogan\u27s Information Complexity criterion (ICOMP) performs as a fitness function to determine the best splits, control model complexity, subset input variables, and decide the optimal choice of kernel function. The decision tree is then applied to radial basis function networks in the areas of regression, nominal classification, and ordinal prediction

    A Theory of Networks for Appxoimation and Learning

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    Learning an input-output mapping from a set of examples, of the type that many neural networks have been constructed to perform, can be regarded as synthesizing an approximation of a multi-dimensional function, that is solving the problem of hypersurface reconstruction. From this point of view, this form of learning is closely related to classical approximation techniques, such as generalized splines and regularization theory. This paper considers the problems of an exact representation and, in more detail, of the approximation of linear and nolinear mappings in terms of simpler functions of fewer variables. Kolmogorov's theorem concerning the representation of functions of several variables in terms of functions of one variable turns out to be almost irrelevant in the context of networks for learning. We develop a theoretical framework for approximation based on regularization techniques that leads to a class of three-layer networks that we call Generalized Radial Basis Functions (GRBF), since they are mathematically related to the well-known Radial Basis Functions, mainly used for strict interpolation tasks. GRBF networks are not only equivalent to generalized splines, but are also closely related to pattern recognition methods such as Parzen windows and potential functions and to several neural network algorithms, such as Kanerva's associative memory, backpropagation and Kohonen's topology preserving map. They also have an interesting interpretation in terms of prototypes that are synthesized and optimally combined during the learning stage. The paper introduces several extensions and applications of the technique and discusses intriguing analogies with neurobiological data

    State-Space Inference and Learning with Gaussian Processes

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    State-space inference and learning with Gaussian processes (GPs) is an unsolved problem. We propose a new, general methodology for inference and learning in nonlinear state-space models that are described probabilistically by non-parametric GP models. We apply the expectation maximization algorithm to iterate between inference in the latent state-space and learning the parameters of the underlying GP dynamics model. Copyright 2010 by the authors