15 research outputs found

    Flexible Evaluation of RFID System Parameters using Rapid Prototyping

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    Abstract-Today's RFID systems are dependent on a wide range of different parameters, that influence the overall performance. Such system parameters can for example be the selected data rate, encoding scheme, modulation setting, transmit power or different hardware configurations, like one or two antenna scenarios. Furthermore, it is often desired to optimise several performance goals, like read-out range, read-out quality, throughput, etc., which are often contradicting each other. In order to achieve a desired performance of an RFID system, it is essential to understand the influences of the individual parameters of interest and their interconnection. Due to the multitude, wide range and interdependencies of influencing factors, this however is a complex task. Simulations offer insights in these relations but rely on the correct modeling of the dependencies of-and between the parameters. With our established prototyping system for RFID, we are able to flexibly and accurately explore the influence and interconnection of such parameters in a wide range on a basis of real-time measurements. Results on the evaluation of read-out quality depending on the transmit power and the data rate are presented

    A Simulation Platform for Evaluating RFID and WSN’s Energy Efficiencies

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    Advances in the wireless, RFID and sensor technologies has given rise to a plethora of diverse WSN motes that can be used in association with numerous applications. Experimenting with new MAC algorithms and various functionalities on a real sensor network to obtain energy efficiency is both time consuming and expensive especially when these different mote platforms are deployed in one application. Generally Simulators are used to approximate the performance of MAC protocols. Out of the numerous simulators available, none can simulate the energy efficiencies given different types of motes and environments in one application. Hence, the need of a simulation platform for a mix deployment of different types of WSNs and RFIDs is felt to access application performance requirements while curtailing energy consumption to enhance application lifetime. In this paper, we presents an extension of our effort EnergySim [1], which is a simulation platform developed dedicatedly for evaluating energy efficiencies. In this paper we have discussed the simulation modes, methodology and architecture of our proposed simulator with some future extensions presented at the end of the paper


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    A user profile for information filtering using RFID-SIM card in pervasive network

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    The appearance of new technologies allows new data processing techniques. Thus, many new data processing techniques make difficult to user to find pertinent information in suitable time, unless knowing what accurately is in search of, where and how getting it. This paper proposes a pervasive network based information filtering system that integrates user profile such as identity, preference and other important data. User profile is embarked in a RFID-SIM card in order to guarantee its privacy, flexibility, mobility and confidentiality. The overall system objectives are privacy, security and providing pertinent information to the user according to his profile at anytime, anywhere, and in any form. The design and implementation of the system is also presented

    On the Second-Order Statistics of Correlated Cascaded Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    The second-order statistics of two correlated cascaded (double) Rayleigh fading channels are analyzed, where different relevant second-order cross-correlation functions of in-phase and quadrature components of the cascaded Rayleigh channels are derived. The level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD) of the cascaded channels are evaluated, and a single-integral form of the LCR is derived. Numerical results of the LCR and AFD are presented, and the effect of the correlation is illustrated


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    On Performance Evaluation And Enhancement Of Rfid Systems Complying With Iso 18000 3, Iso 18000-7 Standards

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013Bu Yüksek Lisans Tezi iki ana kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Birinci kısım, ISO 18000-3 ve ISO 18000-7 standartlarına uygun pasif ve aktif RFID sistemlerinin performans değerlendirmesini içermektedir. İkinci kısım ise, 18000-7 standardına uygun RFID sistemlerinin çoklu antenlerle başarım iyileştirilmesini içermektedir. Bu kısım ayrıca değişik sınırlı geri besleme metotlarının çoklu antenlerle birlikte etiket ve okuyucu tarafındaki detaylı karşılaştırmalarını da kapsamaktadır. Radyo frekans tanımlama (RFID) teknolojisi, kablosuz haberleşme alanında oldukça popüler olmaya başlamış ve birçok uygulama alanında yaygın bir şekilde dağılmıştır: temassız kredi kartları, e-pasaport, bilet sistemleri, giriş-çıkış kontrolleri, oyunlar, sağlık, ilaç, doküman ve basın yönetimi... Bu teknoloji, radyo dalgaları yardımıyla herhangi bir nesne ya da canlıyı tanımlama veya takip etmeyi kablosuz olarak sağlamaktadır. RFID sistemleri, kullandıkları frekans bantlarına göre üç gruba ayrılırlar: Düşük frekans (LF, 30-300 KHz), Yüksek Frekans (HF 3-30MHz) ve ultra yüksek frekans (UHF,300MHz-3GHz) / Mikrodalga (>3 GHz). RFID etiketleri ve okuyucuları birbirleriyle havadan haberleşirler. Haberleşme kanalının güvensiz olması ve hafif-siklet etiketlerin sınırlı kapasiteleri güvenlik ve mahremiyet açıklarına neden olur. Bir saldırgan etiketi taklit edebilir, izleyebilir, dinleyebilir veya DoS saldırısında bulunabilir. Bu açıklıklara ek olarak, bir etiket, bir düşman tarafından yaşam döngüsü boyunca farkedilememelidir. Eğer bir saldırgan bir etiketi tanıdıysa, artık onu kolayca takip de edebilir. Bu durumda, iki saldırı söz konusudur: (i) Bir saldırgan etiketin bütün geçmiş konuşmalarını deşifre edebilir veya (ii) gelecek konuşmalarında onu takip edebilir. Bu saldırılar sırasıyla geri dönük takip edilebilme ve ileriye dönük takip edilebilme atağı olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Litaratürde güvenlik ve mahremiyet sorunlarına çözüm olacak açık-anahtar şifreleme çözümleri bulunmaktadır, fakat bu çözümlerin hiçbir tanesi, sınırlı kapasiteleri nedeniyle birçok uygulamada kullanılan hafif-siklet etiketler için uygun bir çözüm değildir. Bu yüzden, saldırganların sınırlı kapasitedeki etiketleri kandırmasını engellemek için çok sayıda hafi-siklet asıllama prokolleri önerilmiştir. Önemi artan güvenlik ve mahremiyet konuları genellikle yakın alan haberleşmelerinde kullanılan (kablosuz akıllı kartlar) HF RFID sistemleriyle ilgilidir. çünkü bu sistemler, birçok RFID uygulamalarında (e-pasaport, akıllı nüfus kartı, kredi kartları vb.) güvenlik ve mahremiyet gerektiren kişisel bilgileri saklamaktadır. Birçok araştırmacı, standartlara uygun olacak şekilde güvenlik ve mahremiyet problemlerine farklı protokol tasarımlarıyla çözümler sunmuşlardır. Bu protokollerin güvenlik ve mahremiyet konularındaki analizleri oldukça önemli olmasına rağmen, onların gerçek hayattaki verimlilikleri ise önem arz eden başka bir konudur. Maalesef, her bir yeni protokol tasarımının fiziksel olarak test edilebilmesi maliyet, zaman ve pratik uygulama açısından oldukça zordur. Protokollerin performansları, HF RFID uygulamalarının kalitesini etkilemektedir. Bu yüzden, farklı protokolleri değerlendirmek için birçok simülasyon ortamları geliştirilmiştir. Bunlardan hiçbiri kablosuz kanal etkisini göz önüne alacak şekilde protokollerin başarı sınırlarını göstermemiştir. Bu motivasyonla biz, bu tez çalışmasında PETRA simülasyon ortamına AWGN ve Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanal modellerini ekleyerek iyileştirmede bulunduk. Bu kanallarda haberleşen ISO/IEC 18000-3 standardına uygun olan RFID sistemlerindeki protokollerin performans sınırlarını gösterdik. Bu amaca yönelik olarak, güvenli ve mahrem bir kimlik tanıma protokolünü, yeni geliştirdiğimiz simülasyon ortamına uyguladık ve pasif RFID sistemlerin gerçek hayatta kullanılmadan önceki performans değerlendirmesini gözlemledik. Biz RFID protkollerinin en iyi başarıyı AWGN kanalı altında sergilediğini gösterdik. Bu başarım göstergesi bize aslında protokolün başarım üst sınırını vermektedir çünkü AWGN kanal kablosuz haberleşme ortamları içerisinde ideal kanal olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ayrıca, kablosuz kanalın etilerini göstermek için Petra simülasyon ortamının sonuçlarını ekledik. Bunun aynı sıra, Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalda başarım sonuçlarını elde ettik. Bu sonuçlar ise bize RFID protokollerin başarım alt sınırını vermektedir çünkü Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalın bozucu etikeleri AWGN kanalına göre daha çoktur ve en kötü kanal yapılarında birisidir. AWGN kanalında çerçeve hata oranı sinyal gürültü oranına göre üstsel olarak azalırken, Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalda linear olarak azaldığı simülasyonlarla gösterilmiştir. RFID etiketleri aynı zamanda enerji kaynaklarına göre üç gruba ayrılır: pasif, yarı-pasif ve aktif etiketler. Pasif RFID etiketlerin kendi enerji kaynakları yoktur. Bunun yerine bu etiketler, okuyucudan yayınlanan enerjiyi kullanırlar. Yarı-pasif ve aktif etiketlerde ise kendilerine ait bir enerji kaynakları vardır. Aktif etiketlerle yarı-pasif etiketlerin farkı ise yarı-pasif etiketlerin ilk konuşmayı başlatmaması ve okuyucudan gelen sorgu ile konuşabilmesidir. Kendi enerji kaynağını, okuyucudan gelen sorgu ile kullanmaya başlar. Aktif RFID etiketleri ise okuyucu ile kendi konuşma başlatabildiği gibi ondan gelen sorgu ile de konuşmaya başlayabilir. Aktif RFID etiketleri, birçok uygulamada sahip oldukları görünürlük, güvenlik, kaliteli ve uzak mesafeli haberleşme kabiliyetleri açısından tercih edilebilmektedir. Bir aktif RFID etiketi, içerisindeki veriyi iç enerji kaynağı yardımıyla oldukça uzak mesafelere iletilebilir. Ancak batarya süresi, etiketin aktif parçaları sebebiyle azalmaktadır. Böylece bu, haberleşme mesafesiyle enerji tüketimi arasında kayıp-kazanç dengesine dönüşmektedir (yani mesafe artarken, enerji tüketiminde artma veya tam tersi). Bununla birlikte iletim mesafesinin artması, girişim problemlerine de neden olabilir çünkü bir okuyucunun okuma ortamında olabilecek etiketler ve/veya okuyucular haberleşmede zorluklara zemin hazırlayabilir. ISO/IEC 18000-7 bir aktif RFID standardıdır. Bu standardın etiketleri 433 MHz frekansında çalışmaktadır. Biz fark ettik ki, bu standartta uyan aktif bir RFID etiketi, Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalda tatmin edici bir haberleşme gerçekleştirebilmesi için oldukça fazla enerji tüketmektedir. Bu tezde ikinci olarak biz, ISO/IEC 18000-7 standardındaki aktif RFID sistemlerinin haberleşme kalitesi ve enerji verimliliği açısından performanslarını iyileştirdik. Simülasyon sonuçlarımız göstermiştir ki, gerek etiket gerekse hem etiket hem de okuyucu tarafındaki çoklu anten tasarımları, sınırlı geri besleme tekniklerinin kullanılmasıyla çerçeve hata oranlarını düşürmüş ve enerji kaynağının yaşam süresini arttırmıştır.This M.Sc. thesis is mainly two folds: First part includes the performance evaluation of passive and active RFID systems complying with ISO 18000-3 and ISO 18000-7 standards respectively. Second part shows the performance improvement of active RFID systems with multiple antennas in ISO 18000-7 standard. It also includes a detailed comparison of different limited feedback schemes for multiple antennas at tag side and both tag-reader side. Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) has become very popular in wireless technologies and pervasively deployed in many applications area, such as contactless credit cards, e-passports, ticketing systems, access control, gaming, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, document and media management. This technology provides wireless communication with an object or someone to automatically identify or track by using radio waves. RFID systems can be grouped into three basic ranges by their using operating frequency: Low frequency (LF, 30-300 KHz), high fequency (HF 3-30MHz) and ultra high frequency (300MHz-3GHz) / microwave (>3 GHz). RFID tags and readers communicate with each other over air interface. This insecure channel and the limited capabilities of RFID tags cause security and privacy vulnerabilities. An adversary may do tag impersonating, tracking, eavesdropping, and denial of service (DoS) attack. Besides the vulnerabilities, a tag might be distinguishable in its life-span by an attacker. If it is once recognized by an adversary, it will be easily able to be traceable. At that situation, there might be two attacks. (i) An attacker might track the previous interactions of the tag or (ii) he may track the future ones. These two attacks are called backward traceability and forward traceability, respectively. There are public-key cryptography solutions in literature but none of them are convenient for the low-cost tags used in lots of applications because of their limitations. It needs to find much light-weight approaches. Therefore, many light-weight authentication protocols are proposed to have a win against the adversaries that deceive the capacity-restricted tags. A growing security and privacy concerns are most commonly related with high frequency (HF) RFID devices, using near field communication (NFC), such as contactless smart cards (CSC), because they are used to store secure and private personal information in many RFID applications: e-passport, govern ID, credit cards etc. Many researches offer different protocol designs to overcome the security and privacy problems for the standards. Although, their security and privacy analysis are quite important, their effectiveness is also another vital point for real world RFID applications/systems. Unfortunately, it is a troublesome to physically test every new protocol desings because of cost, time and it is also impractical. The performance of the protocols affects the quality of HF RFID applications. Therefore, many simulation environments have been improved to evaluate the performance of these kinds of protocols. However, none of them shows the success bounds of the protocols by considering wireless channel effect. Motivated by this need, in this thesis, firstly, we improve the PETRA simulation environment by adding two channel models, AWGN channel, Rayleigh fading channel and show the performance bounds of an RFID authentication protocol in these channels for ISO/IEC 18000-3 standard. For this purpose, we implement a secure authentication protocol in our new simulation environment to understand the effect of the wireless channel in a real life scenario. This work may guide the protocol designers to test their protocols and observe the performance of passive RFID systems before using them on real systems. We show that RFID protocols perform best performance in AWGN channel. This performance gives us the upper bound performance because the AWGN channel is an ideal case in wireless communication environment. We added the results of Petra simulation environment to evaluate the wireless channel effect. On the other hand, the performance of RFID protocols in Rayleigh fading channels gives the lower bound of the performance. The effects of the Rayleigh fading channel are extremely severe when it is compared to the AWGN channel. The FER curve is inversely linear proportional with the SNR for Rayleigh fading while it is exponentially decreasing for AWGN channel. RFID tags can also be categorized in three groups by using energy source such as passive, semi-passive and active (battery assisted) tags. Passive RFID tags do not have own internal energy source. Instead, they use the radio energy transmitted by the reader. Semi-passive and active RFID tags have their own energy source. The difference between them is that semi-passive tags do not talk first and they are powered up by the reader’s request. The energy source is used after the request. Active tags might talk to RFID reader first or answer its first request. Active RFID tags are preferred in many applications for their advantages: Visibility, security, quality and high distance communication. An active tag can transmit its data at great range by using its internal source. However, the battery life is decreased by the active parts of the tag. Hence, it causes a trade-off between communication distance and power consumption. In addition to this, the increased transmission distance might also cause interference problem because a large number of tags or multi-reader multi-tag environment within the range of a reader grounds communication difficulties. ISO/IEC 18000-7 is an active RFID standard that their tags operatea at 433 MHz. We realize that a tag consumes too much energy source to perform a satisfactory communication compliance with the standard in Rayleigh fading channel. In this thesis, secondly, we aim to ameliorate an active RFID system performance from the perspective of better communication and energy efficiency. Our simulation results show that multiple-antenna designs at tag side and tag-reader side using limited feedback schemes significantly decreases the frame error rates and increases the battery lifetime.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Architecting Internet of aerospace things: A system for tracking passengers inside an airport terminal

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    Experts predict the number of devices connected to Internet of Things networks in 2020 will reach 50 billion, being used in numerous industries. This Thesis focuses on the aerospace scenario and investigates how and where this technology might be applied to airport mobility and security. The discussion is initiated by presenting the concept of Internet of Aerospace Things, IoAT, its main premises and the importance of connectivity in the aerospace domain, which form the basis of the objective of the system. An airport terminal is an environment where different individuals and companies with diverse interests coincide, and the weak connectivity present between these parties leads to a lack of communication that often creates inefficiencies such as unnecessary waits or poor distribution of resources. The study is focused on the passengers, discussing possible solutions for reducing their traverse time. To accomplish that, this work proposes providing them with information regarding the people density at different points of the terminal based on tracking technologies. Next, RFID is selected as the concept for the system and the applicability of this technology for tracking passengers inside an airport terminal is studied. That is followed by the identification of a set of key decisions, such as the physical limits of the system or the specific technology to be deployed, in order to study the different possible architectures. To that end, a simulation model is developed and it incorporates the most important parts of the system, including: An airport model based on Chicago O'Hare International Airport, a passenger trajectory model, a link budget model, a coverage model, a reader placement algorithm, a communication protocol and the limitations of the available RFID technology. Based on the developed model, the architecture tradespace for the system is presented and the best architectures are analyzed based on the metrics space. Next, the influence and impact each decision has on the tradespace is evaluated, providing further insights on the system performance and cost. Then, the best architectures are chosen and extended simulation results are presented, showing that the system helps to increase the information on the airport passenger density, thus allowing passengers to take efficient decisions as well as helping the airport authority with security control.Los expertos predicen que el número de dispositivos conectados a redes de Internet of Things en el 2020 llegará a los cincuenta mil millones, estando presentes en numerosas industrias. Este Trabajo se centra en el contexto aeroespacial e investiga cómo i dónde esta tecnología puede ser aplicada en la movilidad y seguridad en un aeropuerto. Se empieza la discusión presentando el concepto de Internet of Aerospace Things, IoAT, sus premisas más características y la importancia de la conectividad en el ámbito aeroespacial, el cual forma la base del objetivo del sistema. Una terminal de aeropuerto es un medio donde diferentes individuales y empresas con intereses diversos coinciden, y la conectividad débil que se presenta entre estas partes conduce a una falta de comunicación que crea ineficiencias, como esperas innecesarias o una distribución pobre de los recursos. El estudio se centra en los pasajeros, argumentando las soluciones posibles para reducir su tiempo de travesía. Para conseguirlo, se propone proporcionarlos información respecto a la densidad de personas en diferentes puntos de la terminal en base a tecnologías de seguimiento. Luego, RFID es elegido como concepto del sistema y se estudia la aplicabilidad de esta tecnología para el seguimiento de pasajeros dentro de una terminal de aeropuerto. Después, se identifica un conjunto de decisiones clave, como los límites físicos del sistema o la tecnología específica a ser instalada, con tal de estudiar las diferentes arquitecturas posibles. Con este fin, se desarrolla un modelo de simulación incorporando las partes más importantes del sistema, incluyendo: un modelo de aeropuerto basado en el aeropuerto de Chicago O'Hare International, un modelo para las trayectorias de los pasajeros, un modelos de balance de enlace, un modelo de cobertura, un algoritmo de colocación de lectores, un protocolo de comunicación y las limitaciones de la tecnología RFID disponible. En base al modelo desarrollado, se presenta el tradespace de las arquitecturas del sistema y se analiza cuáles son las mejores arquitecturas a partir del espacio de métricas. Después, se evalúa la influencia e impacto que cada decisión tiene en el tradespace, proporcionando más ideas sobre el rendimiento y el coste del sistema. Luego, se eligen las mejores arquitecturas y se presentan resultados ampliados de la simulación, demostrando que el sistema ayuda a incrementar la información sobre la densidad de pasajeros en el aeropuerto, permitiendo que los pasajeros puedan tomar decisiones eficientes a la vez que ayuda en la gestión de la seguridad a la autoridad aeroportuaria.Els experts prediuen que el nombre de dispositius connectats a xarxes d’Internet of Things al 2020 arribarà als cinquanta mil milions, estant presents a nombroses industries. En aquest Treball ens centrem en el context aeroespacial i investiguem com i on aquesta tecnologia pot ser aplicada en la mobilitat i seguretat a un aeroport. Comencem la discussió presentant el concepte d’Internet of Aerospace Things, IoAT, les seves premisses més característiques i la importància de la connectivitat en l’àmbit aeroespacial, el qual forma la base de l’objectiu del nostre sistema. Una terminal d’aeroport és un medi on diferents individuals i companyies amb interessos diversos coincideixen, i la connectivitat dèbil que es presenta entre aquestes parts condueix a una falta de comunicació que crea ineficiències, com esperes innecessàries o una distribució pobra dels recursos. Centrem el nostre estudi en els passatgers, argumentant les solucions possibles per a reduir el seu temps de travessia. Per aconseguir-ho, proposem proporcionar-los informació respecte la densitat de persones a diferents punts de la terminal basant-nos en tecnologies de seguiment. Llavors, escollim RFID com el concepte del nostre sistema i estudiem l’aplicabilitat d’aquesta tecnologia per al seguiment de passatgers dintre una terminal d’aeroport. Després, identifiquem un conjunt de decisions clau, com els límits físics del nostre sistema o la tecnologia específica a ser instal·lada, per tal d’estudiar les diferents arquitectures possibles. Amb aquest fi, desenvolupem un model de simulació incorporant les parts més importants del sistema, incloent: un model d’aeroport basat en l’aeroport de Chicago O’Hare International, un model per a les trajectòries dels passatgers, un model de balanç d’enllaç, un model de cobertura, un algorisme de col·locació de lectors, un protocol de comunicació i les limitacions de la tecnologia RFID disponible. Basant-nos en el model desenvolupat, presentem el tradespace de les arquitectures del nostre sistema i analitzem quines són les millors arquitectures a partir de l’espai de mètriques. Avaluem la influència i impacte que cada decisió té al tradespace, proporcionant més idees sobre el rendiment i el cost del sistema. Llavors, escollim les millors arquitectures i presentem resultats ampliats de la simulació, demostrant que el nostre sistema ajuda a incrementar la informació sobre la densitat de passatgers a l’aeroport, permetent que els passatgers prenguin decisions eficients alhora que ajuda en la gestió de la seguretat a l’autoritat aeroportuària

    Simulation de fautes pour l'évaluation du test en ligne de systèmes RFID

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    Les systèmes RFID pour RadioFrequency Identification sont capables d identifier des objets ou des personnes sans contact ni vision direct. Ainsi, leur utilisation grandit de manière exponentielle dans différents secteurs : nucléaire, aviation, ferroviaire, médical, traçabilité, contrôle d accès Mais ce sont surtout des systèmes fortement hétérogènes, composés de matériel analogique ou digital, et de systèmes informatique : le tag, attaché à l objet à identifier, contenant l identifiant de ce dernier ; le lecteur, appareil capable de venir lire les informations contenus dans les tags ; et le système informatique gérant l ensemble des données générées par le système. Ces systèmes sont de plus en plus utilisés dans des domaines critiques ou dans des environnements difficiles, alors qu ils sont basés uniquement sur des équipements bas coût et peu performant les tags ne permettant alors pas de garantir des communications robustes. Tous ces points font que le test en ligne des systèmes RFID est une tâche complexe.Cette thèse s intéresse donc à la sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes RFID : comment être certains que le système fonctionne comme il faut au moment où on en à besoin ? En premier, les défaillances et leurs causes ont été étudiées à l aide d une méthode classique : AMDE Analyse des modes de défaillances et de leurs effets. Cette étude a permis d identifier les points faibles des systèmes RFID. Après cela et grâce à cette analyse, il nous a été possible de définir et d implémenter un simulateur de systèmes RFID appelé SERFID, pour Simulation et Evaluation des systèmes RFID. Ce simulateur est capable de simuler différents systèmes RFID multi-équipements (HF ou UHF, normes actuellement implémentées : ISO15693 et EPC Classe 1 Génération 2), du tag au lecteur, en passant par le canal de communication permettant aux tags et aux lecteurs de communiquer. SERFID permet aussi de connecter les lecteurs simulés à des middlewares existants ou nouveau afin des les évaluer. Pour permettre l évaluation de la sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes RFID, SERFID permet l injection de fautes dynamiquement au sein des tags, lecteurs ou du canal de communication permettant de simuler différentes défaillances pouvant apparaître : diminution de la qualité de la communication ou de l alimentation du tag, erreurs au sein de la mémoire du tag, bruit SERFID a été notamment utilisé pour simuler et observer le comportement de systèmes RFID HF et UHF face à du bruit et des perturbations dans le canal de communication entre le tag et le lecteur. Finalement, cette thèse propose une nouvelle méthode pour détecter les tags fautifs ou vieillissants dans les applications de logistiques. Cette méthode, non intrusive et en ligne, est basée sur l observation des performances du système au cours de son fonctionnement : le logiciel de gestion analyse les résultats des différentes identifications. A partir du taux d erreur de lecture par tag, et en le comparant aux taux de lecture par tag précédemment observés, cette méthode est capable de déterminer quel groupe de tags est fautif ou non. Cette méthode a été évaluée par expérimentation et par simulation grâce à SERFID. Cette évaluation a permis de mettre en évidence les points forts et les faiblesses de la méthode.RFID systems for RadioFrequency Identification are able to identify object or person without any contact or direct vision. For this reason, their use grows exponentially in many different fields: nuclear, avionics, railways, medical, warehouse inventories, access control However they are complex heterogeneous systems, consisting of analog and digital hardware components and software components: the tag, closed on the object to identified, which contains its identifier; the reader which able to read identifiers on tags; and finally the IT infrastructure to manage data. RFID technologies are often used into critical domains or within harsh environments. But as RFID systems are only based on low cost and low-performance equipments, they do not always ensure robust communications. All these points make the on-line testing of RFID systems a very complex task.This thesis focuses on dependability of RFID systems: how to be sure that this system works correctly when we need to use it? Firstly, failures and their causes have been studied using a common method called FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis This study allows to identify weakness aspects of RFID systems. After that and thanks to this analysis, a new simulator was designed and implemented. This simulator, called SERFID for Simulation and Evaluation of RFID systems, is able to simulate various RFID systems with many devices (HF or UHF, actually implemented standards: ISO15693 or EPC Class 1 Generation 2), from tag to reader, together with the RF channel between them and the physic aspect which permit to tags and readers to communicate. SERFID also permits to connect an existing or new middleware to simulated reader to evaluate new software approach. To analyze dependability of RFID systems, SERFID allows us to inject fault in tag, channel or readers dynamically, to simulate different failures which can be appear: decrease of quality of communication or tag supply, memory errors in tag, noises SERFID was in particular use to simulate HF and UHF RFID systems to observe their reaction according noises and disturbances in communication between tag and reader. Finally, a new method to detect faulty or aging tags or readers in traceability application was proposed. This non-intrusive on-line method is based on performance observation of the system during operation: the managing software analyzes results of an identification round. According read error rate per tag of an inventory, and comparing it with previous obtained read error rates per tag, this method is able to determine which group of tags is faulty or not. This method has been analyzed with to method: by experimentations and by simulation using SERFID. This analyze brings out weakness and strength of this method.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Advances in analytical models and applications for RFID, WSN and AmI systems

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    Experimentos llevados a cabo con el equipo de división de honor UCAM Volleyball Murcia.[SPA] Internet de las cosas (IoT) integra distintos elementos que actúan tanto como fuentes, como sumideros de información, a diferencia de la percepción que se ha tenido hasta ahora de Internet, centrado en las personas. Los avances en IoT engloban un amplio número de áreas y tecnologías, desde la adquisición de información hasta el desarrollo de nuevos protocolos y aplicaciones. Un concepto clave que subyace en el concepto de IoT, es el procesamiento de forma inteligente y autónoma de los flujos de información que se dispone. En este trabajo, estudiamos tres aspectos diferentes de IoT. En primer lugar, nos centraremos en la infraestructura de obtención de datos. Entre las diferentes tecnologías de obtención de datos disponibles en los sistemas IoT, la Identificación por Radio Frecuencia (RFID) es considerada como una de las tecnologías predominantes. RFID es la tecnología detrás de aplicaciones tales como control de acceso, seguimiento y rastreo de contenedores, gestión de archivos, clasificación de equipaje o localización de equipos. Con el auge de la tecnología RFID, muchas instalaciones empiezan a requerir la presencia de múltiples lectores RFID que operan próximos entre sí y conjuntamente. A estos escenarios se les conoce como dense reader environments (DREs). La coexistencia de varios lectores operando simultáneamente puede causar graves problemas de interferencias en el proceso de identificación. Uno de los aspectos claves a resolver en los RFID DREs consiste en lograr la coordinación entre los lectores. Estos problemas de coordinación son tratados en detalle en esta tesis doctoral. Además, dentro del área de obtención de datos relativa a IoT, las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas (WSNs) desempeñan un papel fundamental. Durante la última década, las WSNs han sido estudiadas ampliamente de forma teórica, y la mayoría de problemas relacionados con la comunicación en este tipo de redes se han conseguido resolver de forma favorable. Sin embargo, con la implementación de WSNs en proyectos reales, han surgido nuevos problemas, siendo uno de ellos el desarrollo de estrategias realistas para desplegar las WSN. En este trabajo se estudian diferentes métodos que resuelven este problema, centrándonos en distintos criterios de optimización, y analizando las diferentes ventajas e inconvenientes que se producen al buscar una solución equilibrada. Por último, la Inteligencia Ambiental (AmI) forma parte del desarrollo de aplicaciones inteligentes en IoT. Hasta ahora, han sido las personas quienes han tenido que adaptarse al entorno, en cambio, AmI persigue crear entornos de obtención de datos capaces de anticipar y apoyar las acciones de las personas. AmI se está introduciendo progresivamente en diversos entornos reales tales como el sector de la educación y la salud, en viviendas, etc. En esta tesis se introduce un sistema AmI orientado al deporte que busca mejorar el entrenamiento de los atletas, siendo el objetivo prioritario el desarrollo de un asistente capaz de proporcionar órdenes de entrenamiento, basadas tanto en el entorno como en el rendimiento de los atletas. [ENG] Internet of Things (IoT) is being built upon many different elements acting as sources and sinks of information, rather than the previous human-centric Internet conception. Developments in IoT include a vast set of fields ranging from data sensing, to development of new protocols and applications. Indeed, a key concept underlying in the conception of IoT is the smart and autonomous processing of the new huge data flows available. In this work, we aim to study three different aspects within IoT. First, we will focus on the sensing infrastructure. Among the different kind of sensing technologies available to IoT systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely considered one of the leading technologies. RFID is the enabling technology behind applications such as access control, tracking and tracing of containers, file management, baggage sorting or equipment location. With the grow up of RFID, many facilities require multiple RFID readers usually operating close to each other. These are known as Dense Reader Environments (DREs). The co-existence of several readers operating concurrently is known to cause severe interferences on the identification process. One of the key aspects to solve in RFID DREs is achieving proper coordination among readers. This is the focus of the first part of this doctoral thesis. Unlike previous works based on heuristics, we address this problem through an optimization-based approach. The goal is identifying the maximum mean number of tags while network constraints are met. To be able to formulate these optimization problems, we have obtained analytically the mean number of identifications in a bounded -discrete or continuous- time period, an additional novel contribution of our work. Results show that our approach is overwhelmingly better than previous known methods. Along sensing technologies of IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays a fundamental role. WSNs have been largely and theoretically studied in the past decade, and many of their initial problems related to communication aspects have been successfully solved. However, with the adoption of WSNs in real-life projects, new issues have arisen, being one of them the development of realistic strategies to deploy WSNs. We have studied different ways of solving this aspect by focusing on different optimality criteria and evaluating the different trade-offs that occur when a balanced solution must be selected. On the one hand, deterministic placements subject to conflicting goals have been addressed. Results can be obtained in the form of Pareto-frontiers, allowing proper solution selection. On the other hand, a number of situations correspond to deployments were the nodes¿ position is inherently random. We have analyzed these situations leading first to a theoretical model, which later has been particularized to a Moon WSN survey. Our work is the first considering a full model with realistic properties such as 3D topography, propellant consumptions or network lifetime and mass limitations. Furthermore, development of smart applications within IoT is the focus of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) field. Rather than having people adapting to the surrounding environment, AmI pursues the development of sensitive environments able to anticipate support in people¿s actions. AmI is progressively being introduced in many real-life environments like education, homes, health and so forth. In this thesis we develop a sport-oriented AmI system designed to improve athletes training. The goal is developing an assistant able to provide real-time training orders based on both environment and athletes¿ biometry, which is aimed to control the aerobic and the technical-tactical training. Validation experiments with the honor league UCAM Volleyball Murcia team have shown the suitability of this approach.[ENG] Internet of Things (IoT) is being built upon many different elements acting as sources and sinks of information, rather than the previous human-centric Internet conception. Developments in IoT include a vast set of fields ranging from data sensing, to development of new protocols and applications. Indeed, a key concept underlying in the conception of IoT is the smart and autonomous processing of the new huge data flows available. In this work, we aim to study three different aspects within IoT. First, we will focus on the sensing infrastructure. Among the different kind of sensing technologies available to IoT systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely considered one of the leading technologies. RFID is the enabling technology behind applications such as access control, tracking and tracing of containers, file management, baggage sorting or equipment location. With the grow up of RFID, many facilities require multiple RFID readers usually operating close to each other. These are known as Dense Reader Environments (DREs). The co-existence of several readers operating concurrently is known to cause severe interferences on the identification process. One of the key aspects to solve in RFID DREs is achieving proper coordination among readers. This is the focus of the first part of this doctoral thesis. Unlike previous works based on heuristics, we address this problem through an optimization-based approach. The goal is identifying the maximum mean number of tags while network constraints are met. To be able to formulate these optimization problems, we have obtained analytically the mean number of identifications in a bounded -discrete or continuous- time period, an additional novel contribution of our work. Results show that our approach is overwhelmingly better than previous known methods. Along sensing technologies of IoT, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) plays a fundamental role. WSNs have been largely and theoretically studied in the past decade, and many of their initial problems related to communication aspects have been successfully solved. However, with the adoption of WSNs in real-life projects, new issues have arisen, being one of them the development of realistic strategies to deploy WSNs. We have studied different ways of solving this aspect by focusing on different optimality criteria and evaluating the different trade-offs that occur when a balanced solution must be selected. On the one hand, deterministic placements subject to conflicting goals have been addressed. Results can be obtained in the form of Pareto-frontiers, allowing proper solution selection. On the other hand, a number of situations correspond to deployments were the nodes¿ position is inherently random. We have analyzed these situations leading first to a theoretical model, which later has been particularized to a Moon WSN survey. Our work is the first considering a full model with realistic properties such as 3D topography, propellant consumptions or network lifetime and mass limitations. Furthermore, development of smart applications within IoT is the focus of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) field. Rather than having people adapting to the surrounding environment, AmI pursues the development of sensitive environments able to anticipate support in people¿s actions. AmI is progressively being introduced in many real-life environments like education, homes, health and so forth. In this thesis we develop a sport-oriented AmI system designed to improve athletes training. The goal is developing an assistant able to provide real-time training orders based on both environment and athletes¿ biometry, which is aimed to control the aerobic and the technical-tactical training. Validation experiments with the honor league UCAM Volleyball Murcia team have shown the suitability of this approach.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Tecnología de la Información y de las Comunicacione