143 research outputs found

    Fast RFID counting under unreliable radio channels.

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    Sze, Wai Kit.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 77-83).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgement --- p.viChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 2 --- Background and Related Work --- p.8Chapter 3 --- RFID Tag-set Cardinality estimation based on a Two-parameter implicit Channel Model --- p.13Chapter 3.1 --- System Model --- p.14Chapter 3.2 --- Number of Empty Slots Observed by the Reader --- p.16Chapter 3.3 --- Estimator Accuracy and Performance Analysis --- p.25Chapter 3.4 --- Results and Discussions --- p.32Chapter 3.5 --- Chapter Summary --- p.41Chapter 4 --- RFID Tag-set Cardinality estimation over Unknown Channel --- p.42Chapter 4.1 --- System Model --- p.43Chapter 4.2 --- Baseline: The Union-based approach --- p.45Chapter 4.2.1 --- Motivation --- p.46Chapter 4.2.2 --- Union Algorithm --- p.46Chapter 4.2.3 --- Analysis of the Union algorithm --- p.47Chapter 4.3 --- "Probabilistic Tag-counting over Lossy, Unknown channels via the Mh model" --- p.52Chapter 4.3.1 --- "Novel Interpretation of Mh for RFID Counting over Lossy, Unknown Channels" --- p.52Chapter 4.3.2 --- The Moment Estimator --- p.55Chapter 4.3.3 --- Sample Coverage Estimator --- p.57Chapter 4.3.4 --- Estimating the overall Tag population t --- p.59Chapter 4.4 --- Performance Validation and Comparison --- p.62Chapter 4.5 --- Chapter Summary --- p.65Chapter 5 --- Conclusions and Future Work --- p.73Chapter A --- Proof of Equation (3.6) in Chapter 3 --- p.75Bibliography --- p.7

    UWB localization with battery-powered wireless backbone for drone-based inventory management

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    Current inventory-taking methods (counting stocks and checking correct placements) in large vertical warehouses are mostly manual, resulting in (i) large personnel costs, (ii) human errors and (iii) incidents due to working at large heights. To remedy this, the use of autonomous indoor drones has been proposed. However, these drones require accurate localization solutions that are easy to (temporarily) install at low costs in large warehouses. To this end, we designed a Ultra-Wideband (UWB) solution that uses infrastructure anchor nodes that do not require any wired backbone and can be battery powered. The resulting system has a theoretical update rate of up to 2892 Hz (assuming no hardware dependent delays). Moreover, the anchor nodes have an average current consumption of only 27 mA (compared to 130 mA of traditional UWB infrastructure nodes). Finally, the system has been experimentally validated and is available as open-source software

    A Tutorial on Clique Problems in Communications and Signal Processing

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    Since its first use by Euler on the problem of the seven bridges of K\"onigsberg, graph theory has shown excellent abilities in solving and unveiling the properties of multiple discrete optimization problems. The study of the structure of some integer programs reveals equivalence with graph theory problems making a large body of the literature readily available for solving and characterizing the complexity of these problems. This tutorial presents a framework for utilizing a particular graph theory problem, known as the clique problem, for solving communications and signal processing problems. In particular, the paper aims to illustrate the structural properties of integer programs that can be formulated as clique problems through multiple examples in communications and signal processing. To that end, the first part of the tutorial provides various optimal and heuristic solutions for the maximum clique, maximum weight clique, and kk-clique problems. The tutorial, further, illustrates the use of the clique formulation through numerous contemporary examples in communications and signal processing, mainly in maximum access for non-orthogonal multiple access networks, throughput maximization using index and instantly decodable network coding, collision-free radio frequency identification networks, and resource allocation in cloud-radio access networks. Finally, the tutorial sheds light on the recent advances of such applications, and provides technical insights on ways of dealing with mixed discrete-continuous optimization problems

    On Performance Evaluation And Enhancement Of Rfid Systems Complying With Iso 18000 3, Iso 18000-7 Standards

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013Bu Yüksek Lisans Tezi iki ana kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Birinci kısım, ISO 18000-3 ve ISO 18000-7 standartlarına uygun pasif ve aktif RFID sistemlerinin performans değerlendirmesini içermektedir. İkinci kısım ise, 18000-7 standardına uygun RFID sistemlerinin çoklu antenlerle başarım iyileştirilmesini içermektedir. Bu kısım ayrıca değişik sınırlı geri besleme metotlarının çoklu antenlerle birlikte etiket ve okuyucu tarafındaki detaylı karşılaştırmalarını da kapsamaktadır. Radyo frekans tanımlama (RFID) teknolojisi, kablosuz haberleşme alanında oldukça popüler olmaya başlamış ve birçok uygulama alanında yaygın bir şekilde dağılmıştır: temassız kredi kartları, e-pasaport, bilet sistemleri, giriş-çıkış kontrolleri, oyunlar, sağlık, ilaç, doküman ve basın yönetimi... Bu teknoloji, radyo dalgaları yardımıyla herhangi bir nesne ya da canlıyı tanımlama veya takip etmeyi kablosuz olarak sağlamaktadır. RFID sistemleri, kullandıkları frekans bantlarına göre üç gruba ayrılırlar: Düşük frekans (LF, 30-300 KHz), Yüksek Frekans (HF 3-30MHz) ve ultra yüksek frekans (UHF,300MHz-3GHz) / Mikrodalga (>3 GHz). RFID etiketleri ve okuyucuları birbirleriyle havadan haberleşirler. Haberleşme kanalının güvensiz olması ve hafif-siklet etiketlerin sınırlı kapasiteleri güvenlik ve mahremiyet açıklarına neden olur. Bir saldırgan etiketi taklit edebilir, izleyebilir, dinleyebilir veya DoS saldırısında bulunabilir. Bu açıklıklara ek olarak, bir etiket, bir düşman tarafından yaşam döngüsü boyunca farkedilememelidir. Eğer bir saldırgan bir etiketi tanıdıysa, artık onu kolayca takip de edebilir. Bu durumda, iki saldırı söz konusudur: (i) Bir saldırgan etiketin bütün geçmiş konuşmalarını deşifre edebilir veya (ii) gelecek konuşmalarında onu takip edebilir. Bu saldırılar sırasıyla geri dönük takip edilebilme ve ileriye dönük takip edilebilme atağı olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Litaratürde güvenlik ve mahremiyet sorunlarına çözüm olacak açık-anahtar şifreleme çözümleri bulunmaktadır, fakat bu çözümlerin hiçbir tanesi, sınırlı kapasiteleri nedeniyle birçok uygulamada kullanılan hafif-siklet etiketler için uygun bir çözüm değildir. Bu yüzden, saldırganların sınırlı kapasitedeki etiketleri kandırmasını engellemek için çok sayıda hafi-siklet asıllama prokolleri önerilmiştir. Önemi artan güvenlik ve mahremiyet konuları genellikle yakın alan haberleşmelerinde kullanılan (kablosuz akıllı kartlar) HF RFID sistemleriyle ilgilidir. çünkü bu sistemler, birçok RFID uygulamalarında (e-pasaport, akıllı nüfus kartı, kredi kartları vb.) güvenlik ve mahremiyet gerektiren kişisel bilgileri saklamaktadır. Birçok araştırmacı, standartlara uygun olacak şekilde güvenlik ve mahremiyet problemlerine farklı protokol tasarımlarıyla çözümler sunmuşlardır. Bu protokollerin güvenlik ve mahremiyet konularındaki analizleri oldukça önemli olmasına rağmen, onların gerçek hayattaki verimlilikleri ise önem arz eden başka bir konudur. Maalesef, her bir yeni protokol tasarımının fiziksel olarak test edilebilmesi maliyet, zaman ve pratik uygulama açısından oldukça zordur. Protokollerin performansları, HF RFID uygulamalarının kalitesini etkilemektedir. Bu yüzden, farklı protokolleri değerlendirmek için birçok simülasyon ortamları geliştirilmiştir. Bunlardan hiçbiri kablosuz kanal etkisini göz önüne alacak şekilde protokollerin başarı sınırlarını göstermemiştir. Bu motivasyonla biz, bu tez çalışmasında PETRA simülasyon ortamına AWGN ve Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanal modellerini ekleyerek iyileştirmede bulunduk. Bu kanallarda haberleşen ISO/IEC 18000-3 standardına uygun olan RFID sistemlerindeki protokollerin performans sınırlarını gösterdik. Bu amaca yönelik olarak, güvenli ve mahrem bir kimlik tanıma protokolünü, yeni geliştirdiğimiz simülasyon ortamına uyguladık ve pasif RFID sistemlerin gerçek hayatta kullanılmadan önceki performans değerlendirmesini gözlemledik. Biz RFID protkollerinin en iyi başarıyı AWGN kanalı altında sergilediğini gösterdik. Bu başarım göstergesi bize aslında protokolün başarım üst sınırını vermektedir çünkü AWGN kanal kablosuz haberleşme ortamları içerisinde ideal kanal olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ayrıca, kablosuz kanalın etilerini göstermek için Petra simülasyon ortamının sonuçlarını ekledik. Bunun aynı sıra, Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalda başarım sonuçlarını elde ettik. Bu sonuçlar ise bize RFID protokollerin başarım alt sınırını vermektedir çünkü Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalın bozucu etikeleri AWGN kanalına göre daha çoktur ve en kötü kanal yapılarında birisidir. AWGN kanalında çerçeve hata oranı sinyal gürültü oranına göre üstsel olarak azalırken, Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalda linear olarak azaldığı simülasyonlarla gösterilmiştir. RFID etiketleri aynı zamanda enerji kaynaklarına göre üç gruba ayrılır: pasif, yarı-pasif ve aktif etiketler. Pasif RFID etiketlerin kendi enerji kaynakları yoktur. Bunun yerine bu etiketler, okuyucudan yayınlanan enerjiyi kullanırlar. Yarı-pasif ve aktif etiketlerde ise kendilerine ait bir enerji kaynakları vardır. Aktif etiketlerle yarı-pasif etiketlerin farkı ise yarı-pasif etiketlerin ilk konuşmayı başlatmaması ve okuyucudan gelen sorgu ile konuşabilmesidir. Kendi enerji kaynağını, okuyucudan gelen sorgu ile kullanmaya başlar. Aktif RFID etiketleri ise okuyucu ile kendi konuşma başlatabildiği gibi ondan gelen sorgu ile de konuşmaya başlayabilir. Aktif RFID etiketleri, birçok uygulamada sahip oldukları görünürlük, güvenlik, kaliteli ve uzak mesafeli haberleşme kabiliyetleri açısından tercih edilebilmektedir. Bir aktif RFID etiketi, içerisindeki veriyi iç enerji kaynağı yardımıyla oldukça uzak mesafelere iletilebilir. Ancak batarya süresi, etiketin aktif parçaları sebebiyle azalmaktadır. Böylece bu, haberleşme mesafesiyle enerji tüketimi arasında kayıp-kazanç dengesine dönüşmektedir (yani mesafe artarken, enerji tüketiminde artma veya tam tersi). Bununla birlikte iletim mesafesinin artması, girişim problemlerine de neden olabilir çünkü bir okuyucunun okuma ortamında olabilecek etiketler ve/veya okuyucular haberleşmede zorluklara zemin hazırlayabilir. ISO/IEC 18000-7 bir aktif RFID standardıdır. Bu standardın etiketleri 433 MHz frekansında çalışmaktadır. Biz fark ettik ki, bu standartta uyan aktif bir RFID etiketi, Rayleigh sönümlemeli kanalda tatmin edici bir haberleşme gerçekleştirebilmesi için oldukça fazla enerji tüketmektedir. Bu tezde ikinci olarak biz, ISO/IEC 18000-7 standardındaki aktif RFID sistemlerinin haberleşme kalitesi ve enerji verimliliği açısından performanslarını iyileştirdik. Simülasyon sonuçlarımız göstermiştir ki, gerek etiket gerekse hem etiket hem de okuyucu tarafındaki çoklu anten tasarımları, sınırlı geri besleme tekniklerinin kullanılmasıyla çerçeve hata oranlarını düşürmüş ve enerji kaynağının yaşam süresini arttırmıştır.This M.Sc. thesis is mainly two folds: First part includes the performance evaluation of passive and active RFID systems complying with ISO 18000-3 and ISO 18000-7 standards respectively. Second part shows the performance improvement of active RFID systems with multiple antennas in ISO 18000-7 standard. It also includes a detailed comparison of different limited feedback schemes for multiple antennas at tag side and both tag-reader side. Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) has become very popular in wireless technologies and pervasively deployed in many applications area, such as contactless credit cards, e-passports, ticketing systems, access control, gaming, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, document and media management. This technology provides wireless communication with an object or someone to automatically identify or track by using radio waves. RFID systems can be grouped into three basic ranges by their using operating frequency: Low frequency (LF, 30-300 KHz), high fequency (HF 3-30MHz) and ultra high frequency (300MHz-3GHz) / microwave (>3 GHz). RFID tags and readers communicate with each other over air interface. This insecure channel and the limited capabilities of RFID tags cause security and privacy vulnerabilities. An adversary may do tag impersonating, tracking, eavesdropping, and denial of service (DoS) attack. Besides the vulnerabilities, a tag might be distinguishable in its life-span by an attacker. If it is once recognized by an adversary, it will be easily able to be traceable. At that situation, there might be two attacks. (i) An attacker might track the previous interactions of the tag or (ii) he may track the future ones. These two attacks are called backward traceability and forward traceability, respectively. There are public-key cryptography solutions in literature but none of them are convenient for the low-cost tags used in lots of applications because of their limitations. It needs to find much light-weight approaches. Therefore, many light-weight authentication protocols are proposed to have a win against the adversaries that deceive the capacity-restricted tags. A growing security and privacy concerns are most commonly related with high frequency (HF) RFID devices, using near field communication (NFC), such as contactless smart cards (CSC), because they are used to store secure and private personal information in many RFID applications: e-passport, govern ID, credit cards etc. Many researches offer different protocol designs to overcome the security and privacy problems for the standards. Although, their security and privacy analysis are quite important, their effectiveness is also another vital point for real world RFID applications/systems. Unfortunately, it is a troublesome to physically test every new protocol desings because of cost, time and it is also impractical. The performance of the protocols affects the quality of HF RFID applications. Therefore, many simulation environments have been improved to evaluate the performance of these kinds of protocols. However, none of them shows the success bounds of the protocols by considering wireless channel effect. Motivated by this need, in this thesis, firstly, we improve the PETRA simulation environment by adding two channel models, AWGN channel, Rayleigh fading channel and show the performance bounds of an RFID authentication protocol in these channels for ISO/IEC 18000-3 standard. For this purpose, we implement a secure authentication protocol in our new simulation environment to understand the effect of the wireless channel in a real life scenario. This work may guide the protocol designers to test their protocols and observe the performance of passive RFID systems before using them on real systems. We show that RFID protocols perform best performance in AWGN channel. This performance gives us the upper bound performance because the AWGN channel is an ideal case in wireless communication environment. We added the results of Petra simulation environment to evaluate the wireless channel effect. On the other hand, the performance of RFID protocols in Rayleigh fading channels gives the lower bound of the performance. The effects of the Rayleigh fading channel are extremely severe when it is compared to the AWGN channel. The FER curve is inversely linear proportional with the SNR for Rayleigh fading while it is exponentially decreasing for AWGN channel. RFID tags can also be categorized in three groups by using energy source such as passive, semi-passive and active (battery assisted) tags. Passive RFID tags do not have own internal energy source. Instead, they use the radio energy transmitted by the reader. Semi-passive and active RFID tags have their own energy source. The difference between them is that semi-passive tags do not talk first and they are powered up by the reader’s request. The energy source is used after the request. Active tags might talk to RFID reader first or answer its first request. Active RFID tags are preferred in many applications for their advantages: Visibility, security, quality and high distance communication. An active tag can transmit its data at great range by using its internal source. However, the battery life is decreased by the active parts of the tag. Hence, it causes a trade-off between communication distance and power consumption. In addition to this, the increased transmission distance might also cause interference problem because a large number of tags or multi-reader multi-tag environment within the range of a reader grounds communication difficulties. ISO/IEC 18000-7 is an active RFID standard that their tags operatea at 433 MHz. We realize that a tag consumes too much energy source to perform a satisfactory communication compliance with the standard in Rayleigh fading channel. In this thesis, secondly, we aim to ameliorate an active RFID system performance from the perspective of better communication and energy efficiency. Our simulation results show that multiple-antenna designs at tag side and tag-reader side using limited feedback schemes significantly decreases the frame error rates and increases the battery lifetime.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications

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    Internet of Things From Hype to Reality

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant mindshare, let alone attention, in academia and the industry especially over the past few years. The reasons behind this interest are the potential capabilities that IoT promises to offer. On the personal level, it paints a picture of a future world where all the things in our ambient environment are connected to the Internet and seamlessly communicate with each other to operate intelligently. The ultimate goal is to enable objects around us to efficiently sense our surroundings, inexpensively communicate, and ultimately create a better environment for us: one where everyday objects act based on what we need and like without explicit instructions

    Modeling and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks for Logistics Applications

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    Logistics has experienced a long time of developments and improvements based on the advanced vehicle technologies, transportation systems, traffic network extension and logistics processes. In the last decades, the complexity has increased significantly and this has created complex logistics networks over multiple continents. Because of the close cooperation, these logistics networks are highly dependent on each other in sharing and processing the logistics information. Every customer has many suppliers and vice versa. The conventional centralized control continues but reaches some limitations such as the different distribution of suppliers, the complexity and flexibility of processing orders or the dynamics of the logistic objects. In order to overcome these disadvantages, the paradigm of autonomous logistics is proposed and promises a better technical solution for current logistics systems. In autonomous logistics, the decision making is shifted toward the logistic objects which are defined as material items (e.g., vehicles, containers) or immaterial items (e.g., customer orders) of a networked logistics system. These objects have the ability to interact with each other and make decisions according to their own objectives. In the technical aspect, with the rapid development of innovative sensor technology, namely Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), each element in the network can self-organize and interact with other elements for information transmission. The attachment of an electronic sensor element into a logistic object will create an autonomous environment in both the communication and the logistic domain. With this idea, the requirements of logistics can be fulfilled; for example, the monitoring data can be precise, comprehensive and timely. In addition, the goods flow management can be transferred to the information logistic object management, which is easier by the help of information technologies. However, in order to transmit information between these logistic objects, one requirement is that a routing protocol is necessary. The Opportunistic relative Distance-Enabled Uni-cast Routing (ODEUR ) protocol which is proposed and investigated in this thesis shows that it can be used in autonomous environments like autonomous logistics. Moreover, the support of mobility, multiple sinks and auto-connection in this protocol enhances the dynamics of logistic objects. With a general model which covers a range from low-level issues to high-level protocols, many services such as real time monitoring of environmental conditions, context-aware applications and localization make the logistic objects (embedded with sensor equipment) more advanced in information communication and data processing. The distributed management service in each sensor node allows the flexible configuration of logistic items at any time during the transportation. All of these integrated features introduce a new technical solution for smart logistic items and intelligent transportation systems. In parallel, a management system, WSN data Collection and Management System (WiSeCoMaSys), is designed to interact with the deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. This tool allows the user to easily manipulate the sensor networks remotely. With its rich set of features such as real time data monitoring, data analysis and visualization, per-node management, and alerts, this tool helps both developers and users in the design and deployment of a sensor network. In addition, an analytical model is developed for comparison with the results from simulations and experiments. Focusing on the use of probability theory to model the network links, this model considers several important factors such as packet reception rate and network traffic which are used in the simulation and experiment parts. Moreover, the comparison between simulation, experiment and analytical results is also carried out to estimate the accuracy of the design and make several improvements of the simulation accuracy. Finally, all of the above parts are integrated in one unique system. This system is verified by both simulations in logistic scenarios (e.g., harbors, warehouses and containers) and experiments. The results show that the proposed model and protocol have a good packet delivery rate, little memory requirements and low delay. Accordingly, this system design is practical and applicable in logistics

    Smart marine sensing systems for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA)

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    Aquaculture farming faces challenges to increase production whilst maintaining sustainability by reducing environmental impact and ensuring efficient resource usage. One solution is to use an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) approach, where a variety of different species are grown in the same site, taking advantage of by-products (such as waste and uneaten food) from one species as inputs (fertilizer, food, and energy) for the growth of other species. However, the remote monitoring of environmental and biological conditions is crucial to understand how the species interact with each other and with the environment, and to optimise the IMTA production and management system. Environmental monitoring of aquatic environments is already well supplied by commercial off-the-shelf sensors, but these sensors often measure only one parameter, which increases the power consumption and cost when monitoring multiple environmental variables with a fine-scale resolution. Current monitoring solutions for seaweed and kelp also include satellite and aerial sensing, which cover large areas effectively. However, these methods do not offer high-resolution, specific local data for growing sites, and are usually limited by turbidity and weather conditions. Another limitation of available commercial systems is data recovery. Most of them require that the sensor be retrieved to download data directly, increasing cost of maintenance. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems that transmit in the near field (Near Field Communication – NFC) are less attenuated by the seawater environment than higher-frequency communications, and thus potentially provide a more viable alternative for underwater data transmission. In this work, we present a novel miniature low-power multi-sensor modality NFC-enabled data acquisition system to monitor a variety of farmed aquaculture species. This sensor system monitors temperature, light intensity, depth, and motion, logging the data collected internally. The sensor device can communicate with NFC-enabled readers (such as smartphones) to configure the sensors with custom sampling frequencies, communicate status, and to download data. It also has an internal machine learning enabled microcontroller, which can be used to perform data analysis internally. The device is designed to be attachable to seaweed and kelp blades or stipes. The system designed was tested in lab to characterise its sensors and to determine its battery lifetime. The sensor device was then deployed in an IMTA farm in Bertraghboy Bay, Connemara, Ireland, with the help of the Marine Institute. The data collected from the device was then correlated with environmental sensors placed in the site. Future work involves incorporating data analytics and machine learning algorithms to process data internally, allowing for lower transmission requirements

    A Hardware Platform for Communication and Localization Performance Evaluation of Devices inside the Human Body

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    Body area networks (BAN) is a technology gaining widespread attention for application in medical examination, monitoring and emergency therapy. The basic concept of BAN is monitoring a set of sensors on or inside the human body which enable transfer of vital parameters between the patient´s location and the physician in charge. As body area network has certain characteristics, which impose new demands on performance evaluation of systems for wireless access and localization for medical sensors. However, real-time performance evaluation and localization in wireless body area networks is extremely challenging due to the unfeasibility of experimenting with actual devices inside the human body. Thus, we see a need for a real-time hardware platform, and this thesis addressed this need. In this thesis, we introduced a unique hardware platform for performance evaluation of body area wireless access and in-body localization. This hardware platform utilizes a wideband multipath channel simulator, the Elektrobit PROPSimâ„¢ C8, and a typical medical implantable device, the Zarlink ZL70101 Advanced Development Kit. For simulation of BAN channels, we adopt the channel model defined for the Medical Implant Communication Service (MICS) band. Packet Reception Rate (PRR) is analyzed as the criteria to evaluate the performance of wireless access. Several body area propagation scenarios simulated using this hardware platform are validated, compared and analyzed. We show that among three modulations, two forms of 2FSK and 4FSK. The one with lowest raw data rate achieves best PRR, in other word, best wireless access performance. We also show that the channel model inside the human body predicts better wireless access performance than through the human body. For in-body localization, we focus on a Received Signal Strength (RSS) based localization algorithm. An improved maximum likelihood algorithm is introduced and applied. A number of points along the propagation path in the small intestine are studied and compared. Localization error is analyzed for different sensor positions. We also compared our error result with the Cramèr- Rao lower bound (CRLB), shows that our localization algorithm has acceptable performance. We evaluate multiple medical sensors as device under test with our hardware platform, yielding satisfactory localization performance

    Wireless Network Communications Overview for Space Mission Operations

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    The mission of the On-Board Wireless Working Group (WWG) is to serve as a general CCSDS focus group for intra-vehicle wireless technologies. The WWG investigates and makes recommendations pursuant to standardization of applicable wireless network protocols, ensuring the interoperability of independently developed wireless communication assets. This document presents technical background information concerning uses and applicability of wireless networking technologies for space missions. Agency-relevant driving scenarios, for which wireless network communications will provide a significant return-on-investment benefiting the participating international agencies, are used to focus the scope of the enclosed technical information