543 research outputs found

    REMOTE, a Wireless Sensor Network Based System to Monitor Rowing Performance

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    In this paper, we take a hard look at the performance of REMOTE, a sensor network based application that provides a detailed picture of a boat movement, individual rower performance, or his/her performance compared with other crew members. The application analyzes data gathered with a WSN strategically deployed over a boat to obtain information on the boat and oar movements. Functionalities of REMOTE are compared to those of RowX [1] outdoor instrument, a commercial wired sensor instrument designed for similar purposes. This study demonstrates that with smart geometrical configuration of the sensors, rotation and translation of the oars and boat can be obtained. Three different tests are performed: laboratory calibration allows us to become familiar with the accelerometer readings and validate the theory, ergometer tests which help us to set the acquisition parameters, and on boat tests shows the application potential of this technologies in sports

    Sensor node acceleration signatures and electromyography in synchronisation and sequencing analysis in sports: a rowing perspective

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    Following a review of the key determinants of successful rowing, a wireless body sensor network was developed to monitor boat and body segment acceleration and surface electromyography in major muscles recruited during the rowing stroke cycle. Its design was optimised to yield maximum information about the rowing stroke cycle from fewest sensors and minimise the power consumption of the nodes. The system was validated against the Qualisys motion capture and high-speed camera system with most Pearson correlation coefficients in excess of r = 0.8. On-land ergometer experimentation allowed muscle recruitment over the stroke cycle to be studied, with data from multiple experiments combined using correlation of the acceleration signatures of back and thigh nodes (r = 0.95). It was demonstrated that it was possible to identify one of the common rowing errors of ‘shooting-the-slide’ from the data collected, and that a marked decrease in correlation of good-to-bad technique over the drive phase of the stroke (0.95 reducing to 0.34 in the experiment undertaken) could be used to indicate the presence of this error. Extension of the wireless body sensor network to encompass boat and two oarsmen was demonstrated, allowing correlation of their rowing signatures to be studied, indicating their cohesion as a crew

    A Server-Based Mobile Coaching System

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    A prototype system for monitoring, transmitting and processing performance data in sports for the purpose of providing feedback has been developed. During training, athletes are equipped with a mobile device and wireless sensors using the ANT protocol in order to acquire biomechanical, physiological and other sports specific parameters. The measured data is buffered locally and forwarded via the Internet to a server. The server provides experts (coaches, biomechanists, sports medicine specialists etc.) with remote data access, analysis and (partly automated) feedback routines. In this way, experts are able to analyze the athlete’s performance and return individual feedback messages from remote locations

    A Smartphone Based Sonification And Telemetry Platform For On-Water Rowing Training

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    Presented at the 19th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2013) on July 6-9, 2013 in Lodz, Poland.On water rowing training greatly benefits from sonification. However, no real-time usable smartphone based platform exists for acquisition and sonification of data measured during rowing. We propose the use of a smartphone based system, coupled with an Accrow (BeSB) data acquisition device. The whole system is able to convey the produced sound within 100ms from the movement, thus enabling the presentation of functional real-time feedback to the rowers. The system is thought to be useful for both athletes and coaches. The sonification presented to the athletes is aimed at enhancing their perception for the movement execution with the final aim of synchronizing the crew in a uniform rhythm in order to improve the boat velocity. The sonification presented to the coaches aimed at assisting their visual observation of the boat motion in the daily training routine by listening to the sound in order to detect fluctuations that are not visible. An empirically investigated concept of acoustic feedback that is presented in real-time during on-water rowing training sessions already exists. This paper deals with the extension of the technical hardware currently used in high performance rowing training to a smartphone based platform in order to provide the sonification to more users and to everyday club training including young and older rowers (juniors and masters)

    Adaptive smartphone-based sensor fusion for estimating competitive rowing kinematic metrics.

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    Competitive rowing highly values boat position and velocity data for real-time feedback during training, racing and post-training analysis. The ubiquity of smartphones with embedded position (GPS) and motion (accelerometer) sensors motivates their possible use in these tasks. In this paper, we investigate the use of two real-time digital filters to achieve highly accurate yet reasonably priced measurements of boat speed and distance traveled. Both filters combine acceleration and location data to estimate boat distance and speed; the first using a complementary frequency response-based filter technique, the second with a Kalman filter formalism that includes adaptive, real-time estimates of effective accelerometer bias. The estimates of distance and speed from both filters were validated and compared with accurate reference data from a differential GPS system with better than 1 cm precision and a 5 Hz update rate, in experiments using two subjects (an experienced club-level rower and an elite rower) in two different boats on a 300 m course. Compared with single channel (smartphone GPS only) measures of distance and speed, the complementary filter improved the accuracy and precision of boat speed, boat distance traveled, and distance per stroke by 44%, 42%, and 73%, respectively, while the Kalman filter improved the accuracy and precision of boat speed, boat distance traveled, and distance per stroke by 48%, 22%, and 82%, respectively. Both filters demonstrate promise as general purpose methods to substantially improve estimates of important rowing performance metrics

    Recent Advances in Motion Analysis

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    The advances in the technology and methodology for human movement capture and analysis over the last decade have been remarkable. Besides acknowledged approaches for kinematic, dynamic, and electromyographic (EMG) analysis carried out in the laboratory, more recently developed devices, such as wearables, inertial measurement units, ambient sensors, and cameras or depth sensors, have been adopted on a wide scale. Furthermore, computational intelligence (CI) methods, such as artificial neural networks, have recently emerged as promising tools for the development and application of intelligent systems in motion analysis. Thus, the synergy of classic instrumentation and novel smart devices and techniques has created unique capabilities in the continuous monitoring of motor behaviors in different fields, such as clinics, sports, and ergonomics. However, real-time sensing, signal processing, human activity recognition, and characterization and interpretation of motion metrics and behaviors from sensor data still representing a challenging problem not only in laboratories but also at home and in the community. This book addresses open research issues related to the improvement of classic approaches and the development of novel technologies and techniques in the domain of motion analysis in all the various fields of application

    Analysis of Indoor Rowing Motion using Wearable Inertial Sensors

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    In this exploratory work the motion of rowers is analyzed while rowing on a rowing machine. This is performed using inertial sensors that measure the orientation at several positions on the body. Using these measurements, this work provides a preliminary analysis of the differences between experienced and novice rowers, or between a good and a bad technique. The analysis shows that the measured postural angles show no clear trend that would set apart experienced and novice rowers or a bad and a good technique. However, there are clear differences in absolute postural angle’s consistency and timing consistency of strokes between novice and experienced rowers. We also applied a machine learning technique to the data to find the similarities between different rowers and an experienced reference rower. The results can be used to compare the quality of the rowing technique with respect to a reference. In this paper, we present our initial results as well as the challenges that need to be further explored

    Context Aware Computing or the Sense of Context

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    ITALIANO: I sistemi ubiquitous e pervasivi, speciali categorie di sistemi embedded (immersi), possono essere utilizzati per rilevare il contesto che li circonda. In particolare, i sistemi context-aware sono in grado di alterare il loro stato interno e il loro comportamento in base all’ambiente (context) che percepiscono. Per aiutare le persone nell’espletare le proprie attivitá, tali sistemi possono utilizzare le conoscenze raccolte attorno a loro. Un grande sforzo industriale e di ricerca, orientato all’innovazione dei sensori, processori, sistemi operativi, protocolli di comunicazione, e framework, offre molte tecnologie definibili abilitanti, come le reti di sensori wireless o gli Smartphone. Tuttavia, nonostante tale sforzo significativo, l’adozione di sistemi pervasivi che permettano di migliorare il monitoraggio dello sport, l’allenamento e le tecnologie assistive é ancora piuttosto limitato. Questa tesi individua due fattori determinanti per questo basso utilizzo delle tecnologie pervasive, principalmente relativi agli utenti. Da un lato il tentativo degli esperti e dei ricercatori dell’informatica di indurre l’adozione di soluzioni informatiche, trascurando parzialmente l’interazione con gli utenti finali, dall’altro lato una scarsa attenzione all’interazione tra uomo e computer. Il primo fattore puó essere tradotto nella mancanza di attenzione a ció che é rilevante nel contesto dei bisogni (speciali) dell’utente. Il secondo é rappresentato dall’utilizzo diffuso di interfacce grafiche di presentazione delle informazioni, che richiede un elevato livello di sforzo cognitivo da parte degli utenti. Mentre lo studio della letteratura puó fornire conoscenze sul contesto dell’utente, solo il contatto diretto con lui arricchisce la conoscenza di consapevolezza, fornendo una precisa identificazione dei fattori che sono piú rilevanti per il destinatario dell’applicazione. Per applicare con successo le tecnologie pervasive al campo dello sport e delle tecnologie assistive, l’identificazione dei fattori rilevanti é una premessa necessaria, Tale processo di identificazione rappresenta l’approccio metodologico principale utilizzato per questa tesi. Nella tesi si analizzano diversi sport (canottaggio, nuoto, corsa ) e una disabilitá (la cecitá), per mostrare come la metodologia di investigazione e di progettazione proposta venga messa in pratica. Infatti i fattori rilevanti sono stati identificati grazie alla stretta collaborazione con gli utenti e gli esperti nei rispettivi campi. Si descrive il processo di identificazione, insieme alle soluzioni elaborate su misura per il particolare campo d’uso. L’uso della sonificazione, cioé la trasmissione di informazioni attraverso il suono, si propone di affrontare il secondo problema presentato, riguardante le interfacce utente. L’uso della sonificazione puó facilitare la fruizione in tempo reale delle informazioni sulle prestazioni di attivitá sportive, e puó contribuire ad alleviare parzialmente la disabilitá degli utenti non vedenti. Nel canottaggio, si é identificato nel livello di sincronia del team uno dei fattori rilevanti per una propulsione efficace dell’imbarcazione. Il problema di rilevare il livello di sincronia viene analizzato mediante una rete di accelerometri wireless, proponendo due diverse soluzioni. La prima soluzione é basata sull’indice di correlazione di Pearson e la seconda su un approccio emergente chiamato stigmergia. Entrambi gli approcci sono stati testati con successo in laboratorio e sul campo. Inoltre sono state sviluppate due applicazioni, per smartphone e PC, per fornire la telemetria e la sonificazione del moto di una barca a remi. Nel campo del nuoto é stata condotta una ricerca in letteratura riguardo la convinzione diffusa di considerare la cinematica come il fattore rilevante della propulsione efficace dei nuotatori. Questa indagine ha richiamato l’attenzione sull’importanza di studiare il cosiddetto feel-for-water (sensazione-dell’-acqua) percepito dai nuotatori d’alto livello. É stato progettato un innovativo sistema, per rilevare e comunicare gli effetti fluidodinamici causati dallo spostamento delle masse d’acqua intorno alle mani dei nuotatori. Il sistema é in grado di trasformare la pressione dell’acqua, misurata con sonde Piezo intorno alle mani, in un bio-feedback auditivo, pensato per i nuotatori e gli allenatori, come base per un nuovo modo di comunicare la sensazione-dell’acqua. Il sistema é stato testato con successo nel campo e ha dimostrato di fornire informazioni in tempo reale per il nuotatore e il formatore. Nello sport della corsa sono stati individuati due parametri rilevanti: il tempo di volo e di contatto dei piedi. É stato progettato un sistema innovativo per ottenere questi parametri attraverso un unico accelerometro montato sul tronco del corridore ed é stato implementato su uno smartphone. Per ottenere il risultato voluto é stato necessario progettare e realizzare un sistema per riallineare virtualmente gli assi dell’accelerometro e per estrarre il tempo di volo e di contatto dal segnale dell’accelerometro riallineato. L’applicazione per smartphone completa é stata testata con successo sul campo, confrontando i valori con quelli di attrezzature specializzate, dimostrando la sua idoneitá come ausilio pervasivo all’allenamento di corridori. Per esplorare le possibilitá della sonificazione usata come una base per tecnologia assistiva, abbiamo iniziato una collaborazione con un gruppo di ricerca presso l’Universitá di Scienze Applicate, Ginevra, in Svizzera. Tale collaborazione si é concentrata su un progetto chiamato SeeColOr (See Color with an Orchestra - vedere i colori con un’orchestra). In particolare, abbiamo avuto l’opportunitá di implementare il sistema SeeColOr su smartphone, al fine di consentire agli utenti non vedenti di utilizzare tale tecnologia su dispositivi leggeri e a basso costo. Inoltre, la tesi esplora alcune questioni relative al campo del rilevamento ambientale in ambienti estremi, come i ghiacciai, utilizzando la tecnologia delle Wireless Sensor Networks. Considerando che la tecnologia é simile a quella usata in altri contesti presentati, le considerazioni possono facilmente essere riutilizzate. Si sottolinea infatti che i problemi principali sono legati alla elevata difficoltá e scarsa affidabilitá di questa tecnologia innovativa rispetto alle altre soluzioni disponibili in commercio , definite legacy, basate solitamente su dispositivi piú grandi e costosi, chiamati datalogger. La tesi presenta i problemi esposti e le soluzioni proposte per mostrare l’applicazione dell’approccio progettuale cercato e definito durante lo sviluppo delle attività sperimentali e la ricerca che le ha implementate. ---------------------------------------- ENGLISH: Ubiquitous and pervasive systems, special categories of embedded systems, can be used to sense the context in their surrounding. In particular, context-aware systems are able to alter their internal state and their behaviour based on the context they perceive. To help people in better performing their activities, such systems must use the knowledge gathered about the context. A big research and industrial effort, geared towards the innovation of sensors, processors, operating systems, communication protocols, and frameworks, provides many "enabling" technologies, such as Wireless Sensor Networks or Smartphones. However, despite that significant effort, the adoption of pervasive systems to enhance sports monitoring, training and assistive technologies is still rather small. This thesis identifies two main issues concerning this low usage of pervasive technologies, both mainly related to users. On one side the attempt of computer science experts and researchers to induce the adoption of information technology based solutions, partially neglecting interaction with end users; on the other side a scarce attention to the interaction between humans and computers. The first can be translated into the lack of attention at what is relevant in the context of the user’s (special) needs. The second is represented by the widespread usage of graphical user interfaces to present information, requiring a high level of cognitive effort. While literature studies can provide knowledge about the user’s context, only direct contact with users enriches knowledge with awareness, providing a precise identification of the factors that are more relevant to the user. To successfully apply pervasive technologies to the field of sports engineering and assistive technology, the identification of relevant factors is an obliged premise, and represents the main methodological approach used throughout this thesis. This thesis analyses different sports (rowing, swimming, running) and a disability (blindness), to show how the proposed design methodology is put in practice. Relevant factors were identified thanks to the tight collaboration with users and experts in the respective fields. The process of identification is described, together with the proposed application tailored for the special field. The use of sonification, i.e. conveying information as sound, is proposed to leverage the second presented issue, that regards the user interfaces. The usage of sonification can ease the exploitation of information about performance in real-time for sport activities and can help to partially leverage the disability of blind users. In rowing, the synchrony level of the team was identified as one of the relevant factors for effective propulsion. The problem of detecting the synchrony level is analysed by means of a network of wireless accelerometers, proposing two different solutions. The first solution is based on Pearson’s correlation index and the second on an emergent approach called stigmergy. Both approaches were successfully tested in laboratory and in the field. Moreover two applications, for smartphones and PCs, were developed to provide telemetry and sonification of a rowing boat’s motion. In the field of swimming, an investigation about the widespread belief considering kinematics as the relevant factor of effective propulsion of swimmers drew attention to the importance of studying the so called "feel-for-water" experienced by elite swimmers. An innovative system was designed to sense and communicate fluid-dynamic effects caused by moving water masses around swimmers hands. The system is able to transform water pressure, measured with Piezo-probes, around hands into an auditive biofeedback, to be used by swimmers and trainers, as the base for a new way of communication about the "feel-for-water". The system was successfully tested in the field and proved to provide real-time information for the swimmer and the trainer. In running sports two relevant parameters are time of flight and contact of feet. An innovative system was designed to obtain these parameters using a single trunk mounted accelerometer and was implemented on a smartphone. To achieve the intended result it was necessary to design and implement a system to virtually realign the axes of the accelerometer and to extract time of flight and time of contact phases from the realigned accelerometer signal. The complete smartphone application was successfully tested in the field with specialized equipment, proving its suitability in enhancing training of runners with a pervasive system. To explore possibilities of sonification applied as an assistive technology, we started a collaboration with research group from University of Applied Science, Geneva, Switzerland, focused on a project called SeeColOr (See Color with an Orchestra). In particular we had the opportunity to implement the SeeColOr system on smartphones, in order to enable blind users to use that technology on low cost and lightweight devices. Moreover, the thesis exposes some issues related to a field, environmental sensing in extreme environments, like glaciers, using the innovative Wireless Sensor Networks technology. Considering that the technology is similar to the one used in other presented contexts, learned lessons can easily be reused. It is emphasized that the main problems are related to the high difficulty and low reliability of that innovative technology with respect to other "legacy" commercially available solutions, based on expensive and bigger devices, called dataloggers. The thesis presents the exposed problems and proposed solutions to show the application of the design approach strived during the development and research