7 research outputs found

    Ibilgailu elektrikoen propultsio-sistemen RT-LAB plataforma bidezko simulazio-prozesuaren automatizazioa

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    Laburpena: gradu amaierako proiektu honetan ibilgailu elektrikoen propultsio-sistemen RT-Lab plataforma bidezko simulazio-prozesuaren automatizazioa deskribatzen da. Proiektu hori burutzeko beharra gaur egungo egoera klimatikoaren ondorioz sortu da. Garraioa berotegiefektuaren iturri nagusienetako bat denez, ibilgailu elektrikoen garapena sustatzea behar bat moduan ikusten da, zero emisioko ibilgailuak direla eta. Hala ere, horiek ezarri baino lehen, beharrezkoak diren simulazioak egin behar dira. Jakinda propultsio-sistema ibilgailu elektrikoen osagai nagusia dela, propultsio-sistemetan oinarritutako simulazioak garatu behar dira horien diseinu-prozesuan zehar. Hori guztia kontuan izanik, lan-denbora aurrezteko simulazio horiek automatizatzea da aukerarik onena. Horretarako, OPAL-RTren OP4510 platarforma erabiliz, APERT ikerkuntza-taldearentzat baliagarria izango diren script desberdinak garatu dira. Alde batetik, simulazio azeleraturako automatizazio-script-a, eta bestetik, denbora errealeko simulaziorako automatizazio-script-a. Hori egindakoan, script-a inplementatu eta emaitzak aztertu dira.Resumen: en este trabajo de n de grado se describe el proceso automatizado de las simulaciones del sistema de propulsi贸n de los veh铆culos el茅ctricos utilizando la plataforma RT-LAB. La necesidad de llevar a cabo este trabajo ha surgido a ra铆z de la situaci贸n clim谩tica actual. El transporte es una de las principales causas del efecto-invernadero, por lo tanto, se ha encontrado la necesidad de impulsar el desarrollo de los veh铆culos el茅ctricos, debido a que son veh铆culos que emiten 0 emisiones. Teniendo en cuenta que el sistema de propulsi贸n es el elemento principal de los veh铆culos el茅ctricos, hay que desarrollar simulaciones en base a los sistemas de propulsi贸n. Teniendo en cuenta todo lo citado anteriormente, para poder rebajar el tiempo de trabajo invertido en las simulaciones, automatizar esas simulaciones ser铆a la mejor opci 贸n. Para ello, se han desarrollado diferentes scripts que ser谩n 煤tiles para el grupo de investigaci贸n APERT utilizando la plataforma OP4510 de OPAL-RT. Por un lado, se ha desarrollado el script que automatiza simulaciones en tiempo acelerado y, por otro lado, se ha desarrollado el script para automatizar simulaciones en tiempo real. A continuaci贸n, se han implementado los scripts y se han analizado los resultados.Abstract: in this end-of-degree project, the automation of electric vehicles' propulsion system is described, by means of RT- Lab platform simulation process. The need to carry out this project is based on today's climate situation. As transport is one of the main causes of the greenhouse e ect, promoting the use of electric vehicles is seen as a real necessity, since they are zero emission means of transport. However, before implementing them, some simulations must be done. Taking into account that the propulsion system is the main part of electric vehicles, simulations based on propulsion system must be developed. Bearing every aspect in mind and in order to save time, the best option is to automate those simulations. For this purpose, by using an OPAL-RT OP4510 platform, various scripts that will be useful for APERT research group have been developed. Firstly, the automation script for accelerated simulation, and secondly, the automation script for real time simulation. After carrying that out, the script has been implemented and the results have been examined

    Actuators for Intelligent Electric Vehicles

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    This book details the advanced actuators for IEVs and the control algorithm design. In the actuator design, the configuration four-wheel independent drive/steering electric vehicles is reviewed. An in-wheel two-speed AMT with selectable one-way clutch is designed for IEV. Considering uncertainties, the optimization design for the planetary gear train of IEV is conducted. An electric power steering system is designed for IEV. In addition, advanced control algorithms are proposed in favour of active safety improvement. A supervision mechanism is applied to the segment drift control of autonomous driving. Double super-resolution network is used to design the intelligent driving algorithm. Torque distribution control technology and four-wheel steering technology are utilized for path tracking and adaptive cruise control. To advance the control accuracy, advanced estimation algorithms are studied in this book. The tyre-road peak friction coefficient under full slip rate range is identified based on the normalized tyre model. The pressure of the electro-hydraulic brake system is estimated based on signal fusion. Besides, a multi-semantic driver behaviour recognition model of autonomous vehicles is designed using confidence fusion mechanism. Moreover, a mono-vision based lateral localization system of low-cost autonomous vehicles is proposed with deep learning curb detection. To sum up, the discussed advanced actuators, control and estimation algorithms are beneficial to the active safety improvement of IEVs

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described

    Applications of Mathematical Models in Engineering

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    The most influential research topic in the twenty-first century seems to be mathematics, as it generates innovation in a wide range of research fields. It supports all engineering fields, but also areas such as medicine, healthcare, business, etc. Therefore, the intention of this Special Issue is to deal with mathematical works related to engineering and multidisciplinary problems. Modern developments in theoretical and applied science have widely depended our knowledge of the derivatives and integrals of the fractional order appearing in engineering practices. Therefore, one goal of this Special Issue is to focus on recent achievements and future challenges in the theory and applications of fractional calculus in engineering sciences. The special issue included some original research articles that address significant issues and contribute towards the development of new concepts, methodologies, applications, trends and knowledge in mathematics. Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Fractional mathematical models; Computational methods for the fractional PDEs in engineering; New mathematical approaches, innovations and challenges in biotechnologies and biomedicine; Applied mathematics; Engineering research based on advanced mathematical tools

    1992 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    For the 28th consecutive year, a NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program was conducted at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The program was conducted by the University of Alabama and MSFC during the period June 1, 1992 through August 7, 1992. Operated under the auspices of the American Society for Engineering Education, the MSFC program, was well as those at other centers, was sponsored by the Office of Educational Affairs, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. The basic objectives of the programs, which are the 29th year of operation nationally, are (1) to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members; (2) to stimulate and exchange ideas between participants and NASA; (3) to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of the participants' institutions; and (4) to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA centers

    RCP-based HIL Simulation and Control for 2-DOF Tracking Robot of Maneuvering Target

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    Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the US Civilian Space Program

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    One of the most important developments of the twentieth century has been the movement of humanity into space with machines and people. The underpinnings of that movement -why it took the shape it did; which individuals and organizations were involved; what factors drove a particular choice of scientific objectives and technologies to be used; and the political, economic, managerial, and international contexts in which the events of the space age unfolded- are all important ingredients of this epoch transition from an earthbound to spacefaring people. This desire to understand the development of spaceflight in the United States sparked this documentary history series. 'Exploring the Unknown' is a multi-volume series containing a selection of key documents in history of the U.S. civil space program. This current volume, Volume III, focusing on the use of space for practical applications, prints 112 key documents on the history of satellite communications, remote sensing of earth, and space as an investment in economic growth, edited for ease of use. Each is introduced by a headnote providing context, bibliographical information, and background information necessary to understanding the document