8 research outputs found

    Complex permittivity and scattering characteristics of forest fire ash particles at microwave and millimetre wave frequencies

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    The geometric, physical, dynamic and scattering properties of ash particulates resulting from Australian biomass, along with the complex permittivity, have been presented within this dissertation. The rationale behind this work relates to the characterisation of the fundamental scattering properties of ash particulates, with the primary goals being to aid active radar system design and to provide a basic framework for a complex inverse scattering model. The reflectivity coefficient for a volumetrically dispersed medium has been defined by characterising three distinct properties of ash. Firstly, statistical modelling of ash created from various plant and tree species was conducted in order to describe its geometric and material behaviour. Here, similarities between plant and tree species with comparable foliage were noted. Three probability distribution functions (PDF) relating to the projected area, aspect ratio and through thickness dimensions for large ash particles (>0.2mm2) have been mapped. Material investigation has included analysis of the effects of temperature on biomass and the resultant geometric changes this incurs. Furthermore, the effects of natural moisture absorption rates and porosity estimations using measured and micro-computer-tomography (Micro-CT) techniques have been presented. An analysis of the dynamic behaviour of ash particles within a defined volume of space displaying different modes provides the second area of investigation. Particular focus has been given to the ascent and descent phases of the ash particles, with analysis of three dynamic stability modes; namely tumbling, fluttering and chaotic random. Probability distribution functions for orientation and analysis of velocities and Reynolds numbers have been established using video processing techniques. The complex permittivity of ash at both low and high temperatures has been measured. Here, an empirically derived mixing law has been established to theoretically model the complex permittivity of ash. This model also takes into account concentrations of water that may be absorbed by the highly porous material. By applying the knowledge gained from the analysis of ash particles, extensive modelling and measurement work has been carried out to determine their reflectivity. Simulated modelling of the ash has been achieved using a hybrid simulation scheme to accurately implement statistical models over a wide range of frequencies (1-40GHz)

    The LANDSAT Tutorial Workbook: Basics of Satellite Remote Sensing

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    Most of the subject matter of a full training course in applying remote sensing is presented in a self-teaching mode in this how-to manual which combines a review of basics, a survey of systems, and a treatment of the principles and mechanics of image analysis by computers, with a laboratory approach for learning to utilize the data through practical experiences. All relevant image products are included

    OGO program summary

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    An overview of the OGO program is presented. Brief descriptions of the six OGO spacecraft, and the experiments on each are included

    Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the US Civilian Space Program

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    One of the most important developments of the twentieth century has been the movement of humanity into space with machines and people. The underpinnings of that movement -why it took the shape it did; which individuals and organizations were involved; what factors drove a particular choice of scientific objectives and technologies to be used; and the political, economic, managerial, and international contexts in which the events of the space age unfolded- are all important ingredients of this epoch transition from an earthbound to spacefaring people. This desire to understand the development of spaceflight in the United States sparked this documentary history series. 'Exploring the Unknown' is a multi-volume series containing a selection of key documents in history of the U.S. civil space program. This current volume, Volume III, focusing on the use of space for practical applications, prints 112 key documents on the history of satellite communications, remote sensing of earth, and space as an investment in economic growth, edited for ease of use. Each is introduced by a headnote providing context, bibliographical information, and background information necessary to understanding the document

    Estudio de la dinámica de poblaciones pelágicas de peces mediante técnicas hidroacústicas

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    La presente Tesis ha analizado mediante técnicas hidroacústicas aspectos de la ecología de las poblaciones pelágicas tales como comportamiento frente a buques de investigación; proceso y patrones de agregación y distribución espacial; migración; y estimación de la abundancia, dinámica y hábitats. Los datos han procedido principalmente de las campañas de prospección acústico-pesquero llevadas a cabo por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía en primavera en el litoral norte español y Golfo de Vizcaya entre los años 1992 y 2002, y 2013-2015, la mayoría perteneciente a la serie histórica PELACUS. Se ha evidenciado el efecto del ruido irradiado sobre el comportamiento de las especies objeto de estudio por buques cuya firma acústica no cumple con los estándares establecidos, generando un sesgo en los datos y estimaciones. Sin embargo, este sesgo es considerado mínimo en los buques silenciosos, lo que permite la continuidad de las series históricas de forma independiente del buque. El análisis de los patrones de agregación y distribución espacial ha permitido establecer protocolos para la identificación de ecotrazas, el período del día idóneo para su observación y determinar el alcance de la autocorrelación espacial de las principales especies pelágicas. Los resultados han sido utilizados para optimizar el diseño y estrategias de muestreo de las campañas de prospección acústica cuyo objetivo principal es la estimación de la abundancia de las poblaciones pelágicas por medio del método de ecointegración. Las técnicas acústicas han permitido descartar una migración de post-puesta significativa de adultos de bacaladilla desde la zona principal de puesta, situada en Porcupine (oeste de Irlanda) hacia el Golfo de Vizcaya, siendo, por el contrario, una zona preferentemente de alevinaje con presencia también de individuos adultos de edades jóvenes. Finalmente, el análisis de la serie histórica de campañas ha permitido establecer los hábitats preferentes de las principales especies pelágicas (sardina, jurel, caballa, ochavo, jurel mediterráneo, estornino, boga y juveniles de merluza), muy relacionados con las principales características oceanográficas que van variando a lo largo de la costa. Por otra parte, la serie histórica PELACUS confirma tanto la fuerza de los buenos reclutamientos de las poblaciones de caballa, jurel y sardina como los descensos de biomasa de población adulta en el caso de la sardina y la bacaladilla

    Earth resources technology satellite operations control center and data processing facility. Book 1 - Systems studies Final report

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    Systems analysis for ERTS ground data handling system and operations control cente