27 research outputs found

    Optimalisation des formes d'organisation dans l'industrie de la construction

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    A piece of work carried out by the construction industry, whether a building or a civil engineering project, is not a mass-produced item. It is always a unique piece of work, by dint of its response to the specific needs of the owner and its potential users, its integration or otherwise into a built environment, and its construction on ground whose geo-technical properties are always specific. This unique piece of work, carried out outside on a site subject to numerous hazards, must nevertheless meet the programme's fixed objectives first time round. Unfortunately, unlike most industrial products, it is usually, even nowadays, the outcome of a fragmented approach: designers and builders of the shell of the building and those engaged in the finishings are in fact involved in a segmented and sequential process, without any real interaction between the various disciplines, to the detriment of overall quality and the cost of the end-product. The author of this thesis has had the opportunity, in his professional career in the management of major construction companies, of testing most organisational forms in the sector. He has observed that, depending on the model chosen, they exercise a more or less beneficial effect on quality, costs and time-frames for completing the works, as well as on the capacity for innovation of the participants themselves. The first objective of the thesis was to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the most common organisational models in the construction industry and to identify factors in the success of the construction process. The second objective was to suggest an original organisational model which would make optimum use of these factors, taking into account modern organisational theory and project management. The first section of the thesis is an historical study of organisational forms of construction from antiquity to the modern times, and examines in particular the relationships between those actively and directly involved (owner, designers and builders) and their relationships in turn with those involved indirectly (users, public administration, finance providers, environmental and heritage protection organisations, laws and standards, etc.). This historical perspective makes a useful contribution because, although much has been written on architecture and architects, especially the most famous among them, and sometimes on engineers, work looking systematically at the organisational forms used in the construction industry over the centuries is rare. This study demonstrates that the fragmented organisation of construction characteristic of the 20th century is merely an accident in the long history of construction; the twenty-five preceding centuries almost always favoured close collaboration between designers and builders and the wonderful works they left behind demonstrate the wisdom of this approach. Study of the history also provides us with a list of the main success factors and the demands to which the successful organisation of construction must respond. The second part endeavours to verify the relevance of the needs drawn, in the light of modern organisational theory, from project management and creativity, and to complete the list. It goes on to analyse on that basis the strengths and weaknesses of the organisational models most commonly used in the modern construction industry and demonstrates that organisation as a design and build, is in the best position at this stage in the research to meet the needs of owners. The third section verifies, through case studies of five pieces of work recently completed or under construction, whether this organisational model effectively satisfies the expectations of those involved in the construction project, simultaneously examining potential improvements. To that end, a series of interviews was conducted in each case study, with a view to eliciting the views of representative participants: owner, operator, user, project manager, architect, engineer and sub-contracting trades. The process was completed with an analysis of the attitude of some public sector owners to the design and build organisational model. Finally, the lessons drawn from these case studies were used to complete the list of success factors already identified. A final section sets out an original organisational model named Integrated Construction Management (ICM), which recommends an inter-disciplinary approach to construction and responds to the success factors identified in the first three sections. It involves a new division of the production process, which provides the owner with a broader and more cost-effective range of innovative architectural and construction options. It also delivers a series of practical recommendations to assist in the application of the proposed model. In conclusion, Integrated Construction Management places the owner at the centre of a transparent and progressive production process, simultaneously removing the majority of the risks involved in construction. Through its inter-disciplinary approach, it offers innovative solutions together with improvements to the overall quality of the piece of work itself on favourable economic terms. Finally, it enables the owner to take informed decisions and to use his or her financial resources as and when the feasibility of the project is confirmed. It is hoped that, as a result, these advantages will be demonstrated through pilot projects carried out using the ICM model, which will without doubt make possible further improvements in performance

    Un diagnostic pour enseigner les sciences à l'université

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    Dans cette étude, nous présentons un questionnaire diagnostic auquel ont participé 192 étudiants de première année universitaire, inscrits dans des filières scientifiques différentes : sciences physiques, sciences géographiques, sciences géologiques, sciences biologiques et médecine vétérinaire. Ce questionnaire, présenté aux étudiants en février 2021, est composé de quatre tests : le premier permet de mesurer le niveau d’abstraction des étudiants ; le second sonde la pensée formelle ; le troisième récolte des conceptions premières en sciences physiques et le quatrième s’intéresse à la psychologie cognitive. Les résultats sont analysés et présentés selon la filière, le genre et l’ancienneté académique (primo-arrivant ou redoublant) des étudiants. En s’appuyant sur les recherches menées par Piaget, une cartographie du niveau cognitif atteint par les étudiants est également établie. Nous constatons la récurrence de certaines difficultés

    Qualification of observable interactions between humans and digital machines equipped with interfaces with sensitive modalities.: Apports de l'Ă©thologie humaine Ă  l'Ă©tude des relations entre l'homme et les NTIC dans un contexte de recherches pluridisciplinaires

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    The object of this research is to determine and define the interactions observable between man and numerical machines with sensory modality interfaces. It explores in depth the concepts of virtuality, multisensoriality, interactivity, etc...and makes explicit the interest -- even appetence -- towards new technologies (i.e. Information and Communication Technologies). The framework of this research is the study of collective representations based on analysis of tittles of the French daily " Le Monde " over a period of five years and surveys established on questionnaires and semi-guided interviews. It takes into account the aspect of sociality which is part of decision making in acquisition and practice of computers and networks. On this basis, a sampling has been made of seventeen individuals who are submitted to a systematic observation of an ethological type, according to a novel methodology, segmented into three phases : First, an interview which allows to approach, through the verbal medium, the various individual stands linked to ICT. Transcribed and analysed with the Alceste program for contextual analysis of speech, the obtained material permits, among other results, to determine the elaboration of four classes of users which must be differentiated from the recognized levels of competence and experience. This is followed by the filming of practices, commented at first by the subject in the presence of the researcher and then left to himself, which underscore the importance of sense modalities and proxemies as factors of specific behaviours. Those are then compared to behaviours observed among twenty-four young individuals (age 3 to 6). This multidisciplinary process emphasizes the interest of establishing connection between human sciences of information and communication, educationnal approaches and ethology, when the linking of social identifications, behavioural realizations and individual conducts is concerned.Cette recherche a pour objet de déterminer et de qualifier les interactions observables entre l'homme et les ordinateurs, considérés comme des machines numériques dotées d'interfaces à modalités sensibles. Elle éclaire, en les approfondissant, les concepts de virtualité, de multisensorialité et d'interactivité avant d'expliciter l'intérêt, voire l'appétence, suscitée par les Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (NTIC). Le travail, qui a pour cadre les représentations collectives, analyse la titrologie du quotidien " Le monde " pendant cinq ans, des enquêtes par questionnaires, des entretiens semi-directifs et des observations participantes filmées. Il prend en compte la part de socialité dans les processus décisionnels observables lors de l'utilisation des ordinateurs en réseau ou non. Un échantillon de dix-sept sujets est notamment constitué pour être soumis à une observation éthologique, selon une méthodologie segmentée en trois phases. Dans un premier temps, un entretien d'observation permet d'appréhender, à l'aide du support verbal, les positionnements individuels liés aux TIC. Retranscrits et analysés avec le logiciel Alceste, les corpus recueillis déterminent l'élaboration, entre autres, de quatre classes d'utilisateurs. Ensuite, l'observation filmée des pratiques, d'abord commentées par le sujet en présence du chercheur, puis en situation solitaire, met en évidence l'importance des modalités sensibles et des proxémies comme facteurs de comportements spécifiques. Ces derniers sont rapprochés des conduites observées chez 24 jeunes sujets, âgés de 3 à 6 ans dans un jardin d'enfants. Cette démarche multidisciplinaire souligne l'intérêt d'un rapprochement entre SHS, sciences de l'information et de la communication, approches éducatives et éthologie sociale

    Traductions constructives du projet d'architecture : théoriser le détail à l'ère de la modélisation intégrative

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    Cette recherche aborde le transfert des projets d’architecture entre figuration et édification, à la fois en tant que problématique disciplinaire, depuis la perspective théorique et historique de la modernité architecturale, et en tant que problème pratique, tel qu’il se pose à travers les évolutions méthodologiques de la conception architecturale à l’ère numérique. L’hypothèse de traductions constructives du projet d’architecture (Evans, 1986), selon laquelle la distance entre dessin et construction manifestée par ce transfert exerceraient une fonction heuristique pour la création architecturale, est déployée au moyen d’un parallèle analogique entre conception architecturale et traduction littéraire. Celui-ci permet d’appuyer la problématisation du transfert du projet au sein de la discipline architecturale sur les théories de la traduction de l’Allemagne romantique (Berman, 1984). L’ancrage historique de la problématique repose sur l’interprétation d’attitudes possibles des concepteurs face au transfert du projet à partir des principes théoriques modernes de la tectonique (Frampton, 1995) et de la construction comme représentation (Levine, 2009). Les détails, supports privilégiés de l’anticipation et de la prescription de la construction par le projet d’architecture, constituent les principaux indicateurs permettant une observation pragmatique de ces attitudes au sein des pratiques professionnelles. L’hypothèse des traductions constructives est testée à travers deux études de cas portant sur la genèse de projets réalisés par les agences Chevalier Morales Architectes à Montréal et Jakob+MacFarlane à Paris. Les opérations de traduction identifiées à travers ces projets font apparaître certaines tensions constructives incarnées par le détail en tant que catégorie de la conception architecturale numérique, permettant d’envisager une actualisation des théories modernes du détail à l’aulne de l’évolution contemporaine des méthodologies de la conception.This thesis focuses on the transfer of architectural designs from figuration to construction, both as a problematic, theoretically and historically anchored in the discipline, and as a practical problem faced by architects in the context of the digital inflexions of design methodologies. The hypothesis of translations from drawing to building (Evans, 1986), predicates a heuristic function to the distance between drawing and building established by this transfer for architectural creation processes. This hypothesis is unfolded by means of an analogical parallel between architectural design and literary translation, so as to draw on the German translation theories of the Romantic era (Berman, 1984) in order to think out the creative potentials of this transfer within the disciplinary field of architecture. The historical approach to this problematic leans on the construing of two modern theoretical principles, tectonics (Frampton, 1995) and built form as representation (Levine, 2009), pointing out possible ways an architect may deal with the gaps between drawing and building manifested through this transfer. Details are the main architects’ tools to both anticipate the built form and to prescribe the building process. Consequently, a pragmatic approach to the transfer of architectural designs in professional practices must be based on those indicators of constructional tenses. The building translation hypothesis is tested through two case studies comprising projects from Montreal-based firm Chevalier Morales Architectes, and Paris-based firm Jakob+MacFarlane. The translations identified throughout the genesis of these projects bring to light some updates of the modern theories of the detail, as it becomes a category of architectural digital design

    Valoriser, diffuser et partager la mémoire des arts vivants : l\u27exemple de la Maison Jean Vilar

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    Mémoire de fin d\u27étude du diplôme de conservateur, promotion DCB 20, portant sur la mémoire des arts vivants, sur les institutions qui la conserve et la valorise, notamment la maison Jean Vilar en Avignon